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Sexism and Free Market Comedy.

The following press release was issued today.  Read it first, and we’ll all join up afterward for a big helping of irony.

Sen. Menard and Rep. Fairclough angered by Letterman joke, encourage apology to all women.

Wasilla, AK, June 15, 2009 – Alaska Senator Linda Menard and Alaska Representative Anna Fairclough today expressed their concerns regarding CBS comedian David Letterman’s sexually exploitative comments regarding Governor Sarah Palin’s young daughter, and his refusal to apologize not only to the Palin family, but to a nation of women he offended.

“I have been watching this progress for nearly a week and still no apology from Letterman, only excuses,” Menard said. “Apparently, Mr. Letterman has forgotten what constitutes a minor, but I can assure you Americans have not. I encourage CBS stockholders to hold Mr. Letterman accountable for the degrading remarks he made on his June 8 show. As a wife, mother and a female Alaska state senator, I’m disheartened at this low-level, gutter-like ‘comedy.’”

Rep. Fairclough added: “As the former executive director of Standing Together Against Rape – STAR – I am acutely aware of the devastating effects that sexual violence has in our nation. The sex jokes scripted and repeated by Mr. Letterman reflect a lack of respect for all women and perpetuate and encourage sexism and violence against women. While some may laugh and think his joke is harmless, it was made at the expense of a young girl in an effort to slap her mother. Every parent should imagine this joke directed at their own child. Mr. Letterman’s further attempt to make light of a serious situation shows his lack of understanding of the issue surrounding sexual violence in this country.”

OK, so you get the general idea.  They’re outraged.  They’re offended.  They cite the fact that they are women, that they are opposed to things like rape and violence against women, as we all are.  They are offended that anyone would make light of sexual assault.  They are angry.

And now, the irony.  Remember these comments  from Alaska Attorney General nominee, Wayne Anthony Ross?

“If a guy can’t rape his wife, who’s he gonna rape?”

“There wouldn’t be an issue with domestic violence if women would learn to keep their mouths shut.”

Those lovely little gems came from detailed transcribed notes by a wintess who was listening to a meeting of DADs (Dads Against Discrimination), where Mr. Ross was discussing a Marital Consent Law that had been introduced by then Representative Rick Halford.  Yes, Wayne Anthony Ross was on the side that said there doesn’t need to be a law saying that a man can’t rape his wife.

In addition to his blatantly anti-gay, anti-subsistence views which alienated the LGBT community and the Alaska Native community, the rape jokes didn’t go over so well with women.  Neither did other public testimony that called Ross out for making sexist comments in another meeting.

The women I know were outraged.  They were offended.  They don’t think rape jokes are funny.  They couldn’t believe that this man, with this reputation, who was this divisive, could have been nominated to the office of Attorney General by a woman – a woman, incidentally that this AG nominee said looked ‘provocative’ in her Arctic Cat ‘leathers’ during his own hearings.

What did Fairclough and Menard have to say about this?  Here’s the official statement from Rep. Anna Fairclough that came not in the form of a press release, but in the form of a vote:


And here’s the statement from Sen. Linda Menard:


That’s right, they both voted to approve the nomination of Wayne Anthony Ross to be the Attorney General of the State of Alaska.

We should be as tired of inconsistent politically advantageous outrage as we are about the jokes themselves.  Alaskans of all stripes were genuinely outraged when a joke was made on Saturday Night Live about Todd Palin committing incest with his underage daughters.  I don’t agree with the Palins’ politics most of the time.  I also don’t think incest jokes are funny. It went beyond tasteless.  What was the comment from Sarah Palin?

Yes, I’d love to appear on Saturday Night Live.  And she did.

Sarah Palin was absolutely right about one thing.  She said in her interview with Wolf Blitzer that people need to learn to boo when comedians cross the line.  Yes they do.  But when David Letterman told that joke the other night, the laughter wasn’t all joyful and frivolous.  There was an audible sound of “you’ve crossed the line.”  If comedians crossed the line all the time, they’d lose their audience.  They learn to push it to the edge, and when they go too far, the audience tells them so and they self-correct.  Free market comedy.  The thing we need to do as a society is redraw the line. 

So when are we all going to start getting outraged with other late night comedians?  Hip hop artists?   With radio talk show hosts?  With movies and TV?  With nominees for Attorney General?  With our husbands or fathers or grandfathers?  With our sons and brothers and coworkers?  With our bosses?

Palin supporters can make a stink with David Letterman.  And he can apologize, and they can feel like they’ve done something, and then it goes away.  Or we can all decide that we’re going to redraw our own line, and then do it.

The problem is wider than the Palin family.  This Sunday, for instance, longtime South Carolina Republican activist Rusty DePass seemed was caught making a racist joke on his Facebook page about First Lady Michelle Obama.

Over the weekend, a gorilla escaped from a zoo in Columbia, and according to the New York Daily News, DePass just couldn’t resist what he saw as the perfect opportunity for humor, updating his status message to read,

“I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors – probably harmless.”

Apparently, not only is DePass fond of racist humor, he also doesn’t think too highly of evolution, either. One can tell a lot about a person from the apology he or she issues following an off-color joke, and on this score DePass seemed intent digging his hole a bit deeper.

…DePass told WIS-TV in Columbia, “I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest.”

Not funny.  I wonder which of the newly activated Palin feminists will be starting the letter writing campaign, or picketing the office of Rusty DePass?  I wonder how much coverage this will get?  The world seems to be listening pretty closely to what Governor Palin thinks about tasteless jokes aimed at women. 

I hope she speaks up.



235 Responses to “Sexism and Free Market Comedy.”
  1. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    BTW, the seee4peee web-a-thing to raise $500K in a week is about $420K short after 2 days….AK FAKE TRUST = EPIC FAIL!!!!!!

  2. UK Lady says:


    Maybe, just maybe Zeigler’s ego could fit under this one

  3. clydedog says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 5:50 PM
    15 protestors? LMFAO!
    lets see what faux news and seeee4444peee says about the turnout!

    According to a site, SP did a wonderful, strong, honest blablabla job and Zeigler screwd up. Is there room for his ego under the bus.

  4. NYHawk says:

    there is absolutely no objectively verifiable proof — such as any news story dated before Sarah Palin claimed Willow was at that game, or any photograph or video — establishing that Willow was actually at that game as Sarah Palin (exclusively) claims. In fact, there is absolutely NOTHING other than Sarah Palin’s self-serving word. And honesty is most definitely not Sarah Palin’s strong point.

    Remembering that the Palins are such blatant media whores, and exploit their kids at every possible opportunity, if Willow had actually been at that game, the Palins would have made sure to have the press take lots of photos and shoot lots of videos to exploit the situation.

  5. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    15 protestors? LMFAO!
    lets see what faux news and seeee4444peee says about the turnout!
    Ummm, uhhh, Axelrod sent out orders to keep the masses away…..

    Next up, dairygate, e-mail gate, housegate….iceberg…

  6. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Aussie Blue Sky, “her mother clearly inferred that she was.”..

    No! Her mother said “my 14 year old was at the game…” to CNN.
    No inferrence. Pure Product (Willow) Placement!

    approx 10 minutes into the video…

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    clydedog Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 5:24 PM

    According to CNN, there were only 15 protesters today. The other 35 were from the media. Zeigler spewed, then left in a cab asap.
    Gee, not a peep from the echo chamber…they were going to have live blogging etc.
    Do ya think they get that everyone so over GINO, we all have a GINO overdose!!!!
    can wait to here how faux news spins this. 🙂

  8. clydedog says:

    According to CNN, there were only 15 protesters today. The other 35 were from the media. Zeigler spewed, then left in a cab asap.

  9. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 4:51 PM

    caligrl, don’t you suppose that with all the damned hoo-ha of the last week that even one tiny pic of Willow would have been sold all over the world?

    Willow Palin was not at the baseball game, and her mother clearly inferred that she was. There was no mistake.
    You can search twitter, and some people seemed surprised she was there…”What was SHE doing there?” you would think will all the cellphone cams someone would of posted a pic of her w/ willow or Dud with willow.
    But no! Willow was not there! This is a huge”snow”job or…whatever…. she’s good at…! snark!

  10. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    caligrl, don’t you suppose that with all the damned hoo-ha of the last week that even one tiny pic of Willow would have been sold all over the world?

    Willow Palin was not at the baseball game, and her mother clearly inferred that she was. There was no mistake.

