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Palin Helps to Rebrand the GOP!


Get ready folks.  A bunch of conservative presidential wannabees is coming to a town near you for a warm fuzzy “listening tour.”  I can see them all now, with their elbows on the table, and their little chins cupped in their hands, heads tilted to the side and gazing into the eyes of whatever few Republicans are left in the rapidly shrinking party.  Watching the death throes of the party has been morbidly fascinating.  I guess they figured out that after 8 years of doing whatever they wanted, and the subsequent careening down the slippery slope of wingnuttery, most people weren’t pleased.

The goal is to “rebrand” the Republican Party.  Feeding us the same swill in a different package and hoping nobody notices?  They may as well try to rebrand cod liver oil as “yummy good time fish juice.”  They’re not fooling anyone, and “rebranding” will not help this stinker.  They need to change the contents of the bottle if they expect any takers.

Come to think of it, hasn’t the Republican party already had a “listening tour?”  I believe it was called the presidential election.  People listened to John McCain and Sarah Palin, and they voted for Barack Obama.  And the smart Republicans also voted with their feet, creating a mass stampede to become Independents or Democrats.  So, I suppose we could save the wheezing, staggering shell of a party that used to be known as the GOP some time as they try to figure this all out.  If you want to become liked and relevant, become more like the Democrats.

But on to Palin. After not getting back to council leaders, and being accused of snubbing the party yet again, she has now accepted panel-ship in a project called National Council for a New America.  Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton said the governor would be honored to participate, as long as everyone realizes “Alaska always comes first.”  (a whole bunch of Alaskans just rolled their eyes)  I guess Palin is trying to rebrand her own image here at home too, because since the election, Alaskans of all stripes have gotten the distinct impression that Alaska comes at least second to her national aspirations.

According to an email from Meg Stapleton, the governor “looks forward to doing all she can to bring about positive change many desire and deserve, across Alaska and our great nation, through this National Council for a New America and others,”  Is it me, or has Meg Stapleton started to sound a lot more like her boss?  See what all that listening does when it happens in close proximity to Sarah Palin?  Council beware.

We look forward to hearing all about how this new rebranding process goes in the weeks and months ahead.  Meanwhile, if you believe they’re going to save this GOPosaur from the tar pits, then open wide.  I’ve got a nice tablespoon of yummy good-time fish juice for you.



112 Responses to “Palin Helps to Rebrand the GOP!”
  1. tuxedo says:

    The Republican re-branding effort is being led by big-time party insiders beholden to the base, the party status quo and the continuance of worn-out policies and power taken as an entitlement. It is not about listening, or change in party direction, or even escaping the chains of Limbaugh, but is a PR stunt. Reminds me of the cartoons of plutocrats tossing chaff to the underclass.

  2. austintx says:

    110 PalinSucks Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 9:31 AM

    “What response did you expect from us?”


    Who are you & who are the us, you speak of? Lol, should you be part of a PAC, then read the above…GOTCHA and thanks for following.
    Glad that UK Lady brought that to your attention. She had a little “discussion” with the same person the other day.

  3. PalinSucks says:

    “Given your presence on a political blog, it has to be assumed you are probably past their target audience. What response can you expect from the company; more than that, what response did you expect from us?”

    I am 24. As they target 13 year olds, you are correct, I am past their consumer advertising demographic. If I were, 42, there would be an assumption, in their marketing, the likelihood my household would include an, “Audience”, to their crap. Conclusion, I am relevant, whether, I am me or not…as long as there is contact, they are listening.

    I do not use, PalinSucks, in my correspondence when I am conveying concern or attempting to address entities with gains & losses. I use, PalinSucks, for quicker, Google reference to irk Palin’s, PACS.

    “What response did you expect from us?”


    Who are you & who are the us, you speak of? Lol, should you be part of a PAC, then read the above…GOTCHA and thanks for following.

  4. austintx says:

    never mind……brain fart.

