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America By Heart – The Introduction

And so we begin the blogging of the book.  Today, it’s just the Introduction, which will give us all a chance to steel ourselves for what is to come.  As usual my internal mutterings will appear in red.

Page ix – The scene opens at the Boston Tea Party rally last spring.  And the first line of the book, I kid you not, is:

“Do you love your freedom?!”  The words rush out of me.

We can tell from this opener that this book is indeed a work of fiction, otherwise it would have read:

“Do you LOOOOOOOOVVVVEE your FREEEEEEEEDOMMMM?!?!?!?” The words shoot from my lips like blasts from a weaponized sound cannon, breaking glass in the Old North Church, half a mile away.

Page x – Reference to “mainstream media”. (Not lame anymore? What gives?)

Long over-explanation of how Tea Party people really are good and normal and ethnically diverse and happy and multigenerational.  It’s a utopian scene at the rally including Don’t Tread on Me flags “glowing in the morning sun.” Nothing says happy tolerant multi-generational family outing like a hacked off rattlesnake.

Page xi – Here we get into a discussion about how the homemade signs are the real signs, and any pre-printed ones just mean that they are from special interest groups who “all want something from the government.”  She does not comment on pre-printed anything else, and what that might mean. You know, like buses and stuff…

~Palin kicking off the Tea Party Express bus tour. Those Koch Brothers did a pretty good paint job on that bus for a homemade grassroots craft project, didn’t they?

More about how the motives of the Tea Party are pure and good.  They just want their country “back.”  Back to where or what is never specified.  She doesn’t actually pick a year or time period that “back” is. Maybe we’ll find out later.

The average American spends the first ninety-nine days of the year working for the government. This is outrageous, she thinks.  (Now, I’m all for efficiencies, but I wonder how much the average American would spend, if they had NO taxes at all and they needed things like roads, sewer, medical care for their elderly relatives and for veterans, fire protection, police protection, libraries, postal service, snow plowing, street lights, education for their children, people to inspect food, etc. I’m guessing it would be more than 99 days.)

Page xii – She’s traveled a lot, and met a lot of people. They send her things to read like “snippets of speeches”, and “devotionals” and she’s talked to them in their kitchens.  They are all patriotic and they want America to be great.  It’s not a political awakening, “it’s an American awakening.” (Yes, the Tea Party is our new Age of Enlightenment!)

Page xiii – Her Uncle Ron and Aunt Kate are not political. They never cared, but now they do. They love the country and are concerned about what’s happening to “her”. They are the Tea Party.

Page xiv – Barack Obama wants to transform America from what it is now, and the Tea Party wants it back but still loves it the way it is now even though they are protesting it. America is special and the best but it’s not perfect but we don’t want to transform it because that wouldn’t be patriotic. We just want it back to the way it was in the beginning but better only not different. And we don’t like people telling us that something is wrong, because it isn’t, even though we’re all mad as rattle snakes and the Tea Party has had enough of things as they are, don’t go telling us you want to change it. WE want to change it, only we will not call it a transformation.  Make sense? (Hint: No, it does not.)

She’s offended at a copy of the Constitution that came with a sticker that said,

“This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”

A warning label on our Document of Liberty! (Hopefully, little Johnny doesn’t get bored and toss it aside after the part about slaves being 3/5 of a person. And we don’t need to explain that just because Article II Section 2 talks about the president being a “he” doesn’t mean that little Suzie can’t be president some day.  If there are any more of those labels around saying how times have changed and people do think differently, maybe we can start sticking them on Bibles, because frankly, if we started stoning people for aberrant behavior, the GOP would be in a world of trouble.)

Page xv – More hysteria about the warning label.  Those (like Obama) who talk about transformation believe that the Constitution is dangerous and outdated. They hate the constitution because it constrains government.  But Americans still “cling” to our founding values. This is what she discovered on her “multistate listening tour” (aka cross-country money grab).

Page xvi – Worried that the government is in bed with big business. (REALLY? Welcome to our world, Sarah. Please see the photo above.)

America is exceptional and special just like Ronald Reagan said it was. Current leaders love to focus on America’s faults and apologize to dictators because we suck.  Tea Party people know the country isn’t perfect, but it’s exceptional anyway and we shouldn’t apologize to anyone because we suck…  (this is mind-numbing.)

Page xvii – Best quote so far:

“I have a kind of internal compass that keeps me sane and grounded when the media attack dogs bark and the days on the road get long.”

(Shaking with laughter and dabbing eyes with a Kleenex as I have a mental image of the internal compass that keeps Sarah Palin sane and grounded, spinning like it was at the geographic center of the Bermuda Triangle.)

Page xviii – God is the source of our rights, not government. The source of his miracles can be found in the “dangerous” Constitution and our other founding documents that the libruls want to destroy.

They pass out copies of the Constitution “like candy” at Tea Party rallies, and now people who believe in the sanctity of life no longer simply call themselves “pro-life” now they are “pro-life and pro-Constitution.”  All the environmentalists who apparently now populate these rainbow coalition Tea Parties are now calling themselves “pro-conservation and pro-Constitution.”

