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Update from Eagle Alaska – Rebuilding After the Flood

Here’s an update from Yukonbushgrndma, the Mudflatter who lives in Eagle, Alaska, right on the Yukon River.  Her home was badly damaged in the flood, and she has been working hard to rebuild, as are so many others who have suffered devastating losses.

The Mudflats community has been making donations via paypal to the “Rebuild Eagle Fund” which has, so far collected $14,600. We also purchased a pressure washer and accessories to help residents in the restoration.  Hope, another Mudflatter from the Kenai Penninsula, rounded up two truckloads of donations and supplies and drove all the way to Eagle with two others to deliver them to residents involved in the clean up.

We’ve been anxiously awaiting news.  Summer is short, and we know that all involved are busy every minute, so thanks to YBG, as she is known, for sending pictures and keeping us all in the loop.  We send our best wishes and continued support to all of you up in Eagle.

For anyone interested in continued updates, specifics on how to donate, and what materials are still needed, there is a wikispace page set up with all the relevant information, and photos. Click HERE.


Update from YBG


This is what our view will be when the new cabin is finished.  All of those big spruce trees will be missed, but the higher elevation will be safer and provide a better view of the river.


Start of the new place!  It will be built up on treated railroad ties secured to the concrete, then surrounded by gravel inside and out.  The pipe sticking up is the well pipe, with 6 feet added on to allow for the higher elevation.  The pile of stuff in the background is saved belongings.


A miracle!!!!!  My Saskatoon Berry bush lived, after being covered for weeks with heavy ice and garbage!  It looks a little rough, but see the leaves on it?  There’s another one too … at first that one looked dead (right down to just a few little sticks), but near the base it has teeny tiny reddish buds.


The sorting process.  Saved quite a bit of lumber.  The wall tent in the background holds salvaged belongings.  Gradually we’re rounding up some of the firewood too.


Debris … some of it has already been removed.

Heh heh, we’ve been having fun watching the critters around the yard.  There have been quite a few gulls hanging around and picking at the leftovers.  The gulls chase the ravens off — gutsy buggers!  And the hares have been around in large numbers – they don’t even seem to be very afraid.  No bears seen poking around, as far as I know.

Right now we are pretty consumed with SBA and FEMA paperwork. The application process is pretty daunting, especially for someone who has other things to do besides count beans… In the past few weeks we’ve had quite a few folks here from FEMA and SBA. Everyone is in the initial stage of being interviewed to determine eligibility for federal disaster assistance.

Of course, each case is handled individually and very few of us have any idea where we stand yet or who will be getting direct financial help, so everything we’ve received from donations just means that much more. Bless you, and all the gang, for all you’ve done to help us here!

We will just have to hope that something comes through — but most Eagle residents doubt that could happen in time for us to get homes built before winter. Rebuild Eagle’s concept of building log cabins through an assembly line process seems to have gotten the attention of the FEMA and state people, but it still has to be approved through a housing task force that’s been set up to address housing for all flood victims across the state. Hope the task force supports it.

That’s about all I know for now … really must get back to work!



59 Responses to “Update from Eagle Alaska – Rebuilding After the Flood”
  1. sdragon says:

    Has anyone thought about sending Ty & the gang at the Extreme Home Makeover show some pictures & an article? I’d say this qualifies as extreme.
    I would do it myself, but you guys are all so good & very fast at doing stuff like that,(honestly, you amaze me) you’re like 8 year college grads, & me? I’m still in kindergarten roundup. But I can google, find phone numbers, & talk on the phone!! I haven’t had time to read the comments, so if this has already been mentioned, nevermind.

  2. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Thanks for making it so easy to donate and the update. My husband flew someone to Skagway in his plane recently so that person could drive up a loader that had been sent from Juneau to Eagle. True Alaskans are great at coming to each other’s rescue, that’s why I live here.

  3. samper says:

    You guys can build, from the ground up, the most energy efficient/green town in the state!

    While tragic in every way, it’s also quite an awesome opportunity to build so that the pristine Alaskan landscape can stay that way for many years to come.

    You all can build such that dependence on outside sources (heating oil) is not a burden, put in solar, etc.

    It IS an opportunity! And you all seem to have exactly the right demeanor and attitude. Not alot of whining, gracious acceptance of any and all help, and a “can do” approach.

