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March 16, 2025


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin’s Memorial Day Emissions

The Memorial Day weekend has begun, and Sarah Palin has stepped out to pay tribute to the fallen in black leather and heels. Don’t wince. We can actually celebrate this upward mobility of fashion sense because at least it wasn’t like the last memorial event she attended when she donned a black miniskirt and peep toe pumps on stage. Kudos for improvement. Although the organizers of the annual motorcycle rally ‘Rolling Thunder’ made it clear that she was not invited to speak at the event, she nonetheless held forth with an inspiring tribute to the solemn nature of the day…

The Bus to Nowhere – Palin Hits the Road

Sarah Palin has a bus. It’s not the one that she unceremoniously hurls her personal and political enemies under, nor the one she flew to via private jet during her book tour for Going Rogue. Like any good Tea Party bus, it comes complete with a giant Constitution on the side. Just in case you didn’t get it, there’s also a redundant “We the People” in gigantic letters on top of the Constitution. Then there’s a One Nation logo, with the ‘A’ as the Liberty Bell, with “One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice for All” underneath. Then there’s…