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Palin Polling Prognostication.

Things are buzzing here at Mudflats Central this morning.  Something’s come out of the Number Crunchery Department!  They’re usually pretty quiet over there. We see a light on late at night down the hall, and we hear all kinds of paper shuffling and clacking keyboards and adding machine tape, but we’re never quite sure what’s going on.

Then every once in a while the door bursts open, making everyone jump,  and a rather disheveled looking number cruncher stands in the door frame looking triumphant, clutching a little piece of paper. There’s usually lots of cheering when this happens because the number crunchers, though often unsung, generally come up with some pretty good stuff.

And today, the whole staff (me) is murmuring and wondering… Why? Because soon, the newest numbers will be out from Hays Research, and they will ask the question we’ve all been waiting for. How popular is Sarah Palin now?

Well, the Number Crunchery Department has been asking this question too, only they’ve come up with their own method of answering the question. Utilizing all of the previous polls from Hays Research, and adding a trend line, when, they wondered, would Palin’s approval line and disapproval line actually cross?


The answer: about a week after her resignation.  Which would be about now. Hays numbers come out soon.  Stay tuned to see if the prediction comes true.


There’s even a fun bonus chart for you chart-o-philes:


[h/t to Dr. Chill]



116 Responses to “Palin Polling Prognostication.”
  1. Another muckraker says:

    Another muckraker reader. I live in Utah and Sarah Palin is a joke!
    Romney or Huntsman on a Prez ticket would make sense.

  2. trisha says:

    Regarding the title of “Governor”…..

    What is proper if someone doesn’t even finish one term and they just quit? Is it still proper to say, Governor Palin? How does one refer to those who have been forced out of office mid-term?

    Just wondering.

  3. trisha says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    July 30th, 2009 at 5:52 PM
    Glen Beck is a Mormon. So, maybe he will convert Palin to Mormonism. I live in Utah and they love him here. YUK!!! Thus, if she did run in 2012 and Romney also runs—she will lose some of the love from Fox. Beck will switch his support over to Romney. Ouch!
    nope, he’s a moron.

    Well, he is that too. A moron Mormon.

  4. Canadian Neighbour says:

    101 tamara,
    Evans writing what he did is his attempt to further expand his explainion how he set up the AFT. Not his first attempt to explain

    What jumped at me at the launch of the fund and even now, is all the Funds he refers to as using to reference and create Palin’s are all federal funds. I looked at some info on Young setting his up, they have to be approved by the Senate I believe. There is not one reference to a State fund held by a Governor in the creation of the AFT.

    He references throughout his explanation of the fund as being for the Republication Vice Presidential candidate when in fact, as at the time of launch of this fund, she was the Governor of Alaska. The election was long over and it’s like Evans forgot – McCain/Palin lost. Sounds like the fund was in the creation mode for months and quite possibly when they were campaigning but he didn’t switch modes.

    In an earlier writing of his, he mentioned it being legal in Alaska but I don’t think he took into account the laws of the State of Alaska re personal monetary gains, gifts, etc. To me, actually very basic. Not rocket science.

    Therefore, all the funds that he is declaring as illegal are I would think legal as they’re federal and approved to operate. The fund document created for Palin I believe is the illegal one. He seems to have jumped the ball — the fund was launched while she was still Governor, not as she was campaigning nationally and not after she aborted her position for which she asked the citizens of the State of Alaska for their votes. Actually, I don’t think it would have been approved as a VP Candidate. After she quit – it’s a fund by a private citizen. Sounds more to me that Evans is trying to dig himself out.

    The fact that Evans writes for the site his post is on and they ask for email address and name, I will not post there.

    Jhop or someone else may be able to correct what I have said if I am wrong.

  5. Canadian Neighbour says:

    How do they expect anyone to continue to extend invitations if they continue to play this game. Many pundits have made reference to her handlers doing this making it every more unprofessional and tanks the credibility. Oh Well!!!!

  6. lynnrockets says:

    Has she ever been involved in anything that did not have a scheduling mishap?

  7. seattlefan says:

    AKM and Dr. Chill….Thanks for the visual numerical evidence of a falling star. I love charts and am especially fond of pie charts. Numbers do not lie and charts just shout those numbers out! Thanks! (looking foward to some sort of a pie chart! ;))

  8. nswfm CA says:

    Glen Beck is a Mormon. So, maybe he will convert Palin to Mormonism. I live in Utah and they love him here. YUK!!! Thus, if she did run in 2012 and Romney also runs—she will lose some of the love from Fox. Beck will switch his support over to Romney. Ouch!
    nope, he’s a moron.