  5. austintx says:

    107 katiebegood Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 8:47 AM
    Get ready folks. A bunch of conservative presidential wannabees is coming to a town near you for a warm fuzzy ”listening tour.”

    According to Can’tor, it is no longer a “listening tour”. Why? Because Limbaugh objected and Can’tor bowed down and kissed Limbaugh’s ass.
    Check my post at the end of the the rebrand thread.

  6. katiebegood says:

    Get ready folks. A bunch of conservative presidential wannabees is coming to a town near you for a warm fuzzy ”listening tour.”

    According to Can’tor, it is no longer a “listening tour”. Why? Because Limbaugh objected and Can’tor bowed down and kissed Limbaugh’s ass.

  7. austintx says:

    Nobody is doin’ squat without runnin’ it by Bisquit Butt ………

  8. greatgrammy1 says:

    Sarah, the unmarried pregnant mother of Bristol who is the unwed mother of Trip all on the stage together supporting and preaching for abstinence before marriage. What is wrong with this picture? At least Sarah married the father with whom she enjoyed sex with before marriage.

  9. trisha says:

    My thoughts exactly……………Didn’t America just say NO to McCain and Palin in a little thing called a National election? How stupid is the GOP, and exactly how does this “rebrand” the GOP when they trot out the same people that American’s rejected back in November?

    To top it off, the post-BUSH GOP (trying to recover from 8 years of a Bush in the White House) puts another BUSH on the comittee. Huh? They don’t get it, do they?

  10. tristan57 says:

    McCain really ripped open Pandora’s Box (3+ / 0-)
    Recommended by:TexMex, funluvn1, momoaizo
    when he picked Palin!! He gave the hardcore wingnuttia their beauty pagent standard bearer and she enthusiatically and ego-maniacally assumed the role of her life!


    The base is going to be so galvanized and vocal that cooler heads within the GOP can’t prevail without her support. In fact, behind Rush, Palin is probably the most influential person in the party. Luckily, her willful ignorance and that of her devout followers will be amusing to say the least and ruinous to the party for decades to come.

    The Wasilla Simpleton: Can’t keep her on the farm after she’s seen gay ol’ Parieeee!

  11. ValleyIndependent says:

    Late with my comments as usual, I see. However, AKM, I especially appreciated this gem:

    “Come to think of it, hasn’t the Republican party already had a ”listening tour?” I believe it was called the presidential election. People listened to John McCain and Sarah Palin, and they voted for Barack Obama.”

    Thanks for the astute observation and chuckle I got from it.

  12. Tealwomin says:

    …they never answered the old problems facing America, so whats the new crap?

    she is so done!

  13. mlaiuppa says:

    Does Brian have any election predictions yet? Any inkling of who might have won? Exit polls? Anything.

  14. karen marie says:

    palin is not JUST a panel member, she is on a “panel of experts”!

    as steve benen said, “But if the party’s heavy hitters are assembling a “panel of experts,” and Sarah Palin signs up, it’s hard to take the project too seriously.”


  15. cat says:

    But wait! The ADN article goes on to say “Palin is not participating in the listening tour and has nothing scheduled with the group, Palin’s spokeswoman, Meg Stapleton, told the Daily News.”

    Can I assume Palin has joined National Council for a New America but no listening tour for her!? Or what?

    Confused Again in AK

  16. BooBooBear says:

    Bristol needs to be talking about birth control not abstinence. She said herself on the Greta VanSustern interview………”Abstinence is not realistic.” Just then Palin who was off camera rushed into camera view to stop THAT conversation from going any further. What a sham.

  17. PalinSucks says:

    From ADN.
    Hey Gov…villages are flooding- ACT concerned!

  18. austintx says:

    93 the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 4:50 PM
    austintx, what happened to your royal purple quilty?
    Heck if I know. Just got this computer back from the shop and hooked it up and it changed colors. Have been using my son’s lap top for a few days. One of those electronic gremlin things I suppose………

  19. austintx says:

    Here is Rush last nite……….