    You all are to be admired!

    Now, if Palin could send a few sticks of lumber or something, even SHE could be contributory to the re-build. Oh wait. Did I say “Palin”? Never mind.

  4. austintx says:

    You go YBG !! Thanks again for the update.

  5. yukonbushgrma says:

    #38 Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
    “Oh, I just sent a small box w/ personal items, garbage bags and a couple of alarm clocks. Whoever gets those clocks is going to chuckle – one is a “transformer alarm clock” with a built in bed side lamp which folds down into it – LOL! I picked up a couple nice Patagonia jackets out of storage today to mail also. I will find the other coats I had packed away to sell on EBay by next month as I’m going through my storage so will send them on, too. Go Eagle!!! Go YBG!!”
    Martha UYS, you are just one big hoot! I totally love you.

    Think I’m gonna lurk around the distribution center to check out the transformer clock and Patagonia jackets …….

    luv ya!

  6. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ deist:

    I remember those fires of ’04 and ’05. Scary times.

    Know what you went through then. Thanks so much for the kind words.

  7. yukonbushgrma says:

    #51 lovemydogs Says:
    “YBG- When would be the best time for someone with construction experience and tons of power tools to show up?:
    Lovemydogs (me too!!!!) —
    Suggest you contact our dear friend Andy –
    Andy Bassich, Rebuild Eagle Construction Team 907.547-2390 email:

    He’s totally on top of what’s needed right now, and he could give you a good idea when your kind of expertise could best be utilized. (Besides that, he’s a musher and totally committed to the Yukon Quest!)

    Wow, would LOVE to see you here!

  8. yukonbushgrma says:

    #20 Kath the Scrappy from Seattle Says:
    “What a lot of work, but it seems like you are further along than it sounds like many of the Eagle residents have been able to accomplish so far. Happy to see how much lumber and stuff you’ve been able to salvage.”
    Kath, you are right about that. We are further along than many others. Hubby decided very early on that we would have a cabin before winter, and nothing would stand in the way. So we have gone into debt to do that. Many people here are not able to do that. We don’t want to do it either, but neither do we want to move!

    As to the salvaged materials — yes, we are quite surprised to see how much could be saved. The problem with the house was that it was structurally compromised — knocked off the foundation and slammed into the bank behind. It was structurally unsound, and it would have been impossible to repair it. We did look into having it moved back onto the foundation, and the estimate was $40,000. Economically it makes more sense to salvage what we can and rebuild.

    Tough choices. Everyone here is facing those right now.

  9. lovemydogs says:

    YBG- When would be the best time for someone with construction experience and tons of power tools to show up?

  10. samper says:

    It’s great to see some progress as well as the berry bush!

    What a stunning view!

    Very best to all Eagle. Keep on Keepin’ on and don’t stop until everyone has their home rebuilt.

    Then, you all rest with a community feast of everyone’s best recipes!

    PS: I wouldn’t hold my breath on SP doing anything, much less mobilizing volunteers.

    Here’s a thought: Get some HS kids from whereever to do the debris clean up/hauling. If they were raised right, they’d do it as volunteers. You don’t necessarily have to have ADULTS doing the grunt work. The kids can be just as effective.

  11. yukonbushgrma says:

    #14 mlaiuppa Says:
    “Any other plans in the works? Improvements on design, weatherproofing, greening, etc? Can you even get some of the new insulation products and green products like bamboo floors?”
    Our Reconstruction Mgr. has been in contact with many sources of green materials & energy sources. He’s looking for donations and ways to integrate them into the end product. It’s always a challenge here in the far north where temps get down to -60 below (and sometimes colder). But yes, I think we’re working on it!

  12. yukonbushgrma says:

    #13 justafarmer Says:
    “can absolutely feel YBG’s soul lifting when she found the berry bush!”
    You can say THAT again!!!

  13. yukonbushgrma says:

    #10 justafarmer Says:
    “I believe volunteer tradespeople (and even inexperienced workers) are being actively solicited to come help. Wish I didn’t live on the other side of the country…I’d be there in a heartbeat with whatever powertools I have (including a portable bandsaw mill).”
    Yes! Our Reconstruction Manager and Donations Manager have been bringing in many volunteer groups, and they have done a huge amount of work. One of the most committed groups comes from Dawson City, Yukon — CANADA! Dawson is kind of a “sister city” to Eagle … we have been tied closely for over a hundred years, and we have many friends there.

