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Friday, January 28, 2022

Oyster Roundup! Guns, Money and Cheese…

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more! Pass the Bree Hey, remember when Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan “favorited” a porn star on Twitter last year? It was quite an entertaining tale, and you can refresh your memory HERE. Little did we know that the story would have a Chapter 2, and become more entertaining still. You see, it turns out that Mayor Sullivan’s favoritest porn star has now shed her porn name, and become (are you sitting down?) one of Charlie Sheen’s two “goddesses.” That’s right boys and girls… Sully’s Bree Olson is now…

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Alaska Governor Sean Parnell’s Big Oil Bailout

~Senator Bill Wielechowski explains ACES *ATTENTION BLOGGERS – If you have a blog, and would like to repost this article in its entirety including links, photos, and attribution, please feel free to do so. This is important information, and it’s never easy going against the well-funded falsehoods continually pushed forward by the oil companies. Often, the truth is free and the lies cost a lot of money. So, help yourself and pass it on. You can also post the link in your Facebook page, or post the link in a Tweet. Thanks!   By Thomas Dewar and Jeanne Devon “Each…

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Say it Ain’t So, Joe! Co-Author of Leaked Palin Book Speaks Out

By Ken Morris, co-author of Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin, A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years Mudflats Friends: When I first appeared on Jeanne’s ground-breaking pages well over one year ago, I wrote about participating in the eBay auction to buy a meal with Sarah Palin to benefit a worthy veterans’ charity. A short time later, after losing that auction to what looked like a rigged bid, I then offered through Mudflats an additional $200,000 to that charity if Sarah would answer civil question over a second meal, on the record, with the likes or Jeanne, Rachel Maddow, Shannyn Moore, and Keith Olbermann. While…

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Frank Bailey’s Memoir Leaked to Press (and a surprise)

As many of you are now discovering, there’s been a reason I haven’t been as prolific on the blog as usual over these past months. There’s not a lot I can tell you now, but I’ve been collaborating with former Sarah Palin aide Frank Bailey, and former Wall Street Exec and award-winning novelist Ken Morris on a little project. You’ll all remember Ken Morris as the one who was offering to donate $200,000 to a veterans charity if Sarah Palin would have dinner with himself, me, Shannyn Moore, Rachel Maddow and a couple other progressives to talk about issues. As…

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Voices from the Flats – Orwellian Juneau and Sean Parnell’s $2B Oil Tax Rollback

By Rep. Les Gara (D-Anchorage) The slick oil tax ads are starting. And when political ads begin, you start to wonder whether telling a fib is cheaper than telling the truth. Well, because political ads cost lots of money, and they tend to be more fib than truth. So, fibbing must be cheaper than telling the truth, right? Or, maybe in politics it’s just more effective to mislead people. Nah. No one would ever do that. Not when billions in state oil revenue are at stake. As you know, the governor has proposed the biggest oil company tax rollback in…

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Alaska Dispatch Addresses Copyright of Leaked Palin Book

The news organization that broke the story about the unauthorized distribution of the draft manuscript of Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin – A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years has issued a statement. After being contacted by Bonfante Steinbeck, the legal firm representing authors Ken Morris, Frank Bailey and Jeanne Devon regarding use of their copyrighted material, they responded: The editors of the Alaska Dispatch respect intellectual property rights. They strongly support the rights of authors, including your clients, to exploit their copyrights so that writers and their publishers have the necessary incentive to invest time and energy to produce works…

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Senator Mark Begich Fights for Flight

Alaska is different. It’s said a lot, and it’s true. Things that work in the contiguous 48 states don’t necessarily work here. The lack of understanding by those “Outside” of this phenomenon contributes to Alaskans’ slightly xenophobic, and more than slight libertarian bent. “Get off my tundra, you meddlesome kids.” Nothing defines Alaska quite so much as the gigantic size and small population. We are far flung, and disconnected. When 1500 miles separates two towns, it’s hard to remember you’re supposed to be in the same state. Alaska is larger than many countries, and pretty darn empty when it comes…

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Oyster Roundup! Fake Palin, Heckling Cheney & Dirty Valentines

Greetings from CPAC! Former Vice President Dick Cheney got a heck of a greeting at CPAC, the yearly Conservative Political Action Conference where conservatives of all stripes come together to wallow in varying degrees of narrow-mindedness, religious zeal, military might, fiscal conservatism, and social backwardness. There are usually some internal squabbles about things like LGBT rights, and how they do or don’t fit into the conservative platform. But back to Cheney’s greeting. It was spirited and passionate, but not what the former Veep expected. When Rumsfeld’s name was announced, and he took the stage to accept the conferences “Defenders of…

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FEMA Called to Save Anchorage from Mayor Dan Sullivan

Yes, Mayor Dan Sullivan is so inept, and his priorities as the Chief Executive of Alaska’s largest city are so destructive and unsafe, yet another government agency has had to step in and save Alaskans from their elected leaders.  Once, it was the FBI saving us from the legislature. Now, it’s FEMA saving us from the Mayor of Anchorage.  The worst mayor in America is officially now a federal disaster. Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan said Thursday that the city has been awarded a $5 million federal grant to hire firefighters over the next two years. The grant will fund 15 to 26 firefighter…

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Happy Birthday, Sarah! Surpriiiiise!

OK, everyone. Hide behind the couch! Shhhhh! Sarah’s coming! It’s her birthday, and we’re going to give her a little surprise. This is going to be awesome! She’ll never suspect. (I clamp my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing in anticipation of the shock that is about to ensue) This is the last thing in the world she’ll see coming.  Here. Here’s the note that explains everything! (I shove a crumpled email printout into your hand and tell you my comments will be in red) I’m writing today in hopes that you will take just one minute right…

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