  20. Lainey says:

    palin is simply (and I do mean simple) a Miss Pageant Walker and for the far right, she represents fantasy to those dirty old men of the GOP who are not used to women candidates.
    remember how Angelyne was “allowed” to run for gov of CA…where were her credentials?…they were under her skimpy lingerie!

  21. Far from Fenway fan says:

    Let’s see if I understand – rebranding is promoting the same product, but with different marketing. Good luck with that, GOP!

  22. Hobos are Us says:

    Rebranding equals lipstick on a pig. It’s still a swine!

  23. KallieinTexas says:

    Rebranding? LOL, Palin’s part of the old brand that should be removed! The GOP has gone bonkers. Part of the problem will be with “listening” ….all Palin knows how to do is flap her jaws…I cringe everytime I hear that horrible voice.
    Now, Bristol is on the go, too, huh? OMG…one is enough! Hurry, something needs to happen to stop this….before we know it, the ol dud and piper will be in the act too. GEEZ, enough already!

  24. Lee323 says:

    GOP Rebranding…

    Throwing a bawlin’ steer on it’s side and burning the “Bar-None” brand over the “Bar-Everyone” brand…..

    Same old beef with no nuts.

  25. nswfm CA says:

    OK from AKM:
    I guess Palin is trying to rebrand her own image here at home too, because since the election, Alaskans of all stripes have gotten the distinct impression that Alaska comes at least second to her national aspirations.

    33 Professor Geezer Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 12:13 PM
    Branding is a specialty area of mine. I can tell you that a listening tour in the 21st century will “rebrand” the GOP as out-of-touch geezers who don’t understand the future.

    But then, isn’t that what the GOP already represents?

    And Palin is toxic from a re-branding standpoint, as she was part of the losing ticket!

    Did all the smart people leave the GOP yet?
    This group will just serve to remind the country that the brand is the one filled with toxic waste, and the only way SP can rebrand herself is to fall on a sword like a Japanese samurai.

    Palin is just whoring herself out again for attention. It worked for her, and it worked for Candies.

  26. Wasn’t there a project called “National Council for a New Germany” back in the 20’s after WWI didn’t work out to well for them?

  27. mlaiuppa says:

    They’re going to rebrand the GOP with Sessions heading the Judiciary Committee? Gee, I don’t think so.

  28. jaegermeister says:

    Didn’t the GOP already rebrand itself as the Rushlimbican Party?

  29. Debra Curtis says:

    National Council for a New America = Change (they just reworded Obama’s campaign promise!)

  30. oregonbird says:

    23 CO almost native Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 12:00 PM
    I don’t know if the email is yours or PalinSucks… however, I do wonder if it will have the intended effect, even on the commentators here.

    Since the email states that the writer is familiar with the company, we have to assume that the writer is also familiar with the advertising campaigns the company employs. If you have purchased their products in the past, you have given tacit approval to their sexually-charged protrayals of children. This undermines your high-road statement that, because they have chosen a role model who does not have your approval (although she does, in fact, fit their proven, long-term criteria) you will no longer purchase their product.

    Given your presence on a political blog, it has to be assumed you are probably past their target audience. What response can you expect from the company; more than that, what response did you expect from us?

    How does Bristol’s wavering position on teenage sexuality, and her new position as a spokesperson for a cause espoused by a company that, in reality. leans the other way, differ in honesty from your own?

  31. PalinSucks says:

    Here’s my question to you: Rush Limbaugh says Sarah Palin is the most “prominent and articulate voice” for conservatism. Is he right?

  32. debinOH says:

    I thought the whole premise of having this pizza party was to rebrand the good republican name. How in the world is having Palin and Jindal on the list rebranding their name (let’s not even mention Jeb Bush)? I thought these were the people they wanted to get away from so they can save the party. Honest to God, they just don’t get it.