  9. strangelet says:

    @100 rebekkah — As I understand it, if you are a former government official, the correct form of address is to use your highest former title. There is supposed to be an exception for former POTUS’s and VPOTUS’s — use the next highest title, because there is only one POTUS or VPOTUS at a time — but this is widely ignored.

    However, that means that it is okay to refer to her as Governor Palin (although I don’t plan to). You’d have to consult a more knowledgeable etiquette maven to learn if the use of the term “the Governor” is acceptable, since there is a possibility of confusion with the current Governor.

  10. strangelet says:

    @69 Dr Chill — You have to allow for relativistic effects; otherwise you end up with the 1979 extrapolation that by 2000 everyone in the Bay Area would be a lawyer. That proved clearly false — I personally know at least a dozen non-lawyers.

  11. strangelet says:

    Coupla things:

    I wonder if whichever SImi Valley Republican lady that booked XGINO is feeling a little like whoever booked Colbert for the press dinner with W. Simi Valley is very conservative, but also, IMO, very decorous and, on average, quite literate. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes.

    About the $4M (or whatever) advance. The thing about advances is, they are basically loans against whatever payment your contract provides for. If, for instance, XGINO never actually produces a book, the publisher could ask for the money back. (I say “could” in this case because the publisher is ultimately Rupert (yes?), and it might just become a gift).

    Similarly, XGINO’s contract probably provides for some payment on delivery of the manuscript, and then a royalty per copy sold. The first $4M of that will go to pay back the advance.

    I’d wait a bit on that place in the Hamptons.

  12. Peggno in SoCal says:

    Awww. Imagine my disappointment that the Quitter will not be visiting my home town! And what a surprise to learn that her word is u nreliable. Whooda thunk it? So I’ll put away the tar and feathers for another day. Sigh.

  13. tamara says:

    Thanks Dr Chill for the numbers and the good laugh at # 69

  14. tamara says:

    sdragon # 60

    Food for thought. I was just out skipping around the net. Someone was wondering where sp has been hiding, even her cult hasn’t heard from her. A reply said not to worry, she’s holed up with her team of lawyers getting ready to file multiple lawsuits, the first one being filed Monday. Truth? Wishful thinking? Lie? Rumor? Don’t know.

    It could make sens. I posted on the open thread this link, which is an article by the guy who set up her trust fund, mainly posturing. I’m just speculating but, if he is writing this today, that may mean that Van flea and Daniels may not have reached an agreement. I’m sure van flean and the trust fund guy are communicating. Let’s hope that Daniels does not cave in.

  15. rebekkah says:

    Wait, is she still Governor?……”all invitations bearing the Governor’s name”. Is it proper etiquette to refer to ex-governors still as “governor”, like Presidents?

  16. Mudbug says:

    86. So, does this mean Palin ain’t coming to my husbands birthday party to pop out of the cake? Damm. She said she’d come, now we have to put it through Stapletongue? I guess her word is not her bond. Whaaaaaa.

  17. sdragon says:

    Had to leave for awhile. Yes Laurie, I agree, that bunch is should we say different? I hadn’t been at that sight since April when they had their little blow up. I see nothing has changed.

  18. trisha says:

    Is Palin going to sue the world for desecration of her iconic image?

  19. trisha says:

    Mae Says:
    July 30th, 2009 at 12:58 PM
    My elders have spoken … They believe Bailin will be a evangelist news reporter, who speaks in tounges, prays for more money, all the while reporting from various churches across the country. A decade from now, her claim to fame is turning Glen Beck on to religion.

    Glen Beck is a Mormon. So, maybe he will convert Palin to Mormonism. I live in Utah and they love him here. YUK!!! Thus, if she did run in 2012 and Romney also runs—she will lose some of the love from Fox. Beck will switch his support over to Romney. Ouch!

  20. not that sarah says:

    I still think she’s getting plastic surgery before her Fox/Pox debut…..

    but that’s just me:-) just a rumor, ya’ know?

  21. Liz I. says:

    InJuneau: All of us. Hee. Her poor fans . . . .

    Isn’t that “announcement”–a note on her Facebook page just so bizarre with the invitations having to go to her attorney and all. Does she also have food tasters?

