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Friday, January 28, 2022

America by Heart – PICTURES! (in words)

Well, we had a 24-hour breather. A little intermission. A mental sorbet between courses of inedible nonsense, and sheets of trees that died in vain.  And now (rolling up sleeves) we’re ready to begin again. And lucky for us, we can ease back into the whole steaming pile of pulp with… PICTURES! I cannot reproduce any of them, but I will describe them to you so you get the idea.


13-year old Sarah Palin, already memorializing the killin’ of stuff on film. She shows the disinterested family pet (a German Shepherd named Rufus) two dead birds she shot. Look!  It’s the Alaska State Bird, the ptarmigan. POW!

Sally Heath hiking in a plaid shirt and an enormous backpack with packless child behind her. She looks exactly like Sarah, only actually doing something outdoors that isn’t for a TV show. This family trek was to “learn about the 1898 gold rush that helped settle the Last Frontier.”

The whole family on a backpacking trip learning about “pioneering spirit and work ethic” that built America!  Dad carried everyone’s stuff.

Family and friends gather at the campaign rally held in Anchorage when she came back after the VP nomination to pack her stuff for the campaign trail. Here’s my picture of that event. Hers was taken of the VIPs in the bleachers on the right, inside the taped off crowd area where everyone packed in for the TV cameras.

Visiting the WTC Visitors Center at Ground Zero in a room full of pictures of those killed in the attack.

Sarah, with a bibbed and sleeping Trig in her lap, Piper, Willow and Bristol attending a hockey game – Flyers v. Rangers. I think this was the one where she dropped the puck to start the game, and despite widespread media coverage about plans to Boo her, she took her daughters out on the ice with her as adorable little human shields. It did not stop the booing.  This is Philly, Lady.

Todd and Sarah putting their “faith in the power of prayer”  at the “Road to Victory Rally” the day before the election. (Guess that didn’t work out to well…) Sarah, in red, clasps hands in front and looks downward. Todd, next to her is in the more unusual hands-behind-back praying pose.

Todd and Sarah on stage smiling and laughing with flags in the background, also the day before the election.

Sarah in killer purple suede high heeled boots in the parking lot of Sam’s Club in Arkansas. Holding Trig in blue hooded jacket and socks.

Sarah signing a copy of Going Rogue on the book tour. Droopy dawg hair, and pink jacket. Piper takes a picture in the background.

A photo of Sarah’s hand clasping a soldier’s hand. His arm is clad in camouflage. His other hand holds a copy of Going Rogue. Piper gazes on, looking bored.

Sarah autographing a patch on the arm of a soldier at Ft. Hood.

Another picture from Ft. Hood. A vet in a wheelchair gets book signed.

Proof that Piper did do homework on the campaign trail. She sits on the floor of the campaign bus and “kept up with her Cottonwood Creek classmates via correspondence assignments.”

Piper, Sarah and Willow on a carousel during a photo shoot for People Magazine.

Cute picture of Todd and Trig looking at each other. Todd in suit and tie, Trig with bottle.

“Bristo’s son Tripp Easton Mitchell” (no last name mentioned) digs into his first birthday cake. Friends scoop ice cream with Bristol. A banner on the wall reads “Celebrate his Life.”  Metal fish on the wall. I believe it’s one that I’ve seen elsewhere of a barracuda with glasses and lipstick.

Sarah kneels on floor with Trig on stuffed rocking horse that looks like a donkey. Tripp sits on stuffed elephant. Donkey and elephant is kind of funny. Not sure if it was intentional or not. Probably not.

Sarah sitting in lawn chair with Trig. She wears sunglasses and what appears to be a t-shirt with a picture of Ronald Reagan on it.

Sarah in black and Glenn Beck both flash the peace sign. Odd. It’s after their Statue of Liberty interview where Sarah explained afterwards that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to warn us against socialism.

Sarah sitting on the edge of the couch holding hands with Billy Graham who sits in an armchair. “The Reverend Billy Graham offers me words of wisdom and encouragement on a Sunday afternoon… This time of prayer and a shared meal at this prayer warrior’s mountainside home in Montreat, North Carolina, is a highlight of my life. Reverend Graham is a giant in this world, and he will surely hear “well done” in the next.”  Predicting what God will say in the future. New skill.

Sarah and camo-clad NASCAR fans at the Daytona 500.

Visits Walter Reed Army Medical Center shaking hands with soldier. Doctors look on.

Red leather coat, mouth open, screeching at Tea Party rally in Boston Commons.

Todd adjusts Sarah’s earpiece in their home studio on Lake Lucille before an appearance with Sean Hannity. Her studio is in Todd’s airplane hangar.

Sarah in running shorts about to hit the trail as she catches the news on the big screen TV, remote in hand. Piper and cousin McKinley are “wrapping gifts to send to an Alaska logging camp.” (??)

On gravel bar camping trip, Chuck Sr. and Chuck Jr. wait for Sarah to cook the eggs on the cookstove. (From the TV show)

Red jacket, yoga pants, running shoes, shooting a big gun at the gun range to get ready to go kill something.

Supporting locally owned business Chimo Guns. “The guys at this Wasilla establishment gave me good advice on firepower before my fall caribou hunt.”

