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Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski Slams Palin

It’s interesting to see the reactions coming in from Alaska’s politicos to the surprise resignation of Governor Sarah Palin yesterday. But, perhaps the most surprising of all is that of Alaska’s Senior Senator, Republican Lisa Murkowski.

We expect politicians to be…well…politicians. We anticipate all kinds of pussy-footing around, saying things without really saying them, and trying to offend the least number of people while saying the bare minimum to satisfly the public that they’ve actually responded.

That’s why Murkowski’s response was so refreshing, an so unexpected. She said what many Alaskans, especially those who have supported Sarah Palin, are feeling.

“I am deeply disappointed that the Governor has decided to abandon the State and her constituents before her term has concluded.”

Abandonment. Strong words to use against the woman who used the analogy in her State of the State speech this year of being Alaska’s mama bear, defending her cubs. Palin has often referred to Alaska as a family. And now, Mom has skipped town, and Murkowski has called her on it.

Some in the national media are speculaing that Palin will enter a run for the senate against Murkowski in 2010, but those odds are slim to none. Holding the coveted place that Palin used to hold, Murkowski is undisputably the most popular politician in the state, with approval ratings of over 70% to Palin’s rapidly plummeting 54%.

In the days that follow, my hunch is that more Alaskans will start to think of Palin as a quitter. There’s just no glossig over the fact that a governor didn’t even make it through the first term. But questions continue to be raised about the hurried nature of the announcement, and the fact that Todd Palin flew in from the very brief fishing season in Bristol Bay to stand by her side on the Friday before a holiday weekend.

Here are some other reactions coming from the state:

Alaska’s Junior Senator Mark Begich (D) – “I’m as surprised as all Alaskans by Governor Palin’s decision to step down with nearly two years left in her term. There was speculation she would not seek re-election, but she gave no indication of a resignation when I met with her for 45 minutes in her Anchorage office two days ago.”

Alasa Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Poe (D) – “As I stated when I announced my candidacy, Alaska needs a Governor who is fully committed our state, not on other jobs and I am pleased Sarah Palin recognized this and is doing the right thing for Alaska . When I announced in January, I really saw that something like this was coming. When she came back from the vice-presidential campaign trail, she really wasn’t focusing on Alaska. She was blinded by the bright lights of national attention.””

Alaska Representative John Harris, Valdez (R) – “I am going to run for governor. We’ll begin next week.”

And remember what Sarah Palin herself said about her perceived rough treatment during the campaign.

“Nobody should have hurt feelings! My goodness, this is politics! Politics is rough and tumble, and people need to get thick skin, just like I’ve got,” she said.



198 Responses to “Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski Slams Palin”
  1. Ratfish says:

    Bailin’ Palin

    (or adios, sayonara, au revoir, so long)

    or Don’t cry for me Argentina

  2. redrabbit in Seattle says:

    I dunno. Elizabeth Hasselback has a show, or at least is featured prominently on one, and if that screeching dunce can get airtime then brainless Sarah could also land one.

  3. MSL says:

    Hey #43 Seagull. I agree with you.

    Everybody always talks about Sarah palin getting some type of show. But like you; I disagree. Not going to happen. Sarah Palin is a dunce! She is not equipped to carry a 4hr radio or 1hr TV show. She doesn’t know anything. Secondly; republicans will retire of her non-meaty talking points/speeches as well, if she doesn’t add more meat to her bones.

  4. sauerkraut says:

    Sarah Palin has thick skin??

    Yeah, right. Her epidermus is showing.

  5. fluffygrrrl says:

    Bipolar is right! That rambling incoherent speech filled with loud gasps of air is exactly how someone who is in a “manic” phase.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen her do a news conference without her children. If she seriously wanted her kids left alone, she wouldn’t parade them around as much as she does. If you use kids for political gain, you have to take the bad with the good. Can you imagine if she had to put up with the stuff Hilary & Bill had to take from the media?

  6. Moose Pucky says:

    One can’t be “abandoned” when all that was there in the first place was a “vacancy”.

  7. scaredinfairbanks says:

    I just want her to shut up and go away. totally, completely. now.

  8. KateinCanada says:

    Palin family at Juneau parade

  9. redrabbit in Seattle says:

    There’s a major scandal in the works, there’s got to be. She’s resigning before she gets impeached. (Good riddance, Sarah Failin).

  10. UK Lady says:

    jc in co

    Flippin’ woman is blinking GAGA! never mind bipolar!

  11. PhotonFlower says:

    #91 JHop:

    There has been a lot of talk about Todd’s affiliation with the secessionist party, especially in light of the recent CBS article about the emails/infighting of the McCain campaign.…

    You might find this 10/08 article interesting; it’s about Sarah’s early secessionist ties:

    Contrary to the anti-AIP stance she claimed during the campaign (referring to it as an “anti-American political party” in those leaked emails, per the CBS article), Palin actually videotaped a welcome address for the AIP annual convention in 2008; AKM has a link in her 7/1/09 “Accidental Secessionist” post.

  12. lysistrata says:

    @171 – Breitbart just picked it up.

    Van Flein is getting all mean lawyerly, threatening to sue basement-dwelling bloggers for saying not nice things. I guess he hasn’t heard of the legal requirement of “actual malice.” Sorry, Van Flein, she wanted the spotlight, so the public has the right to talk about her.

  13. pvazwindy says:

    Karen Loeffler US ATTY, AK. Dem. Dartmouth and Harvard Law

  14. lisabeth says:

    If you read the CNN political ticker, it is clear that she is telling people she is leaving “because she was targeted” by bloggers, by the media, by the left. She is blaming the ethics complaints and saying she can’t stand sitting by to watch her government losing money. So she is doing it for Alaska. So when she is indicted, I guess she will say she was innocent and did nothing wrong. It is the bloggers fault!

  15. jc in co says:

    #171- I always think of her as Tracy Flick from Election
    UK Lady maybe sister sarah will have a family intervention rather than us…
    d*mn she needs one, I really am beginning to think that she’s bipolar….

  16. phoebe says:

    168 Jhop

    It’s all very baffling. The media has known all about Todd’s AIP connections since the get go. This blog amongst others feed them the info. when Sarah was a candidate along with all the housegate info. It’s not a matter of the media not getting it, it’s what they do with it & when they do it. Think SP is making us all a little looney, but as one one they “liberal elite” (the new media term) I’m wondering if they are manipulating the news. ….& yes worrying about right wing conspiracy.

  17. JHop says:

    New tweet from Shannyn Moore:

    “WOW, I just got a mention in Palin’s latest press release…WTF? That’s crazy”

    Hmmm, that is weird. I can’t find this press release. But in my opinion, the lady doth protest too much. What is Palin doing? Why draw direct attention to whatever it is that she is running from? Just by mentioning Shannyn’s name, she gives credibility to everything that Shannyn says. I will say though, so far, Shannyn is the only “named” source for her to attack. But this is strange, even for Palin. And really immature. She is the brunette version of Regina George from Mean Girls.

  18. trisha says:

    Evil in high heels….I like that.

  19. trisha says:

    After listening to her resignation speech yesterday, I wondered why anyone would pay to hear her speak. Seriously, she makes no sense.

    There is dumb and there is dumber. “dumber” means dumb enough to pay to listen to that garbled mess.

    If she is no longer governor and is really nothin’ (since Palin doesn’t need a title except Ms God), what’s her draw?

    Let’s get real… she can’t even claim to be a one term governor, she is a 1/2 term governor and a quiter.

  20. JHop says:

    i just want the other shoe to drop already. her facebook post was like giving the middle finger to the entire country. does she expect to be elected for any office, even if it is president of the local Burger King, with a support base the size of a kindergarten class?

    i am tired of looking for answers. i just want someone with information, who has heard these rumors first-hand, to tell us what the hell is going on or what appears to be going on. if the rumors are true, an indictment could still be a very long ways off, even though her resignation came abruptly and implied otherwise. she is so frustrating. and i thought MY governor sucked (David Paterson). i don’t know how you alaskans dealt with her before McCain put her on the map. all i know is that i am so so sorry that you were forced to endure her reign; it must have been like being led by a muppet. a corrupt muppet. in evil high heels.

  21. Karen says:

    “Listening to her resignation speech (quitting) yesterday, I couldn’t help but overhear other people talk about how ‘great she is without a teleprompter’. How she can do a ’speech without help’. ‘Very smart’.
    At 9.15 to 9.36 in the video of her speech you can see the mobile teleprompter.”

    She actually got that garbled, nonsensical, rambling, manic mess of a speech off a TELEPROMPTER????????

  22. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    you CAN’T make crazy make sense.

    off to watch fireworks. a huge thankyou and tip of the hat to AKM and all of the alaskans who blog, talk, make signs, and took part in the exposure of the crazy side of palin. we are all forever in your debt.

  23. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    she is crazy and crazy people don’t make sense to the non-crazy.

    i have lived with this kind of crazy – they suck you into their world and it takes every ounce of courage to extricate yourself and leave.

    i know i watch her with morbid fascination just to see if there can be a happy ending for the rest of her family. i tend to doubt it. the kids are most likely toast unless they can physically remove themselves from her influence.

    todd is beyond help. he has no other identity except as her confidant.

    btw – did anyone see the posture of chuck heath in the “announcement”? he had his arms clenched across his chest, his head down, and eyes closed. looked like he was either asleep standing up or completely there against his will. NOT the posture of a proud father. the mother, on the other hand, was nodding and smiling……quite odd.

    oh and i have to add just a bit of snark — who dresses piper? seriously? mom could find her red cork shoes – but couldn’t take a hair brush to piper’s hair?