    Has anyone else wondered if (hoped?) Sarah Palin is in rehab?

  22. LiladyNY says:

    Additionally, all invitations bearing the Governor’s name must be approved by her attorney before proceeding.

    JHop where are you??????

  23. InJuneau says:

    Liz I.–And HOW many of us predicted that she would cancel?!?!

  24. not that sarah says:

    @Liz ~~

    OMG. The arrogance. I am stunned. No one can use her name without going thru her attorney? Which one? I mean, they go through her ‘people” and think they have an agreement, and then bam! she hits ’em from the left.

    as for her lawsuits, um, bring it sister!!! can’t WAIT for the depositions!

  25. trisha says:

    AKM: Thanks for all the hard work on the numbers. It will be interesting to see what happens.

  26. austintx says:

    Lawsuits = Depositions on both sides.

  27. Liz I. says:

    Well, I don’t think this announcement from Palin’s Facebook page is going to make her popularity start going upward:


    Release Concerning Simi Valley Republican Women’s EventShare
    Today at 6:32pm
    As repeatedly stated to several in the media over the last week, former Governor Sarah Palin is not committed to attend the Simi Valley Republican Women’s event at the Reagan Library and in fact is not attending the event. Neither the Governor’s state staff nor SarahPAC has ever committed to attending this event or speaking at this event, and even requested that the Governor’s name be removed from the invitation several weeks ago. The Governor has other work and commitments to take care of at that time. She looks forward to visiting her friends in California soon.

    All event requests must be confirmed with Meghan Stapleton of SarahPAC. Additionally, all invitations bearing the Governor’s name must be approved by her attorney before proceeding.

    Thank you.
    Meghan Stapleton


  28. Laurie says:

    @sdragon…lol…re: rfn. He/she posts at adn and when they had the unfiltered blogs over there he/she always defended palin. I doubt any of the wacky witch warriors know absolutely anything regarding palin. They dont know where she is, or what she is doing. They like to one up each other…and they have been taught to lie by the best. They know some of take a gander at the sight, and they are just “pretending”. Who the heck can she sue? Nobody..thats who.

  29. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    she is gonna SUE? her tour of doody KILLED a couple of hundred folks. puck off you sick sick lady. puck off…

  30. clydedog says:

    She is making a deal with van fleabite that he will sue as an excuse to rack up a bill and she will raise more money and they can spit it. It is also the only way she can keep her face in the news.

  31. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Number Crunchery and Word Salad…hmmmmmmmm

  32. jc in co says:

    #81 Bystander, lol. She’s probably going to try to sue letterman & shannyn, good luck. Also looking into what legal recourse she has against Shatner for “copycatting” her. Yuck, what an airhead. I saw this on huffpo, “she could’t find a complete thought with a flashlight”

  33. Tina in Tennessee says:

    …wonder what BTQ$ is like in the other dimension?

    Maybe she’s an agreeable, content, genial, kind, nice, pleasant, sweet, coherent, letter-writing hero.

  34. Bystander says:

    She is suing God for making her a nitwit. God’s defense: sovreign immunity

  35. Lee323 says:

    @ Dr. CHill
    I concur with your excellent physics in this situation. Definitely a wormhole or blackhole on the horizon after tearing up the space-time etc. so on and so forth…

    My burning question is: When Sarah flaps her lips, does the aforementioned flapping cause a tsunami of chuckles, chortles, guffaws, and ethics complaints on the opposite side of the earth?
    Circle of Life….everything connected through String Theory and Quantum mechanics, ya know?

    Just sayin’…..kind of concerned-like….

  36. jojobo1 says:

    Could also be a case of her followers trying for the chilling affect,you know try to scare people to shut them up

  37. Lee323 says:

    Number crunchery on numbskullery. My fave.

    Egads! Does this mean she won’t get homecoming queen this year?!?

    Queen for a nanosecond. Quitter for a lifetime. Tsk. Tsk.

    Can’t wait to see the July polls. She’ll be tourin’ Davey Jones’ Locker. Yeppers.

  38. jojobo1 says:

    It is very hard to win a libel or slander suit in the US and Palin being a celebrity makes the bar even higher..And everything so far as I have heard is that they are rumors.I think her followers just wish she could and don’t understand the concept of her being a minor celebrity and therefor harder for her to win anything.

