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Palin’s Approval Index in Alaska Goes Negative (Updated with Charts!)

The latest Palin poll numbers are out.  Oh, it looks like those halcyon days of the 89% approval ratings are a thing of the past.  Now we can say that more Alaskans disapprove of the ex-almost-one-term-governor than approve of her.

And the Approval Index (Very Positive minus Very Negative)w  -1.2

Question 1

Would you say you feel positive or negative about Sarah Palin? And is that very (positive or negative) or somewhat (positive or negative)?

Very positive 120/400 30.0%
Somewhat positive 67/400 16.8%
Total positive (very+somewhat) 187/400 46.8%
Somewhat negative 65/400 16.2%
Very negative 125/400 31.2%
Total negative (very+somewhat) 190/400 47.5%
Don’t Know the person 5/400 1.2%
No Opinion  18/400   4.5%
Refused 0/400 0%

Click here and add your email address to our mailing list and receive Statewide Survey results in your mailbox every month.

Question 2

Would you say you feel positive or negative about Sean Parnell? And is that very (positive or negative) or somewhat (positive or negative)?

Very positive 104/400 26.0%
Somewhat positive 162/400 40.5%
Total positive (very+somewhat) 268/400 66.5%
Somewhat negative 22/400 5.5%
Very negative 9/400 2.2%
Total negative (very+somewhat) 31/400 7.8%
Don’t Know the person 31/400 7.8%
No Opinion 72/400 7.8%
Refused 0/400 0%

Here are visual aids in various forms based on previous and current Hays Research Data.




Kudos to the Mudflats Number Crunchery Dept. aka  ‘Number Cruncher’ and Dr. Chill who predicted this earlier.  The lines have indeed crossed.



72 Responses to “Palin’s Approval Index in Alaska Goes Negative (Updated with Charts!)”
  1. CrabbyPatty says:

    The big distinction with the Hayes numbers is that people are NOT asked if they would vote for Palin, but rather if they greatly approve, sort of approve, etc. of her. The falling numbers would indicate that the more voters know of Palin, the less they like here.

    Trying to equate those ratings with the final vote tally in 2006 is apples and oranges, or perhaps apples and monkeys, i.e. aren’t even on the same page for comparison purposes.

  2. Gene Carr says:

    I fail to see why these numbers should reassure progressives. Palin’ numbers are not much worse than when she statrted in 2006, when she won the Governorship with 48% of the vote against 52% for her rivals. Also, Sean Parnell suddenly has high rating; with those numbers, he will win re-election with a landslide. But, but, isn’t Parnell a Palin protege and is he not pledged to pursue her reforming policies? Will he not consolidate the Palin revolution? Not much comfort in this is there.

  3. CrabbyPatty says:

    First of all, wiping the tears of laughter away at the thought of people who actually though Palin should be a PROFESSOR. Good lord, are 10% of Americans that stupid? Althought I agree those lectures would be pretty interesting ….. Even the worst professors I had in college and grad school are galaxies beyond Palin.

    Am also amused by the wild spinning going on with the Peeing gals. I’ve read numerous frantic posts – many on Politico – about how the Hayes Research poll was so incorrect on 2008 election. Funny how they have turned against Hayes in order to rationalize why Palin’s popularity is in the toilet.

  4. Gasman says:

    Leave it to the rocket scientist viewers at FauxNews to suggest that the fourth most suggested new gig for Palin is that of college professor. That statement alone makes it pretty clear that those folks have spent no time on a college campus and are utterly ignorant at what goes on in college. I am a faculty member at a college and very few institutions would hire anybody as faculty unless they had at least a master’s degree and nearly no institution grants tenure without a doctorate. The few exceptions would be someone with at least a bachelor’s degree that has accomplished something of importance. That would seem to exclude Palin.

    My degrees by themselves don’t necessarily make me smarter than Palin, but I sure as hell have proven that I can see complex long term projects through to completion.