  11. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Eye, have you ever used the search feature of twitter?
    Check this out…
    “haha yo i was at the game yesterday. they showed sarah palin and rudy guiliani and i started booing mad loud”
    6:04 PM Jun 8th from web
    billy fischer

  12. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Unless SOMEONE in the palin cult can PROVE that Willow was at the game, the circum-sensational evdidence does not place Willow at the game. She was shopping or chilling, but she probably had ZERO interest in the game.

    I watched the game. I’m a Rays fan. I recorded and replayed the pan to rudy and scary. Not sure why, but I erased it. Probably to cleanse my DVR!

    Again if she was at the game I will go to see-4-pee and grovel. If she wasnt then scarah LIED.


  13. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 4:02 PM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl ~

    I think that it is becoming more and more obvious that Willow may not have been at that game at all. It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever that there is no mention of her anywhere, no photos and yet she is mentioned at the other events, with photos to prove it.
    She wasn’t there. I’m sure of it now after hearing the interview. And there was no mention of the so called “willow joke” that day either. Wasn’t until the echo chamber made it into something. They and her took a BIG hit on the plagurism story…A BIG HIT! This was a way to redeem the queen.
    I sent this to cbs/David Letterman. I hope its gets all over.

  14. sjk from the belly of the plane says:


    Playing devils advocate here, “Why were they in different seats not close to the the Palins & Giuliani’s”…Limited space in the box seats. No room for Willow or the rest of the grifters on the trip.

  15. EyeOnYou says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl ~

    I think that it is becoming more and more obvious that Willow may not have been at that game at all. It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever that there is no mention of her anywhere, no photos and yet she is mentioned at the other events, with photos to prove it.

  16. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 3:42 PM

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 1:30 PM
    EyeOnYou, PLEASE keep pounding away on that point. Willow was NOT at the game, unless she was in different seats

    Why did Rudy not confirm Willow was at the game, or even mention her when he was on Eddie Burkes show?

    Why are there photos of Willow at the Autism walk & the Parade with her family but none at the Baseball game?
    The parade was in the morning before that game.
    Willow was probably with Heather and the nephew, GINO and Dud had to leave by the sixth inning to go to another awards dinner, that’s why no Willow!

  17. EyeOnYou says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 1:30 PM
    EyeOnYou, PLEASE keep pounding away on that point. Willow was NOT at the game, unless she was in different seats

    For the sake of argument, let’s say that Willow and Palin’s sister & nephew were at the game and in different seats that brings up a whole series of questions.

    Why were they in different seats not close to the the Palins & Giuliani’s? (if they had been within a couple of rows, they would have been captured in some of those shots that were taken).

    Why are there no photo’s of any of them, but most especially not of Willow?

    Why is there no mention of them in any of the write ups of this event?

    Why did Rudy not confirm Willow was at the game, or even mention her when he was on Eddie Burkes show?

    Why are there photos of Willow at the Autism walk & the Parade with her family but none at the Baseball game?

  18. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Watch this!
    Willow is not mentioned, nor any joke about her.

  19. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    The MSM is now ASSUMING that Willow was at the game. MSNBC, CNN, Faux News.

    Someone in NYC has to know the truth.

    If she was at the game I will go over to see-four-pee,publically admit my mistake, and throw myself at the mercy of RAM’s ridicule until they delete my post 4-5 minutes later..

    BUT, I doubt that will be required.


  20. ds55 says:

    @ clydedog #215: Her sign says “Fire the pervert – David Letterman – sex offender”. This so over the top, a ridiculous overreaction.

  21. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 12:51 PM

    Let’s see if this works. I put a side by side comparison of two photos. One is a known side view image of Willow and the other is the “asian” looking pic from the game.
    paste link into browser:

    You decide. My 17 year old son says they are two different people.
    Two different people!

  22. UK Lady says:

    Eye on you

    Well done, not the same person, would love to prove Willow wasn’t at the game, there must be a way.

  23. Nan says:

    Eye on you, I think your son is right. It’s two different people. And something no one has mentioned yet, is that the unknown female has her hair parted high on the side, as if the top is tied back, with the rest falling free. I’ve *only* seen the hair loose on the elder Palin girls. Never held with a barrette or anything else. Just a thought.

    Clyde – only 50? (Wow, that many? lol)

  24. clydedog says:

    NY Daily News reports there were only 50 people at the Letterman protest today. Not very many considering there are about 6 million people within a half hour.

  25. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    EyeOnYou, PLEASE keep pounding away on that point. Willow was NOT at the game, unless she was in different seats which will still be more than $150 and have to be reported as a gift. I suspect she was shopping as any normal 14/15 year old girl on a first or 2nd trip to NYC would LOVE to do! Baseball? Yuck! Shopping in the Big Apple? Awesome!

  26. Martha says:

    What Palin’s phony outrage is REALLY all about;

    Supporters Raising Funds For Palin Legal Defense

    June 16, 2009 03:58 PM ES

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s supporters are holding a Web-a-thon to raise money for her legal defense fund.

    Organizers of Conservatives4Palin said they hope to raise more than $500,000 in a week for Palin’s Alaska Fund Trust.

  27. EyeOnYou says:

    Let’s see if this works. I put a side by side comparison of two photos. One is a known side view image of Willow and the other is the “asian” looking pic from the game.
    paste link into browser:

    You decide. My 17 year old son says they are two different people.

  28. wasillawarrior says:

    Go to Andrew Halcro’s site, he has a post regarding Exxon that is worth reading.

  29. LisanTX says:

    A funny column of Lee Strahan on HuffPo entitled “Sarah Palin Named Nation’s First Humor Czar” contained the following typo (?) [Palin/Pain]:

    The announcement of Pain’s new position was made by Governor Palin’s husband, Todd. It’s not clear if the Obama administration is aware of the appointment.

  30. Martha says:

    199 EyeOnYou Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 11:42 AM
    Martha Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 11:26 AM
    184 sauerkraut Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 11:01 AM

    I think you’ve summed it up nicely, if there WERE pics, she’d “sure as shootin'”be show them! Besides, there are only a limited number of seats in a box. Giuliani wouldn’t have room for her entire crew.

    When she was making the talk show circuit, she would be showing pics if she had them. Palin was all too prepared with her blackberry for Matt wasn’t she?

  31. UK Lady says:


    I’ve looked at that picture several times now, I really just see an older Asian woman, not Willow.

  32. Cammie says:

    I sincerely hope that Gov. Palin gives the same response regarding the insult to the first lady that the first lady and Hillary (they are women right and have daughters right??)
    gave to Gov. Palin. Now that is change you can believe…equal treatment for and about all women

  33. Laurie says:

    I am disgusted with this entire thing! I am a 56 year old woman, who worked hard my entire life. I was the first female exec. director of an alcohol and drug treatment centre that had a reputation for being “rough” . I used my brains and my knowledge and a huge dose of humour to get the position, and I remained in it for 11 years and proved myself. The centre became one of the very best in the province.

    I have worked with men almost all my life. Have I liked the jokes…the Has it got better…yes.

    Currently, I am working as the only female in a company that has tradesmen. These are great guys, and they treat me with great respect. I demand it….I have earned it. Not just because I am a woman, but because I say what I mean and mean what I say.

    Often, I have gone back into the shop for something, and overhear things that some may not like. My theory is, if I cant stand the heat…stay out of kitchen, and I can give as good as I get.

    I have raised a daughter and a son. My son is respectful and loving to his spouse…and I have always been told how wonderfully polite and kind he is…yet I know he has had his moments with tasteless jokes. He has played all sports all his life…locker room crap. He knows where to draw the line.

    My daughter married the same type of guy…and she like me, is not easily offended.

    I believe in political correctness, however…Letterman and the rest are comedians. Americans are always espousing “free speech”. Its ok for the likes of WAR to say what he wants….its ok for Palin to laugh at a cancer victim and refer to Hillarys loss to Obama as…”sambo beat the bitch”. Its ok for her to out her daughter to millions of people and to call your president a terrorist. She is a vile ugly woman. She is cunning…manipulative …but she is also very stupid.

    If she wants to be involved in politics at the Federal level she better get a thicker skin. Perhaps Lettermans joke was tasteless…but it was about A-Rod…and he has since apologized. If any of the pee-ers think that they will scare Bill…look out! He will be out after her as a much bigger pit bull than she could ever be.

    I am so angry…I know I am rambling, but I think you sensible men and women know what I mean. Of course I want the self esteem of our young woman to be healthy. Its not the job of late night comedians to do that. Its up to the parents…and I dont see anything to show that Palin has done anything to help her daughters grow up to be healthy young women emotionally.

    She is a media whore, who will go nowhere. History will remember her as a blip…or a nothing, or worse.