Sarah in baseball cap and camo gear holding the head of a dead caribou with giant smile on her face. Taken during the filming of the episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska that aired tonight. “I eat therefore I hunt!” Points out that she’s near ANWR and it’s desolate and flat and uninhabited and loaded with oil that we’re not tapping but should be. She loves eating organic free-range wild protein (nice break from the Crunch Wrap Supremes)

Standing in the snow. She and Piper flew out to a remote glacier to go dogsledding with famous Iditarod mushers. (Taken from an episode of the TV show)

Standing at the podium in front of a flag, and a banner with a picture of Lincoln at the “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington, D.C.  According to the caption, the rally “drew an estimated five hundred thousand people.”  Umm… estimated by people who don’t know how to count? Estimates from people who actually do estimates of such things put it at about 80,000.  Comedy Central’s Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear drew 215,000.  People must like that kind of comedy better than yours.

Tromping across the beach in Homer at low tide digging for clams. It’s “always on their low tide to do list.” (Taken from an episode of the TV show)

“A rare moment captured of the Palin crew – we’re all together, at home!” This is the picture of all of them by the lake that was taken for use in the opening part of Sarah Palin’s Alaska.

Todd and Sarah sitting on a bench, each one on their Blackberry… waiting for the weather to clear so they can go on a mountaineering adventure for the TV show. Red cowboy boots. I assume she will change.

So, here’s the score for those of you trying to keep track:

Dead animals – 3

Live animals – 1

Red jackets – 6

Outdoor activities – 9

Rallies – 2

9/11 reference – 1

Sports – 4

Praying – 2

Copies of Going Rogue – 2

American Flags – 6

Right Wing icons – 2, and mention of a third

Cool footwear – 2

Guns in hand – 2

Soldiers – 6 (1 disabled vet)

Dead Republican Presidents – 2

And the Palin Family Head Count in Descending Order of Appearances:

Piper – 10

Todd – 7

Trig – 7

Willow – 4

Bristol – 4

Tripp – 3

Track – 1

Levi – 0

Next installment – Are We Really the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For?



127 Responses to “America by Heart – PICTURES! (in words)”
  1. Judychicago says:

    Talk about creativity! Holy Cow. Thanks AKM. I loved these “images”. My family and I sat around the kitchen table laughing out loud on a cold Chicago night.

  2. dowl says:

    Hey AKM, thanks for the word pictures. Much better that actual palinpics.

  3. leenie17 says:

    I read a comment somewhere the other day that seems to summarize Palin in just a few words.

    She likes to hurt things.

  4. WOW….!

  5. Irishgirl says:

    “ researched the logistics and cost of Palin’s hunting trip which resulted in a bagged caribou, and discovered that it was a mighty expensive way to feed the Palin family, at $42,400 for the trip.

    The grand total to charter a Dehavilland Dash plane from Era Alaska to travel round trip from Wasilla’s Palmer airport to Deadhorse, Alaska was $37,600. In Deadhorse, the Palins switched to a 6 seat Cessna C207 Skywagon which they flew into the Kavik River Camp, at $1200 for the round trip, according to Lori Goodman, director of sales and marketing of Era Alaska, the company which chartered the planes for the Palins.

    Once in Kavik, the Palins spent two nights at the Kavik River Camp at $250 a person per night, for a $750 total.

    Finally, the Deltana Outfitters flew them individually on a Piper Supercub airplane from Kavik into their hunting spot at a cost of $350 per hour for three hours each way, for a total of $2100, according to Deltana.

    The grand Palin total to bag a caribou and get it back to the Palin homestead added up to $42,400, or $141.33 per lb. of caribou meat. Sarah shot and killed a female cow which may have weighed up to 300 lbs.

    Just to put this is perspective, the Palins could have filled their freezer with ribeye steak at $10.99 a lb. from Alaska’s Mr. Prime Beef, which is based in Anchorage and ships anywhere in the state.”

    • boodog says:

      Are there no caribou any closer than Kavik?

      • sierraseven says:

        You betcha! But they wouldn’t provide any opportunity for making comments on ANWR.

    • beth says:

      Contrast this info with Deennaa’s @ 11.2 and the mind is forced into near-catatonia for self-preservation!

      $arah has said on numerous occasions: “Remember – we eat, therefore we hunt.” Sweet Jeebus — does the she not see how absurd that statement is coming from her (of all people!)? Does she not see how it 180-degrees differs from Deennaa’s tradition of “we hunt, therefore we eat”?

      Is there anything, anything at all!, $arah does not use to justify her actions or claim for her (personal) use / for herself? beth.

  6. Waay Out West says:

    Amazon has the book heavily discounted $12.99 from $25.99 and from other sellers it is a low as $9.48 new.

  7. JUST A THOUGHT says:



  8. NOLA says:

    She desperately needs an interior decorator. That living room is atrocious with the tv on the wall, no built-ins, all that white and those green curtains off to the side! I know this is nothing to do with anything and it is catty, but ugh, how can she have all that money and not fix up that place at all?

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Looks more like a sports venue than a living room. I mean, who would want to live in that room? Looks like they’re never there.

      The family picture they had done for the show–everyone is standing away from everyone else (except Trigg, who is held). Track is way in the back like he’s fading away. Todd is way on the side, like they’re going to cut him off with a paper cutter, later. He doesn’t seem to interact with the girls. The girls are together but not touching. Tripp is isolated in that car. Looks like a family portrait from Monk!

      • NOLA says:

        You’re right. There’s just no warmth in any of it. Decor or interpersonal relationships.

  9. ks sunflower says:

    I just looked at the photos from this book on amazon.

    Why doesn’t Sarah ever comment on her mother’s sacrifices for the family? Why is it always her dad being the one who cared?