  39. London Bridges says:

    Maybe the picture of Palin which seems to show her total hair loss was just her head after she had shaved it trying to mimic her mentor, Brittany.

  40. Donna says:

    I can’t believe she is getting such poor advice that she would sue. Defamation? Need to prove falsity. If she’s holed up with a team of lawyers, it’s as likely that she’s looking to defend herself from something–be it I.R.S. or something else.

  41. Wurzelhexli says:

    “quote,I heard from reliable source that she has been closeted with several attorneys drafting particulars of a series of libel & slander suits to be filed beginning next Monday, end quote.”

    Hmmm… wonder who is in her visor…

  42. KaJo says:

    On the topic of polls and approval ratings….the folks under the bridge “over there” are a little grouchy today.

    They didn’t like the mildly negative poll figures reported by Paul Bedard of U.S. News & World Report, and whined [Bedard] “…then goes on to suggest that ‘Palin again found her star fading in the poll.’ “

    They went on, “Fading? Again? There is no other recent poll by the same firm to compare it to, so it’s impossible to say whether she’s gaining ground or losing compared to where she was, say, a month or so ago.”

    Well, THAT’S wrong. They provided a link themselves to, which shows very clearly — check out the Fox polling — that she’s slipped badly. Even worse than Paul Bedard hints at.

    “The only thing we do know for sure is that the average for all polls published in the last couple of months shows that she is more or less in the same position that she was in before she sprung a surprise on Washington by announcing her early retirement from her post in Alaska.”

    As they do for even her “title”, they don’t admit what she DID any more than what she IS — she QUIT, and she’s an EX-governor (they still call her Governor, which she’s obviously not entitled to if she didn’t complete 1 term).

  43. lilyf says:

    Regarding her whereabouts…maybe she’s getting a makeover. Just kidding. But that’s what Cal Thomas suggests in his article in World magazine (you know, the one with the editor that is going to ghost write Mrs. Palin’s book). He thinks she needs to completely change everything about herself. I can’t imagine she liked that:

  44. Suchanut says:

    If the rumor is right (sdragon@2:48), and she’s holed up with lawyers planning to sue everyone who said that something was a rumor, she’s probably been totally consumed with that and missed the delightfully delicious William Shatner.

    If all she can do is look in the rear-view mirror, and waste her time and money trying to strike back at people who are way smarter than she is, stick a fork in her, she’s done.

  45. jc in co says:

    #66 sdragon, too bad the president can’t sue her for slander…

  46. DrChill says:

    From the Number crunching Department…

    Also too. if you extrapolate until the middle of next summer, the approval rating goes to -10%, disapproval 100%, which causes a tear in the space time continuum, and Palin implodes into a black hole.

    At least thats what the numbers say.

    As long as AKM feeds me beer I can do this all day long … 🙂

  47. Peggno in SoCal says:

    @Walter Neff. I like your sense of humor!

  48. @wearyvoter #65 – I wonder what SP thinks about Shatner’s reading of her speech and tweets. Is she laughing, crying or screaming?

  49. sdragon says:

    jc in co, I went back & found it. It was from rfn(also posts at ADN) from July 27th. It said, quote,I heard from reliable source that she has been closeted with several attorneys drafting particulars of a series of liebel & slander suits to be filed beginning next Monday, end quote.

  50. wearyvoter says:

    On the other hand, Palin is boosting Shatner’s post-Boston Legal career. He’s reading her tweets as beat poetry.

    Mayhap something sort of good has come of her dicey political legacy.

  51. Grandma68 says:

    I find it odd that there will be no press at the Reagan Library. Is that to cover their a**es in case Palin doesn’t make it? Surely someone will have a cell phone, eh? Or will those be confiscated at the door?

    But I agree with Rocket. Palin has turned herself into a toxic mess.

    Thanks for the stats!

  52. jc in co says:

    #60 who she going to sue? Her English teacher from high school? Communications professor from college?

  53. jc in co says:

    #55 I had a similar experience on Monday. I sent the receptionist of the company I work for a spoofy email about middle aged women (we both are)
    going to the gym, pretty funny, no profanity etc. When I returned from lunch there were 4 emails from her. The first one was was marked health care. I opened it & it was the President photo shopped as an African witchdoctor with Obama health care underneath, I’m sure you’ve all seen it on Huffpo. I deleted it & the others immediately. My first reaction was to email her that it was offensive & never do it again, or call her and say the same. Well, I have to talk to this woman everyday so I ended up an hour later emailing her: subject:? message: hmm, I thought you knew I was a democrat, always have been, voted for President Obama. Now when I call it’s strictly business, but that’s ok, I don’t want to pal around with someone like that anyway…

  54. mattie says:

    The Ed Show just offered palin his radio show while he is a way fishing. It just got funny after that.