  5. TBNTJudy says:

    Alaska Pi said: “I’m hoping we get a bunch of messes cleaned up before my grand gets much older and starts asking …
    Lord, what will I say – if we don’t?”

    Damn good question.

  6. Alaska Pi says:

    @78 TBNTJudy –

    I think you are correct that there are similarities with the national scene and our instate problems.
    I choose to support activiites which I hope will help our situation post PP here and I hope we all find and do similar things across the national scene.
    We are responsible for the state of what we hand over to our kids anfd grandkids…
    I’m hoping we get a bunch of messes cleaned up before my grand gets much older and starts asking …
    Lord, what will I say – if we don’t?

  7. TBNTJudy says:


    You and your compatriots have a tough row to hoe. In my opinion, this is exactly what has been done to the crimes of the Bush Administration. We mudpups will do our best to support you. We are not asleep.


  8. Alaska Pi says:

    @38 TBNTJudy Says:
    July 31st, 2009 at 6:32 AM
    @31 Alaska Pi, thank you for your very eloquent, insightful post. In many ways, the dilemma you describe for Alaskans is the same one Americans in general share about the Bush Administration. Do we move on to repair our country or do we bring the Bush crooks to justice? I think that every time our government officials are allowed to skate on their crimes, it becomes easier for the crooks to become more crooked and for the public to turn a collective blind eye.
    Thank you.
    It is a dilemma here .
    These falling numbers of approval for the Pied Palin don’t gauge the will of folks to deal with the fallout from her “reign” though…
    I personally support :
    1- Celtic Diva and others in their on-going work to unmask the behavior we allowed, by not paying attention, in our executive branch with PP at the helm.

    2- a thorough re-write of what has turned out to be a sorry-a$$ed ethics law per the approach Phil Munger has written about on PA
    3- While I want to see the Parnell administration succeed for OUR sakes , I will be watching carefully

    I am waiting for the PerBd decision on the leaked report re: trust fund .


  9. Marnie says:

    Since Sarah has a history of running away from her failures, you don’t suppose that her drop in popularity was an element in her quitting again?

    Naaah. Not much it don’t.

  10. leenie17 says:

    The people who still devotedly support Palin remind me of the zealous followers of the televangelists who have been convicted of crimes (Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, etc). Even after they’ve been proven to violate most of the rules that they preach, their flock still happily trails after them, right on up to the gates of prison, lobbing donations at the prison walls. No amount of reason, evidence or logic will sway them. It’s truly sad, and just a little frightening.

  11. Bystander – I emailed Republican Congressmen and Senators including McCain and asked why they haven’t denouced the “birthers”. I’ve also expressed my thoughts on their opposition to health care reform, which should include mental health as well, since a majority of them are clearly “nuts” and in need of mental counseling. Like Sarah Palin they are out of touch with reality and have serious mental defects.

  12. anadventurer says:

    Are “[people so darn stuipd? what it going to take for people to not like her? She is a lying, vindictive B. This is public information. She is not one of you. (not one of you mud puppies, you already know that) NOT ONE OF YOU house wives or work hard types; she doesn’t have the class for that. She is a cult leader. Plan and simple, there is money in that, she just needs to run with it. Isn’t it better to have 100% control over a few mind washed minions then try to control the media and your detractors?

  13. jc in co says:

    #58 Bystander, yea they’re walking around with their tin foil hats on, looking as unhinged as the extras in “Deliverance”. 58% sounds frightening but don’t forget 21% of the population claims to be republican. So basically 58% of 21%.
    Still seems like a lot to me. These people are the same ones that don’t think the holocaust occurred, don’t believe man walked on the moon and think 911 was an inside job. Do they not think that if President Obama was born in a hut in Kenya that the Clintons or McCain would have uncovered this deal breaking news? Most of them also think Sarah Palin is qualified to be president of the US.

  14. Bystander says:

    Speaking of polls, a recent one determined that a majority of Republicans, 58%are “birthers” and doubt Obama was born in the US.