    ACK. like i said — you can make crazy make sense.

  24. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    you have got to be kidding me, now Scarah has pulled a Sanford? how original.
    AK do you know where your gov is? Does Lisa? typical no show communication.

    Here’s more speculation, perhaps she’s gone on a 2 wk vacation or checked herself into a mental health facility. either choice being on the AK state dime.

    “David Murrow, said Palin told him she was flying to Juneau, the state capital, for the Fourth of July weekend, but he wasn’t sure what activities she planned to attend.

    The governor didn’t show up at a 50th anniversary statehood celebration or Juneau’s parade. She wasn’t in the Capitol’s office. And no one answered the door at the governor’s mansion.”

    “….was invited again to this year’s event. She never responded, but parade organizers drew up banners in case she showed.

    She didn’t.”

  25. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I have to go for a walk, she’s off the deep end scary.

  26. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    LOL……Well Scarah, people don’t know what the H*LL joining you means. Can you be a little more vague?

    “I hope you will join me.”

  27. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    ARG!!!! then WHY did she run for GOV? clearly she didn’t need to.

    “I shared with you yesterday my heartfelt and candid reasons for this change; I’ve never thought I needed a title before one’s name to forge progress in America.”

  28. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    how many people have left without finishing at least “1” term? she is playing to the people who don’t pay attention and she know it.

    “And though it’s honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make.”

  29. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    what is she referring to here?

    “Those who know me know this is the right decision and obvious decision at that, including Senator John McCain. I thank him for his kind, insightful comments.”

  30. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Village Reader Says:
    July 4th, 2009 at 12:29 PM
    Listening to her resignation speech (quitting) yesterday, I couldn’t help but overhear other people talk about how ‘great she is without a teleprompter’. How she can do a ’speech without help’. ‘Very smart’.
    At 9.15 to 9.36 in the video of her speech you can see the mobile teleprompter.

    I looked and can confirm it so nobody else needs to. 😉

  31. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    sorry this has morphed AKM……it’s just that Scarah has blurred the lines so much it all flows together, lol.

    wonder how the new gov appreciates being called a liar, he told the press first he’d heard was last wed., Scarahs saying months…….someone’s lying.

    “For months now, I have consulted with friends and family, and with the Lieutenant Governor”

  32. learningcurve says:

    She again calls her responsibilities as Governor as simply a title in her facebook rant. That’s all she gave to it, true, but someone must let Sarah know there really was more to it than a sash.

    Goodnight all!

  33. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    the leaving unsaid reasons up in the air is what Halcro made a post about, she’s created the speculation vacuum! she’s creating the “what could it be” talk! She is off her rocker delusional.

    okay, here’s another speculation…… she doing this to create more book sales?

  34. lisabeth says:

    I wrote the wrong times down for anyone who is interested. The show starts here about an hour and 10 minutes I think. According to Gryphen, its 5 pm Alaska time.
    I am listening to the station now and they are talking about bears. Funny…. I have an “Alaska” clock on my computer and it says it is 2:45 Alaska time…..

    I don’t think I can stand to go look at her Facebook rant. Is this her same statement she is behind bars. “I left for my country!!!” “Really can you all now see that.” She is nuts……

    I wonder what the fans are saying today. Do they still think this is a “brilliant political move?”

  35. UK Lady says:

    OK That’s IT!

    Calling Sarah Palin’s family – Will you please help the woman! Family intervention needed. Call the men in white coats, slip her some valium, just do something. She needs help, this isn’t funny any more.

  36. Eric-the-Bun says:

    “And though it’s honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling”
    But she has not defined the ‘higher calling’.

    Analysing the speech I can see some logic. Since running for VP there has been a big FOIA cost to Alaska other than the ethics complaints – apparntly there are a large number of email requests still outstanding from last year that are still being worked on and a claim that this has cost over $400,000.

    Now if SP is aware that there are likely to be more ethics complaints in the offing as a result of these (note not necessarily icebergs but things that need explaining) and that the media ‘circus’ is likely to continue, her decision to quit may make sense.


    1) she has no sense of proportion, and cannot recognise that complaints can be ignored until the board decides they have merit, the chance is that she sees far more problems than actually exist. (I wonder if her reference to a complaint about how she holds a fish is in anyway related to AKM;s posting of the Monty Python clip on the fish dance). She has probably been paying her lawyers for opinions on how to sue the photoshoppers and all sorts of things best ignored.

    2) the new acting-AG Sullivan has started and may, let us say, be more direct about what he is finding and identifying problems with things that actually matter rather than the things she perceives as worse.

    3) the Begathon raised approx 20% of the required money in a week whilst Celtic Diva raised 100% in the same time,

    4) the VFM article and the Sitting Duck award and the posibility that after the attack on Ramras byC4P, she might have actually looked at the C4P site (remember Meg agreed that the Sarahpac banners on the site was ?worrying?) and discovered who her supporters were.

    5) if she assigns importance to all the myriad of pinpricks and feels she has to clear everything up no matter how small, and it looks as if she has to explain things going on during the VP campaign, Todds AIP connections and all the suppositions in the blogosphere.

    6) Sarahpac may not be raising enough money

    Then the resignation babble becomes a Panic attack due to overload and is explainable.

    The time-line is more-or-less right – a not-running-for-a-second-term announcement planned for the Fairbanks picnic being brought forward and becoming a resignation with no future plans caused by a sudden desire to end it all.

    Compare her latest Facebook entry ( ) with her resignation speech – far more logical and coherent. She’s got over the panic and doing damage control – especially if there is no iceberg (i.e. she knows peoples expectations are building up to something that is not there, so if it turns out to be something minor compared to what has been built up, it becomes recoverable).


  37. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    now she’s braggin she’s done more in 2 yrs than someone else in 8 yrs?

    good gawd

  38. learningcurve says:

    From Bear Woman:

    One of her moves may be in the works with her resignation…. Craig Campbell — head of the Alaska National Guard and supposedly moving up to be Lieutenant Governor (on Sarah’s actual resignation) looks to be active duty military. If he is, I do not think under military rules (and maybe state or federal constitutions) that he can do so as a sitting military officer. I don’t think he can just cavalierly resign his commission if he is active duty military. I have said before when she nominated WAR that she is itching to create a constitutional crisis (in Alaska or federally) to help launch her third party.

    Here I thought I’d invented the idea, and it is widely known! Just goes to show there is nothing new under the sun.

    What’s funny about the Facebook post is there isn’t a person on any side of this story that has seriously suggested Sarah resigned for the best interest of her kids. The claim is preposterous on its face, even Sarah ought to know this one isn’t going to stick.

    What’s truly ironic is the worst part of her claim that she gave birth to Trig is that her story proves she is a sociopath, who would travel half way across the world in order to imperial the life her premature special needs baby by giving birth to him in a substandard facility, all for no good reason. I always thought Sarah should announce she isn’t Trig’s birth mother because her birth story was so deprived she shouldn’t stick with it. The sad fact is the official story demonstrates such little regard for the baby that it must be true.

  39. trisha says:

    I agree that Palin has a God complex. Her language says so—-higher calling?
    Just last week she talked about those “desecrating her iconic image”.

    I don’t think that was an accident. I think it’s what Palin believes. She has gone off a cliff.

  40. trisha says:

    I’m sensing mental illness of some kind.

    Her erratic behavior, that crazed-look in her eye during that press conference, clenched jaw, weird language like this is about Country, and “higher calling”, she is still attacking the media today on her facebook page (she can’t stop herself), and playing the victim.

    Does she think the “attacks” will stop when she starts campaigning for her higher calling? She hasn’t seen nothin’ yet.

    Buckle up Palin, you are in for the ride of your life.

  41. JHop says:

    The new “exgov” twitter account is hilarious.

    But I am still in awe at her facebook message and the interview with Politico. This may be stating the obvious, but she has a god-complex. The “speculation and questions about what may have been her motivation for resigning” is called an impending federal indictment. Why don’t you call it like it is, Meg? If they don’t want us to speculate and question, why not make it clear to us what her seemingly out-of-the-blue motivations were? Until yesterday, Sarah Palin was obsessed with being the chief executive of Alaska, as she has reminded us time and time again. Ms. Stapleton implies that this is the public’s fault for questioning a political celebrity after she abruptly resigned from office, is she serious?? And Palin took an oath of office to be governor! Where else is she going to “move up?” It is like they assume their audience is made up of 8 year olds, butterflies, and rainbows.

    Also from Politco: “A day after Sarah Palin’s surprise announcement that she would step down as governor of Alaska, “the controversial hockey mom was no where to be found,” AP reports.” Wherever she is hiding, hopefully in an FBI interrogation room, a Facebook message telling off the media AGAIN was at the top of her priority list I guess.

  42. pvazwindy says:

    Palin says, “yesterday I shared my heartfelt and candid reasons for stepping down.” BS, it was all about trying to save her bony little ass. What a disgusting piece of work she is.

  43. drew from lil ol texas says:

    Does she use the same doctors that M. Jackson used?!

    Someone needs to adjust her meds and I mean NOW!