  55. sdragon says:

    Food for thought. I was just out skipping around the net. Someone was wondering where sp has been hiding, even her cult hasn’t heard from her. A reply said not to worry, she’s holed up with her team of lawyers getting ready to file multiple lawsuits, the first one being filed Monday. Truth? Wishful thinking? Lie? Rumor? Don’t know.

  56. LiladyNY says:

    Raising a toast to the Number Crunchery Department. Hear! Hear!

  57. Maybe she could get a job on SNL playing herself and give Tina Fey a rest.

  58. Bystander says:

    Hilarious Fox News poll of 7/27 (linked on Right Wing Watch) 51% negative and 38% positive view of Palin. 32% said Palin should be a homemaker. Only 6% overall and 12% of Repubs said she was qualified to be POTUS. By contrast, 7-10% said she should be a COLLEGE PROFESSOR!

    How many college professors do you know that took 6 years and 5 colleges to get a bachelor’s degree? (and have no advanced degrees?).

    Poor Sarah strugging to find a place to showcase her talents! I think it is down to playing the flute and fancy pageant walkin’, you betcha also, too.

  59. WalterNeff says:

    Sarah Palin is going to have a radio show on TwitterFM; she’ll be allowed 140 words per show.

  60. Lighthouse says:

    Today my Republican friend sent me the new satirical email that’s going around that says the American presidency will be outsourced to India later on this year.

    I was snarky with him for the first time, and sent back an email containing Sarah Palin’s top ten dumb quotes. The poor young man is still smitten with Sarah, but I expect it to end soon.

  61. twain12 says:

    here is a poll for you, Fox news poll at that LOL
    Poll: Americans think Palin should be a homemaker

  62. Peggno in SoCal says:

    AKM, Absolutely Awesome Alliteration. Again. Also. 🙂

  63. zyggy says:

    I guess “X” marks the spot of her demise. =)

  64. mt says:

    @ Bystander, even faster than my hair and thats pretty darn fast! If I were a man I think I would be bald!

    but, in reality it seems like her popularity is falling faster!

  65. jc in co says:

    #26 daisydem, I consider Colin Powell, Susan Eisenhower, Christopher Buckley and others to be very intelligent people. OK, maybe not “super intellectuals”
    but certainly smarter than me. I’m a life long democrat, but I don’t hate nor think every republican is an idiot. There may even be an instance that I would vote for someone other than a democrat…I would have to do my research. I refuse to be like the fringey people that don’t care about anything other than if there’s an R or D after some one’s name. Just most of the time a democratic candidate agendas, ideas etc. are closer to mine.

  66. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Thanks, Polly…noted and done!

  67. the problem child says:

    What an evocative chart. Pictures really do help some of us 😉

  68. booboodog says:

    Lynnrockets, add Carrie Prejean and you will have a Laugh-in!

  69. Abbe says:

    Does she really disdain the public so much that she thinks we don’t understand what Lame Duck status is? She thinks she can pull a fast one on us by placing herself in a category that does not apply?

    She quit her job!

    End of story!

  70. lynnrockets says:

    I don’t know if this has already been posted. If it has, I apologize for posting it again. If not, please watch it and pee yourself laughing.

  71. lynnrockets says:


    I’m confused by all those lines and graphs.

  72. BigPete says:

    One measure of the Quitterator’s “popularity index” is that right wing radio doesn’t seem to be clamoring for her. In all fairness, attracting an audience on AM radio is a lot harder than being McCain’s VP choice.

    The best gauge of any residual interest in Palin might be the sales of her new book.

  73. rocket says:

    Palin is toxic – and it’s only going to get worse.

  74. Mae says:

    My elders have spoken … They believe Bailin will be a evangelist news reporter, who speaks in tounges, prays for more money, all the while reporting from various churches across the country. A decade from now, her claim to fame is turning Glen Beck on to religion.

    She’ll think it is a accomplisment, if her approval chart looks like a fish.