    The inbred idiot party. In 2012 they can hold their convention on a porch in the deep south, pick up their banjos and play their way into oblivion…

  15. frsbdg says:

    Gasman wrote: “What will she do if the big offers never materialize? ”

    They have a Wal-Mart in Wasilla. Mrs. Palin can get a job as a greeter, and bask in the glow of her adoring fans there.

  16. Lee323 says:

    I personally was disappointed that “butcher, baker, and candlestick maker” were not included on the choices in the Fox Poll.

  17. Lee323 says:

    The latest Fox Poll goes beyond the vagueness of favorability/unfavorability…..and boldly goes into the realm of “What should Sarah Palin do when she grows up.”
    “About a third of Americans think the best job for Palin is homemaker (32 percent), while nearly one in five see her as a television talk show host (17 percent). Vice president of the United States comes in third (14 percent), followed closely by college professor (10 percent), with president coming last (6 percent).

    Republicans think the best job for Palin is vice president (27 percent), followed by homemaker (18 percent), talk show host (14 percent), president (12 percent) and professor (7 percent).

    More Americans have a negative view of Palin than have a positive one. While 38 percent say they have a favorable opinion of her, 51 percent have an unfavorable view.”

  18. Mark says:

    Free at last free at last, Alaska we are free at least. Now, to my friends in the Lower 48, please quit laught at US….we don’t like her either.

  19. kareninTexas says:

    Right on…Watching from New Jersey.

  20. SILENCE IS GOLDEN. So nice not to hear her shrill, high-pitched voice and nonsense blatherings. So nice not to see her being all meladramatical in front of the camera. So nice not to see her spewing lies while smiling to us. So nice not to hear her name on the news. I hope she is out of the media for good. Also, so nice not to see her kids being used as stage props. She should “hunker down” and start being a Mom to her kids, especially Trig.

  21. Claw Washout Palin says:

    I think that the poll needs to be posted on Huffington Post. There still are people who think that she has a rating, at least, in the 50’s from Alaska. I didn’t realize a person’s rating could go so low. GOP still thinks that she has a shot for the Presidency.

  22. DrChill says:

    I got an e-mail from Adam Hays and the data has been corrected. There were 4.5% with no opinion…

  23. kareninTexas says:

    Let’s hope this dead fish keeps going with the flow and out of our lives.

  24. omg says:

    I was beginning to wonder whether the national media would cover Palin’s plummeting popularity. At least Politico picked it up!

  25. not that sarah says:

    Hi Mudpuppies…

    Thank you for sharing this, AKM. Great news. I did a piece on it this AM and gave a shout out to Mudflats. Last time I tried to link back here, I didn’t do it right….I need technical help.

    At any rate, this started my weekend off just right:-)

    Don’t read this unless you enjoy snark at the expense of Palin, because I was not in a friendly mood this am:

  26. KaJo says:

    The Palinbots are thrashing around, alternately trying to find something positive about the Hays Research poll, and on the other hand trying to tear it down.

    “dang tommy, those alaska numbers are actually pretty good for Sarah in my opinion. I mean she just resigned less than a week ago, yet she still almost has over 50% approval rating. I bet those clowns at mudflats are pretty dissapointed. I bet they were thinking she would be in the 30’s.”

    OTOH, they’re saying today’s report is at least 20 % points off…drum roll, please…because the pre-2008-election McCain/Palin vs. Obama/Biden Alaska poll was off that much.

    […grasping at straws…]

    Poor things. This, on top of 150+ posts yesterday trying to defend both Meg Stapleton from the niggling suspicion of incompetence or enabling, and Palin herself from the suspicion of being a disorganized indecisive ditz.


    P.S. About that trackback @ #23 — “over there” were these 2 comments — BettyJoBialowski said July 31, 2009 2:37 AM…“Mudflats? Don’t you mean [AKM’s real name]?”, and to follow, TommyReport said July 31, 2009 2:38 AM …“Betty, Can you post a link to this post over at Mudflats?”