    The photo where Sarah praises her dad for carrying the supplies for the hike shows her mother with an equally heavy load. Why couldn’t she have praised both them?

    Does anyone know the history of how Sarah and her mom interact? Seems a bit weird for Sarah to be so lopsided towards her dad. Just asking.

  10. twain12 says:

    Andrea Mitchel on MSNBC was wondering why Sarah’s book wasn’t on the top seller list LOL

  11. lilybart says:

    Her “fans” are treated like crap by their Queen. This book is such a useless pile of crap, nothing of substance, nothing there they can’t get for free on Facebook. Insulted is how they should feel. She knows they will buy anything, so she gave them nothing.

  12. Dagian says:

    Sarah Palin is wrong about John F. Kennedy, religion and politics
    by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend



    Who is reading about Sarah Palin — and why?
    By Richard Cohen

    (Our fearless reader needs some levity, and a drink!)

  13. Dagian says:

    Speaking of ANWR, happy 50th birthday!

    Seriously though–let’s applaud Eisenhower for making it happen. Was he the last Republican president who actually gave a tinker’s dam about environmental treasures?

    • ks sunflower says:

      I think so. Gosh, that is amazing. I had not thought about it in those terms, but I believe you may be correct.

      Thanks for bringing this up so we can reflect not only on the anniversary and celebrate the wisdom of the past, but also so we can stand – once again – amazed by the dearth of ideas from the Republican Party. Do they really not care about the country or our future?

    • jojobo1 says:

      Wasn’t it Eisenhower who started our freeway system???

      • ks sunflower says:

        Just what happened to that kind of Republican? Nixon had serious flaws, but Reagan is the one who turned away from building the country and helping the middle class and then the two Bushes just led the way down the slippery slope to undermining what we thought this country stood for and what we believed were its values.

        I can hardly imagine that I would be praising Eisenhower, the great golfer, but I think it was the time frame of his tenure that accounts for accomplishments such as this. We were rebuilding the country after WWII, with GIs going to college (often the first in their lineage to do so) and suburbs were being built to house them and their quickly expanding families. What we didn’t think about was the side of the Republican party that was paranoid – the communist witch hunts, the build-up of the cold war, et cetera.

        People wanted to believe in better times. Some people cling to only the optimism of the 50’s without wanting to acknowledge its dark side: racist and anti-Semitic laws (no Jews in country clubs or in affluent subdivisions, e.g.), rising drug and alcohol usage, and other factors.

        Still, I give kudos to the enlightened policy makers and lawmakers on both sides that gave us the interstate network and saved lands as national parks or wilderness areas.

    • mtviewchild says:

      I think Richard Nixon signed the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

  14. Cackling Rad says:

    If you go to Sarah’s book on Amazon and click on “look inside this book”, the photos are all available for your viewing pleasure, starting at page 277.

    The photo of Tripp’s birthday was disgusting. First of all, if I remember correctly, it wasn’t really his birthday but a photoshoot pretend birthday party. Secondly, instead of having a banner that reads “Happy Birthday, Tripp!” they have a “Celebrate Life!” banner to remind us of the Palins’ anti-abortion creds.

    And all the vet crap infuriated me. I come from a military family, and none of us like this grifter. She acts as if everyone who’s ever been in uniform is automatically on her team. No, Sarah; we think you’re a cheap poser.

  15. blue_in_AK says:

    Mentioning the part about the Iditarod mushers reminds me that Lance Mackey thought she was a Murkowski when she called to congratulate him on his first victory in 2007. Do you all remember that? I thought it was so funny at the time.

    • LoveMyDogs says:

      Lance doesn’t follow politics. He votes R because that is what his family has always done. Remember, at the finish line, these men/women haven’t had adequate sleep for days (perhaps even weeks) and are often hallucinating. Not knowing who the governor is/was was not a surprise to me at all. I’ve known Lance for a long time.

  16. Cortez says:
    Appears Wikileaks tried to get into Sarah’s mind.

    • zyggy says:

      That had me laughing so hard, Borowitz did a great job this time.

    • zyggy says:

      I think this needs it’s own thread, and we could make guesses as to what was found in her brain.

      • bubbles says:

        lessee. what have we here?
        1) a wrapper from a Crunch Wrap Supreme
        2) a used lipstick
        3) a toothpick
        4) a bottle of Baileys
        5) a baby grizzly
        6) a mama grizzly
        7) a can of beer

        there is more. much more inside there. i just need help getting my arms deep enough in there. need help.

  17. Sometimes Ms. Quitty seems to be completely oblivious to the obvious like pregnancy is the leading cause of childbirths. Unless it happens that abstinence is the leading cause of….wait a minute,that would be like birth control and we don’t want that in Alaska or America. That was a gotcha question you libs always try to catch me with. Next thing you know,you’ll be asking me my name. Well,lets get that outof the way. Iam a mama grizzly-bull with pitstick on my lips and as an apple-hockey mom pie ex half-guv of a state you never heard of,with a number of learning-challenged assistant husband close friends like Greta and I have been this close to the White House as Veep and Isaw firsthand from our neighbor Russia just how far away in reality we are from having competent leadership if they don’t all do as I did and enter a beauty shop and place third grade in two of my former universities are so vast you could hide weapons of miss unserstanding where it is cold like that African country you all tried to tell me was so much bigger than your bank account since I am never accountable for what transpired when the Grand Caimans was ripped out of the Earth when we dropped NUNULAR weapons of mass communications degree I was given through a local food bank where no one put any seasonings. I hope that cleared it up for my admirers and Doctors. Sarah

  18. just sayin' says:

    All the more reason to use hemp for paper and save the trees….