  75. InterestedPerson says:

    Someone just send me the YouTube of Saturday Night Live when she sat and
    watched Amy and others do the rap about her and AK. I had never seen it:
    [had never seen her with her mouth shut].
    The difference is shocking. I have become accustomed to the frenetic sly smirks
    in news videos since the election. In the SNL video she did look poised and relaxed….relatively., of course….I can’t imagine her looking that way now,
    even if she managed to not say anything.
    So if this reading of her expressions has any validity, maybe it is sad for her
    as a human being, but good for the country, that she will not re-generate
    like an hydra, and really is going to pieces. And that the disapproval numbers
    indicate that more people are seeing this, too, also.
    Pardon the syntax, also, perhaps.

  76. CR46 says:

    Poor Sarah, she shouldn’t have quit her day job. Clear channel said “thanks but no thanks Sarah”. As for a speaking tour, only 900 tickets sold so far for her speech or Klan rally at the Reagan library(it does seat 1400) and the only politician that wants her campaign help is Rick Perry (R) tx (please let me apologize for him, some of us are doing our best to turn Tx blue–all urban areas did go blue in Nov). It seems like the Quitta from Wasilla is on the outside looking in.

  77. hwmnbn says:

    I predict Sarah’s approval numbers will eventually stabilize somewhere just below acid reflux but not quite as bad as swine flu.

  78. honestyinGov says:

    I actually thought Hays Research was done with polling $P after her quitting speech and they would just save their money. That’s OK though. I’ll bet AKM has heard a ‘ rumor ‘… that this Poll was coming out….. maybe today?

    When you talk about ‘ $P and numbers ‘ in the same sentence it is hard to believe anything.
    I mean we were told that $296K = 2 Million.. Oh really..? ( hands to face ) Just a rounding issue I guess. My guess before she quit would have gone from her 55% down to about 50%. I’d have to say the highest now ( generously speaking )would be 45% but she could be sitting on a nice round ‘ stool ‘ at 40%.
    BTW : that ‘ stool ‘ she is sitting on… is just a big pile of S** t now…. and it really stinks up the place. Peeeeee Ewwwww !! Find a shovel $arah!!

  79. samper says:

    Lori: 100% agree! All that stupid security on the NY trip was… well… a trip! I couldn’t believe she thinks she’s so important and that people in disagreement would even BOTHER to risk jail or worse to “harm” her.

    What’s that? A “pitbull”? Then she should be perfectly adept at taking care of herself. She’s all over the 2nd Amendment… why not pack heat for the Reagan function and just COMMIT (or DECLINE) like a gracious GUEST is supposed to do?

    I haven’t heard ONE SINGLE threat on her “person”. NOT ONE. Compare that to what she incites against the President. All her gun totin’ pals yelling things like “KILL HIM”?

    Yeah, she has reason to be real scared of people who call her a liar and hypocrite. On blogs (not even in person). Not even in the same state. In their parents’ basements.

    She throws out “security issues” to get her base all wound up that others want to “hurt” her “person”. Never once have I heard such a remark.


  80. Wurzelhexli says:

    On the latest survey, 67% said they don’t ever want the former Alaska governor to be president..

    ANDREW posted this: A solid majority of Americans don’t want to see Sarah Palin ever become president, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. Two-thirds, 67%, said they don’t ever want the former Alaska governor to be president, compared with the 21% who said they would. While it should come as no surprise that 87% of Democrats said they don’t ever want Palin as commander-in-chief, some 43% of Republicans said the same thing—as well as 65% of independents. Even 46% of self-identified conservatives said they do not want Palin as president, as well as 44% of those who voted for Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain in 2008. At 44%, white evangelicals are the largest subgroup supporting Palin as president one day.

    So, there ya go! At least in politcs, SHE IS OUT!

    But that does not mean we should not keep her in our visor!

  81. 0whole1 says:

    Are the charts Alaska-specific? Otherwise, AFAIK they seem to show her approval ratings too high….

    Yes, these are Alaska numbers. AKM

  82. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    IF she shows up in Simi, CA, her drooling fan with a video cam (John Z.) IS allowed to film/edit her speech. I suppose, if he can get a sentence or two that is half-way understandable, he will send (sell?) it to FOX noise. The fact that she still has not confirmed this event is mind-boggling. She did the same thing to the RNC (no confirmation, then anger when they finally replaced her with Newt). I just cannot imagine that anyone will put up with that kind of behavior for long.