    Wonder what Rush said today after he was supposedly going on and on about how Romney was so afraid of her? Guess he had to eat his words AGAIN!

  33. oregonbird says:

    Palin joined in. After being sidelined as ‘a pretty face’ by Romney on national tv.

    Ask McCain what he thinks of her, he talks about Todd and the kids. Ah, a breeder. WAR got on her good side with sexual innuendo. Now she’s happy to be the “new” GOP’s heels&beehive. A little airbrushing, add firearms & apron and it’s a go.

    What went wrong in Palin’s upbringing that being presented as nothing more than meat is just fine with her?

  34. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Beach Boys song “Wouldn’t It Be Nice”)

    Wouldn’t it be nice if Sarah Palin
    Represents the brand new G.O.P.
    And wouldn’t it be nice if daughter Bristol
    Becomes the face of teen abstinency

    You know that truth can be stranger than fiction
    But this grabs me just like a drug addiction

    Wouldn’t it be nice if Sarah Palin
    Is the Red State candidate anew
    The Democrats will win the next election
    Then to Sarah, we can bid adieu

    And though she’ll feel that life is such a bummer
    She can spend her time with Joe the Plumber
    Wouldn’t it be nice

    Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true
    Sarah then could find a periodical to subscribe to
    She could be learning
    Instead of book burning

    Wouldn’t it be nice

    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)

    You know the more it seems we sing about it
    It only makes it worse to live without it
    So let’s sing about it
    Wouldn’t it be nice

    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
    (bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)

  35. InJuneau says:

    Quetzalcoatl Says:
    This tour BTW, it’s about a new spring wardrobe, yeh?

    Yeah, that’s prob. a very accurate guess.

  36. MinNJ says:

    Great post, AKM, and great comments. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ve seen the last act of this ongoing three-ring circus, but hopefully we’re closer to the final curtain. Very, very hopefully. Very, also. (I am getting so creeped out.)

  37. Quetzalcoatl says:

    She’s going to save the GOP like she did McCain’s rise. Turned out to be a downfall like everything else she ‘makes a statement’ about. lol. You go Pailin.

    This tour BTW, it’s about a new spring wardrobe, yeh?

  38. akmuckraker says:

    New thread.

  39. Madcity Chick says:

    Palin sure has a bunch of classy followers.

  40. Canadian Neighbour says:

    This link setting out Fox attending White House Correspondents Dinner.

  41. zyggy says:

    65 FW Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 1:04 PM
    UK Lady…it’s a disguting liquid syrup you take to induce vomit…like if your baby swallows something that could be poisonous.


    like how many people feel when Palin talks =)

    also too

  42. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Laugh of the day Ripley I am still giggling.

    Every time I hear gino speak it makes me gag.

  43. UK Lady says:


    Thank you, Ripley HaHaHa!! 😯

  44. FW says:

    UK Lady…it’s a disguting liquid syrup you take to induce vomit…like if your baby swallows something that could be poisonous.

  45. UK Lady says:

    What’s ipecac? 😳

  46. mainiac says:


  47. FW says:

    The event (or should I say pizza party…most weddings I’ve been to had more people) with Romney, Jeb, and Cantor drew all of 50-100 people in Arlington, VA. If they invite Sarah along, the events will devolve in the the circus that characterized her VP campaign rallies. All the racist Obama signs and general wingnuttery will be back in full force, and I predict the abrupt end of Sarah’s Plain’s participation…which will be conveniently blamed on her pressing business in Alaska.

    As far as Bristol advocating abstinence? That makes as much sense as a blind person teaching drivers ed. This girl needs a big cup of STFU and an education, because the Momma Palin gravy train is gonna crash and burn.

  48. Suchanut says:

    Ripley – ROTFLMAO!!!!!! I am dying over here….

  49. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Ripley… LOL

  50. Ripley says:

    Something about seeing that spoonful of golden liquid and the name Palin together reminds me on just one thing: Ipecac.