  27. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    P.S. I don’t think Sarah realized the import of the fact that her big quit rhymes with twit. Quitter rhymes with Twitter. If you read Nate Silver on, somewhere in there he talks about developing a system to determine the “stickiness” of an act by a politician. One of the conditions which he thinks has to be met to become a “scandal” or some such, is that the act must translate easy into sound bites and talking points – nicknames if you will.

    Being a Quitter AND an abuser of Twitter has slapped miss Sarah in the face! The absurd can bring someone down just as easily at times as a concerted effort by many. I have been all over the net, and there are no shortage of quitter names for Palin. It’s hysterical!

  28. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    AlaskaPi is dead on right – we have a lot of work to do. I’ve never felt so weird about my own state, and it’s almost as though I’m in after shock after a long, drawn out, negative affair. Palin let loose a whole lot of ugly things in people I would have rather not known about, but let the clean up begin!

    And yes, if I see the Twittie Quittie back in Juneau I will make sure she is poised over a pile of dog poo at the appropriate moment in time. She has a lot to make up for – gawd I’m sick of that Twit.

  29. EyeOnYou says:

    Exactly. They are happy to dismiss this poll as flawed because it shows poor ratings for Palin, but they were more than happy to use that 80% approval number to show how wildly popular she was.

    They are hypocrites of the highest order. Facts don’t matter to them, they will twist and spin anything and everything in an attempt to make sure that Palin looks good or isn’t to blame for anything.

  30. zyggy says:

    I think we will have to wait for a few more polls to come out to get a real feel of Missy Quittypants populatiry. I know she will be out and about doing speeches soon enough, and then we’ll see her polls drop further.

    She needs to work, she has lots of people on her payroll. They won’t work for free.

  31. Ennealogic says:

    The Pee’ers are discounting this latest poll because the election-eve poll by the same polling outfit was pretty far off the actual.**

    But… wasn’t this poll done by the same people who were reporting XGINO’s favorability upwards of 80% a little over a year ago? And didn’t the Pee’ers cling bitterly to that number for a long time? *wink*

    **One might be led to question whether there was some hanky-panky during the counting to explain the disparity.

  32. jc in co says:

    #36, G Katz, I don’t want any of them in my state let alone her…I don’t think she’ll be getting many invitations, she’s just a rude pig. I don’t give a flip about republican women but that was classless on quitty’s part.

  33. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    sarah WHO? she’s irrelevant toast.

  34. TBNTJudy says:

    @31 Alaska Pi, thank you for your very eloquent, insightful post. In many ways, the dilemma you describe for Alaskans is the same one Americans in general share about the Bush Administration. Do we move on to repair our country or do we bring the Bush crooks to justice? I think that every time our government officials are allowed to skate on their crimes, it becomes easier for the crooks to become more crooked and for the public to turn a collective blind eye.

  35. G Katz says:

    I wonder if Missy Quitty will be invited to the Republican Renaissance Mountain Weekend in Steamboat Springs, Colorado on August 28-29. I just read about it in US News:

  36. KateinCanada says:

    The Simi Repubs have a real chance to vote with their feet.
    If over 50% demand refunds, that’s a vote for Palin. If over 60% go, it set up a vote against. (Gotta leave 10% as organizers who have to go anyway.) Snark…

  37. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    PPPolling has the only poll giving $P a positive rating. It claims she’s +2 pts, while others show favorable figures down as much as -13. Not much to hang Palin’s hopes on, especially when the trend has been downward. Likewise, the pre-election polls, when viewed as a whole and following the trend, never indicated that AK would turn blue in ’08.

  38. Mudbug says:

    She’s becoming quite quickly the ‘hot potato’ in the GOP. No one wants her to even come and campaign for her, except that weirdo Perry. Now, with her snub of the GOP women’s group, after accepting then un accepting (as is her MO) the GOP has had it. They can’t hold her hands forever, and hope she imporves. They are telling her ‘fish or cut bait’. Right now, the diva is doing nada.
    Hear that sound? It’s Palins approval ratings being flushed.