Page xix – Quote from “Silent Cal” Coolidge about the founding documents.  (Ah, if only we had “Silent Sarah.”)

Another gem. “Moms know better than most that we are all born unformed and fallen.”  (Yes, hasn’t every  mother looked into the eyes of her new baby and thought exactly that?) (headbang)

Page xx – Every parent of a child in the military “knows the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with raising a good and decent child.” (So, every member of the military is good and decent? Including your Wasilla neighbor and family friend Jeremy Morlock?  OK, I won’t go there.)

“Molding the crooked timber of humanity requires the grace of God.” (OK, OK, people are awful and bad, we get it.)

Quote from Reagan about how freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. She thinks this is sad. The only thing sadder than losing freedom is the thought of her grandchildren spending their whole lives working to pay off the debt. (Ummm. The one that Reagan and Bush are largely responsible for?)

“Passing peace on to the next generation” requires a strong military, free-market economics and “a healthy constitutional order.”

And the closer:

“This is my America, from my heart, and by my heart. I give it now to my children and grandchildren and to yours, so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free.”

Wow.  That one leaves me a bit speechless, which is good timing. I shall speechlessly prepare for Chapter one – We the People.



161 Responses to “America By Heart – The Introduction”
  1. jojobo1 says:

    Went to amazon to read what was said about her book. Interesting In her acknowledgements section, Palin offers a “special thanks to the brilliant, independent self-starter who got her start in Alaska, Jessica Gavora. Thank you for your most important work on America by Heart.” Gavora is the wife of Jonah Goldberg; Goldberg recently tweeted that his wife “worked with Sarah Palin on her new book.”

  2. Thanks, AKM. I do appreciate the sacrifices you make for us. I don’t think I could get through this nonsense.

    As for that internal compass – the first thing I thought of was Jack Sparrow’s compass that points to what you truly desire. Sarah’s seems to be malfunctioning and actually can’t possibly work properly. All she desires is herself, so that means the compass won’t lead her anywhere.

  3. Hope says:

    I forgot??

  4. Hope says:

    Has anyone ever heard of these two little old ladies. Funny stuff.

    I saw this in an earlier post, so hunted for a link.

    • Quite a few of us have been following Margaret and Helen since 2008. Helen is spectacular in her insights into Palin and those like her. Scroll back to some of her older posts.

  5. Holy Sha-moly Batman! Wow! I seriously have a hard time grasping the fact that there are so many willfully ignorant folks out there who just eat this load of tripe for breakfast daily.

    The load of utter bullshit and toxic sludge that spews forth from the vocal cords of Queenie Ester of The North (unskillfully controlled by the lady who cooks sour noodles, you know her as ramansour) seems to be taking on a life of it’s own as the 100th B-Day of her patron saint fast approaches.

    AKMuckraker, thank you for doing this as you have saved many progressive brain cells of your loyal readers. Just HOW are you able to wade through that tripe?

    • Eykis says:


      I’ve moved from “Willfully Ignorant” to “Defiantly Ignorant” – there is no other explanation for the Snowbilly grifter to have any followers, other than Defiance by Ignorants.

  6. zyxomma says:

    AKM, thank you again for taking (another) one for the team. Patiently waiting for Messrs. Dunn and McGinniss to publish. If I ever touch $P’s book, it will be to move it from wherever it’s displayed to a more appropriate shelf, but in all probability, I’ll never touch it. Thanks again. When the darkness that is $P threatens to engulf you, wind up your little Mudflats-yellow flashlight and “light one candle.”

    Love, health, and peace. Tikkun olam shalom.

  7. maelewis says:

    That’s amazing! A compass that keeps her grounded. And, I thought that it had something magnetic in there, pointing north. As far as our laws coming from God, not the government, Sarah is living in the wrong place. She belongs in a religious community where they are ruled by God’s laws. The rest of us have to stop at the red light because of the local government’s laws. So far, when somebody goes to court using the excuse of hearing voices in their hear or God direction them to kill, it hasn’t worked out so well.

  8. Ryan Knight says:

    I think I am going to be sick, mainly from the gross repetition in her writing. For crissakes, I’m an English undergrad, and i can spot the verbosity in her paragraphs a mile away blindfolded, in a ditch, and with a bag on my head. Double-talk, repetition, and hyperbole are not the works of clear and direct writing. That aside, I would like to know just where exactly she and her cronies want to take America back to. Do they want it to go back to when I had my own drinking fountain? Do they want it to go back to when all it took was the word of some malcontent in your family or community to incarcerate or institutionalize you for “deviant” behavior. Do they want to take it back to a time when homosexuality carried a prison sentence of up to twenty years in a maximum security prison, if not a nice lifelong stay in a looney bin? Or, do they want to take it back to when women couldn’t vote, slavery was legal, only wealthy white landowners could have influence of government, and child labor was the norm? Really Sarah, where do you want this country to go?


  9. tigerwine says:

    I think we should sue SP and the publisher for false advertising. This book was supposed to be about
    “Faith, Family and Flag” – an inspiriational, uplifting kind of thing. Has anyone seen any of this? All I’ve seen from AKM’s faithful analysis is sniping, snarking, head-scratching type of stuff.