  51. UK Lady says:

    Oh, I so hope Faux have been dissed, it’s more likely to be a clerical error, but Oh!, that would be great!

    Maybe when the word got round that Faux had invited Palin, people started saying “If she goes, we don’t”. I read that invite list and a lot of those people really wouldn’t want to ‘pal around’ with her.

    On the bright side, there are some truly beautiful women on that list (Eva Longhoria to name just one), Palin is gonna look like a bumpkin next to them. Plus I would expect her to pretty much get a lot of cold shoulders.

  52. pdx mb says:

    According to an email from Meg Stapleton, the governor “looks forward to doing all she can to bring about positive change many desire and deserve, across Alaska and our great nation, through this National Council for a New America and others,” Is it me, or has Meg Stapleton started to sound a lot more like her boss?

    OMFG, ROFLMAO! My thoughts exactly!

  53. zyggy says:

    New America? WTF is that crap? Are they thinking the last 8 years under Bush was bad? She is a fake, a liar and a loser, and I guess that is what her New America wants. Go figure.

  54. InJuneau says:

    lynnrockets, yes, I think your song opportunities may have just broken wide open!

  55. BigPete says:

    Would you buy a used car from the GOP?

    1. On a purely demographics level, elections can no longer be won by just appealing to ‘racist white southern gun owning bible thumpers’.
    2. The previously successful tactics of ‘smear and fear’ and ‘divide and conquer’ no longer work.

    So, without abandoning their core “tax cuts for the rich” values, the GOP have to pretend to be “new and improved” in hopes of garnering a few more votes from independent voters.

    Unfortunately, the only way to distance themselves from the past is to jettison Palin, because everything about her reeks of ‘old and destined to failure’. Since nastiness was the hallmark of the old GOP, it only makes sense that the ‘new GOP’ would politely invite Palin along-if only for the sake of appearances.

  56. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    The more she travels, the faster her fake veneer wears off. And the snickers behind her back for being such a dramabilly follow her wherever she goes.

  57. let it run says:

    Meg-aphone should run for the the lower 48 where she came from…why would she stay on this sinking ship??!!

  58. lynnrockets says:

    @ InJuneau: Thanks. Somehow I think that this Bristol on the speaking circuit thing is just going to give me a whole new subject to sing along to.

  59. Cynamen Winter says:

    Thanks, but no thanks AKM. For you see, I’m extremely allergic to fish juice!

  60. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    austintx Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 12:33 PM

    caligrl – Great find !! Uh yeah………seems to be something missing…….guess the powers that be wanted to eliminate the proverbial “turd in the punch bowl” before hand !!
    Wouldn’t that be great!!!! 🙂 I’m sure it was just a (dissed)honest mistake…ya think? I mean who wouldn’t want Glen beck, GVS, GINO & co, and they rest of faux news there? Life of the party. (not)

  61. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    all together now, “KEEP YOUR KNEES CLOSED!”

  62. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    If Palin and Joe the non-plumber are the new faces of the brand, I’d ask for a refund!

  63. InJuneau says:

    lynnrockets, that one was awesome. Having grown up on that Beatles record, I could sing right along in my head with no problems!

  64. austintx says:

    caligrl – Great find !! Uh yeah………seems to be something missing…….guess the powers that be wanted to eliminate the proverbial “turd in the punch bowl” before hand !!

  65. Cathy from Colorado says:

    How interesting that Bristol is now joining the media circuit. Could this be why her “mommy dearest” included her as a beneficiary of the Alaska Trust Fund?

  66. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    BigSlick Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 12:07 PM

    Imagine the media attraction impact of a Sara Palin/Madonna onstage kiss?
    It would be more like Madonna kicking GINO’s ass! Madonna HATEs GINO!!!
    Despises her!!!!

  67. Moose Pucky says:

    Palin to Alaskans (paraphrased policies):

    “Government won’t touch your guns, but definitely wants to control you and your doctor’s personal medical decisions.”