  44. drew from lil ol texas says:

    and don’t forget that her being a “QUITTER” is not a one time deal!!

    She quit her gravy job that was given to her doing something with I think it was “oil and gas” where she filed a ethics complaint against that guy randy reudick.

  45. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Bear woman……..she just traveled with this guy to Kosovo 2 wks ago…….

    bearwoman said: “One of her moves may be in the works with her resignation…. Craig Campbell — head of the Alaska National Guard and supposedly moving up to be Lieutenant Governor (on Sarah’s actual resignation) looks to be active duty military. If he is, I do not think under military rules (and maybe state or federal constitutions) that he can do so as a sitting military officer. I don’t think he can just cavalierly resign his commission if he is active duty military. I have said before when she nominated WAR that she is itching to create a constitutional crisis (in Alaska or federally) to help launch her third party.”

  46. trisha says:

    She says this is a higher calling and it’s Country first. Really? I thought it was called quitting.

    Sounds like she has some big plans. Maybe God cracked the door open so she pushed on through.

    When you read her speech and her facebook jibber-gabber, it kind of sounds like she plans on starting a new world order. Just saying.

  47. Isabella says:

    Someone jacked Palin’s Twitter background, this is BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Party Wasilla Be There Or Be Square, lol!!!!

  48. Isabella says:


    Palin informed Murrow early Saturday that someone using the name “exgovsarahpalin” on Twitter was spreading a false rumor that there was to be a party at her suburban home in Wasilla, outside Anchorage. Palin was afraid her home would be mobbed, and security was dispatched,

  49. phoebe says:

    V I C T I M………………..Can the “Checkers Speech” be far away? Oh wait, I guess we got the Checkers Speech yesterday. I suppose we won’t have Sarah Palin to kick around anymore. Sad news folks…..she will never really go away.

  50. pvazwindy says:

    LIZ-PHX-Shannyn, is on 6pm our time

  51. pearl89 says:

    I am glad that she has resigned as governor. I am happy for the people of Alaska. AK will be much better off without her. I just hope she doesn’t start
    a grand tour of the lower 48.

    But in some odd way, I’m gonna miss my daily Palin fix. I looked forward
    every day to turning on the computer, going to the progressive blogs in AK
    to see what nutty/dispicable/outrageous thing Sarah had done or said while
    I was sleeping. I’m sure there will be plenty more of those days, but it just won’t be the same. Anytime you fight a good battle, it is always a relief when it’s over, but there is also a touch of regret when it ends this way. I wanted
    her nailed, forced out…not quit.

  52. JHop says:

    POLITICO: “But asked exactly what stories the governor was criticizing, Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton said Palin wasn’t referring to any specific news or TV account but rather the speculation and questions about what may have been her motivation for resigning. As for the “higher calling” Palin referred to, Stapleton said the governor was just generally referring to what she sees as a move up in public life.”

    go here. it talks about her new message and has “responses” from her henchwoman, i mean spokesperson.

  53. Isabella says:

    Sad Sack is in hiding…LMAO!!!!

    “The governor didn’t show up at a 50th anniversary statehood celebration or Juneau’s parade. She wasn’t in the Capitol’s office. And no one answered the door at the governor’s mansion.”

  54. drew from lil ol texas says:

    OK, let me see if I have my head wrapped around this.

    In 2006, Gino begs the people of AK to hire her to be gov and they do it.

    1/2 way thru her 4 year contract she gets bored with the job and up and quits.

    On her way out the door she says, “btw, I would make a great POTUS so please hire me to run all 50 States!”

    Talk about insulting the little bit of intelligence I have!

  55. Isabella says:

    Opps here is the link to Palin’s Facebook rant.

  56. Jim says:

    I was absolutely positive this was ghost-written, until I got to this sentence: “I’ve never thought I needed a title before one’s name to forge progress in America.”

    Now I’m just not so sure…

  57. Isabella says:

    “For months now, I have consulted with friends and family, and with the Lieutenant Governor, about what is best for our wonderful state. I even made a few administrative changes over that course in time in preparation for yesterday.”

    If you believe this story…Palin admits with she was preparing to leave office for months YET she continued to BEG for money to pay her legal bills, her colleagues legal bills and something to give her family members an allowance so she could focus on governing & preparing a run as POTUS.

    LMAO, if Palin had really been preparing for MONTHS to resign and the best she could do was that LAME A S S speech.

  58. trisha says:

    PALIN: “I shared with you yesterday my heartfelt and candid reasons for this change; I’ve never thought I needed a title before one’s name to forge progress in America. I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint.”

    Wow…she sure thinks highly of herself, doesn’t she? She said she doesn’t feel that she needs a title before her name, but maybe the people who voted for her to be their “governor” feel differently.

  59. Isabella says:

    W T F is with Palin repeating every word in a sentence two or three times?

    It is like she is still in Junior High with a 500 word essay and keeps adding VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY to diminish her word count.

    First, I want to thank you for your support and hard work on the values we share. Those values led me to the decision my family and I made. Yesterday, my family and I announced a decision

  60. drew from lil ol texas says:

    1 more thing!

    Hearing little Trig crying in the background was so refreshing to me!

    It was the 1st time I ever heard any noise come from him!

    I thought “what a great time for him to speak up!”

    Then I heard the ducks start to scream.

    I was thinking how great it would be to see trig and the ducks push her over the edge!

    I was waiting for Sarah to start crying and screaming for someone to shut them the f*** UP!! and then seeing a couple of doctor’s (one on each arm) hauling her off to the funny farm!

    Man, I love Karma!

  61. trisha says:

    From her quote: …..And though it’s honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term,……….

    bla, bla, bla, God, Country, our men and women in the military, progressing forward, vindictive actions, desecration of my image….bla, bla, bla.

    But, what’s this? Higher calling? What higher calling? Is she becoming a nun?

  62. JHop says:

    PALIN: “I shared with you yesterday my heartfelt and candid reasons for this change; I’ve never thought I needed a title before one’s name to forge progress in America. I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint.”

    Please read her new facebook posting guys, it deserves parsing (see #111 for link). She clearly still has political aspirations. So I don’t understand any of the “out of politics for good” talk. Learningcurve may be right about the Great Alaskan Liberator. Maybe, at this point, to avoid a looming U.S. federal indictment, it is her secret scheme to claim your oil, secede from the nation, and become Dictator Palin, queen of the Alaskan Christian Tundra. I am kidding. Kind of…

  63. Isabella says:

    learningcurve “JHop, Isabella-Ifthere is any truth to the rumors that there is a FBI investigation of her embezzlement as mayor and if Sarah caught wind of the investigation, it would add some real urgency for Sarah to reinvent herself as the Great Alaskan Liberator.”


    Palin has had to have been aware of any investigation for awhile. Perhaps this was moreover the emergency fundraisers last couple weeks in addition to the reason for the fraud fund in the first place. Palin needed cash to keep her attorney on tap. Betcha Palin thought she was invincible until about last week when the decision to officially charge her was decided….if the rumors are true an indictment is imminent.

  64. lisabeth says:

    AND PS She needs psychiatric help in a huge way! Just read that Facebook Message?? Denial, whoa is me, I am a victim, poor me………..

  65. learningcurve says:

    She almost never calls her country the United States.

    Sarah couldn’t name the origination of the expression, “politics of personal destruction” to save her 0 dress size.

    Where it can be honorable to abandon a duty, half way through, just when the going gets tough, those who do it honorably normally explain just what the higher calling might be. Is this latest hieroglyph a claim that she resigned for the best interest of her family? Huh, that’s never been a priority for before, but better late than never.

  66. lisabeth says:

    Her Facebook announcement is BULL. What a jerk she is, I am sorry, but that is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read!! It is about country?? Give me a break. What is she doing even on Facebook. Complaining about the media again? The woman is an IDIOT….. Poor ME, POOR SARAH! I am so sick of her moaning about people out to get her. President Obama has had to put up with far more than she has!!

    This is going to be her defense when she is indicted. Everyone is against me and they kept reporting me for this or that and finally THEY won. There is NEVER one ounce of responsibility on her part. That is the most dangerous thing about her! She thinks she is treated differently than every other politician. When will the thick headed dimwit realize this is about HER, that the criticism of her ethics is REAL, it is not just political. It is her! It is too bad the people around her are not honest with her

  67. UK Lady says:


    Jeebus!, that statement is shocking, way to go Scarah, she just p*ssed off the whole media and establishment in one go.

    She ain’t done yet by the looks of things, maybe Learning Curve has a point – new breakaway party of nutjobs?

  68. EyeOnYou says:

    JHop ~Even this “clarification” message infuriates me

    ME TOO!!!

    We have accomplished more during this one term than most governors do in two

    my family and I determined after prayerful consideration that sacrificing my title helps Alaska most.

    it’s honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term

    How does she keep herself upright with that HUGE swelled head of hers?

  69. drew from lil ol texas says:

    she makes me sick by being stuck on the 08 slogan “country 1st”

    give me a break already

    everyone saw right thru that bs

    I hear McLame is trying to sell that slogan!

  70. lisabeth says:

    pvazwindy Hi! I live in the Phoenix area. HOT TODAY!

    So I figured out 7 am Sunday is 5 am in Arizona. I don’t think I can get up that early on a Sunday (or any other time!) so hopefully there will be a podcast.

