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Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin’s Approval Index in Alaska Goes Negative (Updated with Charts!)

The latest Palin poll numbers are out.  Oh, it looks like those halcyon days of the 89% approval ratings are a thing of the past.  Now we can say that more Alaskans disapprove of the ex-almost-one-term-governor than approve of her. And the Approval Index (Very Positive minus Very Negative)w  -1.2 Question 1 Would you say you feel positive or negative about Sarah Palin? And is that very (positive or negative) or somewhat (positive or negative)? Very positive 120/400 30.0% Somewhat positive 67/400 16.8% Total positive (very+somewhat) 187/400 46.8% Somewhat negative 65/400 16.2% Very negative 125/400 31.2% Total negative (very+somewhat) 190/400…

Palin Polling Prognostication.

Things are buzzing here at Mudflats Central this morning.  Something’s come out of the Number Crunchery Department!  They’re usually pretty quiet over there. We see a light on late at night down the hall, and we hear all kinds of paper shuffling and clacking keyboards and adding machine tape, but we’re never quite sure what’s going on. Then every once in a while the door bursts open, making everyone jump,  and a rather disheveled looking number cruncher stands in the door frame looking triumphant, clutching a little piece of paper. There’s usually lots of cheering when this happens because the…

Quittin’ Time!

Hey, everyone! Not sure where you are, gentle reader, in this big wide world, but on the Last Frontier, it’s…. “Quittin’ Time!” Not “quittin time” like when you’re the governor and you say you can’t deal with people picking on you, and you really don’t want to give back gobs of ill-gotten money…the other kind! It is 5:00 on Friday.  Last day of the work week, and time for Governor Palin to take that metaphorical punch card, stick it in the slot, slam her fist on that big honkin’ button, and get the heck out of Dodge.  Or wherever she…