    Just a few months folks…then she is done.

  34. EyeOnYou says:

    Martha Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 11:26 AM
    184 sauerkraut Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 11:01 AM

    Think of it this way…
    Is there a clear photo of Willow at the parade? Yes
    Is there a clear photo of Willow at the autism walk? Yes
    Is there any clear photo of Willow at the game? NO! Is there anything at all written by anyone anywhere that indicates Willow as at the game? Nope.

    When her kids are with here are there photos to prove it? Yep. She has those kids in front of the camera all the time, every-time she takes them anywhere.

    No photo evidence of Willow at B-Ball game. No written evidence of Willow at the game. Hmmmmmmmmm, and we are supposed to believe that Palin expected everyone to just KNOW that Willow was there? Why? If no one mentions it in the writing they did of the game, and no photos are taken of Willow at the game, how would anyone know? Giuliani hasn’t come out and confirmed she was at the game has he? Nope.
    No one got photos of Palin’s sister or nephew or Willow at the game. Why? Would they be relegated off to some obscure seats so they wouldn’t be near the Palins themselves? That seems rather unlikely wouldn’t it? They weren’t near Palin from all the photo evidence so what would any reasonable person conclude? That they weren’t there at all.

  35. InJuneau says:

    Martha and UK Lady–bear in mind that the P girls are part Native, so they may look darker than one might expect, esp. if they’ve also been putting in time at a tanning bed.

  36. UK Lady says:

    I agree with Martha, I thought that woman in the photo looked Asian.

  37. InJuneau says:

    Martha–I think the short shorts photo of her at the autism thing showed that she still has long hair. I was under the impression that that half face in the third HuffPo photo was her, but no one else seems to agree.

  38. Far fromFenway Fan says:

    From Palin’s Facebook statement:

    “Letterman certainly has the right to ‘joke’ about whatever he wants to, and thankfully we have the right to express our reaction. And this is all thanks to our U.S. Military women and men putting their lives on the line for us to secure America’s Right to Free Speech – in this case, may that right be used to promote equality and respect.”

    I guess Letterman’s “right to joke about whatever he wants to” is usurped by Palin’s “right” to censor it.

    I like how she turns everything into a political moment, this time bringing the US military into the fray.

  39. Mag the Mick says:

    I knew Anna Fairclough professionally through her work in domestic violence, and had a great deal of respect for her at the time. She lost my respect when she voted for Ross. Everyone in Anchorage working in child protection or domestic violence protection knew what he was. Ms. Fairclough is an intelligent person; she should carefully re-read Letterman’s original joke and perhaps modify her opinion.

    Where was the outrage when Palin made her hateful, fear-mongering statements during the campaign, and when will Republicans call on her to apologize?

  40. Martha says:

    184 sauerkraut Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 11:01 AM
    Martha @165… take a look at the 3rd photo… you can see the top of a female’s head just to the right of the guy in the greenish shirt… isn’t that Willow’s head? Are these the only pictures of the group at the game? Ya’d think someone would have video. …

    No kidding!! Palin was careful to say that Willow traveled with her, but I don’t know?, if she said that she was at the game with her. Looked like an Asian gal to me?………….Could be wrong, I’ve been wrong before….lol………..The last photo I saw of Willow ( interview Jan, I think in Palins house) she had a super short buzzed (as in crew cut) off hair cut, with one long piece in the front. Do you know of any recent photos of Willow? Anyone else know?

  41. UK Lady says:

    Isn’t it nearly time for the gathering of the eedjits in NY, Zeigler and all, any news?

    They gather with no sense of irony whatsoever to condemn Letterman for making a lame joke, whilst defending to the hilt the right of Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter and O’Reilly et al to spew forth hate speech and incite violence.

    These same eedjits who think they are the only ‘true Americans’, who no doubt tear up when they hear the Star Spangled Banner, who are actually spoon fed what to think by an Australian via Fox news. Eedjits.

  42. InJuneau says:

    Doggonit–oh, maybe… I thought there were at least a couple of cops there then, but since I’ve never lived there (thank goodness!), I can’t be sure.

  43. UK Lady says:

    duct idaho palin

    Wouldn’t be too sure about Rudi telling the truth, he may want to hang on Palin’s coattails to 2012. However, he may be reluctant to tell a lie that is verifiably wrong. Who knows?

  44. duct idaho palin says:

    Dave should call Rudy and ask. Both are New Yorkers; I think that Rudy would tell the truth.

  45. Soldotna Sue says:

    Thinking people are sure that Palin is too stupid to be elected POTUS. However, the Repugs elected W- twice! That is a horrible thought as we consider Palin as a Presidential candidtae! God help us!

  46. duct idaho palin says:

    Willow has a pronounced widow’s peak. That’s not her to the right of the guy in the green shirt.

  47. UK Lady says:

    sauerkraut – That doesn’t look like a young girl to me. Older and has streak in hair. I haven’t seen any evidence that Willow was a the game. Maybe someone should ask Rudi the straight question, put it to rest so to speak.

  48. Doggonit says:

    InJuneau Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 10:51 AM

    Doggonit–I think it was just the chief of police she fired.


    My understanding, is that it was a one cop town and the State Troopers would be called in when needed to help out. I think it was a population of about 5,000 back then.

  49. sauerkraut says:

    Martha @165… take a look at the 3rd photo… you can see the top of a female’s head just to the right of the guy in the greenish shirt… isn’t that Willow’s head? Are these the only pictures of the group at the game? Ya’d think someone would have video. …

  50. Paula says:

    kiksadi50 Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 10:54 AM
    If Palin is the new advocate for women than she can kick off her campaign speaking out publicly against the sexist/culturally based abuse Sotomajor has been subjected to ever since her nomination to the supreme court was announced.
    Sorry, womens rights and respect stop with their family. Everyone else is fair game for jokes, rape and abuse.

  51. Paula says:

    And here’s a little message for Palin: If you’re gonna parade your daughter around the campaign trail, touting her unwed pregnancy as an admirable teenage virtue, then you deserve whatever mockery comes your way, from Letterman or elsewhere.

  52. kiksadi50 says:

    If Palin is the new advocate for women than she can kick off her campaign speaking out publicly against the sexist/culturally based abuse Sotomajor has been subjected to ever since her nomination to the supreme court was announced. Gordon Liddy stated that he hoped Sotomajor would not have to make a decision from the bench if she was having her period or “worse” PMS. No response from any female politicians.The whole GOP has branded Sotomajorher as a “racist”. Haven’t heard from Palin. Nancy Pelosi & Hillary Clinton are constant targets of abusive remarks related to their gender. Palin says squat. Meanwhile, back at the ranch Palin has burned through another news cycle, paid for by AK., while she is NOT taking care of state business(I thought she was in the lower 48 to do state governor related business) oh, I forgot, she’s too busy ‘defending women’ on tv & radio. Shame on Sen. Menard & dbl. shame on Rep. Clough for supporting Wayne Ross for attorney general. As a former DV shelter worker in AK., & a long time advocate for victims of sexual abuse I say triple shame on a former director of STAR for not only voting “yes” for Ross, but for not leading the protest against his completely inappropriate nomination. If Letterman owes an aplogy to women, then so do Fairclough, Menard & Palin for supporting a batterer like Ross.

  53. Paula says:

    Sarah Palin – the Governor of Alaska and a key to Republican success in the 2008 Presidential election — was today named as the United State’s first “Humor Czar”; a newly created position in The Department Of Homeland Security.

  54. InJuneau says:

    Doggonit–I think it was just the chief of police she fired.

  55. Doggonit says:

    Didn’t Palin, as mayor, fire the only policeman in town while Wasilla was the drug capitol of Alaska with domestic abuse against women and children and rape on the rise?

    And last winter, weren’t children freezing and starving in the Native Villages?

    It seems the lesson to learn is that unless it is a Palin, Sarah doesn’t care.

  56. pvazwindy says:

    Gee I feel better knowing that McCain appreciated the apology. Do you think he ever apologized to his wife for his crude remarks. McCain’s as phoney as Sarah.

  57. Paula says:

    Bet we’ll be hearing about this until 2016…

  58. Paula says:

    Sen. John McCain,,, said he appreciated that Letterman was sorry and said, “Now we need to move on.”

