Open Thread – Rachel Maddow Visits McAdams HQ!
Thanks to all who sent in their email requests for tickets to the live broadcast of The Rachel Maddow Show from the Taproot Cafe in Anchorage tonight! We were INUNDATED with requests. With a limited number of tickets to give, and thousands of requests, there were relatively few lucky winners. If you were fortunate enough to get tickets, you should have gotten an email to the address you used that would have arrived somewhere between the hours of 11pm and 1am. Be sure to check your spam filter for an email from [email protected] just to make sure you didn’t miss it. But,…
Debate Night!
I’m sitting at the KTUU Gubernatorial (and soon Senatorial) debate at the Alaska Native Heritage Center. You can view it live on KTUU Channel 2, or live streaming at I’ll be watching live, but feel free to blog it in the comments. I’ve forgotten my laptop, but Mudflatter Writing from Alaska has loaned me hers to start you off! The room is full of the hardest of the hard core supporters from all the camps and it promises to be a lively evening. So, pop the corn and cozy up!
Voices from the Flats – Brad Friedman
AK DEMS: State Division of Elections Inappropriately Aiding Write-In Voters in U.S. Senate Contest. by Brad Friedman As you may know, the U.S. Senate race in Alaska between GOP nominee Joe Miller and Democratic nominee Scott McAdams, Mayor of Sitka, has been thrown into what’s quickly turning into a potential three-way toss-up with Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s write-in bid for the seat. She and her father have long been insider fixtures within Alaska’s political establishment, and so now both the state Democrats supporter McAdams and Miller’s campaign are accusing the Department of Elections, run by the state’s Republican Gubernatorial administration, of…
Lisa, Liar, Pants on Fire! Murkowski Makes False Claims About Endorsements.
Lisa Murkowski has been the first to complain about the other candidates lying. She says Joe Miller distorted her voting record (which he did), and she says that Scott McAdams lied about her voting record (which he didn’t). But Lisa Murkowski sent out a nice glossy colored mailer that went out to Alaska households and arrived in mailboxes across Anchorage this morning, and it was full of lies. Under a banner that said “Alaskan Democrats Who Are Voting for Lisa Murkowski – and not Scott McAdams” was a list of people who supposedly fit that category. This one was absolutely…
Joe Miller – the Junior DeMint
At the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce’s Senate Candidate Forum last week, each candidate was asked which sitting senator they most admired. Lisa Murkowski started talking about Ted Stevens, and then acknowledged that he was no longer a sitting senator. Then she mentioned Carper from Delaware and Bingaman from New Mexico. They’re both Democrats. Murkowski spent a great deal of time talking about how she worked across the aisle and how she respected and admired these Democrats and that they worked well together. Scott McAdams mentioned that he admired John Tester and felt a connection with him because both he and…
Help us, Rachel-Wan-Maddow, Scott McAdams Is Our Only Hope!
This election cycle, Alaskans have found it particularly difficult to breathe due to the lack of available air. The reason: it’s being sucked directly out of the atmosphere by the family feud between want-to-be-Senator-again Lisa Murkowski and professional grifter/East German Cold War admirer, Joe Miller. Of course, the person having the most difficult time finding air is Democratic Primary winner, Sitka Mayor Scott McAdams. It’s not for lack of good campaigning…he’s doing everything right. I even attended one of the Townhall Meetings he scheduled and was blown out of the water by his responses to every question asked of him….
Lisa Goes Rogue
I made my way into the Dena’ina Convention Center in downtown Anchorage where Lisa Murkowski was scheduled to make a “big announcement”. Earlier in the day her cousin leaked the information on her Facebook page that the announcement was going to be the launch of her write-in candidacy for U.S. Senate. I was hoping that she would change her mind at the last minute. She’s apparently been changing her mind at the last minute for some time now. There were a few hundred people packed into the upstairs lobby and they were all beaming. The energy was high and they were…
Murkowski’s Write-In Campaign–What Are Her Chances?
The supporters have been rallied, the big announcement has been made and Senator Lisa Murkowski is off and running on her whirlwind write-in campaign! So what are her actual chances of winning? 1) There is the problem of her name. Lisa Murkowski…doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue or the pen. However, it looks like a write-in won’t be as stringent as was once thought. Just “Lisa” would not be enough according to outgoing Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell. However, voters would not need to spell Murkowski’s name correctly if “intent could be ascertained” according to Division of Elections Director Gail Fenumiai…even “Lisa…
A History Lesson for Joe Miller – The Tenth Amendment
In Which Joe Miller Gets a History Lesson (Again) Over the past few weeks, I have written with some incredulity on the subject of Joe Miller’s supposed legal expertise. Today, I feel compelled to address another area in which Mr. Miller’s competence is woefully inadequate: United States history. As you may have surmised, your Legal Eagle is an attorney, not a historian. I do, however, take an interest in history, and generally consider it to be an obligation of all Americans to at least familiarize themselves with the basics of their country’s history. This is even more true when you…
Joe Miller: Alaska’s Craziest Catch — Help Get This On the Air!
Republican candidate for US Senate, Joe Miller, burned-up the airwaves before the primary saying that cutting-off federal funds to Alaska is his highest priority as Senator. Now, he’s trying to backtrack just a few short weeks later. We’re not going to let that happen. We at Mudflats are excited to see the first video spot come out of the Netroots for the 2010 election cycle. Blue America PAC and, two cutting edge Netroots political action committees, are launching a daily video campaign targeting GOP/Tea Party candidates every day from today through Election Day, November 2. We’re especially pleased that the first…