    Thanks, AKM

  10. I am drawn to the book section of any store like a moth to flames and without even thinking about Palin’s books there they are and I turn and leave. There were three copies of Palin’s book at Fred Myers here in Soldotna this evening. I had an urge to move them to the True Crime section, but the thought of touching them was repulsive. Her books are like Kryptonite to me. AKM I hope you are at least entertained, in a comedy way by her latest installment of fictional propaganda.

    • Bretta says:

      I like moving her “books” turning them upside down and backwards, putting them on an inconvenient shelf, as my service to the Monkey Wrench Gang tradition.

      go for it

      • Eykis says:


        I do the same thing here in Tennessee – they have the Snowbilly Grifter’s books up by the counter in the local Walmart – it is eversomuchfun to get caught turning the books backwards and moving them around on the shelves — the kids who work the cash registers just laugh~

  11. Chaim says:

    “Nothing says happy tolerant multi-generational family outing like a hacked off rattlesnake.” That’s a keeper!

    ” “I have a kind of internal compass that keeps me sane and grounded when the media attack dogs bark and the days on the road get long.”

    (Shaking with laughter and dabbing eyes with a Kleenex as I have a mental image of the internal compass that keeps Sarah Palin sane and grounded, spinning like it was at the geographic center of the Bermuda Triangle.)”

    I think you’re mistaken, AKM. From her perspective, it doesn’t spin. Her magnetic personality keeps her compass needle true, always pointed directly at her, since she represents the Pole Star around which everything turns. It’s only a problem for others who expect a compass to point in the general direction of north.

  12. LibertyLover says:

    I was going to give myself a Palin free day for Thanksgiving. I watched the Macy’s parade as I prepared the turkey.
    I put in my personal traditional video of It’s A Wonderful Life – stemming from when I lived in Seattle the only station that I could get on my little TV in the kitchen was the UHF station and they played it every Thanksgiving. I have pretty much been able to time the whole preparation on the meal by the time the movie ends!

    My family gathered for the meal and we had a pleasant time. We took our usual tryptophan laden naps and cleaned up our dishes. and then we went to the movie theater to watch Harry Potter gallivant around on an IMAX screen. What a treat. And then, when I least suspected it, an advertisement came on, one of many, but this one made my heart grow cold. It was an advertisement for a newish TLC reality show called: Sarah Palin’s Alaska. This ad was not on my TV. This was on an enormous screen and there she was… Telling me that she would rather be out there than in a stuffy ol’
    Government office.

    I giggled when my spouse said, “Good, then stay there!” Made me proud. I was able to put Ms. Palin aside and focus on the movie. And my Thanksgiving was saved. but now I’m worried about poor Harry Potter. Somehow I think he’ll be ok in the end though.

    BTW, watching It’s a Wonderful Life always reminds me of what life could be like without people like George Bailey- who cares about his community. We could all be living in our own little local Pottersville. And I am thankful that we are not there yet.

    I hope that everyone had a wonderful day with friends and family and the you always have enough.

    I hope your Thanksgiving was

  13. EX CAT says:

    To borrow a quote from a well known science fiction writer. Either she knows what she is doing or she does not. Both choices are equally frightening.

  14. Irishgirl says:

    Twisted logic! 🙂

  15. Irishgirl says:

    Yay, It is snowing in Ireland in November…….that can only mean one thing…….the world hates Sarah Palin!

    • sallyngarland,tx says:

      She’s supposed to be in my area Sun. for her book signing and I’m waiting for the skies to turn black, thunder crackling loudly, lightening like we’ve never seen, wind gusting–sorry but bad just follows her and it’s creepy. She just makes me think of one gigantic,awful storm when she is around.

      She’ll be here Sun and I’ve only seen one article about it and it was making fun of her. Dallas is Dem territory and she’s not a favorite. Guess she may get people from the suburbs.

      • Irishgirl says:

        We had terrible thunder and lightening last night apparently ….I slept through it all.

  16. Sheesh says:

    “This is my America, from my heart, and by my heart. I give it now to my children and grandchildren and to yours, so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free.”

    Thank you so much for blessing us with this precious gift of inspiration Oh Grizzled One! I shall treasure your words in my heart forever. We have been waiting for your wisdom to grace us and your generosity in gifting your heart to my children is….well…I’m just speechless with gratitude!

    (What a bunch of narcissistic crap!)

  17. ang says:

    I’m speechless. AKM you are a strong woman.

    And a peppermint paddy can keep the nausea down. Worked for me out in Prince William Sound on a halibut fishing trip. I was the only female on the boat, and I did not hurl.

  18. Rick says:

    She’s right. I see a pre printed sign that says and I’m sure they want money!

  19. sallyngarland,tx says:

    This is her America and you can’t have ’til she gives it to you!! She’s sickeningly self centered.

    • Sheesh says:

      I’ve been waiting oh so patiently for someone to gift me with America and thank G-d Sarah came to the rescue…

  20. North of the Range says:

    “so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free.”