    “Drill, baby, drill, because we need more energy. Sorry, no, we won’t take federal money for efficient-energy programs and energy-conservation because we might have to see if there is anything we can do to use less energy in Alaska through better building standards for new construction.”

    “Buy Alaska wild fish. Oppose clean water, healthy watersheds, and sustainable wild fish stocks–if some corporation can make a few extra bucks off Alaska’s resources.”

    “Shoot wolves so some folks who don’t understand the up-and-down cycles of nature can have an easier time shooting moose for a year or two. Then keep spending more money and shooting more wolves every year to repeat those short-term goals without regard to long-term health of habitat and nature’s balance.”

    “Ethics is government is a great slogan, but dang hard to practice.”

  68. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Does her presence on this re-branding tour mean me have to hear about Ayre’s again? Her presidential speech was repeated ad nauseum and the followers attending will expect the same from her. I didn’t then and I don’t now get the impression she’s someone that will ‘listen’. She’s not going to be one to take direction from the other participants. So will we hear the same ol’, same ol’? And you know the media will be watching!!

  69. Priceless says:

    If there is a God, and if He cares about His people, he will get this woman OFF the national stage, and back raising the family she has neglected. She does not represent THIS conservative woman and her family.

  70. austintx says:

    Mitt better not turn his back on sarah…………….

  71. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 11:53 AM

    The other one that will be excited to see GINO is Greta’s hubby when they are at the dinner in Washington that FOX invited her. I’m sure he’s just slobbering waiting for this weekend!
    faux is not on the list??? Did PO get out his Red marking Pen?

  72. sandra in oregon says:

    Each time I see the picture of the spoon with “stuff” I have memories of childhood. My mother insisted on the daily dose. Guess it worked. I’m still healthy at 69. We didn’t get the bad flavored stuff. What we got was an orange flavored concoction. I think it was called Vi-Daylin.

    Thanks for the memories. Here’s a shoutout to the sacrifices of mothers everywhere.

  73. Moose Pucky says:

    Simply excellent, AKM.

    The good news is that the skunk cabbage is now popping up.

  74. Blooper says:

    A turd dipped in gold is still a turd. 🙂

  75. austintx says:

    20 Lilybart Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 11:58 AM
    this is such a joke, and the event is sponsored by Candies, the shoes you wear while hiking your skirt up on the toilet, if you remember the famous ad. Only hussies wore Candies as I remember
    Candies is the shoe of choice on and off stage for strippers. Trust me on this. Back in the day I earned an Advanced Masters Phd. in the subject.

  76. Professor Geezer says:

    Branding is a specialty area of mine. I can tell you that a listening tour in the 21st century will “rebrand” the GOP as out-of-touch geezers who don’t understand the future.

    But then, isn’t that what the GOP already represents?

    And Palin is toxic from a re-branding standpoint, as she was part of the losing ticket!

    Did all the smart people leave the GOP yet?

  77. BigSlick says:

    Meg’s new job on New America Island

  78. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Wonder how poor Tripp will feel when he is old enough to understand what a “mistake” he was. That his birth and conception had nothing to do with a beautiful act, he was just youthful indiscretion. Not that his parents had strong passionate feelings for each other, and were madly in love at the time.
    Nope he is now poster boy for “I should have kept my knees together”.

  79. BigSlick says:

    Which we know would only be designed for men.

  80. PalinSucks says:

    CO almost native, excellent comment. We all know this, Candies, appointment is nothing more then a tabloid ploy to get their product brand in circulation.
    Bristol, is as cheap & ignorant as her mother.

  81. BigSlick says:

    Imagine the media attraction impact of a Sara Palin/Madonna onstage kiss?

  82. The Right Reverend says:

    Ugh. I think I just vurped.

    You can rebrand a turd, but it’s still a turd.

