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March 16, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin for President? Oh please, oh please, oh please…

Like a bear being wakened from a long winter’s nap, so have I been roused from another project to return to these pages. Was it the warm southern breezes and the promise of a new spring that brought me out of my cave and into the sunlight? No, it was not. It was more like the sound of screeching aluminum right before it succumbs to metal fatigue… kind of a high-pitched squeal that hits you right where the base of the skull connects with the spine. I refer, of course, to Sarah Palin making an announcement. According to The Washington…

The Bus to Nowhere – Palin Hits the Road

Sarah Palin has a bus. It’s not the one that she unceremoniously hurls her personal and political enemies under, nor the one she flew to via private jet during her book tour for Going Rogue. Like any good Tea Party bus, it comes complete with a giant Constitution on the side. Just in case you didn’t get it, there’s also a redundant “We the People” in gigantic letters on top of the Constitution. Then there’s a One Nation logo, with the ‘A’ as the Liberty Bell, with “One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice for All” underneath. Then there’s…

Palin – “The Undefeated”

“Really? You think she’s running?” I’ve been asked this question dozens of times by incredulous-looking people with furrowed brows. Yes. Yes, I do. And today comes the announcement that Sarah Palin, who has been politically written off by anyone who seriously understands how real presidential campaigns are supposed to work; and anyone who is saying to themselves that her numbers are down; and anyone who thinks she doesn’t stand a moose’s chance in September of actually winning, has a “secret weapon.” No it isn’t some kind of magic gas in silver canisters that will be dropped on neighborhoods across America…

Blue Texas in Obama v. Palin Matchup?

There is a debate raging up here in the Great Land. And it goes something like this: Position A – We do NOT want Palin as the GOP nominee. No way, no how. We’ve suffered through more Sarah Palin than anyone, and we’ve seen the super scary morphing from affable, anti-corruption “fresh face” bipartisan ethics champion to shrieking, self-serving, rabid Tea Party ideologue. And thanks, but no thanks. As improbable as it may seem that she’d actually win, look what has happened in the past in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. To use some violent political metaphor in honor…