    Lots of good links people are posting. Even FoxNY has an embezzlement story. I have fingers crossed. This sounds spiteful, but I want her supporters to be embarrassed and to admit they were wrong about her. All the horrible things they have said about us and about President Obama. They are the densest group of people I have ever seen. Close minded and well….the one thing Sarah said is true is that Alaska is much better off without her as governor!!

  71. Mike In Illinois says:

    I remember sitting there watching the Greta interview and looking at that house and wondering “How did they afford that on what she makes as mayor and Todd’s fishing and race winnings?” Then when Todd said his “contractor buddies helped him” build the house, the next thing I thought was “Were these the same contractors who were building the hockey rink?” I then asked myself “Did you declare their work on your tax returns? Isn’t this what Ted Stevens is on trial for right now?”

    Then I started screaming at Greta, supposedly a trial lawyer like myself, to ASK THEM ABOUT THE HOUSE! Of course, she didn’t and never did, nor did anyone else in the media at the time. Maybe this one will prove the truth of the adage “The wheels of justice grind very slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.” We can only hope.

  72. Isabella says:

    JHop Says “But I agree with Learning Curve that Palin could very well be thinking “F them all. Who cares about an indictment? I am the maverickiest maverick of them all and I will show everyone just how awesome and visionary and mavericky I am.”

    I almost agree completly.

    The little bit that has me swayed this was not a last minute f you to everyone during the wrong time of the month is that quiver in her final three minutes of that “Speech”.

  73. UK Lady says:

    Isabella @ 104 – That was brilliant! I love me some Jon Stewart. Laugh out loud funny “going into silent mode is episcopelian for STFU!”

    Drew from Lil Ol Texas – “sitting lame duck” – We have a winner

    Farced out not forced – Yup Yup.

  74. drew from lil ol texas says:

    btw, did anyone notice the ducks protesting on the lake behind Trig’s Grandmother, Sarah?

    They were mighty pissed off (and plenty vocal) about her getting the Sitting Duck Award!

    Then Sarah (in typical Sarah fashion) adds insult to injury by talking about “Lame Ducks”

    I was getting flashbacks of her turkey shredding interview!

    Then I was waiting for the camera’s to pan over and catch the dud, war and eddie bark with there 12 gauges blowing the ducks out of the water!

    I was saying to myself…

    man, you couldn’t ask for better karma!!

  75. JHop says:

    No one thinks about the “politics of personal destruction” other than her. It is like her catchphrase. What a snide, obnoxious post. It sort of worries me though. Isn’t she being a little brazen and overly confident for someone fearing indictment? Isn’t she afraid in a few days that we will all be like, you are a quitter AND a pathological liar? Unless her plan is to deny, deny, deny (always the best defense) and then say “see, I told you so, everyone is out to get me.” Thoughts?

  76. Star says:

    yup yup get some thick skin…This girl is totally nuts…Says one thing and then does a complete 180…Sooo happy for AK…Just hope she doesn’t come to Ca…With all her garbage.LMBO …Still can’t watch her resignation speech…I remember the 1st day she came forward in McCains new vp running mate when she opened her mouth i said to hubby…McCain is toast…tru story!!!

  77. learningcurve says:

    JHop, Isabella-Ifthere is any truth to the rumors that there is a FBI investigation of her embezzlement as mayor and if Sarah caught wind of the investigation, it would add some real urgency for Sarah to reinvent herself as the Great Alaskan Liberator.

  78. JHop says:

    Um, Sarah Palin has a new facebook message up, carried by the Washington Post (link below). This is just an excerpt:

    “The response in the main stream media has been most predictable, ironic, and as always, detached from the lives of ordinary Americans who are sick of the “politics of personal destruction”. How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it’s about country. And though it’s honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make. But every American understands what it takes to make a decision because it’s right for all, including your family.”

    It’s about the country, my ass. Even this “clarification” message infuriates me.

  79. rebekkah says:

    I had a fleeting thought that this whole episode was just another effort at getting media attention, and getting back. The negative press she received last week could have triggered a childish reaction; A vindictive reaction to sabotage Alaska by stopping up governance at a time when it needs leadership. Nothing to lose for her, because this job was just a stepping-stone to greater things. I think she just threw Alaska under the bus.

  80. drew from lil ol texas says:

    My .02 says that the “Sitting Duck Award” pushed her over the edge!

    Lame Duck is bad enough, but a “Sitting Lame Duck” is to much for the average human to be expected to handle!

    I mean, just imagine the photoshopping that would have been coming down the tubes!

  81. pvazwindy says:

    AKM twitted that she’ll be on Shannyn’s show, today.

  82. lila says:

    Why in Juneau?
    I’m having some fun with imagining another direction this could take —
    Sarah and Todd get on a boat in Juneau and narrowly escape the Feds as they rush across the marine border to Canada….

  83. Isabella says:

    Professor Geezer Says “Palin was not forced out; she was farced out.”

    LOL, yes, that also too.

  84. JHop says:

    Shannyn Moore tweet:

    “meeting WSJ reporter…curious.”

    I find it extremely interesting that the conservative Wall Street Journal is pursuing this. It leads me to believe, as we have suggested, that there is more to Palin’s rambling speech than aw shucks I love helping Alaskans and my family…

  85. Nobody seems to be mentioning the possibility of joining Fox news as a female Bill O’Riley. Perhaps in the end it is the money that matters. And standing in front of the camera without being in a contest, or having a real job other than being controversial, could be a match made in heaven.

    If your rise to fame is calling the other side names, one can’t be too surprised when you become a target.

  86. Isabella says:

    Have you all seen this. LMAO, great stuff. Video is worth watching several times!!!

  87. adogslife says:

    I think we should give Senator McCain and his campaign team a round of applause for their choice of Sarah Palin as the 2008 Republican nominee for vice president.

    They picked a pitbull (Sarah’s words), correct? Unfortunately, Senator McCain picked a pitbull with an extremely poor pedigree.

    Sarah has tucked her tail between her legs and is running all the way home. No pitbull in her makeup (except for the lipstick), and no consideration for the citizens of Alaska that believed in her, and voted for her, and worked their “tails” off to get her elected.

    You go girl!

  88. Mattie says:

    They better count the silverware.

  89. Mattie says:

    Thats what the wing nuts need, is one more nut to talk conspiracy theories.

  90. pvazwindy says:

    I think that were getting ahead of ourselves as to her future. Let it play out. She may have no future period.

  91. JHop says:

    Isabella, I think she was forced out too. I do not think anything would cause Sarah Palin to give up power without a gun to her head. I mean, her favorite line is “as the chief executive from the state of Alaska” or “well, I know [whatever] because I am in charge of running the entire state of Alaska.” It is how she defines her self-worth.

    But I agree with Learning Curve that Palin could very well be thinking “F them all. Who cares about an indictment? I am the maverickiest maverick of them all and I will show everyone just how awesome and visionary and mavericky I am.” And then go and form the Palin Patriotic party from her prison cell, where approximately 942 people in the nation will continue to support her. Also, what Learning Curve said about her assuming that she penned the new Gettysburg Address makes total sense (and made me laugh).

  92. Isabella says:

    Wow, FOX News in New York picking this up.

    Almost does not have to be true anymore the way headlines are screaming and her past behavior as being dubious and a cheat.

    Is Palin Facing Embezzlement Charges?

  93. willowwoman says:

    I just returned from the Wasilla Fourth of July parade. Tons of people out on a beautiful, sunny, 70 degree day. At least half of the entries in the parade were local church congregations. There were two Republican delegations in the parade: the first to march by was the Sarah Palin supporters and this group of marchers included Chuck and Sally Heath….no sign of Sarah. The second group of Republicans featured Lyda Green surrounded by her supporters, seated on the float. As I understand it, the local Republicans had a schism over the past couple of years with local Repubs aligning with either Sarah or Lyda.

    Surprisingly, I really didn’t hear the people standing around me talking about Sarah and her surprise resignation at all. I really think many local have Sarah fatigue as well.

    Happy Fourth of July!

  94. Riverside says:

    Let’s face it folks, she’s either a quitter, a grifter or about to reemerge as the new Grand Ayatollah of the KKK. People don’t know what non-set of rules she’ll play by next. Her election rallies last fall were not pretty. There was more than a wiff of HEIL the MIGHTY SARAH! in them. Hate preach, wichcraft, she has the potential. No one claimed Hitler was sane. Queen of the shadows, she even can look like the Evil Queen from Snow White when she gets her mojo on.

    Laugh, but don’t let your guard down. Revenge, villans, mass murderers, failed politicians. Our human grabbag. Be thankful we have the Bill of Rights still.

    On a more hopeful side, she can’t fire anyone if she’s not the gov., and she can’t execute the law, control the regulatory agencies, or direct spending.
    In fact, to cheer yourselves up, think of all the powers she is giving up, like calling up the National Guard or Declaring a State of Emergency. Hmmmm.
    She really just gave all that revenge power up? Weird.

    Ya, something we don’t know yet.

  95. Greg Goss says:

    Lisbeth asks “what is the time zone in Alaska?” Google answers some kinds of simple questions directly. I use my google toolbar to answer simple arithmetic questions (what is 32720 / 12?) or simple factual questions (what time is it in Wasilla?)

    So google tells me it’s 1:20 in Wasilla. That means she’s two hours ahead of my mountain time.

