Be My Valentine
Happy Valentine’s Day, Mudpuppies. May your day be full of love, friendship, and that special surge of productivity that comes from viewing excessive cuteness.
Snuggle Time!
It’s Valentine’s Day week, and we thought we’d add a little snuggling and smooching to our regular Morning Baby feature. We’ve learned that viewing adorable baby animals online actually boosts your productivity at work, so if you’re noticing that productivity doubles this week, we’re really on to something!
I’ll Tumble for Ya…
Happy Friday, Mudflatters! You made it! To squeeze a little extra productivity out of this otherwise least productive day of the week, we always give you your adorable baby animal fix in an animated gif. And remember, if your boss hears you squealing with delight, or making cute little ‘awwwww’ noises, and thinks that you are merely trolling the internet for meaningless fripperies, you may inform him or her, that you are doing this for THEM. You take your job seriously, and you have the science to back it up.