Posted by Jeanne Devon on June 28, 2012 · 38 Comments
~President Obama signs the Affordable Care Act in 2010 Today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on the Affordable Care Act means that critical new benefits for women remain intact. The constitutionality of Obama’s Health Care plan was in question, and a 5-4 decision (including Chief Justice Roberts) came down in favor of the President’s health care reform law. Even the individual mandate was upheld, not under the Commerce Clause, but under Congress’ powers of taxation. Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Northwest released a statement this morning stating that under today’s ruling, millions of women will have access to birth…
Posted by Jeanne Devon on July 15, 2009 · 198 Comments
Today, Lisa Demer of the Anchorage Daily News has broken a story that adds another scandal to the growing list of scandals that have plagued this administration, and shines the light on Alaska’s very own health care crisis. Demer’s story centers on the horrendous condition of the Alaska’s state programs that are designed to help its most vulnerable citizens, the elderly and disabled. The situation is so bad the federal government has forbidden the state to sign up new people until the state makes necessary improvements. [snip] The moratorium is expected to last four or five months. State officials estimate…
Category Alaska Legislature, Sarah Palin, Sean Parnell, Vitamin Democracy · Tags Alaska health care, Alaska Medicaid, Alaska Medicare, Alaska Planned Parenthood, Alaska Supreme Court, Beverly Wooley, Clover Simon, Lisa Demer, Sarah Palin, Sean Parnell