    I was beginning to worry a little about this listening tour/rebranding. There are lots of newly-minted Independents who’d love to go right back into the Repub embrace, so long as they just looked decent. Having Palin onboard guarantees the effort will be a failure. She was part of the NEED for them to try to remake their image.

    Maybe they think even MORE lipstick will help…

  83. lynnrockets says:


  84. Paula says:

    Well there are many of us across the great and wonderful nation who think Palin and her fruitloop party should go for a hike. To Russia And stay there. What a loonytoon.

  85. BigSlick says:

    What was that little guys name?

  86. CO almost native says:


    Here’s the body of my email; I doubt I’ll get a reply, but you never know.

    I understand Candies Foundation is (or is planning to) appoint Bristol Palin as Ambassador. Although I frequently wore Candies in the past- and have several iconic pairs in my closet- I will not be purchasing any of your products in the future.

    I do not see Miss Palin as an advocate for abstinence. She has been in the news, feted, rewarded with clothes, baby gifts, interviews, and the like. I do not see that she has taken any personal responsibility to improve the life of her child or her own. She has not taken the GRE or completed high school; she is not working, to the best of my knowledge, and she is surrounded by babysitters and caregivers. This is not the typical situation a pregnant teen/single mother faces. In my 29 years of teaching high school students, I worked with a number of young women overcame pregnancy- some put their child up for adoption and some not- and became successful, caring adults.

    I would hope your foundation would chose someone who is a model of perseverance, determination and hard work, not a teen who sits back and accepts attention.

  87. BigSlick says:

    Isn’t there an isalnd somewhere in the South Pacific between New Zealand and New Caledonia called New America?

    Is Meg Stapleton walking around pointing to the sky and saying “Boss, ze plane, ze plane!”?

  88. Odd that she’s joining now. I have to wonder if the only reason she is going is because of the comments from Romney and others that she was asked and didn’t even respond. That not responding is very telling. Maybe she thought she could slide by and no one would call her out on it.

    It must be wearying for SP to now be taken to task on everything – all the ethics violations, the gaffs with the GOP, her personal life that she can’t seem to have the common sense to keep private.

    One thing the GOP definitely needs to do is to listen to people, but unfortunately, the only people who will show up are the ones who think just like they do. And they’re not a very welcoming group, so there’s little chance of any dissenting voice speaking out at one of these little chats they are planning. I doubt that it will do them much good, because I don’t think they really want to change – they still want the rest of us to fall in behind them on their narrow path.

  89. Lilybart says:

    Bristol is actually going to a public event to talk about abstinence?

    Can she spell it?

    this is such a joke, and the event is sponsored by Candies, the shoes you wear while hiking your skirt up on the toilet, if you remember the famous ad. Only hussies wore Candies as I remember

  90. CO almost native says:

    I’m with you, InJuneau-

    No taxes, a gun in every hand, and a Republican nose in your personal business…and this is different-how?

  91. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Beatles song “Back In The USSR”)

    Flew in from Juneau via Alaska Air
    With young Bristol by her side
    They both have lots of style gel spread throughout their hair
    Hope their perfumes don’t collide
    They’re back in old NYC
    Did they bring along the baby, boy
    It’s spelled, T-R-I-P-P, yeah

    They’ve been there so much they almost own the place
    Sarah says it feels like home
    Bristol can’t remember if she packed her Mace
    Bought it in a store in Nome
    They’re back in old NYC
    Did they bring along the baby, boy
    Back in NYC
    Back in NYC
    Back in good old NYC

    Well the pregnant teens need a role model
    And Bristol’s just the girl
    Soon they’ll have more babies to coddle
    Abstinencey makes them want to hur hur hur hur hur hur hurl
    Oh, come on

    (musical break)

    They’re back in good old NYC
    Did they bring along the baby, boy
    Back in good old NYC

    Well the Candies folks found a spokesperson
    That they think will impress
    I bet their sales begin to worsen
    When the story hits the puh puh puh puh puh puh press

    Oh, then they’ll have dinner with
    The Fox News anchors
    O’Reilly’s sure to be there too
    Is there a bigger group of useless crank yankers?
    If so, please let me know who

    They’re back in good old NYC
    Is Todd babysitting that baby, boy
    Back in good old NYC

    Oh, let me tell you honey

  92. PalinSucks says:

    Contact info, so worth, sending an Email.