  19. Lacy Lady says:

    Pictures that are “staged”—–have no meaning. She should have shown pictures of the “witch doctor” praying over her at the Wasilla church. Or when she was sitting in the Wasilla church and they had a collection for “Jews for Jesus” campaign. I didn’t see any other family members in these pictures. These sermons are—or were—on the internet .
    I firmly believe in separation of church and state. A person brings their “values” to the stage.
    That is what JFK meant when running for president. A good person of faith does this. They don’t push their religion on others. I think we Americans have a right to believe in the rights for all people.
    Quittypants just doesn’t get it!
    She is NOT holyier than thou.
    I have friends of all faiths.We don’t argue as to whose faith is the “right” one. We respect each other.

  20. Hope says:

    Remind Palin that folks in the lower 48 do hunt and fish. We have cold spots as well. LOL. There are some tough ranchers (women) out here and I think they might make Palin look like a whimp! They would make me cry in a minute.

  21. Ms Oprah revealed two more books for her fans and neither of them came from…..wait for it….. oh go ahead, Neither of them from Alaska. So Oprah’s Christmas gift list got smaller. Her life will definitely improve without reference to or sightings of Ms. Quitty. I guess this is the time of year to be grateful for small favors. Now if we could organize wolves and bears into Unions and get them to strike for fair treatment and vote Dummocratic,I’d be much happier. I got to warn you,I don’t like cats of any size or color. Dogs not so much either.

  22. Omomma says:

    Over on IM some speculate TLC is ‘outing’ her by NOT carefully editing the more egregiously ridiculous scenes or fixing up her obvious unfamiliarity and unease with the outdoors.

    The Washington Post quotes Chuck Heath: “‘Anything Sarah Palin does, she does with all four feet, let me tell you that,’ said Sarah’s father before they headed north.”

    It’s like being in an endless loop of events that replicate The Great Turkey Pardon of 2008. No edits, no filters. Delicious.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Any idea how the ratings are?

    • bubbles says:

      you know Omomma. you may just have hit the nail on the head. Mark Burnett and co. seem to be doing exactly that and the same goes for this newest La Palin literary effort from Harper-Collins. hmmmmm. could it be? i wonder what other mudpups think.

      • TrueBlueGirl says:

        Sure seems odd that professional editors didn’t edit (or fact check) the book content, and that professional producers and camera crew didn’t re-shoot or even edit footage that was easily replaced… sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for – like complete control, hah! Who’s going to insist that she looks like an idiot when Scarah has that maniacal glint in her eye? Not people who are just paid to do a job, nope!

        • Irishgirl says:

          “It occurred to me earlier this week that Palin is basically trying to apply the rules of celebrity to the world of politics. She doesn’t look at her political supporters as…y’know, political supporters: she looks at them as “fans”. She doesn’t look at the Presidency as a way to help the masses: she looks at landing the Presidency as the prize in a popularity contest. She constantly says stuff to her children like “We sure one-up’d him, didn’t we?” and “Prove ’em wrong” and “Hail Satan” (actually, there’s nothing to corroborate that last one). To Sarah Palin, “winning” is everything, so I’m wondering what she makes of the dwindling ratings for Sarah Palin’s Alaska?

          It’s incredibly unlikely that this show’s going to go on past its first season, and rightfully so. Sarah Palin’s Alaska looks great and features top-notch production values, but it’s a slog to get through, and the person (nay, people) at the heart of the show just isn’t that compelling to watch. If anything, she’s grating, and her folksy, pseudo-soccer mom-philosopher platitudes are just weak sauce. TLC, end this. End it now. If not for me, then for the caribou.

          My grade? F+”

          • ks sunflower says:

            Totally agree Irishgirl about your assessment of Palin’s celebrity-as-politics perspective.

            What worries me is that her confusion may be retooling the public’s perspective as well.

            I am concerned that American culture has been regressed to a more infantile stage where reality and fantasy are intertwined, Good educators and good parents worry about children who cannot distinguish between the two.

            Fox News and other irresponsible media such as shock-jock radio have diligently worked to blur the boundaries of fact and fiction. Their entertainers, in their quest for ratings, have deliberately exaggerated misunderstandings, prejudices, and fears to the point that many people can no longer make objective decisions on their own because they allow themselves to be bombarded by messages from people they have mistakenly take to be trusted experts rather than amoral personalities who can or have someone piece together just enough truth around which to build fantasies.

            Sarah herself, I fear, has an infantile or adolescent worldview so when she spouts her lies I suspect she believes a good part of them. It is her sincerity that draws people with the same impairment to her. Unfortunately, she lacks the intellectual capacity and curiosity to learn, to evolve, to question her baseline theories. She may be incapable of embracing anything other than simplistic views of the world. What’s even worse, in my opinion, is that if she is capable of change, she stoutly refuses to try to mature.

            As you rightly suggest, being a celebrity takes no depth, no substance, no worth. All it takes is a superficial packaging of whatever image can catch and hold the public’s attention for as long as possible.

            The Sarah Palin phenomenon is a business – marketing a useless product to guileless consumers, making flashy promises that really are too good to be true. That the product is flawed and could result in needless injury and death is ignored by those who promote and enable her.

          • Irishgirl says:

            ks sunflower, that wasn’t my assessment,although I do agree with it. Unlike our dear Sarah, I wouldn’t like to take credit for work that wasn’t my own. I linked to the article at the bottom of the quote, but on rereading I could have made a better job of that.