  59. BodieP says:

    I found Letterman’s joke tasteless, and unfunny. I found the Palin’s closing remark–that they thought it would be “wise to keep Willow away from him,” far more troubling. It reflects the very attitude that permits child sex abuse to continue–that molesters are “out there”–the stereotypical stranger in the trench coat. The reality is that child abuse is overwhelmingly committed by someone “in here”–a parent, sibling, cousin, grandparent, trusted teacher, church group leader, uncle, or aunt. Most of the time it’s a person the child should be able to respect and trust–which makes the violation all the worse. Furthermore, it’s a crime of opportunity–simply keeping your own child away from the suspected molester is NOT enough–other people’s children are still at risk. Child services, the police, the district attorney’s office, all should be notified. The systems aren’t great, but they’re the best we have–certainly better than making unsubstantiated smears in the media. (For more on this, you can visit my blog.)

  60. Lilybart says:

    So when does Obama start making a stink to People Magazine and FOX about the ugly racist comment about Michele?……….never? that’s what I thought.

  61. Kimosabe says:

    Please understand the jokes. The jokes were NOT about the Palin daughter(s). They were about Alex Rodriguez (sleazy Yankee playboy/infielder) and Elliot Spitzer (sleazy Yankee ex-governor). THEY, not the Palin girl, were the butt of the jokes, and well taken on Letterman’s turf New York City. Further, the MSM and Letterman’s writers probably don’t have a clue that Palin has any daughters but Bristol, famously and publicly quite in fact “knocked up”.

    Very interesting article in the Washington Post today about how all the late-night comics have been making hay over Bristol’s pregancy, including this from Jay Leno last September: “Governor Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it.” I wonder if Leno’s writer went over to Letterman, it’s the same joke. The point of the article is so where was the outrage before? This is just another grab of the spotlight by Sarah Palin.

  62. Isabella says:

    Lulu “I think David’s apology is masterfully worded. I read it as a rheatorical slap to Palin who doesn’t comprehend the subtilties of the language he has used.”


  63. Doggonit says:

    Yes, Lil’ Bush’s campaign used push polling in the 2000 election to suggests that McCain’s Bangladeshi born daughter was his own, illegitimate black child.

  64. Doggonit says:

    McCain also called his wife a trollop, but that didn’t stop Gov Winky from joining his campaign.

  65. aha says:

    “Of course it’s accepted on behalf of young women, like my daughters, who hope men who ‘joke’ about public displays of sexual exploitation of girls will soon evolve,”

    Did Sarah just insult Letterman? Does that statement call him ‘unevolved’? She still doesn’t accept his apology for herself, but ”on behalf of you women” of which she is not…lol. I certainly wish Letterman would bring up W.A.R. on his show.

    To the poster who clued us in on Palin’s salary, thank you very much. I’m now switching my career to politics.

    I find it amazing how people who donate to her b.s. pac and fund most likely have no clue how much dough she pulls in.

    Does anyone know the names under which stuff is being sold on ebay? I’d like to make the feds aware.

  66. z says:

    Did McCain apologize to his wife for the “c” word?
    Weren’t the bush ppl vicious to his daughter?

  67. Martha says:

    The “comedic world” ought to be defending David Letterman, other programs and comics have said worse.

    When this started, John Ziegler , the radio host that was interviewing Palin (and has of course done a “documentary” of her) ” is known for making these remarks;

    In case you missed it, some nut job broke in (Clinton’s campaign office) and took hostages and apparently threatened to blow himself up unless he got a chance to speak to Hillary. Now, I found this rather odd because I always feel like blowing myself up after I hear Hillary Clinton speak”.

    Someone who’s informed and is rational…which I realize is kind of an oxymoron for women. It’s true. Ideally, you find (a woman) with a manageable degree of irrationality.[65]

    John Ziegler arrest at Couric award ceremony for Palin interview
    ……………………………………..AND THIS!!……………………………………………….

    John Ziegler vs. Nate Silver
    November 19, 2008 9:54 AM Subscribe

    You may have heard of John Ziegler. A former right-wing talk radio host turned right-wing documentarian, he was once the subject of a well-known David Foster Wallace essay about conservative talk radio. Ziegler later gained some notoriety by slamming Wallace heartlessly after the author committed suicide, calling him an overrated writer and criticizing the press for its coverage of his death. Now, Ziegler has once again made waves by going nuclear in an interview with pollster-watcher Nate Silver over the legitimacy of a commissioned Zogby poll. Silver questions the value of the poll, which contains leading questions, and which Ziegler plans on using in his upcoming documentary to “numerically prove” that Obama supporters are grossly misinformed idiots.

    An excerpt from the end of the Nate Silver interview:

    NS: Well, since you’re running a website calling people misinformed, I’d like to see if — there are certain things you’ve said that I would consider misinformed.
    JZ: Misinformed? You’re a piece of work! You are never going to have the guts to post a representative transcript on your website! I thought you actually ran a legitimate website!

    NS: Thank you, have a good day.
    JZ: Go fuck yourself.

    And here is an excerpt from the David Foster Wallace essay (Wallace sort of hammers Ziegler in the essay over Ziegler’s obsession with OJ Simpson and his determined and frequent use of the n-word on the many radio shows he’s been fired from):

    The trouble starts when Tiger Woods wins the 1997 Masters. As part of his commentary on the tournament, Mr. Z. posits on-air that Tiger constitutes living proof of the fact that “not all white people are racists.” His supporting argument is that “no white person would ever think of Tiger as a nigger,” because whites draw a mental distinction “between people who just happen to be black and people who act like niggers.” His reason for broadcasting the actual word “nigger”? “This all goes back to O.J. I hated the fact that the media treated viewers and listeners like children by saying ‘Mark Fuhrman used the N-word.’ I despised that, and I think it gives the word too much power. Plus there’s the whole hypocrisy of how black people can use it and white people can’t. I was young and naive and thought I could stand on principle.” As part of that principled stand, Mr. Z. soon redeploys the argument and the word in a discussion of boxer Mike Tyson, whereupon he is fired, “even though there was very little listener reaction.” As Mr. Z. understands it, the reason for his dismissal is that “a single black employe

    This is the type of man Palin is “palin'” around with!

    Unlike David Letterman’s great reputation and career , John Ziegler is a foul mouthed, misogynist, racist who can’t keep a job.

    I am so sick of Palin’s phony outrage, just to get some more “attention pie”!

    Palin will prostitute herself and her family, without hesitation, when it fits her political agenda.

    10) Last September, a skit on Saturday Night Live suggested incest in the Palin family. “What about the husband?” asked a mock Times reporter. “You know he”s doing those daughters. I mean, come on. It”s Alaska!”

    No outrage.

    Sarah Palin appeared on the show one month later in late October.

  68. Lacy Lady says:

    I still haven’t heard John McCain apoligize to Chelesa Clinton.

  69. Martha says:

    Sarah Palin’s Yankee Stadium Visit (PHOTOS)

    Huffington Post | Katharine Zalesk

    There is NO sign of Willow in these pictures at all!!

    What a farce she was not even at the game!

  70. trisha says:

    I just read part of Palin’s statement on Wonkette. She actually gets the words “military putting their lives on the line…..”.worked into this statement.
    The military is securing America’s right to Free Speech? Huh. Since when?
    According to Palin, The military is fighting overseas so we have free speech in America? Does she even know what Country she is living in? Does she even know we have a Constitution that guarantees our right to free speech?
    How is our military “fightin’ overseas” giving us free speech? She is an idiot.

    “Letterman certainly has the right to ‘joke’ about whatever he wants to, and thankfully we have the right to express our reaction,” Palin said. “This is all thanks to our U.S. Military women and men putting their lives on the line for us to secure America’s Right to Free Speech – in this case, may that right be used to promote equality and respect.”G,

  71. clydedog says:

    Why wait until the next week to respond (slow thinkers?)
    Why claim no apology when there were two (uninformed?)
    Why buy into the phony rape issue (opportunists?)
    Why a joint press release (can’t do it alone?)
    Why no outrage againt WAR (wimps?)
    Why no outrage by radio talk shows, rappers, other comedians (SP suckup?)

    I would not want a slow thinking, uninformed, wimpy oppotuninistic suckup representing me or my gender. Stupidity is not gender related.

  72. CO almost native says:

    Here is the latest Republican brouhaha:

    Perhaps Governor Palin, the new Amy Vanderbilt of Correctness will raise a hue and cry over this offensive email- the Rep. staffer apologized… for sending it to the wrong people?! After all, she did so much about the gorilla ancestry joke told about Michele Obama. What hypocrites. Again.

  73. anadventurer says:

    What about a “where’s Todd” shirt for this one.

    If I had a daughter and I was in the spotlight (slightly to the right) , I would haul out my ol huntin’ rifle and get the in the proper spotlight with some sort of manly saying like “ya’all come round get again yer gonna have some rocksalt to be pullin outta a wound”. Why was Todd so quite?