  96. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    perhaps the stress of the job was giving her writer’s block, lol……awe to be released Mother’s Day, how clever. Note she and the editor have huddled, bet that happened during the NY trip, also, too.,8599,1908668,00.html

    “Palin’s book is slated for release in time for Mother’s Day, 2010. In addition to the trade edition, there will also be a special version for the Christian market, under HarperCollins’ Zondervan imprint. Her editor is Adam Bellow, son of the late novelist Saul Bellow. Palin and Bellow have already huddled in person, and the book is underway.”

  97. Isabella says:

    learningcurve Says “On a different topic, I mentioned this above but received no reply. I think the speech was Palin’s announcement that she is going off on her own outside the Republican Party, perhaps even as a secessionist.”

    I disagree with Palin resigning to go off on her own. Palin was forced out.

    I suspect finally a head GOP put his foot in the door before she could slam it shut and hide. Palin didn;t have a choice in this event.

    The fact Lisa Murkowski has come out slamming Palin is very foretelling of who the new golden girl of the Republican Party will be. Lisa would have never ever made a statement without the approval of the GOP.

  98. justafarmer says:

    also JHop…the show is from 9-11 p.m. our time (ET)

  99. pvazwindy says:

    #49Liz- where you at in Az. I’m up here in Prescott Valley.

  100. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    did she bail on Joe Schmidt? or am I misunderstanding how this works.

    “Gov. Sarah Palin chose Craig Campbell, the longtime commissioner of the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, to be Alaska’s new lieutenant governor.”

  101. JHop says:

    Learning Curve – I have considered the same thing, that she may abandon the GOP (who she never trusted and who never really loved her, other than the fringe crazies) for an independent party of sorts. There has been a lot of talk about Todd’s affiliation with the secessionist party, especially in light of the recent CBS article about the emails/infighting of the McCain campaign (if you haven’t read it, it is really good:

    That being said, I just find it hard to believe that she would join a secessionist party, if she has any national political interests (i.e. president), which she clearly does. She LOVES being in the spotlight, being adored by the masses. I just don’t think a small secessionist party would stroke her ego enough. At the same time, I would not put it past her to assume that she will be able to form some new independent party, a la Ross Perot.

  102. jojobo1 says:

    Lets all pray she falls from grace as she says. This had to be a last minute deal as Todd was gone and had to come back,Someone let the cat out of the bag.She has too many supporters in Wallasa and her family is all over The Heaths need to keep to themselves, Funny thing is you do not hear much about Todds family.
    McCain should be voted out of offioce if only for the fact that he bought Palin down on the rest of us and now he sure seems to be falling in line with the GOP.So much for being impartial,not

  103. Bear Woman says:

    For the person in Montana wanting to know what time it is in Alaska: We are 2 hours behind you. When it is noon in Montana it is 10:00 am here. Shannon will be on from 7-9 Montana time.

    Alaska Pi: I’m with you on that. Thank goodness I don’t have to deal with the Palinstruck in my neighborhood!

    LearningCurve: I’ve been saying for a few months now that she is going with Pawlenty, Cornyn, Perry, Dobson, Rushbag, and Beck to form a secessionist, third party.

    One of her moves may be in the works with her resignation…. Craig Campbell — head of the Alaska National Guard and supposedly moving up to be Lieutenant Governor (on Sarah’s actual resignation) looks to be active duty military. If he is, I do not think under military rules (and maybe state or federal constitutions) that he can do so as a sitting military officer. I don’t think he can just cavalierly resign his commission if he is active duty military. I have said before when she nominated WAR that she is itching to create a constitutional crisis (in Alaska or federally) to help launch her third party.

    Those in the know can comment if Campbell is an active duty military person or “name only” one in his position.

  104. pvazwindy says:

    BigSlick nails it, really. Her ability to enthrall the base will eventually dwindle, but her ability to extract capital from the fundamentalists is nearly limitless.

    I loved Lisa’s terse shot across her bow, like she was swatting at an annoying insect.

    Glad to be back here–I was denied access for nearly 4 hours yesterday, right when I needed it most…

    *************************************I think it was aimed square at her stern

  105. bubbles says:

    reptiles don’t need bridges. they swim very well. there is always an audience for sarah’s brand of hate and religious bigotry. millions right here in the good ole u.s.a. just waiting for their messianic leader to lead them to the promised rapture with their glorious sky god.

  106. Wolf Pack says:

    She got her book deal 3 wks ago and did two marathon fund raisers the past week….. and she quit. Got the money then cut & ran.

    It is as simple as that and that is what everyone saw in her and didn’t like. It’s all about what is best for Sarah.

    Her excuses are just down right silly.

    If she honestly cared about Alaskans, there is plenty to get done. The village & rural towns are hurting with those floods and lack of fish.

  107. Professor Geezer says:

    Palin was not forced out; she was farced out.

  108. EyeOnYou says:

    Isabella ~ Thanks for that link to the Biden comments. It shows he is a class act all the way.

  109. White Agate says:

    Tuning in once again, what a long strange year (almost) it’s been. Joan Walsh at Salon has a great column, at one point saying Palin’s speech was a bit like a ‘Furby that has been asked to memorize too much information.’

    The whole thing is so fishy, I can’t say anything at this point.

    As usual, keep up the excellent mucking, AKM. Can anything else happen this summer? And what’s up with all of the Republican governors, they are losing it.

    Happy 4th, all.

  110. Nebraska Native says:

    OK, this is snarky, but what is with the suit and sandals? Ew.

  111. Nebraska Native says:

    Puppies have talked here and there about the religious leader thingie, and I’m thinking they are onto something, unless the iceberg inteferes. It’s an easy thing to do– become a religious leader I mean… mary kay national sales directors do it all the time.

  112. Isabella says:

    Bear Woman “Her only reasons to come to Juneau are to loot the Gov’s mansion from whatever she can carry off and to let Juneau know she will be working to move the capital to Wasilla (or at the very least, Anchorage).”

    Is she flying commercial these days or taking the State Troopers jet? Someone should hold her up at the airport and search her bags.

  113. Alaska Pi says:

    @72 Bear Woman – she better take her dadgum tanning bed…
    Won’t miss the strange tourist folk of this year either… reaching over the fence at the mansion and touching the shrubs and watching the front doors with stars in their eyes… oooo, wierd folks coming to town – stay home or go to Wasilla where Sarah’s real house is… Alaska gets it’s gov mansion back in 2 weeks. whew.

  114. learningcurve says:

    JHop-First, the actual decision to resign seems to have been abrupt. The speech was retrofitted from it’s original “no reelection bid” topic to the historic manifestation we witnessed yesterday. It barely would have been covered if the subject hadn’t changed, so no one close to her bothered to grab a copy for even a cursory proof.

    Second, Sarah thought she had set to paper the Gettysburg Address for the next century. It didn’t occur to here that her skills as a speechwriter needed tweaking, must less scraping.

    On a different topic, I mentioned this above but received no reply. I think the speech was Palin’s announcement that she is going off on her own outside the Republican Party, perhaps even as a secessionist. Since you’ve also suffered through a reread, do you have any thoughts on my theory?

  115. Isabella says:

    Vice President Joe Biden today rejected Gov. Sarah Palin’s complaint that she has been the victim of political blood sport.

  116. BigSlick says:

    Dr. Patois Says:
    July 4th, 2009 at 12:27 PM

    BigSlick @22
    Beware the rise of The Revengelical.
    That is hilarious! Did you coin that?
    My guess is, barring prison (heh, heh), she will happily rake in the dough using her serpents heart to share her magical salad with her adoring crowds. Money, adoration, no policy acumen required, no pesky responsibilites, no need for integrity. Perfect.


    Imagine if Sarah could, on a daily basis, sit next to Rush Limbaugh in the studio.

    This is my greatest fear.

    It won’t bring the Obama Admin down, or even stop the Change We Can Believe In movement, but it may well damn the Republican Base to languish in their own self-loathing hatred for another 8 years, obstructing the reconciliation and healing our Nation yearns for after the “Dark Ages” of Bush/Cheney.

  117. califpat says:

    Wonder if she will like the orange or striped prison uniform? Probably not, they do not go too well with red naughty monkey peep toe shoes. LOL!!

  118. Alaska Pi says:

    Comments from a Southeast Alaska Street- 2 blocks from the state capitol , 2 hours after the celebration for Alaska’s 50th anniversary as a state in these United states of America –

    Woman visiting from Haines to her hostess-“I forgot my Where’s -Sarah button… guess it won’t matter anymore…”

    2 gents, 1 Libertarian (yes, we have those in Juneau ) and 1 Moderate Republican ( yes, we have those in Juneau )- “she’s a quitter’… ‘well, I think she’s just freeing herself up to get rich on speaking tours and that **** book” …”no, duck is as lame as her…” ” ya got that **** straight…”

    Senator Murkowski said it all -for a heckuva a lot of Alaskans… even those like me, who really did not want the ghastly back after the federal election and have been grinding their teeth to nubs since.

  119. LibertyLover says:

    I have always suspected that with Governor Palin that she’s all only about the money.

  120. Bear Woman says:

    Her only reasons to come to Juneau are to loot the Gov’s mansion from whatever she can carry off and to let Juneau know she will be working to move the capital to Wasilla (or at the very least, Anchorage).

  121. Isabella says:

    bubbles says “sarah palin will if not stopped, will not simply go away.”