            Having got that out of the way, I totally agree with your comments.

    • Polly says:

      I speculate, that Palin’s book draft was much worse, and the editing department needed to put out a book… so what’s left is the less horrific stuff…

  23. LibertyLover says:

    The more I read these installments, the more it is clear to me that Sarah Palin just makes stuff up. Apparently she gets all of her history from movies and distorts the lives of women without whose work, activism and courage, she would not be where she is today. Everything else is just conjecture. I doubt that this woman has read a substantial book on history or anything else, or if she did, she clearly didn’t understand it. It is clear from AKM’s summaries that this woman wouldn’t know how to really research for a book if she was paid to.

    She clearly is using this book (as well as the last one) to answer each and every criticism that has ever been leveled at her or will be leveled at her. Her claim that she is thick-skinned is betrayed by almost each and every word out of her mouth.

  24. maelewis says:

    I’m the kind of reader who can’t wait to read the whole book, so I always peek at the ending. I know that the book subtitle mentions family, flag and faith. I didn’t read that there were any pictures of Sarah and her family going to church. We have seen or hear about family family family. Flag must mean “patriotism,” and nobody loves America more than Sarah.

    So, AKM, it is brave of you to wade through that self-serving book which was written to portray Sarah as the fearless huntress, providing for her family by shooting every creature in Alaska, but please give us a clue. Does she every thank God for the natural beauty of her state and the animals which will sustain her family? Is there ever a moment of quiet reflection? Or is Sarah’s faith limited to being blessed with her youngest child (all of our children are precious)? And, does Sarah’s idea of faith relate to that door that she sees as opening just a crack, while we keep praying to our Gods that the door is closing.

    • bubbles says:

      UH OH!!!
      Please Thou of Whom All Blessings Flow. Please don’t let Whatzherface read what MaeLewis just wrote. i beg You. the Palinintheass will start on her next tome. ‘The Faith of Sarah Palin: How to Get Your Grift On In The Name of Gawd’. your friend Bubbles asks this with a humble, heartfelt plea.

    • tigerwine says:

      Ive wondered about that myself. The only time I’ve ever seen a picture (actually a video) was that time of the “laying on of the hands” while she was da guv.

      You’d think there would be a picture of the whole family (at like, Easter in all their finery), or at Christmas. Not a one.

      • sierraseven says:

        In the last episode of “SP’s Alaska”, Todd’s grandmother was saying a prayer before dinner at Willow’s 16th birthday party – and Willow was standing next to her, making faces and rolling her eyes as her great-grandmother, with closed eyes and bowed head, prayed for Willow to be blessed and happy. It was disgusting. I’m not a religious person, but I don’t make faces when others pray. And kids who grow up in sincerely religious homes don’t act like that.

        Sarah Palin’s Christianity is just like every other aspect of her character – 100% phoney.

  25. Susabelle says:

    Thsnks for your brave efforts reading that book. I admit to a morbid curiosity about its contents.
    This phony person should be stopped. Maybe she could go hunting with Cheney?

  26. Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel says:

    Glad that you noticed also, too, that the mention of Tripp conveniently omitted his surname..

    You’re doing a great job on the excruciating task of slogging through this ghastly “book.” I have to put quotation marks around it because it’s the kind with which one holds oneself rigid, rather than curling up…

  27. Bebbann says:

    Pictures of praying? Isn’t there something in the Bible about that? My minister husband says it’s in Matthew 6:5ff. “Jesus warns us not to be like the hypocrites who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and the street corners in order to be seen…..”

    • ks sunflower says:

      I think that’s it in a nutshell: hypocrisy. Everyone who comes to look closely at the evangelical politicos such as Palin eventually embraces that word to describe them – hypocrites.

      She brings such shame to a faith that, to me at least, should be about kindness, love, forgiveness, charity. I could indeed be very wrong in my opinion of the essence of Christianity, but is the self-proclaimed “Christians” like Palin that have undermined the image and practice of the faith for many of us.

  28. Terry in Maryland says:

    “Tromping across the beach in Homer at low tide digging for clams. It’s “always on their low tide to do list.” (Taken from an episode of the TV show)”

    Always on the To Do list and she lives in Wasilla?

    • InJuneau says:

      Lots of people actually head down that way from Anchorage and Wasilla and beyond for “clam tides”. The traffic is legendary.

  29. Alaska Pi says:

    ” Points out that she’s near ANWR and it’s desolate and flat and uninhabited and loaded with oil that we’re not tapping but should be.”

    getting tired of this horsepunky, whatzername…
    really, really tired of your rill-dill lies…

    tracking caribou by radio collar really, really puts the lie to your barren land meme, hon…
    literally and figuratively…
    also, too, howz about that treaty with Canada regarding the Porcupine herd? hmmm?

    Caribou and the Coastal Plain

    • lilybart says:

      “If it ain’t paradise, put up a parking lot”

    • ks sunflower says:

      Sad to say, Palin isn’t the only one who has voiced that same view of ANWR. Senator Pat Roberts (R- KS) wrote that ANWR was a desolate wasteland just like Western Kansas in an email response to letters protesting drilling in ANWR. This was a few years ago, but it just goes to show that Republicans never seem to vary from their standard drill (pun intended). They get their marching orders from the oil, gas and mining industries and repeat them ad nauseum.