  74. DrChill says:

    I must remind myself that since the signing of her book deal, every flap, every press release, every outrage, every twit, may appear in chapters of her book, re-written as a docu-drama; fiction loosely based on real events – more chapters, more sales, more money!

  75. EyeOnYou says:

    I wonder if boys will start to avoid getting involved with the Palin girls knowing what a problem it could turn out to be for them?

  76. anadventurer says:

    Ok, I don’t like Letterman, never have, not my style of humor. I also don’t like 14 year old girls (terrified of them in fact). I would like to point out a few things that I have not heard mentioned anywhere (except by me). It is legal in at least 4 states for 14 year old girls (and we are talking girls, not boys) to marry; there ought to be some outrage over that, perhaps a bit more then over some bad jokes.

    AND these days *some* 14 year old girls dress more like 22 and it’s hard to tell them apart. I am not much of a gawkier, but I do say from time to time “who let’s their kid out dressed like that?”

    My third and final point; Women, I think your girls are safe from Letterman for the time being.

  77. CorningNY says:

    I think that, while Letterman’s jokes about Bristol (and yes, any idiot who’d NOT been living under a rock would know they were about Bristol) were somewhat tasteless, what did Sarah expect after parading her pregnant daughter around around with her at the RNC and after? Comedians make jokes about who’s in the news, and Sarah was the one who put Bristol in the news.

    I am MUCH more offended by Sarah’s utter hypocrisy than I am by the jokes themselves.

    Sarah: GROW UP!!

  78. Lulu says:

    I think David’s apology is masterfully worded. I read it as a rheatorical slap to Palin who doesn’t comprehend the subtilties of the language he has used. The drama that surrounds Sarah is exhausting, and at times, the reality that someone like Sarah can ascend to such levels of power makes me literally cry.
    But I am reassured that the hypocrisy that is Sarah is clear to far more people than not. She will never prevail.

  79. rebekkah says:

    I don’t take any of these seriously who call by press releases to make their point about the David Letterman fiasco. Why didn’t Reps. Menard and Fairclough make a stand during the Eddie Burke interview? with SP, laughing it up about one of their colleagues in a disgusting manner.

    It’s too late! If these folks really are concerned about sexist remarks, and degrading remarks against teenagers, they could have started 30 years ago. All of a sudden the need to defend SP and family, one of the many who have been disparaged these last 3 decades. And Saturday Night Live? That Todd with daughters skit? That was the worst among them. What? Total silence. Where was all the outrage then?

    Sorry, this tastes like political grandstanding. Someone’s looking for a promotion from the Governor. It doesn’t speak well of these two for coming out now. Timing is everything for sleazy politicians.

  80. UK Lady says:

    When is the next poll in Alaska due?

  81. Doggonit says:

    By the way, what has the Palin administration done to address the towns and villages that have been flooded and declared a natural disaster?

  82. jo in AK says:

    I just keep seeing those Candie’s ads and think about what they enjoy having their daughter associate with. The irony of all of this is positively amazing.

    And she is such an embarrassment.

  83. let it run says:

    Isn’t it just weird that Letterman did apologize tho ??? There are corporate strings behind that apology. ( sorry if comment is a repeat) I wonder which joke writer head(s) rolled ?

    P.S. I could swear I saw a pic of Willow and the nephew behind SP a few rows back & to the right. Not right next to her.

    P.P.S. I hope SP is gracious enough to let this die …nah she’ll beat it to death first.

  84. Doggonit says:

    Palin has turned Alaska into a soup opera. All political theatrics. Minute by minute reporting and twittering on the Palin/Letterman saga. But no one knows any details on the Exxon’s deal with TransCanada that occurred over a week ago.

    Opium for the masses, my friends. Hoodwinked and bamboozled. A Sarah Barracuda head fake.

  85. Rake Trinket says:

    Remember when bush was re-elected and there was that web site where everyone held up cards saying they were sorry… How do you do that type of thing?… I’d like to see one in which we and our daughters can hold up cards that say “You do not speak for me…” to S.P. I don’t want her accepting any appology on behalf of ‘all young women’… She does not speak for any of the women i know.

  86. Lilybart @ 127 – I’m hoping that is implied by him referring to the ‘facts’ of the joke he made.

    So far there has being an outrage and an apology issued for reason #—- of the 10 top reasons why Sarah should be kept away from public office anywhere.

    What was the # for the one falsely claiming sarah shopping at Bloomie’s instead of Avon to maintain her looks?

    The outrage will come in the order the reasons were enumerated. An apology,” absolutely not necessarily”, may or may not follow.

  87. Lee323 says:

    Excellent post. A good subtitle would be “Sexism, Hypocrisy, and Political Expedience.”

    AKM: “Free market comedy. The thing we need to do as a society is redraw the line. ”
    I understand your point about “Free Market” censoring of comedy and other genres of expression. I exercise my free market options by changing the channel.

    …..But the troublesome aspect of the “free Market” concept of censoring is when it extends beyond the individual’s exercise of “redrawing the line” (such as changing the channel) and becomes a political agenda with a person or groups who have considerably more power than the mere individual. When this happens, the “free market” concept disappears and infringement of “free speech” or other civil rights rears its ugly, undemocratic head. What powerful person or group has the right to draw the line for everyone else? I have no quibble with Palin taking issue with personal jokes made about her family but the involvement of her fan club and the feminist groups adding pressure with wider sociopolitical agendas leaves me very uncomfortable since it reeks of censorship and 1st Amendment issues, not free market choice.

    Most importantly, our basic civil rights are not and should not be part of a “free market” paradigm. A public majority, or even dominating minority, could then set the social agenda and remove these rights (think of Jerry Prevo and discrimination based on sexual orientation; or California’s Prop 8).

    The problem with Palin, Prevo and their ilk is that they essentially want to reach into your homes and “change the channels” themselves.

  88. pvazwindy says:

    141 Isabella Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 7:45 AM
    Does anybody have a tale to tell staying at, Great Wolf Lodge?

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Can you clarify Isabella

  89. mlaiuppa says:

    Immoral Minority has Palin’s snarky acknowledgment of David Letterman’s second and most sincere apology.

    What a piece of work.

    I’m surprised she didn’t insert “like my son Track who is over in Iraq” in the middle of the GOP a$$kissing.

    I’m sure John Ziegler will be leading the uninformed and irrational parade protesting in front of Letterman’s studio.

    I hope women band together to cancel their NOW memberships and tear up their donation checks.

  90. Isabella says:

    Does anybody have a tale to tell staying at, Great Wolf Lodge?

  91. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Rudi has been known to dress as a woman on more than one occaison…

  92. delsur says:

    Isn’t this whole flap just a diversion from the EXXXXon Texas deal? Can the Alaskan Gov cut a big deal like that in secret? Does your state have no checks on her power? While the people scream on and on and on about a stupid joke, she makes backroom deals with the Devil and I hear nothing much from Alaskans??

  93. Candy Knight says:

    The hypocrisy of all this reeks. I’m not sure which offends me more–wingnuts like Palin and Co. who have been the worst enemies of women their entire lives suddenly striking a Statue of Liberty pose as defenders of women, or the gullible idiots on the left, who have fallen for this con game and are tripping all over each other to show that they’re in solidarity with their rightwing “sisters.” As a woman, I am deeply offended at the suggestion that comedians can make sexual jokes about male politicians and celebrities, but that women are “special” and must be treated like they’re on a pedestal. That’s the kind of double standard I’ve fought against my entire life. Of course, the lie that the joke was about the 14yr old gets repeated over and over again, when anyone with half a brain–and eyes–knows that the joke was about the unwed Advocate of Abstinence and her Tripp, and that the 14yr old wasn’t at the ball game. It was a stupid, potentially deadly lie Sarah told, but once again, she’s getting away with it.

    Oh, and on behalf of all human beings, I’m waiting for her to apologize to Letterman for calling him a pathetic, perverted pedophile.

  94. nswfm CA says:

    Oh and 9/11. Also too.

  95. Isabella says:

    Nan “Oh, Isabella, how do you do it? (the 3 Repubs, that is)”

    Lol, I reposted someone elses’s post 🙂 I live with a know it all Obama hater. Which is WAYYYY worse then 3 uptight Red Shrts anyday.

  96. nswfm CA says:

    Rudy’s kids were not supporting him for the R nomination last year. I think they were Obama supporters. Might have been because of the way that Rudy treated their mom in such a publicly humiliating way when he announced his divorce so he could be with his “good good friend Judy Nathan”, his current wife.