    Except she has burned every bridge to the ground and there is not much of an audience for her nonsense. She will fade away like every tabloid queen eventually does. Without a platform/Govs office she is nada.

  122. Just cruising around the coverage on CNN and MSNBC last night for a few minutes it was obvious they were writing Palin’s political obituary. Ed Rollins on CNN said he thought she would never be able to run for president and that she will diminish from the national scene. Anderson Cooper played nearly the whole speech and then said that it was not only confusing grammatically, but politically. Boy was he righ about the grammar part – it sounded like hysterical babbling and it was uncomfortable to watch. What’s hardest to jive is that earlier this week she had that spread in “Runner’s World” and she was challenging Obama to a run, and then this happens and she seems to be running in the wrong direction. Quitter is definitely a good word – you can’t pack your toys and go home just because you’ve lost your first wave of popularity. And yet that’s exactly what she’s doing.

  123. anahata56 says:

    I’ve seen thicker skins on a soap bubble.

    Lets face it–she picked up her ball and went home when they hurt her widdle biddy feelings.

    She’s a quitter, with the attention span of a bat.

  124. Isabella says:

    Why didn’t Palin hold the press conference yesterday in Juneau? Ya think she already had Todd haul out the tanning bed?

    Pretty great parade in downtown Juneau- lots of celebration of Independence & Alaska’s 50th Anniversary of Statehood, our “Year of Jubilee”
    15 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  125. bubbles says:

    sarah palin will if not stopped, will not simply go away. she will become the spokesperson for the fascist right. she will do everything in her power to call her power base to arms against their country and our president. she will rest awhile. try to get her looks back. pull the tattered pieces of narcissistic self together and allow herself to be used to spew racial hate and oppression. so, for those of us who feel sad for this mentally challenged female and her family don’t waste your naturally human feelings. she is what she is. a humanoid reptile. she has no more humanity than a boa constrictor.

  126. EyeOnYou says:

    The Lame Duck excuse is simply that…an excuse. No one says you must forgo doing work for your state right up until you depart. There is no rule or law that prohibits you from doing everything possible for the people you have sworn to work for until the day you leave office. Just because people have done that in the past doesn’t make it a rule, or a forced situation.

    She is a quitter. She called herself a pitbull with lipstick and it turns out she was a sniveling coward in face paint who proved she can dish it out but can’t take it.

    Alaska is better off with her gone, but she proved by resigning that she hasn’t got the ballz to stand up and fight for what she believes in the face of opposition. When she found out she could not longer bully and intimidate people, she realized very quickly that she had nothing left to her.

  127. Mattie says:

    If she is being investigated by the feds wouldn’t that have started under the Bush administration, how is she going to blame the press for that?

  128. Crazier In Alaska says:

    Meg Stapleton said on CNN/360 yesterday that, “she doesn’t need a title to get where she wants to go…”

    That’s all this was to her, a title, another tiara to wear as she walks across the runway to nowhere.

  129. JHop says:

    Thanks bubbles! I will be there unless I am an out of town for a trial.

    I just read the text of her incoherent speech again. And for the life of me, I cannot figure out any reason why she went ahead with that press conference yesterday. Why wouldn’t she wait to let someone, anyone – a speech writer, an adviser, a third-grader, a sheep – read it first and edit it? As a seemingly big announcement, especially if it had been planned for weeks, like she said, why would she go up there and essentially allow her career to implode? Even if she was in a rush, even if an indictment is coming, and even if there is no scandal at all, why would she have ever given such an awful speech? When you leave everyone in America, including Fox News, wondering “what the hell was that all about,” you have clearly failed to achieve whatever purpose you intended.

    All of these questions are, of course, based upon the assumption that she is a normal, logical, individual – which she is not. There are many mysteries here, but Palin’s craziness is not one of them.

  130. Riverside says:

    So if she can’t carry a show, does that mean Limbaby can breath a sigh of relief? Because I mean, the money is there for the taking, isn’t it? Or does she need a mainly photo -op venue. She could be really big on YOU-TUBE. Maybe she could use a teleprompter and have someone else write the script, maybe she could be a millionaire televangalist. Do you think Dobson is the one who needs to be looking over his shoulder instead?

    Yea, she probably will want a mainly visual venue. “The Sarah Hour, Come hear God’s Vision and pray with the Holy Nothern Warrior, who gave up Principalities and Powers to lead us on God’s Path”

    But I can’t beleive she wouldn’t like to slash and burn like Rush. Maybe it’s Hannity who should be shaking in his shoes.

  131. Isabella says:

    Have you all seen this?

    The Republican inheriting the job as Alaska governor from resigning Sarah Palin plans to seek a full term in office in 2010.

    Palin spokesman David Murrow says Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will run for a four-year term as governor.

  132. ocliberal says:

    Jukesgrrl Says:
    July 4th, 2009 at 11:52 AM
    I would be happy to think another shoe is going to drop in the form of some ongoing investigation coming to fruition, but I’m beginning to have some doubts. The reason being that Tawd was clearly not involved in this “decision.”
    What I think Todd was not informed about was that she planned to give a ‘going-away’ speech. I think that was a Sarah decision. And I think she made the decision against advise of others so that she could reiterate all her wonderful accomplishments as governor for the last time in a semi-positive light – you know the things like shooting wolves from planes, giving a dairy to her close high friend, saving the state ‘millions’ of dollars by stepping down – stuff like that.

    That speech was pure unadulterated classic Palin – a woman who if there is one word to describe her it is ‘delusional’.

    I am still firmly on the side of there is something big coming down. But I will concede that this ‘something’ could be complicated and knowing our dear Sarah as well as we do I would not doubt for one minute that she would be willing to plea bargain her way to a resolution that won’t send her to jail – in others words – throw everyone she can under the bus to save her skin.

    I’m just wondering if Todd is one of those who will get thrown under the bus. It won’t be the first time if he is.

    Sarah is all about Sarah – period. She didn’t ask her kids squat. She did what she had to do for Sarah and considering how radical it is what she did – resigning as Queen oops Governor of Alaska, there is absolutely nothing else that makes any sense except that our sweet Sarah has got herself into some trouble that she can’t wink or lie her way out of.

    I don’t not believe for one minute that she resigned because of her family or for the state of Alaska or even because God told her to. She resigned because she had to – pure and simple. And most likely because she would rather face a criminal investigation NOT as the Governor.

    I’m just waiting to see if she is or was able to bargain herself out of an indictment.

  133. Lee323 says:

    48 Gramiam Says:
    July 4th, 2009 at 12:21 PM .”We Progressives in Arizona owe Sarah Palin a debt of thanks. John McCain is running for re-election in 2010. As his choice for VP, Sarah and her current difficulties reflect negatively on his capability to continue in office.”
    Please hammer McCain good for all of the rest of us.

    Don’t forget to say with a smug little smile and a disdainful curl of the lip: “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  134. BigPete says:

    Are we there yet?

    It’s probably to soon to hazard a guess as to why Palin quit, but judging by her checkered “college career”, it shouldn’t really come as that much of a surprise.

  135. Closet Mudpup says:


    This should get you to there. If you’re using Firefox, I have to disable AdBlockPlus and FlashBlock 🙂

  136. Village Reader says:

    Listening to her resignation speech (quitting) yesterday, I couldn’t help but overhear other people talk about how ‘great she is without a teleprompter’. How she can do a ‘speech without help’. ‘Very smart’.


    These people are the same people that think she is great, ignore the truth behind the ethics complaints and believe she’s been traveling and ignoring the State of Alaska because ‘ultimately’ Palin is ‘looking out for them’.


  137. califpat says:

    Independence Day

  138. califpat says:

    Happy Independence Fay to all the Mudpups! Have a wonderful holiday and tomorrow… back to politics as usual. LoL!!

  139. Dr. Patois says:

    BigSlick @22
    Beware the rise of The Revengelical.
    That is hilarious! Did you coin that?
    My guess is, barring prison (heh, heh), she will happily rake in the dough using her serpents heart to share her magical salad with her adoring crowds. Money, adoration, no policy acumen required, no pesky responsibilites, no need for integrity. Perfect.

  140. Isabella says:

    My Lord, there are people here in Washington state feeling sorry for the greedy jerk. I set them straight 🙂 I asked, how they feel about Palin sending her PAC dog after “Donations” as late as June 30th claiming Palin needed the money to defend herself against ethics complaints when Palin had to have known at that time she was leaving the govs office UNLESS she was forced out & if she was forced as I believe she was…SUCKERS anyone who donated to that criminal.

  141. zumpie says:

    She definitely seemed upset and not at all like someone who was “stepping down” to make a big ole pot o’ money or represent Real Americans in the White House. She seemed like she had been forced into it. And came up with several painfully lame excuses, like when she left school in Hawaii because she “didn’t like the rain”.

  142. zyggy says:

    The “lame duck” makes no sense at all, just plain lame does. So what BibleSpice is saying is that anyone that only runs for one term as a governor is a lame duck. She has more excuses that Carter has little pills.

    I suspect she’ll get her own show and make millions, and I doubt she’ll ask her children to vote on it either.

    As far as being President of the United States? Never, she’s a dunderhead, and if it’s true charges are coming down on her, she’s be a convicted felon, and won’t be jellin with any politicians.

