Posted by Jeanne Devon on October 2, 2013 · 8 Comments
It’s official. The federal government has been shut down as of midnight, October 1. House Republicans decided they were so mad at voters, the law of the land, the Supreme Court, and the way the country works that they have thrown a stone in the gears. The Senate passed a clean Continuing Resolution to keep the government open, but the House responded by stomping their feet and passing a Continuing Resolution that guts women’s health care, and adds a special amendment to block contraceptive care. That’s right, it’s all because of lady parts. There are few things quite so scary…
Category Alaska, Bang it, Barack Obama, Economy, Headlines, Health, Health Care Reform, Nation, Skulduggery, Strategery, Teabaggery, Whackjobbery, Your Head · Tags Affordable Care Act, Alaska Affordable Care Act, Alaska Obamacare, contraception coverage, Elizabeth Warren, federal government, government shutdown, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, women's healthcare
Posted by Shannyn Moore on July 1, 2012 · 18 Comments
It’s been a big hairy week in Washington, D.C., with landmark Supreme Court decisions. Bigger than any of it is the way policy and politics are being touted as home runs and touchdowns by both political parties and pundits. It boggles my mind when two sides call the same point for themselves. I live and breathe politics like many people follow sports. Sometimes the stress is enough to make me want to pull the covers over my head and peek out around Thanksgiving. The tea party reaction was bizarre and almost comical. Congressman Mike Pence, R-Indiana, likened Thursday’s SCOTUS decision…