  97. Nan says:

    Oh, Isabella, how do you do it? (the 3 Repubs, that is)


  98. Did Todd and Sarah think it may be wise to keep Willow away from Rudi? Why?

  99. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    If all Palin had said was” I dont have time to respond to late nite comics while my state is under a federal flood emergency”…ah….nevermind….

  100. Isabella says:

    Posted elsewhere, lol, at the ending.

    While I agree that it was inappropriate for Letterman to make jokes about Palin’s young daughters, I don’t feel like he needs to apologize for anything. He’s a comedian, and comedians make jokes about everytime someone gets offended, they have to apologize?? Its called get over it and move on..the more you make a huge deal about it, the more people are going to make fun and joke about you.

    Republicans have no sense of humor…I live with 3 of them..I should know..

  101. sauerkraut says:

    104 sjk from the belly of the plane Says: June 16th, 2009 at 5:48 AM

    “BY Michael Saul

    “…The Palins left sometime in the sixth inning for the awards dinner.”


    Anyone have pictures from that event? Is the daughter there?

  102. sauerkraut says:

    109 Bystander Says: June 16th, 2009 at 5:53 AM

    While Sarah spends ten days on her “hey, look at me tour” and a couple events for disabled children, her own disabled one year old is being taken care of by?

    Her mother does the child-rearing in that house, yes? She has done a wonderful job, hasn’t she?

  103. sauerkraut says:

    Fairclough and Menard get hoisted by own petards… sweet!

    Just goes to show that even women play the gender card in the game of politics.

  104. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    TOO funny, check out the links and comments on the facebook page for the group planning today’s ‘get Dave fired’ protest!

    Please, NYC mudpups: Show up and bring signs in support of Dave and ‘free market comedy’!

    (Looks like rain, don’t forget your yellow boots!) 😉

  105. Lilybart says:

    How funny would it be if Letterman decided to say…..”you know, I was thinking about that Yankee game that Palins daughter attended and I was looking for photos that she was there, and you know, I think she wasn’t there. We haven’t found any proof so far. Maybe she wasn’t there?

    just drop it, then see what happens

  106. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    TOO funny, check out the links and comments on the facebook page for the group planning today’s ‘get Dave fired’ protest!

  107. Paula says:

    Alaska Statute (“AS”) 39.52.130 Improper Gifts provides as follows, “(a) a public official may not solicit, accept, or receive, directly or indirectly, a gift, whether in the form of money, service, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, employment, promise, or in any other form, that is a benefit to the officer’s personal or financial interests, under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift is intended to influence the performance of official duties, actions or judgment.”

  108. Paula says:

    next to dugout at yankee stadium, cost of ticket, $2625.00. Total $5250.00 (sarah & todd). Who knows where willow was.

    Rumor has it she was in the pit w/ Rod… okay, bad joke. Must I post a 7 minute apology?

  109. antiAnti says:

    If those horrible red shoes disappear from news footage, the whole silly Letterman-gate week will be worth it (sorry, Willow).

  110. pvazwindy says:

    next to dugout at yankee stadium, cost of ticket, $2625.00. Total $5250.00 (sarah & todd). Who knows where willow was.

  111. LiladyNY says:

    Well said MimiC!

  112. Paula says:

    Just checked out the photos, love the caption

    “Sarah hugs an autistic child.”

    If she knew an effin thing about autism she’d know autistic kids HATE to be touched and hugs, even by mom and dad most of the time. My autistic kid would have belted her.

  113. Nan says:

    Oh, MimiC – that’s RICH!

    High fives to you!

  114. MimiC says:

    OK, her latest comment is that our troops are fighting for our right to free speech, and she spent the week asking the country to “rise up” against a comedian’s right to tell jokes?

  115. Doggonit says:

    This Letterman thing really isn’t anything new. Sarah has been whining over one thing or another, ever since she took stage in the McCain campaign for the first time. It was some how the medias fault that she couldn’t answer very simple questions.

    I recall a big dust up last fall when McCain/Palin started claiming they were the change candidates (the real Mavericks). Obama said, that was lipstick on a pig because they agreed with Bush policies. McCain/Palin spun it and blamed Obama for calling Sarah a pig.

    It is un-Presidential to always be playing the whining victim.

  116. austintx says:

    114 Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 6:11 AM
    Gramiam………I’ll gladly toast with you! Scarah has NO class! And I’m glad she just made a bigger fool of herself in front of the world. Let her stupid groupies be milked by her for money, oh well eh? lol It’s kinda like giving to a evangelical ministry that later is shown fraudulent and hypocritical. She’s a scam artist and her groupies are suckers.

    I feel sorry for Alaska. When is the next poll due out?
    Ah yes………Who can ever forget Jim and Tammy Faye of PTL { pass the loot } ??

  117. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I can’t wait for the next REAL interview……….the REAL media is gonna chew her up and spit her out. I’m sure they’re sick and tired of her crap.

  118. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Gramiam………I’ll gladly toast with you! Scarah has NO class! And I’m glad she just made a bigger fool of herself in front of the world. Let her stupid groupies be milked by her for money, oh well eh? lol It’s kinda like giving to a evangelical ministry that later is shown fraudulent and hypocritical. She’s a scam artist and her groupies are suckers.

    I feel sorry for Alaska. When is the next poll due out?

  119. the problem child says:

    Oops, I got caught in the tubes – it probably belongs on open thread anyway. But the silly just keeps on attaching itself to her. As the retraction points out, um, we are a gossip column, we cover gossip. Clearly, GINO has now found her natural level of cultural significance.

  120. austintx says:

    105 Isabella Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 5:49 AM
    I now see why Todd, does not have to work anymore.

  121. EyeOnYou says:

    Why would Todd work anymore? He is sucking off the teat of donations just like his wife is. The entire family are grifters and seem to feel entitled to compensation simply for existing. It is sickening to know that they have that entitlement attitude, which no doubt has always been there, but is now coming to light with the extensive coverage of Palin.

  122. ocliberal says:

    I thought Letterman’s 2nd apology was a brilliant move. The first one was of course perfectly sufficient but since Palin ignored that one and kept up the mind-boggling hypocrisy that only a Palin is capable of without blushing, I thought it was pure genius of him to make another (and another and another and another if necessary.)

    The second one really forced Palin into the corner – either she accepted it and shut up about this whole beyond surreal, attention-seeking, fabricated controversy or she just looked even more and more ridiculous (if that were even possible) as she was further exposed as the two-bit, hypocritical, immature, ignorant, attention seeking “you know what” that she truly is.

    I don’t think anyone should ever, ever forget that this is a woman who decided that way to prove to the world she was the birth Mom of her young DS son was to throw her then 17 year old daughter under a fast moving train by embarrassing her on the biggest, most exposed stage in the world, when a birth certficate probably would have worked just fine at the time! This is the woman who wrote the manual of how to exploit your own children! Personally I believe that the ONLY person in this world who owes the Palin girls an apology is Sarah Palin herself.

    Dave Letterman showed some class and Sarah Palin just got schooled.

  123. Bystander says:

    While Sarah spends ten days on her “hey, look at me tour” and a couple events for disabled children, her own disabled one year old is being taken care of by?

  124. Was Willow at the game? Did she sit with her aunt and cousin on another area, away from her parents? was M. Stapletongue with her? Did she watch the whole game? Did she go to Sarah’s next engagement? What was Willow wearing ?

  125. anon blogger says:

    Pursang @ #51….I agree. Since GINO never opened her mouth about any other jokes made, I think GINO got mad about the “slutty flight attendant” joke Zeigler asked her about during her interview. I imagine GINO going off about Letterman…..How dare he…who does he think he is, God? Why, me, the VP, I mean, the Governor of Alaska, the energy expert, and the hottest governor around! Slutty…a flight attendant…on national tv…I’m the Governor of Alaska…he’ll pay for that…Todd!!!

    GINO took the joke about a daughter known to be knocked up, and applied it to a younger daughter, made her 14 instead of 15-1/2 years old (born January 21, 1994), and went on the attack. Not only did it generate a whole lot of sympathy and free press for GINO, but it took her using Newt’s speech completely out of the spotlight.

    GINO has shown how much she cares about women’s issues. While GINO was Mayor of Wasilla, rape victims were made to pay for rape kits while she spent $50,000 to refur her office. Yeah, she’s a real spokesperson for women’s issues, all right!! As long as it’s her issues…it’s all about GINO!!

    Thanks, AKM, for a great article. I forgot about ol’ WAR!