  39. WakeUpAmerica says:

    AKM, you might want to have someone take a second look at the post #23. I clicked on it, and when I tried to navigate back here, it crashed my computer. It is an odd post anyway. Just a warning to the rest of you, but by the time you read this, it will probably be too late.

    (Snoskred here – one of the admins reported this post to me while AKM is asleep – I have removed the comment as a precaution – it is what is known as a trackback, which means someone linked to AKM’s post – however as the link in the comment was to AKM’s post I am not sure how it might have crashed your computer.. apologies but I don’t think it had anything to do with the link.. 🙂 )

  40. Alaska Pi says:

    @29 Gindy51 -“The polls that will count for her are national, not AK. She’s done with you and moved on to bigger things. be thankful.”
    There are plenty of us who are of split mind on this.
    On one hand it is gratifying to see that many of our family, friends, and neighbors have (re) gained some sense regarding SP.

    On the other , SP uncovered and exploited some simmering disputes amongst Alaskans which are not going to heal anytime soon

    On one hand there is plenty of unfinished business, instate, with her- unresolved ethics complaints being at the top of the list. Overcoming the slide into jingoism which her approach to serious issues encouraged (remember the cookies, don’t ever forget the cookies!) runs a close second. We got very little of substance accomplished since she showed up.

    On the other there is a very human desire to put the near past behind us and get something done…

    On one hand there is pure relief she’s gone…
    On the other , many of us feel terrible that we haven’t been able, SO FAR, to completely discredit her and that she is free to roam outside Alaska …

    I think it’s obvious Alaska’s work with SP is not done.
    Too many of us diidn’t listen to the whispers from Wasilla when she was running for gov and we must bear responsibility to clean up the mess we made letting her loose on ourselves and the country.
    (didn’t vote for her, would never vote for her but recognize I didn’t ACTIVELY work against her getting elected… )

    Thankful she’s out of office, yes.
    Thankful Alaskans are really getting their minds around the idea she’s a dud as shown by this poll, yes.
    Done with SP- no.

    Whether Outside turns it’s collective head elsewhere now is of little import-
    it is imperative we continue the work already begun to discredit her at the source… here.
    this time it can’t be whispers…
    It must be a shattering scream that justice must prevail if we are to endure

  41. omg says:

    Gene Carr…Hays Research is the same polling firm that reported an 89% approval for Palin last year. That figure was used by her and has been widely touted by the GOP, conservative pundits and her fans. Hays uses the same methodology in each poll. So…If they were right then, then they are likely right now.

  42. kraftytess says:

    Another sign of her falling popularity, this from First Read on MSNBC – they are talking about a focus group of 12 self-described independents some of whom voted for McCain
    Finally, during the focus group, no one knew who Mitch McConnell was, although someone did ask, “Is he a senator?” Only two of the participants knew who Harry Reid was. When asked who they did NOT want to sit next to on a long flight, six of the 12 said Limbaugh, four said Pelosi, and two said Palin. And when asked who they WOULD like to sit next to, eight said Obama, two said McCain, one said Hillary, and one said Rush.

    No one wanted to sit with Sarah!!

  43. Gene Carr says:

    Public Policy Polling, has Governor Palin’s national favour/unfavour ratings at 47/45 among likely voters. Rasmussan has Obam at 48/51. Not a whole lot of difference between them. Wasn’t Hayes research the polling company that predicted that Obama/Biden could win marginally in Alaska last November? McCain/Palin won by 20 points! Not very reliable were they?

  44. Gindy51 says:

    >I think those NEXT polls will be more reflective.

    Make sure you post them some where, because no one in the lower 48 will read them if you don’t. Now that Palin is out of AK, not a whole lot of attention is going to come your way. She was the bright shiny object that cast a temporary glow (atomic at times) over AK politics and problems. Now that she is gone, that glow is fading and the public’s 10 second attention span is turning elsewhere, rapidly (also, too).
    The polls that will count for her are national, not AK. She’s done with you and moved on to bigger things. be thankful.

