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February 15, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Take Back the Senate, Alaska!

Remember the good old days of the Senate Bipartisan working group, where legislators from both parties chaired committees, and worked together to accomplish things? Divisive wedge issues were shelved, and the Senate work was focused on things we could do together. Back then the fringe group of Republicans who refused to work with Democrats formed their own minority and sat in the corner snapping blue crayons and not doing any work. Well, Sean Parnell got his way after new district lines were drawn and we ended up with one party in control of the Senate and the House, and they…

Giessel “Reallocates” Wealth to Donors

I’m still getting used to seeing the Walter J. Hickel Expressway signs. I still think Wally’s Way would have been better, but it gives me a chance to remember to read “Who Owns America” again. My copy has a brown signature inside. A treasure. So, as I pull onto Wally’s Way, heading south, the voice of Lori Townsend making me feel better about the news on my radio. Seriously. If there’s a meteor bearing down on Earth and we’re all gonna die, she should be the one announcing it-she makes even Alaska news sound better. My phone rings. “Did you…