    She’s speaking dog whistle. Not only riffing on Reagan, but hitting the next theme in the scripted program– rebranding the word “constitutional” to mean “only the stuff in there we agree with” and setting up all reasonable disagreement regarding what that should be as a headlong descent into “enslavement”. It’s Orwellian, in a way that even Reagan, bless his lil’ ol’ saintly flag-wavin’ heart, would have cringed at.

    Remember this from the Joe Miller campaign, as transcribed by AKM back in Oct?

    “We received a letter from a child. We got this just the other day, and I’m just going to read this to you. ‘My name is Kyle. I’m 10. The reason you can win against the government is so that all the people in the USA don’t have to be slaves in the last known free country in the world.'”

    There are reasons the hard right is raising kids to believe in this nonsense. And it doesn’t bode well for actual freedom.

  21. leenie17 says:

    The more I hear about this book, the more I have this image of her with a nasty snarl on her face, holding a pencil so tightly that her knuckles are white and the pencil point breaks, and growling as she mutters to herself.

    NOT a pretty picture.

  22. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “America, by Tart” = Sourpuss on a Bus Tour

  23. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Ghastly, just awful ugly craziness. How many pages or chapters to this swill?

    AKM, you’re a brave woman but if you hit the point you can’t do the whole book I don’t there’s a soul among us that would blame you.

    The only thing to cleanse the palate was to reach for the Mudflat “Donate” button. This is beyond “taking it for the team” efforts!

  24. BS says:

    Sarah is just plain “mean-spirited.”

  25. merrycricket says:

    I still can’t believe you have volunteered to torture yourself for us again. Your summaries are far more entertaining than having to read the whole thing.

  26. BJA says:

    AKM, you really don’t have to read it. I know you said you would, but you don’t. It’s too dreadful. No one should go through that rot.

  27. Writing from Tulsa says:

    Not even a mention of Sarah P in Tulsa book signing on the three stations very up to date web pages in Tulsa at 9:19 pm.

  28. GA Peach says:

    I’m just reading the red parts – the only words that make sense.

  29. Dagian says:

    “And so we begin the blogging of the book.”

    It’s like analyzing a stool sample. I hope you’re washing your hands THEN rinsing them with a weak solution of nitric acid!

    I find myself thinking we should take up a collection and send you a care package. Good wine, awesome cheeses and how about the DVD “Auntie Mame”? Or maybe “The Producers” (the re-make)?

  30. Ripley in CT says:

    Might I suggest double-sided sticky tape and some throw pillows? Attach them to the front and sides of your head. You’re gonna need ’em. Sheesh.

    • leenie17 says:

      That might have worked for the last book. For this one, I think she might have to go with a football helmet with extra padding, lots of extra strength Tylenol and vast quantities of chocolate.

      On second thought, forget the Tylenol and just go with a good supply of the alcohol of choice.


  31. Lee323 says:

    “I have a kind of internal compass that keeps me sane and grounded when the media attack dogs bark and the days on the road get long.”

    “I am a kind of eternal dumbass that keeps me shamed and growling when the media attack dogs barf and the pay on the road gets low.”

    Just a wee clarification there…

    • vyccan says:

      Lee323: Rereading the quote you chose just made me think if she characterizes her behaviour of justifications, mean-spiritedness, and whining as ‘sane and grounded’, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near her when she feels she’s displaying a lack of sanity, etc.

  32. laingirl says:

    AKM, I’ve said it before, but I’ll say again that you are one brave woman, and I love your comments. They make me LOL.

  33. MO inkslinger says:

    Wish I could elbow Sarah Palin and do a little damage……..please……..please.

  34. Jeanne;

    Thank you for this effort to examine the (facile) mind of Sarah Palin.

    But i can’t help wondering: this is obviously ghost-written. I’ve read her rambling, disconnected, almost incoherent speeches and seen her disjointed, almost surrealistic interviews; and now we are confronted with a linear and perhaps logical text. We know her first book was ghost-written, and surely the same ghostwriter did the graces for this work.

    The question I have is: did Sarah Palin actually think these things? Did these impressions actually flow from her mind out of her mouth and into the ghostwriter’s ear, a true narrative process? Or was it instead a long process of questioning by the incredibly patient (and motivated) ghostwriter who “helped” Ms. Palin arrive at a conclusive set of introspective impressions?

    Q: What about the campaign signs? What did they look like?
    A: Oh! Oh yeah–they were all printed. Real expensive looking. I wish we could have done that.
    Q: Yeah, but the fact they were all printed–doesn’t that mean a lot of money, maybe someone really behind them?
    A: Oh my god…. That would be just like them too–just to get me, to stop me.
    Q: So what did our signs look like? The ones done by your supporters.
    A: Oh! They were all hand-made–really crude, kinda mom&pop variety.
    Q: So they definitely didn’t look like “big money” did they? Definitely not out to get you.
    A: Them? [laughs] Oh, no way! It’s like they were … they were….
    Q: Speaking from their hearts?
    A: Yes! Exactly. Cute little sayings.
    [Ghostwriter types furiously]
    Q: Okay, so we’ve got the reasons why you were speaking to them–and your reasons for running for office–
    A: No, not yet. That’s later.
    Q: Fine. And then we’ve got who were attending your rallies–
    A: Yeah, real mom&pop stuff.
    Q: And we devote a couple of paragraphs to people who oppose you–
    A: Ooo, they make me so damn mad–really stomp on them!