  83. Polly says:

    OT: The Pebble Mine Story is on Huffington now. Buzz it up.

  84. samper says:

    If SP wants to run for POTUS, the absolute best thing she can do right now is be enrolled in a REAL school with REAL classes on things that MATTER in the Presidency and just forget about all the other LOOK AT ME crap.

  85. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    samper: YES, her followers are THAT stupid. They have an excuse for every gaffe. She leaves the Republican women at the Reagan Museum hanging (NO confirmation she will appear!) beause if she gives ANY notice at all, the “haters will try to harm her person!” Have any of you EVER heard of threats to “her person?” I haven’t. Her dissenters use the pen and the law to expose her – violence? NEVER.

  86. Closet Mudpup says:

    As I recall, AKM, that’s very consistent with your Approval Index trend line projection from a few months ago. I expect the latest poll will show her decline to have accelerated during July.

  87. Fern says:

    @22 jc in co

    Oh she has a mental disorder all right. No argument from me on that.

  88. WalterNeff says:

    If the former governor of Alaska is an air head, does that mean she parks her skull in a palindrome?

  89. samper says:

    Terp: But there ARE people – REALLY! – that think this QUITTING thing was nothing short of an act of supreme brilliance to further herself.

    It would really scare me to think we could elect someone who has never finished ANYTHING she started to run this country. She’d wake up one morning after the glamour got boring and would just announce to the country that she was quitting.

    It’s so mavericky, I know, but it’s also reckless and irresponsible.

    How do people find value in this QUITTERY?

  90. prisonernumbersix says:

    I do love numbers, especially ones that tell an incontavertible (sp?) story! Thanks to the “crunchers” responsible.

    You won’t need a least squares regression program to extrapolate those curves. Prediction: Down in flames.

    However, SP must be watched constantly!

  91. daisydem says:

    To jc in co … excuse me! “the intellectual faction of her party?” there is no intellectual faction of her party … you are being too kind, and totally wrong. It’s just that some of them with some spark of awareness are waking up to … “I think we’ve been had.”

  92. samper says:

    jc: Thought I read somewhere that the Reagan thing is ABSOLUTELY not to be recorded in any form. Therefore, we may never know what actually tumbles out of her mouth during her first gig as an ORDINARY CITIZEN.

  93. Terpsichore says:

    2 Polly Says:
    July 30th, 2009 at 11:03 AM
    … She may be a celebrity, but she’s in a class of her own.
    * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    Yes, a remedial class, and sadly she’s not getting much out of it because she doesn’t think she needs it. She thinks she knows it already – that’s the biggest hindrance to learning there is.

    My impression from talking to or hearing people talk about her is that if they didn’t already discount her before the election, the quitting thing really has made them less inclined to trust her as a serious candidate.

    I expect to see that reflected in new polls.

  94. samper says:

    I’m finding it difficult to watch ANYONE who says she’s a “voice” for the party, a “leader”, “ready” for 2012.

    It’s so sickening to think that people consider her exactly TWO opinions to be proof that she is ready to lead this country (huntin’ and pro-birth).

    Why don’t these folks consider the fact that she has NO foreign policy, domestic policy, military, economic, geography, world affairs, basic accounting or acceptable presidential demeanor skills?

    WHY? Why do they think some pro-birth b!tch who happens to know how to field dress a moose is capable of running my country? This “journalism” major can’t even compose a coherent sentence! How is she going to present our country to the world with this gross lack of substance?????

    Are people really THAT stooooopid?

  95. jc in co says:

    #18 Fern, she’s working on her speech for the Reagan thing next week. That should make all of us happy, as long as she writes most of her speeches (or whoever has been writing those cluster****s) does she’ll continue to self implode. I’ve read and known that the only decent speech she’s ever made was her rolling out speech, written by some Bush guy. It was a toxic (community organizer slam) speech but it wasn’t wordsalad nuttiness like the ones of late.
    She really did look like she was on the brink of a hysterical meltdown on Sunday, I really, truly believe she has a mental disorder.

  96. roz says:

    Wasilla Warrior: Love it! Bitter Quitter Show on Twitter. Now that’s almost lyrical. One thing is definitely “clear” – Clear Channel knows what a losing proposition it would be to have someone so challenged by language attempting to construct cohesive sentences on the air. The show would be an instant divebomb for the network.

