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Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin Outraged Clinton Pulled a Palin

Sarah Palin, whom shame and decency dictate should be hiding out somewhere in the back of a dark deep cave with a bag over her head this week, is instead standing on the tippy top of Mt. Hypocrisy with a giant bullhorn yelling, “Look at me!” Should any of us be surprised? No. Was I still a little surprised? A little. Apparently the thought of raking Hillary Clinton (whom Palin thanked in 2008 for putting “16 million cracks in the glass ceiling”) over the political coals was just too tempting, just too enticing to put in check her own conscience, or…

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Palin for President? Oh please, oh please, oh please…

Like a bear being wakened from a long winter’s nap, so have I been roused from another project to return to these pages. Was it the warm southern breezes and the promise of a new spring that brought me out of my cave and into the sunlight? No, it was not. It was more like the sound of screeching aluminum right before it succumbs to metal fatigue… kind of a high-pitched squeal that hits you right where the base of the skull connects with the spine. I refer, of course, to Sarah Palin making an announcement. According to The Washington…

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Why Did John McCain Choose Palin?

Books have been written, movies have been filmed, pundits have… pundicized. But no one really knew the answer to the most asked question of the 2008 Presidential campaign. Why the f*** did John McCain choose then Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate? Well, he finally answered that question on (of all places) Late Night with Seth Meyers. Check it out. hat tip to Mediaite

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Good Tidings & Great Pain, Top 10 Atrocities Ch. 4

Yes, I’ve seen it. I have seen Dan Savage’s review of Palin’s book. It’s been sent to me on Facebook, posted to my wall, sent to the Mudflats page, emailed to me, tweeted at me, left in comments. It’s very funny. Dan Savage got off easy. That’s all I’m saying. Spoiler Alert: His husband threw the book away before he’d even gotten to Chapter 1. He wrote a review of the introduction. I wish I had Dan Savage’s husband, but Dan Savage was the better man and got him first. And so here I sit, egg nog in hand, as…

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Good Tidings & Great Pain – A Palin Xmas, Ch. 1

Good tidings. Great joy! And the miracle of a baby’s birth. Not just a regular baby – the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God. A baby who would grow into a man who communed with the poor, the outcasts, the wretched, the lost souls. A man who would save them, and heal them, and love them. A giver of second chances, and hope. A bringer of love, compassion, salvation and forgiveness. That’s what Sarah Palin’s book is all about, she says in the Introduction. “Good Tidings and Great Joy – Saving the Heart of Christmas.” It’s not about trivial…

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Palin Denied Lemonade Lawsuit Fees

Some of you are about to have a flashback. What will cause this flashback? Three words: Piper’s lemonade stand. I realize that most of you are still here, but some of you were just transported back to the post-election days of 2009. I’m not doing this just to have fun yanking you around (although that was kind of fun). This is actually relevant to a little piece of news that developed yesterday. A federal judge on Wednesday ruled against Sarah Palin, denying her request to be compensated for more than $22,000 in attorney fees she spent in a case against…

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Palin Fiddles While Alaska Burns

Former half-term governor Sarah Palin marches ever-onward toward becoming the Don Rickles of the conservative right. It’s a lofty goal with plenty of competition. Alaskans will remember that even back when Palin was governor, she was never happier than when she was mocking and deriding the Republican establishment. In her home town of Wasilla, it was then Senate President Lyda Green. Later she graduated to throwing tomatoes at Governor Frank Murkowski. Several of those tomatoes were direct hits, resulting in her ascension to the Governor’s Mansion. She was also the presence behind the scenes of an attempted but failed Republican…

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OMG! Liberal Palin Freak Out!

I think I heard something… That familiar grinding sound like when you’ve worn through a pair of brake shoes. Shhh… Hear that? Ah! Yes. I’ve got it. That metal on metal noise used to be Alaska’s governor. She’s managed to grab a moment in the spotlight again by… wait for it… saying dumb stuff. Shocking. After the last election cycle in which her party was soundly thrashed, she lost her one remaining claim to anything remotely serious. She’s now no longer the immediate past Republican Vice Presidential nominee. That embarrassing mantle is now worn by Congressman Paul Ryan. That makes…

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Oh, the drama: predictions of “Obama’s America”

Iran has nuked Israel, the Boy Scouts have been disbanded, and the guns of loyal American patriots have been confiscated. Thus, back in 2008, forecast the right-wing evangelical group Focus on the Family the state of America in the present day. In keeping with the apocalyptic Tea Party hyperbole that confuses “tyranny” with losing an election, it can fairly be said that those with their hair thus on fire have a poor track record as fortune tellers. Instead of unionized ACORN thugs kicking down the doors of God-fearing freedom lovers and seizing their guns on behalf of Eric Holder, President…

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Help! Help! We Can’t Find Sarah Palin!

Exxon has had some challenges in Alaska in the past. Remember that whole oil spill thing? Well, that was no walk in the park. Exxon and their legal help (including now-Governor Sean Parnell) had a devil of a time with those annoying fishermen. But finally, they ruled the day, and the Supreme Court whittled down the original $5 billion settlement to a mere $500 million owed to those whose livelihoods were damaged by the spill. And if more than 20 years of fighting feisty fishermen wasn’t enough, now they actually have to try to find all those people to whom…

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