    In the imaginary example I give here, analysis of the text won’t help us very much, because there is very little of the real Sarah Palin. Ms.Palin by now is incredibly packaged, severely branded, worse even than Ronald Reagan. Can we really glean anything meaningful from “her” writings?

    Daffyd ap Morgen

  35. Alaska Pi says:

    Dear whatzername-
    My child is a grown man who thinks you are a fool.
    We don’t want my grandchildren to know a dang thing about your free-america.
    We’ll be working hard to make you take it and go home also too even and so forth.
    I’m gonna go eat some pumpkin pie and try to forget I even fell off the wagon as regards you this weekend.
    Pffft. What a sorry sad bag o spuds you are.

  36. ValleyIndependent says:

    I pray that neither I, nor my children, or grandchildren ever have to live in Sarah Palin’s America.

  37. jimzmum says:

    *snort* I have been having fun. New game. Take a phrase that AKM has quoted and Google it. Such as “snippets of speeches” from page xii. I found this on the first page of hits:

    “But the most stirring thing about the album isn’t the songs, but the snippets of speeches by Obama and the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that are interwoven into a dozen of the album’s songs. Particularly motivating is the “Fired Up! Ready to Go!” call-and-response that Obama used during the 2004 Democratic National Convention, which is tacked onto the end of the Jill Scott song. Obama and his team must have had supreme confidence that he would win the election, because if he hadn’t, this album would have been a monument to failure. But instead, its a tribute to his – and America’s – historic victory.”

  38. Eddie in Anchorage says:

    The suspense is killing me. Please, please tell me there’s somewhere in this deep, rich treasure-trove of profound thought where she says, “We wouldn’t want those in the Twin Towers to have died in vain. “

  39. Bev says:

    Page xiv…What the heck did she say????

    I do not have a college education but please, I need someone smarter then me to explain what she said.

    I get now why the tea party people love her, she does not dazzle them with brains she baffles them with bullsh***.

  40. Gramiam says:

    Has anybody done a study of how the availability of so much recycled toilet paper could affect the bottom line of producers like Charmin or Cottonelle?

  41. Bretta says:

    “…because we suck…” That paragraph is dismaying.

    Speak for yourself, Sarah. Really? Suck twice in the same sentance? You are clearly to blame, Grisly Mama, for your daughters’ language skills. Or lack of them.

    • jimzmum says:

      Now, Bretta. All the other words were just way too hard, and it wasn’t fair, and all those other words were Socialist, and quit makin’ things up, and support our troops as they do what they are doin’, and God Bless America buymybook.

      • Bretta says:

        Now I believe she wrote it herself, without an editor. What actual professional English major-editor-ghostwriter would actually let her leave “…because we suck…” in there? Unless they got a HUGE payoff. I’m crosseyed just reading the bits that AKM has posted. I am not the English major in my family and I think I am too ashamed of $arah to even show this to my sister. Ick.

    • physicsmom says:

      I thought that was AKM paraphrasing sarcastically. There were no quotation marks. AKM would you please clarify if the recap is an overview or verbatim? Thanks.

    • AKMuckraker says:

      That was me summarizing. She didn’t say “suck”. I’ll put everything she says in quotation marks or indented. The red is internal murmuring, and the rest is my summary of the swill.

      • Dagian says:

        “the rest is my summary of the swill.”

        Analysis of the cesspool?

        You’re sifting through the mental bowel movements of the most vapid woman in the world and you’re not in a bio-hazard suit or hazard pay. You’re a wonder.

      • Bretta says:

        I apologize if Sarah didn’t rillly say we suck. Sorry that I didn’t git your paraphrasing. I won’t blame it on the turkey – just me overreacting – I truly did not want to read too close – I was holding my nose at the time. :}

  42. sam hall says:

    Perhaps Palin of the bible..can explain to God while a lady? of her age and so bibical makes vulgar
    remarks about the male gender personal situations..why Bristol said the only reason she wanted to
    win the dancing with the stars was to give people the third finger…explain this Franklin Graham
    who gave a doubt as to Obama being a Christian I would think people like phony Palin and her ilk
    have set back unfortnately many people and many young people from any belief in Christinity.

    • jimzmum says:

      Guess that whole witch doctor thing wore off?

    • Bretta says:

      Oh, now I get it why the tea-baggers say Obama is not a Xtian!! Because $P is, and this is how she acts, and because Obama is nice, and decent, and considerate, and inspiring, why, of course, since he is the opposite of $P, he couldn’t possibly be a Xtian. Because $arah is.

      I’m not confused anymore!

    • laingirl says:

      I just read a Syrin post on how Sowah didn’t really participate at their church.