    But volunteers have come from everywhere — just individuals wanting to help, and groups organized through nonprofits or religious groups, or through the state’s volunteer coordination center. Every single person is put to useful work.

    If anyone wants to volunteer, check out the wiki page and contact the Donations or Reconstruction Managers.

  14. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Yeah austintx! Score! Good job! Hurray! Go PWs!

  15. yukonbushgrma says:

    #5 austintx Says:
    “YBG – Thanks for showing us the progress. Is the PW helping ??”

    OK ……. I get a sense that you guys want to know about the PRESSURE WASHER?

    hahahahaha …….. You have absolutely no idea how much it has helped all of us here. It is officially signed out to the City, but the Distribution Center signs it out based upon people who are ready for it — then they get it for 48 hours. Right now I have no idea who has it — but that’s because it’s been in constant use.

    The City also got another one loaned, so we have two available. Spouse decided we needed one all our own, so he went and bought one for us – not the quality of the Mudflatters’ donation, but it’s fairly decent.

    As people start to muck out, the pressure washers really become important tools. Austin, your idea was such a great one — and based on your experience using it, I just knew it would be a big asset here. IT IS!!!!

    Can’t thank you all enough for gettin’ together and sending it to us. Thank Hope & Co. too, for bringing it to us!!! And our dear Mudpup at Lowe’s who took such good care of us!


  16. dowl says:

    It is good hearing from you, YBG. Thanks for keeping us ‘Flatters updated. Keep on keeping on. I wish you all strength and continued courage.

  17. lovemydogs says:

    I just e-mailed HFH in Fairbanks because they had “greater area” next to their name. I’ll see what I get back in terms of an answer.

  18. Gramiam says:

    I have passed this post on to several blogs I go to regularly and I think we all should flood Daily Kos and Crooks & Liars with calls for action. This is just another New Orleans and we need to take action now!! Dennis needs to head to Eagle and do his thing there too.

  19. lovemydogs says:

    Canadian Neighbor: Thank you.

  20. Baker's Dozen says:

    Can’t be there to help in person, so in the spirit of “Think globally, act locally,” I’ll volunteer around here.

    YBG, it’s obvious that, as hard as your loss was, you carry your “home” with you wherever you are!

  21. Canadian Neighbour says:


    Habitat for Humanity Affiliates for Alaska

    Anchorage, Fairbanks, Homer, Kodiak, Soldotna, Wasilla

  22. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Oh, I just sent a small box w/ personal items, garbage bags and a couple of alarm clocks. Whoever gets those clocks is going to chuckle – one is a “transformer alarm clock” with a built in bed side lamp which folds down into it – LOL! I picked up a couple nice Patagonia jackets out of storage today to mail also. I will find the other coats I had packed away to sell on EBay by next month as I’m going through my storage so will send them on, too. Go Eagle!!! Go YBG!!

  23. lovemydogs says:

    Maybe I should just e-mail Jimmy Carter…that would burn SP’s butt eh? (hee,hee)

  24. lovemydogs says:

    Sauerkraut: That’s an awesome idea-I’ll check it out in the am. I send them money whenever I can.

  25. sauerkraut says:

    lovemydogs – does habitat for humanity have a branch office in AK? if so, why not ask them to assist. meets their criteria, imho.

  26. sauerkraut says:

    Great pictures and wonderful to hear you are getting back on your feet housewise.

  27. lovemydogs says:

    Wouldn’t it be cool to do a mudflats road trip with every swinging hammer and chainsaw we could get our hands on? Even if it were just for a weekend? I’ll bet we could get some work done…The hubby is really good at organizing a work crew.

  28. deist says:

    I was a victim of Interior Alaska’s most recent whipping by Mother Nature back in 2004 when a forest fire took my remote cabin along the Yukon Quest trail. This wasn’t my house; it was just my special little cabin in my favorite place. The landscape was totally incinerated. That was a terrible fire summer. About 10,000 square miles burned and the fires were very hot.

    Anyway, in the Spring of 05 I headed up the trail to the cabin site and started hauling out the metal debris to take to the dump. It was heartbreaking. Some guys who were hauling their own stuff in saw what I was doing and told me they’d take care of it. That made such a difference. I didn’t have to deal with it.

