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Friday, January 28, 2022

What are Republicans Doing to Themselves?!

The Republican Party, after crushing defeats in the last two Presidential elections, and seeing newly elected members of Congress display racial intolerance, homophobia, and misogyny the likes of which have not been seen in recent history, has had to really sit down and do some soul searching. To their credit, Republican voters seem to have given some real thought to the condition of the not-so-Grand Old Party, and how it might be changed as they move forward to remain relevant, and serve the will of the majority in an evolving America. src=”″> In that spirit, they’ve decided that Republicans simply…

Palin Helps to Rebrand the GOP!

Get ready folks.  A bunch of conservative presidential wannabees is coming to a town near you for a warm fuzzy “listening tour.”  I can see them all now, with their elbows on the table, and their little chins cupped in their hands, heads tilted to the side and gazing into the eyes of whatever few Republicans are left in the rapidly shrinking party.  Watching the death throes of the party has been morbidly fascinating.  I guess they figured out that after 8 years of doing whatever they wanted, and the subsequent careening down the slippery slope of wingnuttery, most people weren’t…