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September 19, 2024


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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Coast Guard Intrigue.

There are frustratingly few details on the story that broke today about Coast Guard Captain Mark Hamilton.  The Anchorage Sector Commander was abruptly relieved of duty yesterday morning for “alleged misconduct and loss of confidence in the officer’s ability to command,” according to the press release issued by the Coast Guard. Reached Monday night, [Rear Admiral Arthur C.] Brooks said the investigation of Hamilton, who held the third-highest billet in the state, has been going for about a month and is likely to continue for another month or two. The investigation, conducted by the Coast Guard Investigative Service, has produced…

Bedtime in Alaska – Odds & Ends

Don Young Twitterjacked! Oh, the Twitter fun just never ends.  Not only is the good governor tweeting up a storm on her brand new Twitter account, but so is Don Young…..or so we thought.  Turns out that according to Young’s office an imposter has been tweeting weird stuff using the name and image of Don Young, and Palin was briefly taken in and followed the scoundrel on her own Twitter account!  Now that the jig is up, he’s been un-followed.  And on an amusing note, Mudflats, too, was briefly on the governor’s “follow” list and then removed.  Interesting… The Dirty Truth About…

Ballast and BS, Brought to You By Chevron.

It’s Earth Day, and according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey, only 31% of American adults believe their fellow countrymen are environmentally aware.  Sounds about right. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Americans rate Earth Day as at least somewhat important, including 28% for whom it is Very Important.   Yet while most Americans value Earth Day, just 21% plan to do something special to celebrate Earth Day.  I am among the 21%.  I am going to celebrate Earth Day by talking about … water ballast in oil tanks! You just knew I couldn’t let Earth Day pass without talking about Drift…

Question of the Day from Drift River.

The legislative session in Juneau is over, and there’s sort of a “sigh of relief” vibe going around.  But some things just won’t go away.  There is still the question of oil.  Actually, there are many questions about oil.  The questions may not be as “provocative” as our governor in Arctic Cat leathers, or as entertaining as the filling of our vacant senate seat, but they are there, constantly, like a big dark spectre hanging over our heads.  Chevron has millions of gallons of crude oil stored in tanks sitting in between the slopes of an active volcano, and a large…