  45. Terpsichore says:

    Please please please tell me, someone, that these falling poll numbers will take the wind out of the sails of those who harbor the thought that SP should run for pres. in 2012. They are doing her no favors by keeping that feeble hope alive. A huge waste of time and money if she can’t win, and … everybody chant it together now … SHE CAN’T WIN!

  46. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    And the livin’ is easy
    Fish are jumpin’
    And the cotton is high

    Oh, Your daddy’s rich
    And your mamma’s good lookin’
    So hush little baby
    Don’t you cry

    While I think these polls (Thx Dr. Chill!) are interesting, I think in 2 months the polls will be even MORE interesting. In many parts of the state the fish aren’t jumpin’. “No” to the stimulus energy weatherization funds meant that fewer jobs/training in getting a start on weatherizing homes before winter sets in. Will the price of oil going down mean that folks can’t get that extra perky APF check to help out (which IMO artificially boosted $P’s approval ratings previously)?

    I feel that, when the rush of summer work settles down and people start looking @ winter coming on and reflecting, it may make some difference. Sarah has left to make money on her book deal and they’re left in a pickle.. well, I think those NEXT polls will be more reflective.

  47. the problem child says:

    That 1.2 who claim to have never have heard of this person must be driving her even crazier than the negatives. I wonder if “never heard of this person” means “living under a rock, but just got a phone line” or “she’s dead to me…spit”.

  48. tizzielish says:

    Y’know, there is a remote possibility that Quitty quit because of a personal tragedy, like she has a terminal illness or someone in her family does, and she wants to devote all her energy into healing. I have a good time laughing at her but she is a fellow human.

    This latest thing, backing out on the republican ladies, is very weird. The Simi Valley Republican women gig has been broadly advertised. It is very weird that Meg Stapleton only sent a clear message that Quitski wouldn’t be speaking at this point in time. The invitations went out a long time ago and if I knew about it, you’d think QuitQueen would have said something sooner.

    Man. . . I so want to know what she will do next. I might even buy her book (if it ever comes out).

    I never thought she would do radio. There might be plenty of neo con loonies who own radio stations and maybe there is a large conservative radio market but those folks want to make money, they need to have listenable shows on their radio air. I agree with comments that No-Endurance could not last three allows on a talk radio show. I despise Limbaugh but the guy can string lots of sentences together and he is smart.

    Her Quit-li-ness is a beauty queen. I give her credit: she has stretched out her run, exploiting her narrow talent all the way to the McCain ticket. That’s pretty good work for Miss Runnerup. Not too shabby. But the empress has no clothes, eh? Being pretty and only pretty can only go so far.

    If she runs for elected office, it would be reasonable to ask her, at every public appearance she did if she really wants the job this time, if she wants the work of governing. If she really really does, if she really sincerely means it now.

    For over twenty years, I was a fanatic fan of a television soap opera, All My Children. if you don’t like that soap opera, never mind. They are all basically the same. I went to college with one of Agnes Nixon’s daughters. Agnes Nixon created All My Children as a writer and she was involved in creating a bunch of soap operas on ABC. Her daughter rushed me for her sorority, accompanying me to one of those rush tea parties. It was fun to watch the show and to know that I was one degree from the real live woman who created the show. . . and then I watched it faithfully, like the characters were old friends. Just a dopey thing I did. I didn’t watch every day. sometimes I had jobs. But I followed every plot twist.

    I feel like I am now watching a surreal soap opera, the Ima Quitter show, or Me Pretty, Make Nice show. I can’t wait to find out what happens next. Only this is not a fictional tv show. This is a real person. Right? Maybe she is a hologram. Maybe she was never real. Maybe the neocons have developed the capacity to project holograms of manchurian candidates and there never was a person named sarah heath palin.