  93. Canadian Neighbour says:

    The other one that will be excited to see GINO is Greta’s hubby when they are at the dinner in Washington that FOX invited her. I’m sure he’s just slobbering waiting for this weekend!

  94. PalinSucks says:

    Good Lord, THIS IS, Candies promotion to combat teen pregnancy. Bunch of dumbasses.

  95. InJuneau says:

    Hm, and rebranding has worked well how often in the past?

  96. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    The only way the GOP could get GINO to participate in a “listening tour” would be to use duct tape. I guess maybe GINO didn’t hear the “listening” part and thinks that she will get to sing her Nazgul song to the frenzied hordes again.

  97. rocket says:

    Let’s see, Limbaugh is a known Hillbilly Heroin addict and Palin is a proven liar and incompetent. Yup, that sounds like a great place to start for rebranding.

  98. CO almost native says:

    Had to share this from the ADN comments:

    “So how is swine flu transmitted? By kissing a pig with lipstick.

    And how does one rebrand a pig with lipstick? It’s still the same ‘ol pig, by golly, you betcha! Wink wink!”
    clever, clever (heh heh).

  99. Star says:

    Yep you betcha…Wasilla hillbilly’s the name, Ever hear the old saying, “a lie told enough times eventualy becomes the truth”..She wouldn’t know the truth if it hit her in the head…

  100. CO almost native says:

    New America? Is that what Alaska and Texas will be called, once they succeed from the current United States?

  101. PalinSucks says:

    Huff comment, so true!

    Careful there, Bristol ol’ girl. Now that you have willingly stepped out into the fray, you are, as karl Rove famously said: “Fair Game”.
    Now you, and I do mean YOU, are going to have to stand up and defend yourself. No more surrogates claiming you are a victim of the media.
    YOU asked for it.

  102. PalinSucks says:

    “Then we have the daughter who says abstinence isn’t realistic, oh wait that isn’t what momma told me to say, yes let me prevent just one girl from getting pregnant and I’ll be happy. ”

    Teen mother, no job, no diploma, living with relatives, 2 known boyfriends since baby birth, 4 months ago…these Palin females need to leave everyone else’s lives alone and take care of their own kids!!!

  103. UK Lady says:

    I also just posted this on the last thread, yo will love it!!!-Palinbots-Hits-Romney-wVideo

    GOP war here we Go!!

  104. EyeOnYou says:

    Boy oh Boy Rush Limpbough must enjoy that yummy good-time fish juice because he has his mouth open wide for this.

    He can’t say enough about how Palin is going to save the GOP from itself, and is convinced she is the one to take it to the top!

    So let’s see. Palin has in her camp, Rush, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, and her fan base that are made up of conspiracy wackoids, guys & gals alike who worship her like they did with Jim Jones, and a few others.

    Then we have the daughter who says abstinence isn’t realistic, oh wait that isn’t what momma told me to say, yes let me prevent just one girl from getting pregnant and I’ll be happy.

    Yea, she’s going places alright.

  105. austintx says:

    Yup – I posted this at the end of the last thread. Rush made fun of the “listening tour”. But he loves sarah. I guess sarah can be his 4th ex-wife.

  106. Gramiam says:

    AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! When will she go away!! Just GO AWAY!!!

  107. pvazwindy says:

    no thanks

  108. PalinSucks says:

    Just wondering, since *LIAR* Palin *LIAR* is putting, Alaska, first, then the GOP, when does, Trig, get mommy and me time? Palin, is a LOUSY parent.