      My only regret is that I did not post his comments regarding Western Kansas to a major newspaper for that region. I don’t think the folks who lived in Western Kansas would have appreciated it, but, honestly, who knows. The southwestern part of our state has tried to secede several times, thinking it could sustain itself on its fossil fuel resources (that myth has been busted, I think, since then).

      What I don’t understand, truly don’t understand, is how anyone can look at nature in any of its aspects and disparage it. I don’t share Palin’s religious views, but how could she say that her God created desolation. I mean, it might not be a place where most humans could thrive, but it is by means lifeless. Seems to me, we should be in awe of any life form that can survive in extremes. Where she would see desolation, I see wonder.

  30. tigerwine says:

    The only part of the whole episode that I found believable was when Chuck mentioned how hard it was to walk on those tussocks! (Then he fell down – or was that before?)

    Anyone who has walked on the tundra will understand about the ankles comment!

  31. DF says:

    Oh, this was much better than looking at the pics! Thank you so much. Many of them are plastered on the Amazon site but when I’m checking out the reviews (that’s an enjoyable experience), I make quick use of my scroll bar when the pictures come into view. Now, I’ve avoided them altogether. The descriptions tell it all — Yea!

  32. Angela says:

    She acts like she is the only woman who can shoot a gun and kill dinner……

    I saw a clip from the next show and looks to me like she has Kate on there so Sarah can play the protector. Like, oh she’s weak, I’m strong, I’ll take care of her! That’s what she thinks people think of her – A woman who can hunt can protect us from the whole big bad world. And she’s probably the only woman in the whole US can shoot a gun and kill a moose. Don’t some Alaskan women hunt? Why do they seem to think its the biggest deal in the world?

    I live in Arkansas and a whole lot of women hunt and even more can shoot a gun, even if they don’t want to shoot an animal. Here the oddity would be a woman born and raised here that could not shoot a gun………

    • Reba in Va says:

      I saw this clip this morning too.

      It is edited to “make” Kate look like a terrified weakling and Scarah makes some comment about how Kate needs stay with her for protection as the Quitter menacingly shows the audience “her” shotgun.

      LOL!!! It’s priceless.

      I want to know how the ratings for this cr*p are going..hopefully down, just like the fake book sales!

    • Deennaa says:

      Yes, the most hunting women in Alaska are our Alaska Native women. There are 231 federally recognized tribes in Alaska. Our survival from thousands of years depended on our abilities with subsistence (procuring, eating and sharing) living. Our entire cultures depended on this from the beginning until even now, whether we live in a remote village or in the cities in Alaska. Especially in remote “bush” Alaska as the prices for food are way higher than in the cities here due to transportation costs.

      While sarah palin blasts her very unreal portrayal of herself and her family as hunters/fishers, in the public archives and family photo albums of Alaska Natives you will find myriads of pictures of family members – the women included especially, in canoes/boats/skiffs with their food catches, as well as pictures of women hunters. In ours, my grandmother and aunts held rifles slung over their shoulders, stood in the family canoe with fish catches (our peoples made fishwheels for the salmon on the Copper River. Subsistence living was not an idle pastime. It was/is survival. Our culture IS subsistence to this very day, even if we now use the tools of modern technology. I lived among the Inupiaq peoples of northern Alaska where I observed women seal hunting (not as a general rule as it usually is the men of the tribe who do that particular subsistence hunting) and observed them preparing it for tribal/village use. I also have hunted for subsistence. That includes knowing how to preserve, cut up, skin, etc., for village sharing. One thing sarah palin would never understand about our way of life that predates her glorified scarce hunting propaganda and shameful self-aggrandizement, is that our people in tradition always said our prayers to the Creator over the animals we killed for individual and group sharing/subsistence/survival and especially gave thanks to that particular animal for sacrificing its life for the survival of the people. It is still done in spite of those of our people who have assimilated into the dominating society. Sarah does not love the creatures the Creator gave us for enjoyment as well as for our food survival. It is blasphemous to us this carelessness with a way of life that she was never familiar with nor partook of with or without us. Todd has lost any semblance of what it means to be tribal. He is a perfect example of what american “white” man means: greedy and getting for himself and his alone. Sarah palin is despicable, again and over and over, for her using Todd as her “I’m for Natives” prop and propaganda. Heinous liar extraordinaire. Blasphemous.

      One last comment (although there could be so much more written and exposed of this charlatan and most racist of person in one sarah palin and her embarrassing family: her father’s house in Wasilla, Alaska is the greatest insult to all Alaska Natives and all of the over 500 plus American Indian tribes in the lower 48 states(and every one like him), where his house is one huge graveyard of “trophies” of OUR beloved subsistence and otherwise animals. Against all our ways, they are truly sacrilegious and beyond inhuman. They accomplished a pompous, arrogant giant slap in our faces. At the same time, they have shown to us a twisted and terrible need for recognition to cover up their complete bankruptcy of morality, spirituality and character. By transplanting themselves here in OUR lands (most people here come from the lower 48 and beyond – not indigenous), we are again, demeaned by the ilk of these people.

      sarah palin and her husband and family make a mockery of all Alaska Natives who live the way of the subsistence life. Hunting/fishing/gathering is not something you will see many Natives “posing” for any media’s for self-aggrandizement’s. It has been/is our survival. Still and legally, it has been one ferocious fight for us to keep our subsistence. Most aware Alaskans know of this huge controversy. It is people like palin and her father that have battled against our right to feed ourselves and to survive. We take our hunting/fishing/gathering way of life as the serious need it is. And our women hunters have predated palin for thousands upon thousands of years. In america’s current uneducated to reality state of minds, this information never seems to cross all the empty heads who apparently cannot abstract think. Thanks for allowing the commentary.

