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Friday, January 28, 2022

Mittpocrisy: Israel & Health Care

“As president, I will restore our relationship with Israel and stand shoulder to shoulder with our close ally.” Thus spoke Mitt Romney today, in a lame attempt to get himself into the media’s DNC narrative. This piece, dear Mudpups, is not about the Israel-Palestine debate. That discussion occurs, usually heatedly, in plenty of other places, and has for quite some time. This is about duplicity, about being on both sides of every issue, and in a feat of mind-blowing mental gymnastics, contradicting one’s own lies This is about a man who will say absolutely anything to anyone, and take any position…

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RIP, RNC. AK at DNC in NC!

Well, it was quite a week. Hurricane Isaac was the featured guest of the non-first night of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Then we were treated to days of hearing the sad tales of long-suffering Republicans who had to sell some stock to get by in their early years, and stories of struggle and fear that if they couldn’t make it, they’d be forced to rely on their wealthy and supportive families to come to the rescue. And worst of all, they had to eat… TUNAfish, and PASTA. Ohhh, the humanity. Ann Romney never quite said, “I feel…

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Eastwood, Palin and the Long Goodbye

Tropical Storm Isaac put a damper on the first day of the Republican National Convention. But nothing hit Tampa by surprise quite as much as what happened on the last day. Tuesday, it was announced that a special mystery guest speaker would appear before Mitt Romney on the final night of the convention. The most famous of the small tribe of Hollywood Republicans, Clint Eastwood took the stage. Dirty Harry looked a little more like Crazy Uncle Harry as he stood on the podium. But he’s 82, after all, and it happens to the best of them. The difference is…

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Akin Just Saying What GOP Thinks

I’m getting really tired of the pile-on of Missouri Congressman Todd Akin. He isn’t being treated fairly, and I think it should stop. During an interview Mr. Akin answered a question regarding his views on abortion. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” The idea of ladies having a Venomous Venus Flytrap-like apparatus that slams shut when there’s an unwanted intruder sounds awesome. It’s not true. Last year 32,000 American women were impregnated after being raped. “Legitimately.” OK, women — we’re kind of mysterious. Most guys didn’t watch those…

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Ryan Steps into Palin’s Red Pumps

Oh, dear. She’s been waiting by the window and watching the mailman every day – pressing her little nose against the glass, and looking for that special envelope inviting her to the dance. And every day, he passes her by. And we’ve been watching her watch the mailman pass her by, and stand in front of the mirror, practicing her speech. And finally, we’ve all come to the same realization. Sarah didn’t get invited to speak at the Republican convention. After some private pillow-screaming, and plate smashing, and hair-pulling, she’s put on a brave face. You see, she really didn’t…

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I’m a Liberal. There’s a Reason.

Well, the tenor and tempo of fear and loathing on the campaign trail is ramping up. I know it’s going to get worse before it gets better because no one likes Mitt Romney. There’s only so much fertilizer available but plenty of money to spread it around. Romney has asked for a pledge to leave not only his family but his business and taxes out of the campaign discussion. OK, I get it with family, but if you secure your party’s nomination by bragging about your business expertise, then your business is public business. Taxes? Every cabinet position filled by…

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Ryan: Wisconsin Death Grip

Disasters befell one small town in Wisconsin during the final decade of the 19th century. The town of Black River Falls seems gripped by some peculiar malaise and the weekly news is dominated by bizarre tales of madness, eccentricity and violence amongst the local population. Suicide and murder are commonplace. People in the town are haunted by ghosts, possessed by devils…  —“Wisconsin Death Trip” Having one candidate wreck your state’s brand—a matter of which we Alaskans can speak with authority—can be chalked up as an aberration. But four, in the space of two years? That’s a pattern. That’s critical mass….

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Who Let the Dogs Out? Romney at the NAACP

Who Let the Dogs Out? Romney’s speech at the NAACP Today, Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney will be addressing the 103rd National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Convention in Houston, TX. No. Really, he will be.  Unless he gets a cold at the last second or maybe the family dog gets sick from the ride over – he will be speaking at the convention that has the theme “This is my power. This is my decision. This is my vote.” The likelihood that any of the people in the convention hall will be using their power, decisions or…

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