  43. LiladyNY says:

    I simply have no words. Head meet desk.

  44. Cassie Jeep says:

    Have we discovered who the ghostwriter is? I can’t seem to find any information on it.

    (of course, said ghostwriter may have a “do not EVER disclose my identity” clause.)

    • gens says:

      Does anyone know if Stapleton is doing anything ? book, interviews, etc. She stated leaving the PaBama basher circle for more family time…just curious.

      • Bretta says:

        Somebody probably got through to her that $Palin was destroying her credibility and professional life. That is a fact. Stapleton’s behavior as attached to $Palin was simply horrifying, given the good status she had as a journalist before she got involved with the langer.

    • LoveMyDogs says:

      Cassie Jeep: That’s It!!! Ronnie Raygun is her ghostwriter! back from the grave to help her griftin’, cause she’s so exceptional and loves her some freeeeeeeedom from copyrights.

    • lilybart says:

      Seems to be Jonah Goldberg’s wife.

      • MDB says:

        Jonah Goldberg’s view of FOX News seem reasonable.

        ” Look, I think liberals have reasonable gripes with Fox News. It does lean to the right, primarily in its opinion programming but also in its story selection (which is fine by me) and elsewhere. But it’s worth remembering that Fox is less a bastion of ideological conservatism and more a populist, tabloidy network. It often does very good hard journalism, but it gets mixed up with a lot of other stuff, and the Fox-haters are hardly inclined to be discriminating viewers when it comes to separating the wheat from the pure, concentrated evil. ” — Jonah Goldberg, March 16, 2007, American conservative syndicated columnist and author.

        ” Fox’s biggest critics don’t appreciate why Fox News exists in the first place. It was created because vast numbers of Americans – including many Democratic voters – saw the mainstream media as too liberal and too elitist. Proof that Fox’s creators were right can be found in its enormous ratings success. In response to that success – as well as conservative talk radio’s – liberals have become obsessed with creating their own alternative media. The most famous example, Air America, has been a giant failure, and maybe that explains part of the left’s mounting frustration with Fox. It just seems so unfair that viewers like Fox but don’t really want to watch Al Franken whine about Dick Cheney all day. ” — Jonah Goldberg, March 16, 2007, American conservative syndicated columnist and author.

        ” This process of media balkanization may well be inevitable. I’ve long argued that we’re heading toward a European-style press where newspapers and networks are more honest about their ideological biases. But in an age where the press and many politicians decry this division, it’s worth pointing out what we’re getting ourselves into. ” — Jonah Goldberg, March 16, 2007, American conservative syndicated columnist and author.

    • Irishgirl says:

      Jessica Gavora.

  45. LoveMyDogs says:

    “so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free.”

    Aren’t these words lifted from someone else? Ronnie Raygun maybe?

    Sliding them into your “sentence” doesn’t make it any less of a plagirism.

    AKM: Are there footnotes in this mess?

    • jimzmum says:

      Found it!

      “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free — Ronald Reagan ”

      • jimzmum says:

        Here is what she “wrote”:

        “This is my America, from my heart, and by my heart. I give it now to my children and grandchildren and to yours, so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free.”

        It is close. If I were grading it, I would lower the grade quite a bit. I typed in the last phrase to Google, and the Reagan quote was about the seventh or eighth entry on the first page of hits. That is too close in my opinion.

      • Gramiam says:

        Yikes! Plagiarism? Who’d a thunk it? And from a President with Alzheimer’s. That is a new low.

        • leenie17 says:

          Amazing how a person with Alzheimer’s STILL makes more sense that this supposed journalism major at her best, WITH ghost writers to fix the worst parts!

      • LoveMyDogs says:

        Paraphrasing without giving credit to the original is still plagirism (or so I was taught in an elitist, Ivy League institution of higher learning).

        • LoveMyDogs says:

          Sorry for the mis-spelling of plagiarism. I’m still recovering from a week on painkillers for a tweaked neck.

          • Bretta says:

            Yabbut I bet you didn’t have to go to five colleges to become an elitist or to learn about plagiarism.

        • jimzmum says:

          What might be interesting is to scan and run this book through the program designed to find plagiarised passages. I am guessing the program would crash.

      • AKMuckraker says:

        That’s the Reagan quote that she cites on one of the pages. So in the book it’s evident that’s the one she’s referencing in the last paragraph. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear. Reading Palinisms tends to murk the brain…

        • boodog says:

          AKM, please take a break often, we can’t let you risk brain murk for our sakes.
          But thank you for it 🙂

        • Hope says:

          Reagan again????

        • Eykis says:

          Snowilly Grifter’s utter stoopidity is the same as Stupannity or Beckanoia – they only know about Reagan because he was prez when they were in high school and actually required to read about the government — they all are CLUELESS as to what Reagan was actually about and how awful our country has become due to his “trickle down” and “de-regulating” of all things that kept the CITIZENS of America safe – the truth needs to be told – Reagan’s Alzheimer’s was in full bloom when Iran-Contra took place and the country was being run by DarthDick back then as well.