      • halekoagirl says:

        Wow–just wow.

        Thanks for your thoughtful comment. It really puts into words what really bothers me about her whole attitude about hunting. Very beautifully written!

      • Betsy S says:

        Stunning post. Thank you.

      • laingirl says:

        Thank you so much for your commentary. It was very interesting and seemed to come from your heart. While not realizing how inappropriate the Heath house is, when I saw pictures of it some time ago, I was very disgusted by it as it just didn’t seem right. Now I understand why.

      • sierraseven says:

        Deenaa, what a powerful and thought-provoking post. I look forward to seeing more of your writing here.

      • LoveMyDogs says:

        Well said.

        I am not a Native Alaskan but my husband and I fish every year. We never take more than we need for ourselves and our families. If we have extra, we share it freely with friends and neighbors. When you fish or hunt it involves killing another form of life and this is not something that is done lightly in this household. We have not watched any of SP’s propaganda but from what I have heard of it, it is not showing Alaska in a good light. Fish often need to be hit over the head to kill them (rather than watch them suffocate). Sometimes they are already dead when they come out of the nets. Halibut fishing involves something a little more dangerous (as they can be fish up to 200-300 lbs and can actually injure someone on the deck of a boat if left to thrash around. But the end of an animal’s life is not generally done with a sense of glee or blood lust (although I cannot honestly say that there are not some who seem to enjoy this type of thing). SP shows a lack of grace when she promotes Alaskans as engaging in this type of behavior as if it is so commonplace and OK. She is not showing Alaska in a good light. From what I hear, she is not showing or speaking to the fact that people who live in the bush depend upon these foods to live. They do not have grocery stores. It is an ancient way to live and there are some of us who connect with this feeling when we fish here. I do not hunt but my husband has and he was appalled to hear that the gun SP was using was not sighted in before shooting at something. The whole point is to kill with one shot (merciful, quick, no wounding and tracking blood trail for miles, etc). She is not the only one who is this bad at it and yet continues to perpetuate the myth of the great frontiersman/woman. I have seen moose running across the road with arrows sticking out of them because someone was such a poor shot. Spouse says that he thinks it is a good thing that SP has this show and is exposing herself for the fraud that she is. He says “maybe now some of her followers will see her for the fool that she is”. I, for one, have never understood the “trophy hunting” thing and people bringing home pictures to prove that they killed something. It is a big business up here though. Doesn’t make it right.

      • BMA says:

        Spectacularly expressed. I hope you disseminate this commentary widely. I was moved to tears. God bless.

      • BMA says:

        I responded to the wrong post below. I just wanted to thank you for the beautifully expressed sentiments. I hope that you will post them elsewhere. This needs to be widely disseminated.

      • Zyxomma says:

        Beautiful. I do not eat critters myself (other than whatever dried krill is hiding in my seaweed;)), but back when I did, I thanked the creature for dying so that I might live. It’s more dominionist BS, IMO. Everything belongs to “them” (the so-called saved), because G-d SAYS SO. Thank you for putting it into the native Alaskan perspective. I appreciate the indigenous viewpoint; it always resonates with me (including proper mourning for miscarriages).

        Health and peace.

  33. flying pig ranch says:

    I watched about 15 minutes of SP’s AK last evening. And the viewing was split into a couple of segments as to not overdose. Wouldn’t Sarah, Goddess of the Hunt, have her own special gun that she was familiar with the kick and the sighting? It would seem that her “kill” had more to do with editing than marksmanship.

    The bear attack story that Sue was relating also seemed too amazing to be true. This is the last time that I will be tempted to watch tall tales around the campfire.

    • Valley_Independent says:

      Bingo. All the serious hunters I know have their own favorite gun, and have taken the time to sight it in before going hunting. I don’t know about the bear attack story, but Sarah’s hunting segment sure looks bogus.

    • Hope says:

      I saw the last 15 or so minutes. I actually thought the Sue story was pretty cool. The voice thing is kind of pain. I just don’t like the narration thing. I would love to go to Alaska. Looks amazing!!!
      I was surprised that Palin hunts.

  34. OMG says:

    This may have been posted before but it bears repeating for those who missed it. Sarah Jones takes a look at how Palin’s book(s) made the best seller’s list. It’s too bad that it is so easy to manipulate the sales numbers and push an undeserving pound of pulp to the top of the list.

    • Bretta says:

      I was shocked about that, too. Is there no end to her cheating? Can’t win fair and square? It’s so … weird.

      • BooBooBear says:

        Cheating is a way of life for the Heath/Palin Clan. Todd kicked over the fuel barrels of competitors in the Iron Dog as well as “lifting” snow machine parts it was reported. He received a minor penalty. Bristol and mommy got all the Tea Baggers to sit up all night creating different screen names so they could vote non stop for Bristol. Sarah lies constantly, puts it in a so called book and reaps off of the backs of all the people she has under her high-centereed yellow bus. The Queen has no clothes and it really is showing now. What a joke of a family.

  35. Husky says:

    This installment was considerably less painful. Pictures speak, but not with her voice. Even through the dual filters of the ghost writer and AKM, I really can’t stomach the crap that spews from her brain.
    So thanks?

  36. GrainneKathleen says:

    p.s., that picture you took of the anchorage mccain/palin rally looked like it was booked somewhere on the deathstar – did darth help her pack?