    If you have the time to help the residents of Eagle in any way, don’t underestimate how important this could be to the folks who need it now.


  29. lovemydogs says:

    I wonder what it would take to get Job Corps involved? Or are they only available for state stuff? Anybody know?

  30. lovemydogs says:

    And what is up with the state not having released the funds designated for this disaster? What on earth are they waiting for? Sub-zero weather???? The summer is incredibly short up here for building and almost half gone already. WTF? They will certainly hear from me. Contacts are at the very bottom of the link that AKM posted.

  31. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Hello YBG! Your new view is going to be gorgeous. Glad you are going to a bit higher ground, and maybe you’ll get a more open feeling without the trees. I love trees, but love sun, too so it’s a tough choice up here since we don’t really need them for shade. I have you in my thoughts and we’ve anxiously been awaiting word. I hope the weather’s been decent – it sure has been a darn good summer weather wise in SE Alaska. Pushing it your way north!

    Oh, I think someone better report back on the POWER WASHER or austintx might burst at the seams from anticipation (me, too).

  32. lovemydogs says:

    YBG- It is good to hear from you. My husband has done a lot of building and has a ton of power tools including nail guns, etc. When we first heard about the damage he said “maybe we should just go up and help”. Maybe we should. We would need to know when would be the most opportune time (when you all have all the materials you need so that time can be spent a’hammering. Please let us know. We will have to schedule around his slope schedule and my work schedule. We are happy to come and help if we can! You can post to me on the forum.

  33. UgaVic says:

    YBG – glad to see the progress, even as slow as it might seem. To see the signs that your berry bush make it is so heartwarming. Those small things DO count.
    Blessing to all those that have help in any way to help make this area of Alaska whole again.
    ALL of us here do appreciate it.
    AKM- thanks for keeping us up to date.
    Wishing all of you much good weather and lots of energy to get done all that needs to be accomplished!!

  34. CO almost native says:

    Sending warm hugs your way, YBG! I’ll be checking the Wiki Space link to see if there is anything I can do from down south in Colorado-

  35. Rob in Ca says:

    Wish I could be there to help rebuild your house! It’s just too far…I am so amazed by your positive outlook and hopefulness.
    Something about Mudpups…my prayers are with you YBG!

  36. honestyinGov says:

    Well… we know GINO will be nice and warm this Winter. She has been to the Flood area when all the ice was there… And did her little photo op interview… so what happened after that

    What has She or her Administration done… SINCE THEN. You don’t hear about anything in the paper. It’s not like you forgot about all that ice.
    If ANYBODY was doing their job at ADN…. they should be asking her as well. How about an interview ADN…? That’s your Job.
    After all… they have no place to live. Why not spend a little of that Alaska Trust Fund money go to some REAL Alaskans and have some contractors help out or something. Like paying or organizing some Youth Group to go and they could get the experience as well. What a great ‘ work experience ‘ to add to their resumes as well. If she wants to be like Obama… she could ask some Youth to volunteer…. as Obama has done in his messages.

    I think AKM and Shannyn need to spend this Saturdays 2 hour Show on the subject and put some heat on somebody. Invite Phil to come in as well And advertise all week leading up to the Show what they will be talking about. I’ll bet some tweets would be coming from ‘ the Twit’ .

  37. Karin in CT says:

    YBG, your spirit shines!

  38. zyggy says:

    So sad to see all your belongings underneath a tarp. =( I do look forward to seeing your new place get done. I just hope you can get it done before your summer is over.

  39. CorningNY says:

    I was looking at greeting cards today, and saw one that said, “Life is a series of small miracles.” The berry bushes are indeed a small miracle. I hope the miracles get larger..

  40. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Great to hear from you YBG! What a lot of work, but it seems like you are further along than it sounds like many of the Eagle residents have been able to accomplish so far. Happy to see how much lumber and stuff you’ve been able to salvage. Thanks for the update, we’ve missed you.

  41. mhrt says:

    Yukonbushgrandma….thinking of you….miracles do happen.

  42. Lee323 says:

    Thanks for the update, YBG.

    Best wishes on the rebuilding!