    One time, one of our favorite characters in All My Children (me and my best friend obsessed about the show for years) was believed, on the show, on the fictional show, to have been killed in a plane crash. This was a tragedy for true fans. . . but if you really knew the show and you paid close attention, you could usually tell when the writers were faking out the viewers. . . but you had to watch all the shows to catch the fake. I was at home, watching faithfully, and I caught the fake. I was sure, in my fan heart, that the guy would miraculously turn out to still be alive, that he survived in the jungle after the plane crash . . . but my best friend was out of the country, on a romantic vacation. Somehow she got wind that the character was in a plane crash and she called me from her vacation, her second honeymoon and said only this: Is he dead? And I said ‘No, it’s a fake.” and she said, “gotta go, I’m on vacation” and the call ended and she went back to her tropical paradise.

    Good times.

    I feel similar as I watch the Ima Quitter show. But Sarah is a real person, right?

  49. tizzielish says:

    I can’t wait until she crawls out from under whatever rock she’s skulking under and see what she tries to pull off next.

    If she does run for president, do you think any citizens might ask if she could promise the country that if she were elected president, that she would stay in the job for the whole four years no matter what happened?

    Even though she’s a quitter, some people like her. It is a relief to see that her approval ratings have plummeted, isn’t it?

  50. AKaurora says:

    I was polled earlier this week on favorability of French, Poe, Palin, Parnell, Berkowitz, Begich, and the IBEW. When it came to Palin, I replied, “VERY negative, lower if you can.” The poller laughed and apologized for the limitations–obviously I wasn’t the first to be emphatic.

    ADN has a new editorial on Frank Bailey’s departure, saying:
    “His departure comes about 12 months too late.” and “One of the great mysteries of Gov. Palin’s tenure is why someone elected as an ethics crusader stood by a staffer who was caught red-handed in unethical behavior.”

    Her numbers will keep dropping.

  51. strangelet says:

    After looking around the Hays site a little, I speculate that the missing responses were “neutral”. I can understand why they wouldn’t want to offer that as an option on an approval survey — in a lot of cases you might get 50% or more neutral, since it’s an easy answer.

    The 12 missing (or neutral) opinions really have no impact on the calculation of Quittypants’s approval. In the case of Gov Zero, if I’m right, it means that about 20% of those surveyed are waiting to form an opinion.

  52. honestyinGov says:

    The Republican Ladies from Simi Valley responded with a message on their FaceBook page as to $arahs no show and refunds if people want them.

    Wait till those high profile Reagan Ladies start putting the word out on her $weet $arah. Their word means something and commands respect. Something $arah has not realized.
    ( Below—From the other thread )

    UPDATE: In addition to several Tweets, the Simi Valley group has placed the following statement on their Facebook page:

    “We regret to inform you that Governor Sarah Palin is unable to attend our event on August 8, 2009. As stated, we invited her to attend and we were honored by her consideration. We sincerely appreciate the support of our members and guests. We will refund ticket purchases for anyone who chooses not to attend. Contact us by end of business Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at [email protected] with your name, address, and telephone number for refunds. We apologize for any inconvenience.”

  53. strangelet says:

    @12 Gasman — as another Mudder noted on another thread, Clear Channel is now partly owned by Bain Capital, which is at least partly controlled by Mittens.

    Rupert may yet come to her rescue.

  54. nswfm CA says:

    I think the wax is melting. Global warming and all, you know.

  55. strangelet says:

    @mach — I didn’t notice that at first, but you’re very right. At the Hays link, the total of responses for Palin was 382; for Parnell, only 330.

    I don’t think it really impacts the overall conclusions to be drawn, but you do have to wonder what happened to the other 70 responses for Parnell.

  56. rocket says:

    Palin is a fraud and always has been. People are finally realizing it, but it sure took some of them a while.

  57. honestyinGov says:

    I’m just surprised the Favorable is not almost as low as 40%. It will keep going down though… give it time.