    Good for Senator Lisa, I’m glad she slammed BibleSpice, and what she said was so true, “abandon the State”.

  143. Lee323 says:

    Quackjob Quitter.

    She’s no Mother Bear or circling musk oxen under the Northern Star. Her script is:

    The Call of the Wily…….more money to be made; more adulation to garner.

    The Call of the Riled…….petulantly angry that being guv. is no longer FUN. FUN. FUN.

    The Call of the Feds?…….handcuffs circling Mama Bear under the Northern Star. AROOOoooooo.

  144. Lisabeth says:

    Can someone tell me what time zone Alaska is in? I am on Mountain Standard Time and am trying to figure out what time their show is on here in Arizona. I really want to hear the show as I haven’t listened in before! Thanks…!!!

    PS Still shell shocked by the news yesterday-I won’t be able to relax until I know the REAL reasons behind the resignation. I am dreaming of seeing her on TV being led away in handcuffs. I DO really feel for her kids though….Children of narcissists often struggle their whole life. There is a book about this actually writen by Alice Miller. It is called something like the Drama of the Gifted Child, but she used to have the title children of narcissistic parents. Its a very good book as are her other books on abuse.

  145. Gramiam says:

    We Progressives in Arizona owe Sarah Palin a debt of thanks. John McCain is running for re-election in 2010. As his choice for VP, Sarah and her current difficulties reflect negatively on his capability to continue in office. Now all we have to do is find ourselves a capable Democrat to run against him. Thanks, Sarah!

  146. Enjay in Eastern MT says:

    I am still in shock – pit bull hockey mom quits in the midst of many crisis’s facing AK (budget, pipeline, volcanos, subsistance) Yes – abandons her post & jumps, leaving AK to her appointee’s to deal with. I am waiting for the other naughty monkey shoe to drop because surely she wouldn’t give up the power and stepping stone to higher office without reason.

    Am wondering if the book deal had something to do with it – technically, she can’t be earning money from outside sources while holding office – and without Ross being approved AG – she would have had to forfeit the advance & earnings while holding office. The other “multi-gates” are still strong possibilities, as well as IRS & questionable financial issues. And maybe she was finally told NO – you can’t do that!

    As a private citizen – she can work more behind the scenes – travel to support other GOP candidates – speak without being a politician – and twitter to her hearts content. Those advantages “may” work to her benefit. Also perhaps there is a FAUX News chair on the horizon.

    We haven’t heard the last of Palin, but I don’t believe it will be public office position – if anything – it will be an appointment or heaven forbid – spokesperson.

  147. Jim says:

    BigSlick nails it, really. Her ability to enthrall the base will eventually dwindle, but her ability to extract capital from the fundamentalists is nearly limitless.

    I loved Lisa’s terse shot across her bow, like she was swatting at an annoying insect.

    Glad to be back here–I was denied access for nearly 4 hours yesterday, right when I needed it most… 😉

  148. va_soccer_mom says:

    We know have an answer to the question Sarah asked of Andrew Halcro (during the campaign for governor): “I look out there, and I ask myself, does any of it really matter?”

    Why, yes. Yes, it does matter. Very much.

  149. UK Lady says:

    Paul Begala has his say –

    Sarah Palin makes Mark Foley, the congressman who sent filthy emails to pages look almost normal. She makes David Vitter, the senator who was hanging out with hookers, look almost boring.

  150. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    RE: Everyone (the pundits) talking about the Former Gov.’s lucrative future in T.V., speaking engagements etc., once again people are OVERestimating her.

    I have yet to see a “talk” that wasn’t based strictly on talking points, repeated over and over. How in the world could she carry a show? Speak off the cuff? With coherency? No-can-do!!!

  151. bubbles says:

    jhop welcome to mudflats. the new york mudpups invite you to join us at the Frying Pan august 30 at 3 pm.our beloved Irishgirl is coming to america. we are going to toast akm and mudflats. hope you can make it. all other new york area pups invited to come on board. we will be glad to see you there.b

  152. JHop says:

    From the Associated Press, by RACHEL D’ORO:

    “The Republican inheriting the job as Alaska governor from resigning Sarah Palin plans to seek a full term in office in 2010. Palin spokesman David Murrow says Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will run for a four-year term as governor.”

    So, it appears that Parnell intends to run for another term, or at the least, wants to appear like he is so that he doesn’t inherit “lame duck” status. I can’t post the link for some reason.

    And thank you all for posting info on the radio show. As a New Yorker, I have never had the need or desire to listen to Alaskan radio. That is, until now. I guess I (begrudgingly) owe something to Sarah Palin…

  153. MoreQuestions says:

    BigSlick Says:
    July 4th, 2009 at 11:51 AM

    I believe we are bearing witness to GINO’s re-birth as a new type of polito-theological Beast.

    Beware the rise of The Revengelical.
    Well said Big Slick!

  154. leenie17 says:

    Question to those much closer to the story than I am…

    I’ve read that Parnell DOES NOT plan to run for re-election. I’ve also read that he DOES plan to run next year. Has anyone heard an announcement about that directly from him yet?

  155. pvazwindy says:

    AKM, will probably post a link later to the station. 5/7AKtime.

  156. mlaiuppa says:

    Palin’s political career is over.

    But just to make sure, Murkowski is putting a stake in any attempt by Palin to run for her seat in 2010.

    I hope someone has Palin on suicide watch. It’s a terrible thing to go from the power of a national campaign for the White House to a small prison cell in the period of one year.

  157. Mattie says:

    Who were all those people standing in line with her?

  158. pvazwindy says:

    I wonder if when she turned that first shovel of dirt at the new Goose Creek Correctional facility, that she might be looking at her new address. Something about her and birds.

  159. Mattie says:

    She went back twice during her speech and added praying.

  160. JHop says:

    I posted this on the “Palin Resigns” thread, too, but as a newcomer to the much-loved Mudflats, can someone please tell me about the upcoming Shannyn Moore radio show? I have read that you can stream it here online? When/how? Thanks!

  161. Riverside says:

    Poor Rush Limbaugh must be shaking in his shoes-what if Sarah wants his job?
    Every right-wing pundit extolling the brilliance of her quitting as Alaska chief executive is touting how much money she can make now. I mean, weigh on the one hand 154,000/yr. is it? as governor versus the millions Rushbaugh makes for just spewing venom over the air waves. Can you picture Sarah twittering herself- “I could do that, you betcha. I’d be rich, no ethics investigations!”

    Keep looking over your shoulder Rushbaby, there’s a barracuda heading right at you.

  162. Jukesgrrl says:

    PS: Happy Independence Day to Alaska friends. You’ve given us a new brand of fireworks for the 4th of July!

  163. Far fromFenway Fan says:

    Saw that Stapleton said that two things are for sure: Palin won’t run for Lisa’s or Don’s seats.

    C4P seems to have all the air let out of their balloon. The cheerleaders don’t have a team any more.

    Do you think that Linda’s email request this coming week has anything t do w the resignation? Can’t wait to see what’s there.

  164. Jukesgrrl says:

    I would be happy to think another shoe is going to drop in the form of some ongoing investigation coming to fruition, but I’m beginning to have some doubts. The reason being that Tawd was clearly not involved in this “decision.” If the Governor is in such a jam that she was warned about its impending arrival (tax evasion, embezzlement, housegate, dairygate) and given the option to resign, wouldn’t he be involved, too? He appeared to be Asst. Governor for most of her term. I’m voting for good, old-fashioned mental illness that she still has no intention of treating any way except blaming others for her manic behavior. That “speech” of hers was a hot mess.

  165. Mattie says:

    The thing about Perry durring the RGA meeting, they were all irritated because they were made to stand behind her while she was talking and taking all the glory, and it looked like they were recommending her for the next run, and they all wanted it. Her web page the same thing it just says she isn’t running again, and then says parnell is taking over.

  166. Lori inLos Angeles says:

    wow, Pakistan News is even reporting the possible indictment of Palin – news spreading world-wide!

  167. BigSlick says:

    That was a great moment of clarity from Lisa Murkowski.

    One thing is still missing from GINO — she has not used the words “I resign” even once.

    My guess is she will try to re-write history some months later by slipping the phrase “…and as you all know, when I was forced out…” and following it up with another “…in this way God closed one door in order that I might open many others….” type of statement.

    I fully expect her to spin her resignation as an experience that “adds value” to her next faulty value proposition made to an expanded national constituency, whether political or evangelical. Or both.

    As others have noted, she appeared to be so very angry during her announcement that she could barely contain herself. Towards the end she seemed relieved, as if spiritually lifted of a great burden — others here have noticed this burdened look of hers since she returned to Alaska from the VPOTUS Epic Fail.

    GINO obviously believes that she has thrown off a yoke of rules that bind her as a Govt. Official. She seeks freedom, freedom to further bend the truth, a freedom that exists somewhat in politics but is epitomized in the community of Magical Thinkers.

    Whoever got the drop on her, whoever it was that brought her to finally admit the ugly truth that should soon be revealed to all, has pushed her to make the decision to step down. Please watch your back.

    GINO will seek payback, whether sooner or later.

    I believe we are bearing witness to GINO’s re-birth as a new type of polito-theological Beast.

    Beware the rise of The Revengelical.

