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February 13, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Joe Miller Met Mayor Dan Once, It Went Awkwardly.

Joe Miller, age 46, US Senate Candidate came out of seemingly nowhere to beat incumbent and heir to the throne Senator Lisa Murkowski in the 2010 Republican primary. She then ran as an “Independent” – and won. Leaving Joe to fester in Fairbanks and become a lowly blogger. Now he’s running again – this time against Democrat (no, I’m sorry… “Independent”) Mark Begich who used to have…Mayor Dan Sullivan’s current gig. Mayor Dan Sullivan, age 61, son of Mayor George Sullivan now is running, um… for something. In 2010 he was spending a lot of time with a party planner…

As if One Wasn’t Enough…..Meet Dan Sullivan.

Rep. Lindsay Holmes was the featured guest on today’s Demo Memo on KUDO 1080am.  Kathy Phillips asked what she thinks of the new AG nominee, Dan Sullivan.  Holmes has heard some concerns from members of the Alaska Bar.  Apparently there are some mumblings like “Couldn’t you find someone who’s actually living here?”  Kind of a “What are we, chopped liver?” vibe. I’ll add to their griping by pointing out that there are now two Dan Sullivans in Alaska’s small pantheon; Dan Sullivan the incoming mayor, and now Dan Sullivan the Attorney General nominee.   I don’t know how everyone will deal…

Citizens Against Dan Sullivan Get Vocal

I was puttering around the house yesterday, and the phone rang.  I ran over and got it just before the answering machine picked up.  “Hello?” I said, out of breath.  “Hello, this is Allan Tesche,” came the voice on the other end of the phone.  My first thought was, “Wow.  Wonder why Allan Tesche is calling me?”  My second thought was, “Oh, Jeez…I hope I didn’t spell his name wrong.” Then I realized it was a robocall.  Robo-Allan let me know about Dan Sullivan, mayoral candidate and part owner of a local pub drinking after hours with an employee, and sending…