    • bubbles says:

      footnotes?? Sarah Palin?………………not a chance.

  46. sam hall says:

    Mudflats as always gives the readers..the information plus with such a great sense of
    humor. How any person that thinks well at all…support in any way the dribble..lies..and twists
    Palin puts out..she does not make any sense at all. Keep up your excellent journalism..your
    great sense of humor it is much appreciated by many.

  47. LoveMyDogs says:

    “we are all born unformed”

    DH and I watched a funky Sci-Fi pseudo-horror movie last night called “Splice” (genetic engineering of human and other animals). Now that gives some meaning to being born “unformed”.

    As to the “fallen” part? well Sister S….”It’s your hel*…you burn in it” is all I have to say.

    • Bretta says:

      We can always wipe our bums with the $arah Palin toilet paper – then flush it into the mudflats (in Anchorage we do, literally!).

    • Eykis says:

      Funny, we watched Splice last night as well. Maybe that is where Snowbilly Grifter is going next – oh, sorry, I forget, Snowbilly Grifter does not believe in science. Do you think she would have saved DREN? roflmfao

  48. gens says:

    Remembering The 1980s: The Press Slept While Reagan Rambled
    February 7, 1999, by Jeff Cohen

    In her book “Reporting Live,” former CBS White House correspondent Lesley Stahl writes that she and other reporters suspected that Reagan was “sinking into senility” years before he left office. She writes that White House aides “covered up his condition”– and journalists chose not to pursue it.

    • bubbles says:

      damned shame.

    • jojobo1 says:

      I read that also and that Nancy ran the government with the help of his advisers and her astrologers. palin better hope this is no where near the end times because the stains on her soul will not allow her into heaven at this time.She has lessons galore to learn

  49. ks sunflower says:

    Cries of fraudulent advertising, misrepresentation, and worse should be forthcoming across the nation as people become aware of what this waste of good paper truly is. It was foisted upon us as being a collection of inspirational material.

    Guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Sarah thinks the world began only 6,000 years ago, that God Himself speaks to Her and opens doors for her to sashay through to fulfill Her Mission for Him. It always struck me that she regarded God to be Her personal doorman, calling Her cabs, wearing white gloves so She wouldn’t be soiled by anything He happened to touch. Sarah the Sicko stirs the crazy pot again.

    Sarah is not intellectually curious. Heck, she’s not even intellectual competent.

    The only thing Sarah seems to find “inspirational” is anything that comes out of her mouth.

    • ks sunflower says:

      well, darn – “Heck, she’s not even intellectually competent.”

      Obviously, I am not competent at proofreading – but that woman’s words make me crazy!

      • Bretta says:

        Still, well said!

      • Eykis says:

        Excellent post, we got your meaning – Snowbilly Grifter is not competent to raise her own kids – why is DCS not after her – the kids don’t go to school.

  50. I think I have crossed a threshold – I am so thoroughly convinced of the ineptitude of Sarah Palin that I am no longer roused by her nonsense. One can only shake one’s head and sigh. I think if more of us did so, she would lose some of her ‘power’. Just a hunch.

    • Laurie says:

      She will lose her power as we mute our response to her attempts to provoke us. I was considering going to her book signing in Franklin, TN then decided I would not bother. Why give her the extra attention?

      • Misty Fiords says:

        That’s what I think. Can’t we just ignore her? Otherwise here comes TIME’s Person of the Year or People’s . . .

      • Eykis says:


        I thought about going to Costco or is it Sam’s? The same place Stupannity did his book-signing which was a total FAIL.

        I live north of Ashland City – the more I thought about, the more I decided I would not waste the gas or the time…..roflmfao, the Snowbilly Grifter and Marsha Blackburn – you tell me, how is it that Marsha is my congress critter here near Clarksville (Ft. Campbell) and Willamson County? Can anyone say, GERRYMANDER?

  51. antiAnti says:

    “we are all born unformed and fallen” but that American exceptionalism rescues us from eternal damnation, I guess.

    Only 20 pages and the commentary’s red patches are getting bigger. AKM is fighting a losing battle to staunch the tide, but by the last chapter, I’m afraid it will be one long page of red exclamation points.

  52. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I just don’t see anything besides “America by Fart” and so can’t take any of it seriously. I know that’s not original and it’s not intended to be – it’s just what my brain says in response to the Twit and I can’t help it. I’m sure it’s a defense mechanism against her macrocosm of brain deadness and Dippy-Do style of snark and vanity.

  53. benlomond2 says:

    I give it now to my children and grandchildren

    Does that mean she’s gonna go home, and leave the rest of the country alone now ??? please tell me I read that correctly !!

  54. Bretta says:

    President Obama got 12 stitches in his lip from playing basketball.

    Now we have to hear from $creech McPayMe about her basketball days and how she never got hurt because she was toodamngoodthebarracudadontchaknow. Good Gawd.

  55. vyccan says:

    AKM, I appreciate your reading both the last book AND this one to give us an overview so we don’t have to read them. Pardon me, nevertheless, (I don’t mean to question your integrity,) but … are you sure you are reading from “America by Heart’, the book that was supposed to be inspiring?

