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Friday, January 28, 2022

Stop the Sunset at the Anchorage Assembly Meeting Tonight

He’s at it again. Mayor Dan Sullivan has found a new way to stifle the voices of Anchorage residents, and keep them from making all those pesky suggestions and complaints – you know, “citizen participation.” Apathy and disconnection is far more appealing to the current administration. But, tomorrow, there is a public hearing in which you, dear Anchorage resident, may make your voice heard anyway. The mayor has decided to trim the fat, and cut, or sunset many of the city’s volunteer boards and commissions. The city admits that this has nothing to do with saving money. So why put…

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Sean Hannity Tries to Cover for Palin’s Lies About Genocide

Imagine how our friend Representative Les Gara felt when he returnd from a peaceful fishing trip to find that Sean Hannity and the Palin apologists over at Conservatives4Palin were calling him a “liar”.  That in itself means nothing, of course – only that someone said something less than flattering about Sarah Palin, and knees jerked in response. Remember, these are the people that go on Wikipedia and literally attempt to change history rather than admit that Sarah Palin utters anything but the unvarnished truth.  But just on principle lets set the record straight.  It’ll be a nice treat for the…

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Palin Emails: Todd is a “private citizen”…except when he’s not…

I have a little bit of personal experience with this Palin email thing. However, mine were so redacted, they were no fun at all. So, like many others, I’ve enjoyed making up my own searches of the awesome 2011 Palin Email Database, courtesy of MSNBC and Crivella West. The REAL fun happens when I’m searching on one topic and stumble upon another quite accidentally. For example, I was doing a search on a lobbyist name or two and found this email from Palin’s assistant/residence manager: From : Erika Fagerstrom [erika_fagerstrom@gov.state.] Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 1:43 PM To: Governor…

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Happy Dump Day! The Palin Emails are Released… Sort of.

~Fox News’ copies of Palin’s emails, Juneau, AK.  Photo by ‘Mudflatter D.’ By Jeanne Devon Well, the day we’ve been waiting for has arrived. It only took (looks at watch) two years and change. I refer of course to the emails to and from Sarah Palin that were requested by individuals and news organizations to give them some insight into who this virtually unknown vice presidential candidate was – that which is known today as “The Palin Email Dump.” Well, with all the information now out there, I’m retroactively confident in my choice not to have voted for her. Phew….

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It’s 2011 & Your Body Belongs to the State

By Thomas Dewar All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. –Edmund Burke   91 years after the 19th Amendment was ratified and enfranchised female Americans with the right to cast a ballot, we still debate whether or not over half the population should have control over their own physical personhood. On the national level, Republican House members—who campaigned on their Democratic counterparts not having done enough to create jobs—have pulled one doozy of a bait-and-switch once in office. Not only was the economic plight of America’s middle class promptly ignored and forgotten,…

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WI GOP Sex, Lies and Ethics Violations: recall senators attempt to avoid elections.

Madison, WI. By Patrick DePula. Showing signs of sheer desperation, three GOP senators up for recall elections on July 12 have now resorted to asking the courts to stop the election citing dubious alleged “irregularities” in the filing of recall petitions.Never mind the wholesale recall petition fraud perpetrated by the Wisconsin Republican Party; substantiated with scores of affidavits and reports of dead people signing their names, felons stealing items while circulating papers, and the involvement of a shady out of state group that helped organize the republican efforts against democrats. From the Wisconsin State Journal: State Sens. Dan Kapanke, R-La Crosse;…

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Mark Halperin Slurps-up Sarah’s Spoon-fed Spin

  By Linda Kellen Biegel I watched a piece last night on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” that was good overall. It was about Palin’s bus-to-nowhere tour: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy I was pleased that O’Donnell pointed out the potential illegalities involved in using her SarahPAC money, regulated by the Federal Election Committee, on a “family vacation” rather than on a campaign. At one point, he even mentions that the media doesn’t report on such things because frankly they generally don’t understand them. That statement proved to be ironic. O’Donnell then…

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Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin – Some Insight and an Excerpt!

By Co-Author: Ken Morris Despite being filled with regret for his own actions while serving for nearly four years under candidate and then half-governor Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey came to fear that his former boss remained a voice in American politics. In Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin, former insider and my co-author Frank Bailey said of his ideals when we first met, “I am still a Fox News Conservative.” Frank went on to explain that Sarah Palin, despite her carefully managed image and “word salad” lip service to conservative ideals, cared little for the smaller government and social values that…

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New Assemblyman Trombley Guilty of Lying and Being a Whippersnapper

The thing that consoles me when I write about local issues, is that our characters here in Alaska (even though many of you are from elsewhere) are so incredibly over-the-top and ridiculous that they can be appreciated in their own right, just for the entertainment value. It’s like writing a book full of short stories about some mythical crazy dysfunctional municipal government, only it’s not mythical. Today, we’ll revisit one of the larger yet lesser characters in our serial drama, and one of Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan’s henchpeople. Remember Adam Trombley, former local basketball star and up-and-coming conservative mayoral toady?…

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The New and Unimproved Debbie Ossiander Scoffs at Democratic Process

So how completely impressed are we with our new Assembly Chair Debbie Ossiander? Just as impressed as we were with her the last time she was Chair. And that would be… not at all. Her ignominious rise to the top spot hinged, apparently, on her loyalty to Mayor Dan Sullivan, and she’s been eager to prove her empty-headed devotion since her return to the throne. First on the list of things to do it seems, was to circumvent that thing we like to call “democracy.” Anchorage is in the middle of redistricting. This is as important as it gets. The…

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