  43. Mag the Mick says:

    Yukon Bush Grandma, you are the human equivalent of that Saskatoon berry bush. May you continue to flourish, and may your spirit continue to bring forth fruit. You and your neighbours are a great inspiration. May the Spirit bless you, your family, and all in Eagle.

  44. Star says:

    YBG~ So glad to hear from you…Thx for sharing…If i lived closer i would gladly help ..It is so hot here in the Sac. valley today…107..ouch…Supposed to be about the same tomorrow…Keeping you in my prayers…:))

  45. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:


  46. mlaiuppa says:

    It’s really hard to keep a good berry down. Looks like you’ll have a wonderful view from your new home. From the pipe I’m thinking it’s still going to be 6 feet up? Even better view. Of course, more stairs to carry up groceries.

    I wouldn’t wait on the FEMA folks approving your assembly line cabin rebuilding project. It will probably take them a few years before it gets out of whatever it is they use for a ‘committee’. After all, look at Katrina. Some of those folks still don’t have their homes rebuilt.

    Any other plans in the works? Improvements on design, weatherproofing, greening, etc? Can you even get some of the new insulation products and green products like bamboo floors?

  47. justafarmer says:

    love the berry bush!
    Nature manages to survive in the most amazing places and I can absolutely feel YBG’s soul lifting when she found the berry bush!

  48. M. Bergert says:

    The little berry bush and its fight for survival reminds me of the strong will you all must have to rebuild. You will have to excuse me, I know that sounds a little corny. I admire you for being able to face all the work you have ahead of yourselves before winter sets in, but in the end you will be in a better position then you were before. I am not from Alaska, but it says alot about the determination it takes to totally rebuild and not get disillusioned and move to the city. Especially when you have to deal with government officials, the endless paperwork, and then not knowing if they will help you or not. In the end, the satisfaction of being able to look back at your accomplishments will be your reward. Keep your spirit up and every so often look back and appreciate how far you have come and you will eventually succeed. If it helps, think of it as though you are fighting against Palins’ view that you should moved back to the city.

  49. Alaska Pi says:

    Waving wildly , YBG!!! Hey- good to hear from you!

    Thank you for keeping us all updated in between the paperwork and demolition/construction. The wiki page for Eagle is full of updates of needs and progress reports . Volunteers are invited…
    Best wishes from Southeast Alaska, neighbor. Hope the alphabets ( FEMA, et al. ) go for the cabin idea- makes great good sense and summer is fast away-ing.

  50. justafarmer says:

    I believe volunteer tradespeople (and even inexperienced workers) are being actively solicited to come help. Wish I didn’t live on the other side of the country…I’d be there in a heartbeat with whatever powertools I have (including a portable bandsaw mill).

  51. YBG,

    Your positive attitude shines through – best wishes!!

    Do you have an “after the ice is gone” photo of your house we could post on anonymous bloggers?


    Get tweets when Ann and Victoria post about life in Ugashik – follow us on Twitter at anonybloggers.

  52. the problem child says:

    It’s good you were able to salvage so much, and I hope you will have a house to put it in before winter!

  53. seattlefan says:

    YBG…. It looks like a lot of progress has been made and I wish all of you the best in getting everything done before winter. I so admire the stamina and courage you project. Thanks for the update! Keep us posted. What a beautiful view!

    I’m off to check the link AKM provided to see if there is anything else I might be able to help with.

    Smiles! 🙂

  54. UK Lady says:

    What a lovely view YBG, hope you love your new home. I am in awe of your stamina and good humour under such difficult circumstances.

  55. austintx says:

    YBG – Thanks for showing us the progress. Is the PW helping ??

  56. pvazwindy says:

    To bad the state can’t bring in volunteer tradesman, to help in the rebuilding effort. What kind of a timetable are these folks facing, before the onslaught of winter? Maybe the state could but they won’t. Sarah wants everyone to move inland and get more metro.

  57. justafarmer says:

    great to hear the update, YBG!

  58. mmboucher Florida says:

    Best whishes, it seems like a daunting job! So sorry for you loss.

  59. Ripley in CT says:

    Awww your little Berry Bush.. how wonderful for you. Sounds like things are coming along slowly, but at least coming along.

    Best of everything to you YBG. Thanks AKM for sharing this story with us. I’m all verklepmt at being one of the “gang”.