    • vyccan says:

      I seem to have missed the inspiration in what you’ve shared so far. Also, the tone so far mirrors remarkably the tone in book 1.

      • CO almost native says:

        I think Palin’s book should be: “Palin’s Revenge” and “Palin’s Payback and Revenge, the Sequel”.

        • KarenJ says:

          “Molding the crooked timber of humanity requires the grace of God.”

          I.e., mixing a word salad of metaphors.

          “This is my America, from my heart, and by my heart. I give it now to my children and grandchildren and to yours, so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free.”

          I.e., Preamble to The Bitchfest, Chapter I.

  56. n djinn says:

    What the holy half-shell is this nonsense? It’s just babble. At least this time she didn’t even pretend to go off to Long beach and write it with someone.

  57. mustang says:

    the only way to get her kids names out of the msm is to cart them around in public, again.
    this some very crazy stuff!

  58. GOSHRX says:

    I am SO glad that you’re reading this so I don’t have to. There are better ways to kill brain cells, and they don’t give Sarah a dime.

  59. London Bridges says:

    I give it now to my children and grandchildren

    Now means as of this minute as of today. November 26, 2010. This clearly indicates as of today Sarah has grandchildren, which means more than one. Tripp is allegedly one grandchild. Who, as of today, is #2 grandchild?

  60. Bretta says:

    this was on HuffPost – bears repeating:
    onecrazyprogressive 23 hours ago (5:25 PM)

    You’re a rotter, Mrs Palin,
    You’re the Queen of sinful sots,
    Your heart’s a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots, Mrs Palin
    Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of rubbish imaginable, mangled up in tangled up knots!

    (Sung to “Your a Mean One Mr.Grinch)

  61. jimzmum says:

    OT, but this angers me beyond all reason.

    Mrs. Palin’s latest tweet.

    “America by Heart book signing in Tulsa tonight!Thankful 4 Thanksgiving break so my girls can meet & greet great Americans w/me on book tour less than 10 seconds ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® ”

    Excuse me? First, two of your girls don’t even attend school, right? And, the little one was used by you as a shield during your last book tour.

    The only “great Americans” they will meet are those who have bought your book and are waiting to have it signed.

  62. CO almost native says:

    Ok, I’m confused:

    “…so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free.”

    Does Palin mean when the Constitution was written, so free people refers to only the white guys who owned property, or now- meaning the only free people are the very rich, like the Koch Brothers- and the Palin family, busily suckering all those Tee Pee-ers and lame media-types who hang on her every word?

  63. SouthPaw says:

    AKM…whilst you read this dribble have a little soothing Gaelic tune in the background to soothe your soul

    I’m adding a little Grey Goose to that Pepto…it helps.

  64. jimzmum says:

    Oh, ick. Really, this is so much worse. Was there not a ghost for this piece of tripe?

    • NEO says:

      it is worse. any takers on what the body count will be this time?
      ick is right! that last paragraph – what the hell?
      i think that the internal compass is scrambling her little brain. i would suggest she have it removed.

  65. weaver57 says:

    AKM – you are astounding. Are you doing this to take the place of “Black Friday?” I would think you would like to enjoy the Thanksgiving week-end. I simply and absolutely could not, would not, read that gibberish. And so, where was Sarah during Thanksgiving? With her family?

    • Bretta says:

      You’re right – we didn’t hear about a marathon (or non-complete) this year.

    • Gramiam says:

      Rumor has it that she was breathing my damned air here in Arizona. As if we don’t have enough problems with Gov. Brewer’s Death Panels and Se. Kyl’s earmarks!

  66. Nebraska Native says:

    My God, it’s worse than Going Rogue. I did not think that was possible.

  67. Irishgirl says:

    What is sad, is that we are spending time on this langer.

    Take your pick!

  68. Eddie in Anchorage says:

    “I give it now to my children and grandchildren …..”

    Inquiring minds ask: Tell us, Sarah, exactly how many grandchildren do you currently have, and how many are (allegedly) on the way? Just a hunch that the actual tally differs from yours.

  69. Irishgirl says:

    Sweet Christ!

    • Hope says:

      Wow, there is a lot of grey haired men in that picture. I thought it was a grandpa convention at first. This woman is so full of herself.

      I wonder if she ever looks in the mirror and laughs at the loopy stuff she says. I am happy that Mudflats is reading the book. I can’t read it nor do I have a desire to watch her show. Anymore, it is like a chalk-board scratch thing when she talks. Please just make money and be Ann Coulter’s side kick.

  70. Attagirl says:

    The sound you hear is my head thumping on my desk. AKM…..there is no way to properly thank you for reading this tripe and reporting on it. THANKS for doing this for us.

  71. SouthPaw says:

    Thanks for doing this AKM…before I read this post though am off to get the biggest bottle of Pepto Bismol I can find.

    BTW just found what the bronze award looked like for DWTS…heheheh

    • Don says:

      I hope you do not get brain rot from reading this drivel.
      I went to Sam’s today and they had all the moron’s books on the same shelf.
      How convenient.