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Friday, January 28, 2022

Rural Update – Hope Truck Heads for Eagle!

Here is a great way for Alaskans on the road system to give a hand  in a time of need.  The folks out in Eagle are trying to assess the horrendous flood damage, save what they can, and rebuild the rest by fall.  Anyone who lives here knows that the construction season is short, and that every hour of summer daylight is precious.  It will take all they’ve got to have winter ready places to live by the time the snow flies. We know from Mudflatter yukonbushgrma who lives in Eagle that tools, clothing, dogfood and other supplies are needed by…

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Dan Sullivan Embraces Socialism?!

Thom Hartmann is in town! He’s the guest of honor at a dinner tonight in Anchorage, and is broadcasting live from KUDO 1080am this morning. I just listened to him in the car on the way to work. He spoke with both Acting Mayor Matt Claman, and Mayor Elect Dan Sullivan. The latter was an interesting exchange. Hartmann asked how Sullivan thought Sarah Palin was doing. Sullivan said she had become “distracted” by the VP nomination, and that “If I had to give her a grade, I wouldn’t give her one.” Then he said he was glad she was back…

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Alaska’s Deadliest Match – Fish and Pebble Mine

Captain Sig Hansen, well known for his featured status on the cable show Deadliest Catch has used his political capital, as it were, to speak out against the proposed Pebble Mine Project. It’s unusual for a “Deadliest Catch” crew member to take a hard stance in a big Alaska resource battle like Pebble. Hansen, who lives in Seattle, said he usually shies away from requests to get involved in anything political. Because Hansen exploits crab stocks and other Alaska fisheries, he said, he can’t be opposed to all resource development. “I’m not your typical greenie,” Hansen said. [snip] He’s persuaded…

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