  126. Isabella says:

    “OMIGod, Palin pulls in $135,000 a year salary (With SIX tax deductions keeping almost every dime for herself), she receives per diems in amounts to cover her mortgage, food, household utilities, transportation, vacations, plus SEVEN People TABLOID Exclusives, a multi-million dollar book advance along with the fun money of PFD’s.

    With all the above and those boxes and boxes of gifts Palin, sells on Ebay under her nieces names, these SUCKERS are giving up heating their homes & buying Grammies heart pills to fill Palin’s coffers?

    The ONLY ethics complaints Palin has fees for are the ones she brought on herself .

    I now see why Todd, does not have to work anymore.

    He can tag along with Pailn, as well can their children, Pailn’s sisters, nephews, nieces with no personal out of pocket all of them getting the sunshine and massages down in the lower 48 right along with her cause these good Christians are keeping the cash flowing.

    I for one am finished donating to the food banks and Share The Spirit. If these people are dumping their resources to Palin, no way am I going to be the feeding them later in the month when there is nothing left because they gave it away to a GREEDY MANIPULATIVE VINDICTIVE PETTY jerk.

    BTW, with ALLLLLLL this disposable income, why the HELL has Palin, not reimbursed the state for those travels her kids took?

  127. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “BY Michael Saul

    They hoped to win the keys to the White House. Instead, they got tickets to Yankee Stadium.

    Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, whose presidential aspirations collapsed in humiliating defeat in Florida last year, and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the failed GOP veep pick, enjoyed a game at Yankee Stadium on Sunday.

    The GOP political duo and their spouses exchanged laughs, smiles and small talk as they watched the Yanks take on Tampa Bay. At one point, Giuliani snapped a photo of his wife, Judith, with Alaska’s First Couple.

    Giuliani invited the Palins to the game when he learned they would be in town this weekend.

    On Saturday, Palin was in upstate Auburn, marching in a parade to raise money for a museum honoring William Seward, the former secretary of state who bought Alaska from Russia.

    Sunday night on Long Island, the self-described pit bull with lipstick received an award from Independent Group Home Living Foundation, a nonprofit that supports people with disabilities. Palin’s youngest son, Trig, has Down syndrome.

    While her trip here was billed as nonpolitical, she found time at an event on Saturday to criticize President Obama’s national security and energy policies, as well as his handling of the nation’s economic crisis.

    But Sunday’s meeting at the ballpark was purely casual, a source told the Daily News. Giuliani, who is eying a bid for governor in New York, and Palin, who may run for the White House in 2012, were just enjoying the game, the source said.

    The Palins left sometime in the sixth inning for the awards dinner.”

  128. 24owls says:

    Once again AKM you have penned … punched keys really … an excellent post. The drama queen will continue to find a way to get a piece of the limelight, any limelight for that matter and the state will continue to suffer for her lack of so many things. It doesn’t seem to matter that crisis after crisis keeps happening here, she just keeps traveling the lower 49 trying to show that she is a GOP wanna-be. The Rush Limpballs of the great white north in fashionable dress and sparkling red high heel shoes.

    Keep up the good work AKM!

  129. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “It was a veritable GOP party at Yankee Stadium yesterday! Apparently former mayor—and former presidential aspirant—Rudy Giuliani invited Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to catch the Yankees-Rays game. It was also a double date—the Daily News reports, “The GOP political duo and their spouses exchanged laughs, smiles and small talk as they watched the Yanks take on Tampa Bay. At one point, Giuliani snapped a photo of his wife, Judith, with Alaska’s First Couple.” Later in the evening, Palin was honored as an advocate for developmentally disabled children; Newsday reports that group’s founder “can’t say what type of advocacy work Palin has done on behalf developmentally disabled children, he said her popularity and high-profile status makes her an effective spokeswoman for the group and that’s why Palin was chosen as this year’s honoree.” Palin spent the earlier part of the weekend upstate.”

  130. Grainne says:

    Thank you AKM! What a ridiculaous week! The events in Iran should make some feigning false outrage here hang their heads in shame.

  131. austintx says:

    HEY !! sarah , why don’t you make fun of this cancer survivor ?? Melissa @ 2:29. Kleenex warning.

  132. Paula says:

    Buffalo- I think that writer is one of the pagans we’ve been warned about (wink). On spot!

  133. the problem child says:

    Hee, hee: Examiner retracts story (hilarious to start with, but now it’s gone – archived for posterity at the “other” place) that Palin was counseling John Gosselin (Kate & Jon?) on his marriage. But they still poke fun at GINO’s sanctimonious spokesferret:

    “Once again, this is a [bold] gossip [/bold] column that reports information from different people and websites. Of course, one can’t always trust the information given is 100 percent true, which is why you will usually find the words “allegedly” or “rumored” in the articles. However, we are glad that Ms. Palin actually took the time to clarify information that she believes is inflammatory.”

  134. BuffaloGal says:

    This is one of those really great articles that really captures things succinctly and cleverly and you find yourself saying, “Thank You ! I neeeeeded that !”

    “Why are top Republicans still in “anything goes” campaign mode – dishing out cheap shots, absurd fantasies and readily disprovable deceptions?”

    “Spearheaded by Dick Cheney’s delusions of doom, Republicans are coming to resemble clumsy, bad faith sorcerers, dispatching worst-case scenarios less about the future or winning new voters than scaring the gullible already on board.”

    And he didn’t forget Palin:

    “Equally unpersuasive spellbinding – or sense of the future – comes from Sarah Palin, a real GOP officeholder who’s not old, balding, ugly, or male, thus her popularity with browbeaten women and horny hunters. But Palin’s recent public performances only dramatize her narcissistic, out-of-touch amateurism.”

    There’s plenty more. I highly recommend taking it in !

  135. UK Lady says:

    Calling Shannyn Moore – Please use your influence with Keith Olbermann. If Keith were to do a piece saying “It is interesting to see that Palin does actually have a sense of humour! Indeed! – listen to this interview with Palin in which she laughed aloud at the joke about a cancer sufferer”. – Insert audio of said interview.

    That should shut NOW up for a bit and also show the hypocracy of this awful woman to an audience who isn’t watching as closely as we are.

  136. Paula says:

    Sarah Palins brothers on John Stewart:
    Long Island Wants to Secede
    Samantha Bee talks to the intelligent revolutionaries who want to make Long Island the 51st state.

  137. EyeOnYou says:

    Thanks guys (austintx & Aussie Blue Sky).

  138. Paula says:

    Maybe we should sick Joaquin Phoenix on Palin?

  139. Paula says:

    Trisha, I beleive what Palin actually said was “Get me a f—ing Diet Dr. Pepper or I’ll rip your cancer ridden head off and tazer you, you fat stupid freak! Go! Now!” licking lips, shreaking, “Diet Dr. Pepper!”

    She’s so much like Jesus!

    No wonder God slams so many doors in her face.

  140. woodstove says:

    I am with all the people that want proof that Willow was at that Yankees game. It may be small change, but it is always nice to see Sarah lie and be caught at it. I agree, where is the scrutiny of the MSM on this point?

  141. trisha says:

    Anyone see a disturbing pattern?

    Does anyone still doubt that Sarah and Todd set out on a personal vendetta to get Trooper Wooten fired?

    Does anyone still doubt that Sarah threatened a libriarian in Wasilla?

    Does anyone doubt the McCain camp who said that Palin was a little crazy? Palin called them jerks.

    Anyone believe that she only asked for a Diet Dr. Pepper during the entire campaign?

    Does anyone doubt that she has been threatening Levi (in private) while bashing him publicly (saying he is a liar and an opportunist).

    Does anyone not believe that this was a great way for Sarah to change the subject from a really bad PR week?

    So, she does what she knows best…………..attack.

    She may think she just won this battle, but she just showed America her true ugly nature.

  142. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 4:31 AM
    Who is this woman?
    Wearing the green, she’d have to be an Iranian protester. I’m getting a green ribbon tomorrow and I’ll wear it until protesters stop dying. I see so much of 2004 in what’s happening in Iran. I well remember the shock, the anger, the sheer disbelief. And the fear.

  143. Paula says:

    Did Palin change her tune and say, “Oh, but even though you were talking about Bristol it’s still not right,” which might have been questionable due to her daughter’s adult age, not to mention her appearances on TV talk shows about abstinence. But she didn’t and chose to ignore the truth, and at that point Palin was no longer a protective mother but an out and out liar.

    Read the rest at

  144. austintx says:

    EyeOnYou – She is a woman standing up for her rights in Iran. There was no name given at the site I found her on. The photographer is credited on the pic.