  168. Lori inLos Angeles says:

    Welcome back AKM – congrats on Huffington Post and glad the bright lights of the National spotlight did not carry you away from us! I don’t think SP would DARE run against Lisa – she would be TROUNCED. I think that the book, the speaking engagements and the MILLIONS of $$$$ she will be earning was way too appealing to her selfish nature to pass up. And those millions WILL happen, unless the rumours of housegate indictments are true. I will stay tuned.
    I am still wondering why Bristol and Willow were not at her side, and HOW little Trig and even Piper could vote on her important decision (to resign).

  169. teutonic13 says:

    She has more than enough material for a book. If she stays out of jail she will be far better off financially than she ever was. The key questions are the house in Wasilla, and of course a clarification of paternity.

    Being a nonlocal observer, I don’t know if the paternity issue is just hyperbole- or truly an issue for most Alaskans. It is so removed from any sort of sane conversation- that it seems too much like conjecture from a seedy tabloid than a legitimate conversation.

    The tip of the iceberg is only 10%.

  170. rocket says:

    Nobody should have hurt feelings! My goodness, this is politics! Politics is rough and tumble, and people need to get thick skin, just like I’ve got.
    –Sarah Palin

    Just another of Palin’s countless lies.

    Sarah Palin is a liar, hypocrite, ignoramus and fraud – and soon to be unemployed.

  171. MoreQuestions says:

    Ouch! Lisa! Those are fighting words. Maybe also a bit of a warning? Don’t darken my door Sarah, or I will annihilate you! I try very hard to like Lisa all the time, but I can’t – she is too darned conservative for me. She has a lot of support here because she is what she should be – very, very smart and articulate. She must take after her mother.

    This is from a really good Op Ed piece by Gail Collins from the New York Times.

    *So if she’s starting to run, it will be as the same reporter-avoiding, generalization-spouting underachiever that she was last time around.

    Now we know she not only doesn’t have the concentration to read a policy paper, she can’t focus long enough to finish the job she was hired to do.

    On Friday, Palin said that finishing out her term would be just too easy. “Many just accept that lame-duck status, hit the road, draw the paycheck and ‘milk it.’ I’m not putting Alaska through that,” she said.

    Apparently, she’s going to put the rest of us through it instead.”

  172. Vickie Wells says:

    Has anybody checked where she was when Mark Sanford was on the Appalachian Trail or Argentina? Just saying!

  173. GJ - WBL says:

    Palin does not have good political instincts. I think her resignation is all about the money:

    And then there is a practical matter, Shrum noted: Palin and her husband, with five children of their own and a new grandson, will likely never have to worry about money again.

    “She could make more in two weeks on just speaking fees than in the rest of her time as governor,” said Shrum.
    Read more:

  174. pvazwindy says:

    Something troubles me about Poe’s statement. And I can’t put my finger on it,just yet.

  175. wired differently says:

    There’s no doubt in my mind that she uh, ‘decided against running for a second term,’ for no other reason than she’s in the mudflats up to her chin re. Housegate. I don’t think it’s about being a quitter. We’ll see what the next news cycles bring…

    It’s still incredible, though, how deluded she is in spinning the story. She doesn’t even say the word RESIGN in her statement (at least not in the video).

    The woman is clearly mentally ill. I’m sorry for that, and for the hell she has and will continue to drag her family through.

    Imagine a McCain presidency, with her as VP, about now. Imagine them dealing with North Korean missile launches, the Iranian situation, a Supreme Court nomination. {shudder}

  176. learningcurve says:

    My money is on Sarah is leaving the Republican Party, and that’s why the shills are turning on her outside Alaska. It’s all there in the speech if you speak Palinese. First there was the slam about Stanford and then this:

    I will support others who seek to serve, in or out of office, for the right reasons, and I don’t care what party they’re in or no party at all. Inside Alaska – or Outside Alaska.

    I really do wonder if she plans to join the secessionist movement. My understanding of Plainese is poor, but one could loosely translate the resignation speech as one for Alaskan independence. Perhaps someone more fluent could help out here.

  177. C. Rock says:

    pvazwindy Says: Like Sanford, she might even lose her book deal too. I look forward to the weeks ahead, as I know they will be quite entertaining.
    If she still writes the book I wonder what will be in the last chapter…….I Ouit The End.

  178. teutonic13 says:

    Me Says:
    July 4th, 2009 at 11:32 AM

    There is a big difference between thick skinned and thick skulled.


    So said the Cro Magnon to the Neanderthal. RIP (and I mean that strictly to the aforementioned allusion).

    SP is not the toast of the town in my book- but I do hope that she is ok- and that she and her family survives.

  179. Me says:

    There is a big difference between thick skinned and thick skulled.

  180. MSL says:

    Sarah Palin, has and will always will be a political train wreck!

    Unfortunately; our beloved Alaska (I’m not from there. I use the word “beloved” in discussing it as one of our United States) is one of the few states that could ever vote for Palin and her antics in the first place (The state is very small, rural, homogenous, lacks big state/city issues and it’s varied demographics, has one dominant industry, dominant federal subsidies, it’s small potatoes; so no one pays attention; while it’s full of nice people and used to corruption!

    Palin actually campaigned as governor carrying stacks of books, openly reveling that she wasn’t as smart as her opponents. What other state could this had happened in, while us not knowing anything about it?

    John McCain just exacerbated the situation, and made Alaska’s problems, political junkies problems (and almost, if she would of won, a American problem). So now we have Alaska to both mourn (for electing her) and celebrate (for having her gone) and John McCain to blame, for making her simultaneously nationally famous, while politically irrelevant!

    Only in Alaska (and now America)!

  181. She would never admit she is quitting, but that is all she is doing. Good Luck Alaska. I wonder what she means be doing it from the Outside (Nasty Images).

  182. Yeah Lisa – she may be a Republican but she is OUR Republican, and we appreciate her very much.

    And Godspeed on your journey to the Governor’s office, Mr. Poe.

  183. pvazwindy says:

    Good for Murkowski. Parnell’s statement to continue her policys has me worried for you folks up there. I know you’ll remain vigilant, AKM. Personally, I think Sarah’s nightmare will be a whole host of, bad news events. The landscape will be littered and the gardeners have all left. Like Sanford, she might even lose her book deal too. I look forward to the weeks ahead, as I know they will be quite entertaining.

  184. teutonic13 says:

    Well stated AKM…

    I have a few disturbing seminal moments of clarity when watching Palin:

    1: The disturbing images of her on her return to AK after the defeat. As if a heavy burden had somehow been draped over her- likened to an excon returning to prison.

    2: The alarming way she was manhandled to the podium by TX gov Perry at the Governors Convention. She seemed in shambles- and intimidated… There was an odd air between them-

    3: Towards the end of the campaign, at the end of a speech- she was seen repeatedly clenching her fist- with a glassy eyed stare that just reeked of intoxication with power. It is hard to express- but an instinctive gut response that any human can relate to. It was at that moment that I realized she was literally drunk with power. Finally- a picture to go with the metaphor.

    I have started a blog- (non political) and linked Mudflats to it-

  185. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    I am not the least bit surprised at Senator Murkowski’s statement. She’s right on the mark and it’s really Senator Murkowski who is looking out for our States best interest, when it comes to being a voice for “All” Alaskan’s. I am Damn proud of her, and I am especially proud of her representing not only Alaska, but strong independent intelligent women in Alaska. Yep, I am damn proud of her for calling it as we all see it.

  186. Susan says:

    I noticed her press release is titled “Palin Announces No Second Term” with the sub-heading “Lt. Gov. Parnell to be Sworn in July 26, 2009.” No mention of the HUGE story: “Palin Resigns as Governor.” It’s like she equates not running for second term as not really needing to finish her first term. Either she’s stupid (or thinks we are, for believing her) or she’s still living in her beauty pageant days, when it was common for the 1st runner-up to step in if the winner must step down for any reason. No biggie! “I’m kinda busy now, so Sean can take over, mm-kay?”

  187. RE: being first
    did it change your life in any major way?

    Now back to on topic. Thank Goodness Lisa said it.

  188. RE: being first
    did it change your life in any major way?

    Now back to on topic. Thank Goodness Lisa said it.

  189. RE: being first
    did it change your life in any major way?

    Now back to on topic. Thank Goodness Lisa said it.

  190. RE: being first
    did it change your life in any major way?

    Now back to on topic. Thank Goodness Lisa said it.

  191. RE: being first
    did it change your life in any major way?

    Now back to on topic. Thank Goodness Lisa said it.

  192. RE: being first
    did it change your life in any major way?

    Now back to on topic. Thank Goodness Lisa said it.

  193. RE: being first
    did it change your life in any major way?

    Now back to on topic. Thank Goodness Lisa said it.

  194. MSL says:

    Sarah Palin was in over her head from day one. And regardless of she can’t take the heat, will be indicted, likes the bright lights, hates Alaska and governing now, wants the freedom to make the big bucks, or all of the above; Sarah Palin was and always will be Out Of Her League and a walking, talking, chomping, rooting, tooting Political Accident!

  195. Gindy51 says:

    As one other pundit said, she’s Gov. .5478
    What a total loser.

  196. AlaskaGuy says:

    Quitter. No other word describes it better.

  197. Trini says:

    Wow, I’ve never been first before.

  198. Trini says:

    I don’t think that the resignation was voluntary. Nothing about her body language, voice cadence or speech indicated a voluntary resignation. She was clearly pissed off! I wonder who did that to her? Kudos!