  58. DrChill says:

    Mach – You’re right. I noticed this it sums to 95.5% !!??
    The undecided went down, but I suspect that’s real. Who doesn’t know Palin by now?

    I have the charts ready…

  59. Gasman says:

    It seems the jig is up for Little Miss Sarah. If Clear Channel, the paymasters of Rush Limbaugh, don’t want her, they must be pretty sure that she would be incapable of drawing and holding enough listeners for them to make money. As inarticulate as she is, how in the hell did anybody ever get the idea she could do radio? For 3 hours a day? She’d have trouble doing 3 hours once, let alone repeatedly. Besides, the winkin’ routine doesn’t work so well on radio.

    Her oh-so-cute and coy flirtation act works best in person, somewhat less so on TV, and not at all in print or on radio. The act may be wearing thin, even among those on the right. If she can deliver nothing to the them in terms of numbers or attention, she is useless. She certainly offers nothing in the way of actual policy or ideas.

    What will she do if the big offers never materialize? She’s seen the bright lights of the big city and all of those glittering men and women of substance and power. It is hard to imagine her accepting being relegated to nothing more than a Wasilla celebrity ever again.

    Palin as Icarus is in flight heading toward the sun. Should we start a pool as to exactly when the wax holding on her wings will begin to melt? Or, has it begun already?

  60. strangelet says:

    Okay… There are 5 Alaskans in a sample of 400 who don’t know who Sarah Palin IS? Where do they take these samples?

    Sorry, I know 1% isn’t much, and the overall results are much more important, but still.

    OT (or maybe not, it could relate to Quittypants’s reaction to this news), I thought of a new pop-psych epigram:

    “Denali — it’s not a river in Egypt”

  61. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Slip sliding away…

  62. Susie Snowflake says:

    I wasn’t polled on either XGINO or Governor Parnell, but I didn’t see a “neutral” option for anyone to pick. I’m trying to give the new governor the benefit of the doubt and start at least in a neutral approach to him, even though he describes himself as sharing her positions on many topics. Hopefully he’ll develop a more open and positive approach to working on what is truly best for all of Alaska, as opposed to the divisive way that XGINO operated.

  63. Mach says:

    I don’t get it, the numbers don’t add up to 100%.

    The “No Opinion” responders didn’t show up in their original post. Fixed now. AKM

  64. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I caught a segment of FOX tonight (don’t ask, was NOT my idea to have it on – makes me SCREAM at the tv). Anyway, O’Reilly had an articulate guest on (did not catch his name) – guest said something not-so-positive about scarah and Billo O’Reilly screamed at him: “Her approval ratings are over 50% in Alaska, you have NO right to criticize her!” As if Billo gets the right to tell people what they can or cannot say! Hahaha, less than 24 hours later, and Billo can no longer assert that SHE has over 50% approval in her own State. boo hoo.
    Thanks Dr. Chill and AKM. c4p is sure to say this is GREAT NEWS for Sarah, she can now go where people appreciate her (though not to Rep. Women or the media or the RNC or not real America/big cities or not all the other “meanies” also known as over 76% of America.

  65. BooBooBear says:

    I have relatives in the lower 48 who think she is swell, though! ;0) They don’t follow her antics enough.

  66. BooBooBear says:


  67. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    BooBooBear where do you live? I am surrounded by palinbots!

  68. BigSlick says:

    Ode to Joy

  69. nswfm CA says:

    Boohoohoo. Poor $P.

  70. BooBooBear says:

    So, now Ms. Palin can know every time she sets foot on an airplane that there will be half of the people who do not like her. She will be a tortured soul not having everyone adore her. She will have to become very picky about the venues she picks to speak at. Only”friendly ones.” She will shelter herself from anything too uncomfortable. I still can’t figure out who the people are that view her positively. Seriously, I don’t know one single person in Alaska who likes her.

  71. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Thanks AKM for the poll results and post.

    I am not surprised by this result even people who still liked her lost faith when she quit.