  37. GrainneKathleen says:

    that might not have been the peace sign with beck – it might have been “v” for victory. you know, for defeating those frenchy french and stealing their ginormous lady statue.

  38. ks sunflower says:

    Why is it she takes so much pleasure in killing animals? I am not anti-hunting per se, just anti-killing for fun. She obviously isn’t hunting for subsistence food needs. Honestly, she seems to have more fun with blood and guts than she does with her own kids. She seems happiness in the photos with things she’s killed. Very strange, very, very strange.

    • Southernmuse says:

      methinks that’s pandering to all the other people who think Obama is scheming to take their guns away. And then I guess that makes her tougher than the average person, to cavalierly sling firearms around shooting that beautiful wildlife that goes so well next to the mashed potatoes.

      The bigger the gun the happier she seems. Surely there’s something revealing about this in a Freudian kind of way. One of those things that make you say Hmmm…
      And more importantly, does this tell us anything about Todd’s gun?

    • London Bridges says:

      Flashback to Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant.” The scene where he is at his Army physical and is talking to the shrink. Arlo starts jumping up and down chanting “I want to kill, I want to kilk. Kill! Kill! Kill!” Then the Army shrink starts jumping up and down with Arlo shouting in synchrony: “Kill, Kill, Kill!” Finally the shrink says, “You’re our man!”

      Sarah: While it might come as a surprise to you, this was a satire and black comedy.

    • Diane says:

      Think of all her base that have guns and are weekend warriors(hunters).
      She is playing to the men and women of her base.

    • bubbles says:

      why strange Sunflower? the woman is a psychopath. the love of killing mammals and other living things is part and parcel of what she is. she would be even happier if she could kill human mammals without retribution in the form of a judiciary or other form of restraint. i would not be surprised to hear that she has done murder or has caused death by her negligence. it is, after all, what and not who she is.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Well, I have to admit that the first time I saw and heard Sarah Palin on the stage at the 2008 Republican convention, I was not struck by her speech, speaking style, charisma or her appearance (certainly not by her intellect). What struck me and has stayed with me is the coldness in her eyes. At the time, I simply wrote it off as blind ambition, but now I suspect you may have touched another possible truth. She certainly seems to be almost orgasmic when she says gins up crowds through her violent rhetoric.

      • MO inkslinger says:

        Me, too. Nothing would surprise me since it is reported she has a bad temper and feels the need to get even.

    • Dagian says:

      She’s playing up her Caribou Barbie credentials with the middle-aged to elderly men. You know, her backers and most ardent fans.

  39. Alaska Pi says:

    “…advice on firepower before my fall caribou hunt.”
    just exposed her for a weekend warrior hunter…
    real hunters don’t talk about “firepower” …

  40. AKaurora says:

    Last month at the Made in Alaska fair, as I went by the metal fish booth, a couple in their 50s was approaching from the opposite direction. The husband excitedly pointed, “Look, there’s a Sarabarracuda!” His wife’s expression was priceless, totally annoyed with him. I smiled and muttered a a sympathetic agreement to her as we passed. We Alaskan women are not so smitten with the duh-lovely dimtwit.

    • GrainneKathleen says:

      lol! my mother makes the same face anytime i give her a sarah update. i shouldn’t raise her blood pressure like that.

      • Bretta says:

        My ex totally goes ballistic when I mention $owah – I’m always disparaging and he’s still in love with her, she can do no wrong, she’s right about everything, did I mention he’s we don’t share values?

  41. jimzmum says:

    How many pages of pictures? Must have been easier to think up captions that writing all those hard paragraphs and stuff.

  42. GoI3ig says:

    She just doesn’t seem to proud of Curt’s kid, Track. I mean her oldest son.

    • GoI3ig says:

      Of course I meant “too proud.” Reading too much about $arah, and she starts to wear off.

    • lilybart says:

      I think Track has said NO to being used and i do think his acting out in early years is because he found out who his real father was.

      If he would show up so she could use him as her combat vet, she would. Which means he won’t.

      • jimzmum says:

        He wasn’t a combat vet. He did not get that badge. It is not on his record. His service was away from combat.

        • lilybart says:

          Yet another reason to hide him!

        • Millie says:

          Sister Sarah lies again…combat duty…Track….the poor young man. Cannot imagine having a mother like her! Why hasn’t this lie made the media nationally?

          • Irishgirl says:

            That is what we are all wondering.

          • jojobo1 says:

            After reading about the wiping of computers.Face ect does anyone think the GOP would not stoop to hiding Tracks non combat experience.

        • bucsfan says:

          Track is a combat veteran in that he served in a combat zone. I know people who served in a hospital in Iraq who had to deal with mortars coming in all the time. They don’t wear a CIB but they were surely in combat. And the Army actually created the Combat Action Badge for non -infantry or non-medics who were involved in action against the enemy. There is no Combat Tankers badge, combat mp badge, etc. A supply soldier was just as likely to find himself engaged as an infantryman. Was he engaged in direct combat with the enemy, the lack of CIB says no, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t go through crap over there.

      • Dagian says:

        Wait a minute, given that she’s disregarded his “No’s” in the past, why would she change her stripes now? I mean, didn’t she throw him under the bus on her “I can’t believe they’re paying me to talk about myself!” infomercial?

        In other words, she uses Track the same way she uses everyone else. In a manner that she thinks will prove advantageous to herself. If that means NOT using his photographs in this book, she’ll leave them out. If it means trashing him on cable television, she’ll do it.