    A Palin radio show would be nothing but drivel and gibberish interspersed with dangling participles, horrendous syntax, and the repetitive use of “altso” (also) and the adverb ‘There’ as in “thar she blows”.

    Clear Channel quite ‘clearly’ knows what they are doing. On the other hand, the Eunich who runs Fox News is about as clueless and evil and el diablo personified so I would bet that he’d throw trash on the air just to see if it would stick. Can’t wait to see what kind of settlement the brits will be getting from this con artist now that he’s being sued.

  97. Carol.Seattle says:

    Loved the expressions on Shatner’s face when he was doing SP’s tweets. He looked incredulous that the words even could have been put together the way that they were, and he had to recite them.

  98. Wasilla Warrior says:

    Clear Channel said thanks but no thanks to Palin radio according to HuffPo article.
    A reader responded, “Doesn’t the Bitter Quitter have a show on Twitter”?
    Pretty humorous !!

  99. Fern says:

    Where is that woman anyway? Sarah seems to have vanished!

  100. Polly says:

    When her book comes out, there is going to be a lot of fact checking goin’ on. I’m trying to think what will she narrate to the writer, that can be interesting (and factual)? Maybe some hunting and fishing stories would interest some.

  101. Wurzelhexli says:

    I wonder what those book publishers said when the news about her quitting midway through her first term hit the fan…

    They are out – what – $4 million advance?

    I bet they would bite themselves if they could…

  102. skip from Asheville, NC says:

    I heard a rumor this morning that Palin is up for the Noble Prize for Poetry next year of the imagining kind!

  103. A Fan From Chicago says:

    Numbers crunchery sounds like something you’d put in a Word Salad to give it some, well crunch. Kind of a numeric cruton if you will, also too. She’ll still appeal to the tin foil hat crowd. the birthers and God-fearing folk. And some of the pundits will still sing her praises because it would be too embarrassing for them to back pedal, even though some already have. But she’s toast as the North Star leading the way.

  104. nswfm CA says:

    Pictures worth thousands of words.

  105. austintx says:

    What’s that old sayin’ ?? Numbers don’t lie.

    sarah does though………..

  106. jc in co says:

    More and more of the more intellectual faction of her party are dismissing her. I just don’t see as much interest anymore. She’ll always have that wack-a-doodle fringe support, but I think that faction is starting to go underground as the birther thing is making more and repubs distance themselves from these unhinged lunatics. I think that faction is shrinking instead of growing, not that someone like that would ever change their minds, but a bunch of them are old and don’t take very good care of themselves if you know what I mean….

  107. let it run says:

    I treasure the Shatner “poetry readings.” I am only remiss to think we could have piped into this poetry theory sooner. Can’t decide which one was funnier. Calling it a tie!

  108. libby says:

    Her audience is too narrow and, gosh darn it also too, looks like she is not having success progressing (her word, not mine!) herself.

    Dr.Patois, that does look like a fish tail!

  109. Dr. Patois says:

    Would that be the back end of a dead fish flowin’ on that chart?

  110. booboodog says:

    I think we can thank William Shatner…

  111. Cathy from Colorado says:

    I really believe she is too hateful in her speeches and demeanor to be of any benefit to anyone.

    Considering the rhetoric spewed during her last few speeches and twitters, I doubt she would deliver speeches written by anyone else, much less speak on any issues of real concern.

  112. Far From Fenway Fan says:

    A Texan with whom I have professional contact called yesterday. When our work was done, he asked me to explain Palin’s rationale for quitting (to avoid lame duck status). He said he’d read all the news reports and interviews and it just didn’t make any sense to him. Welcome to Sarah’s World!

  113. lilyf says:

    Gosh, this could really upset her so much that she might want to quit. Oh wait.

  114. Bystander says:

    Looks like the world’s longest 15 minutes of fame is over…..

    She’s losing her popularity faster than her hair. (snark).

  115. Polly says:

    With plummeting approval ratings, I don’t think she is going to be the great fundraiser she thinks she will be. Most organizations want free publicity (media) that they get from celebrity speakers, and if SP doesn’t allow it, the organization is not going to look good – they will appear to be a “closed door” society. Who would want her to speak (besides her base)? She may be a celebrity, but she’s in a class of her own.

  116. EyeOnYou says:

    With the exception of her die hard supporters, I have not seen anyone who believes she is gaining popularity since her “I quit” announcement. I would be very surprised to find her approval numbers going up instead of nosediving.