  145. trisha says:

    Palin may have won this battle, but she just lost the war. Does anyone think Dave will forget this incident?

    One day, she will want the attention of Dave Letterman, and I hope he never mentions her name again. I hope that she wants Conan and Leno to give her the attention she craves. I hope they say, She isn’t worth the trouble and ignore her completely.

    One day, Palin may want the attention of the big,bad MSM, and I hope they say “She is toxic” to interview or speak of, so they ignore her too.

  146. trisha says:

    Thanks for the reminder about Palin’s pick for AG. That needs to get some MSM attention. It seems that Sarah is only concerned with her daughters, not women in general. Palin is still trash talking Couric for doing her job.

    Plus, Sarah says “the kids” are off limits, but she has no problem bad mouthing a teenage boy in the media. Guess it’s only Sarah and her children who should receive special treatment.

  147. Doreen says:

    OMG – I feel as bad for you guys in AK as I do residents of SC and how ALL of us felt in 200 and 2004 under the cabal of Bush.

    Without you AKM I think there may have been a bigger chance of us being ruled by Lipstick McWinky and the Maverick.

    Thank the LORD people woke up and listened … more like the lies they were telling held no more water because all the buckets sprang leaks – and people got all wet ….

    Tina Brown wrote a great piece on the Daily Beast about what SP can learn from Hillary Clinton …..

    IMHO SP is not fit to wear one of Hillary’s pantsuits (although I was an Obama girl since ’04)

    Keep fighting the good fight up there …. like I said … you are the front lines!!!

  148. Paula says:

    Bill Maher won’t go on TV live and say “Oh, sowwy Sawah,” he’ll continue to rip her to ever loving shreds. She has actually opened the door for the nastiest jokes ever -it’ll be kind of like she’s hanging out with her “rape the wife” friends.

    We’ll see how long the “femanists” support her… she’ll screw that up prety quickly.

  149. Gardenslug says:

    It is as if these Palin supporters have never seen what is on late-night or prime-time comedy shows. And, if they are planning to protest every comic that ever made a joke about the Palins…this will be endless.

  150. EyeOnYou says:

    austintx Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 4:12 AM
    So sarah thinks and would have us believe that she is a feminist and patriot. Um-m-m………don’t think so. This woman deserves our praise and prayers.


    Who is this woman?

  151. BuffaloGal says:

    The next people to interview had dang well better ask the question: “So will you be taking this fight to the likes of Limbaugh and Coulter” ? And then read a collection of quotes about women and African Americans and ask her if she publicly stands against them. THEN they should play the clip of her laughing along with the two radio punks who refer to a fellow female politician as “a cancer” and a bitch and ask for her response.

  152. EyeOnYou says:


    Yes, he is the next one on the Palin groupies hit list for that part of his monologue. They are talking of boycotting HBO! Will Palin ignore this or go on another rampage?

  153. austintx says:

    So sarah thinks and would have us believe that she is a feminist and patriot. Um-m-m………don’t think so. This woman deserves our praise and prayers.

  154. Gardenslug says:

    Someone mentioned Bill Maher’s take on this mess:
    “Analog TV signals are no longer being beamed through the air, and yet monologue jokes will still be flying over Sarah Palin’s head. Here is what he said:
    “You heard about this?…It’s all over the news. Our friend, David Letterman made a harmless joke about Bristol Palin, and everyone went nuts. Please, she’s a grown girl. She can take care of herself. At least that’s what she says when she keeps ‘sexting’ me.
    Not that every week the Republicans don’t have a case of fake outrage, but this was especially ridiculous. Dave Letterman invited Sarah Palin and her daughter onto the show, the young one, Willow. And Sarah Palin said it would be wise to keep Willow away from him. That’s right, he’s 62 years old and he’s going to f**k her right there on the stage. He’s going to pull open his jacket, take the stent from his heart surgery out and have his way with her right there. It would be very wise to keep her away.
    Ya know, I’d worry a little more about the 18 year old hockey players that knock up your daughters regularly.
    …Cher’s daughter, Chastity Bono,she announced that she is getting a sex change and she will become a man named Chaz. And Chaz says he is not expecting miracles. He just hopes the operation is enough of a success that he can knock-up one of Sarah Palin’s legal age children.”

  155. EyeOnYou says:

    Palin Gag? Comedy’s All in the Mis-Timing
    Letterman Contrite, But Hosts All Joked

    “Saturday Night Live” has also parodied the Palin family in questionable ways. In a skit last September, a mock reporter joked about incest in the vice presidential candidate’s family, saying, “I mean, come on. It’s Alaska!”

    Palin not only didn’t protest, she appeared as a guest on the program a few weeks later.

  156. EyeOnYou says:

    I guess the good thing about this is that people are starting to report on all the other jokes that have been told and how Palin ignored the incest joke on SNL and went on to appear on the show.

    Dave shows class, apologizes and Palin will be shown to be the hypocrite that she is.

    Celtic Diva says Palin has 30 days to report “gifts” so we’ll have to watch and see if she reports 2 or 3 tickets as gifts for the b-ball game. I’ll tell you one thing, if she only reports 2, she will have done herself in. She should know by now that people are watching her carefully due to her proven record of lying, misrepresenting the truth. She is unable to be an honest and forthright person and it will haunt her as long as people like AKM, Shannyn, Gryphen, Diva, Phil and all those who support them keep after her and never let anyone forget exactly what kind of a person she really is.

    Constant Vigilance…Never give up..Never Surrender!

  157. ttownlotta says:

    SP has to do something to keep herself in the lime light. Even if it means creating her on BS. Get real, Letterman is a comedian. Too much time has been wasted on this BS. SP didn’t say alot when off color was made by Saturday Night Live. Opps! I forgot, she was running for VP then. Got her butt kicked and now she just wants to cause alot of trouble. Come on people, GROW UP!!!!!

  158. Gramiam says:

    Susan at KissMyBigBlueButt just gave a shout out to Rusty DePass of South Carolina for his insulting remark about Michelle Obama. This is TOO funny.

    Our First Lady needn’t bother to respond in any way to this cretin. Lady Susan from Texas just did us all proud by doing it for us all.

  159. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    aha Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 12:46 AM
    Maybe nobody cares, but I do which is why I keep bringing it up:

    If Willow was not at the game, then Palin deliberately lied and created this whole mess. In fact, she lied on NATIONAL T.V.
    No one and I mean NO ONE has one shred of pictorial or reported evidence that Willow was at the game. gov. crazy knows that everyone knows Willow was on the NY trip, so she is saying ‘of course it ws my 14 year old” at the game. I WATCHED THAT GAME. No Willow, just Rudy and his wife and toad and scarah. If someone has ANY evidence that Willow was actually at the game, please please let us know..a ticket stub will do just fine sarah!.

    I approved this message!

  160. Gramiam says:

    Thanks for the support, Aussie. I must say, that the commenters I have met on Mudflats all seem to be gently bred and very classy people. Makes it very hard to believe Sarah Palin hasn’t been run out of town on a rail. I compare her to a real woman like Ann Strongheart and want to hurl my breakfast!!

    I look forward to the day when Alaskans reach their point of satiety with GINO and chase her right out of the state. That will be worth two bowls of popcorn and a whole bottle of good wine.

  161. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I just read an interview between GVS and the organiser of the NYC protest. All of two hundred protesters are expected.

    If the media didn’t outnumber them two to one, nobody would even notice them!

  162. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Gramiam Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 2:12 AM
    Can you even imagine Gino toddling off to the palace with her girls? NOT!! Willow would probably wear short shorts and cause an international incident. Not that I blame her. Her mother simply doesn’t know the first thing about being a lady, so how can she teach her children.
    Oddly enough, I tried to picture it about an hour ago after browsing some article about ‘President Palin’. I could only really think about how much the queen would dread it. Like I posted before, Her Maj does not waste her time with fools.

    I can see every reason why the queen would like Michelle Obama – she’s intelligent, personable, respectful, hard-working, educated and interesting – and the queen is pretty much the same. I betcha Her Maj likes the Prez too also.

  163. Gramiam says:

    To elevate the discussion, there was an article about a REAL lady at Huffpo. Apparently, when Michelle Obama met the Queen of England back a few months, Queen Elizabeth made it clear that she would love to see her again and to call when she was in town. Mrs, Obama took her up on it when she and her daughters arrived in London last week. She was invited for a private tour of Buckingham Palace with her daughters, after which they had a private visit with Her Majesty.

    Can you even imagine Gino toddling off to the palace with her girls? NOT!! Willow would probably wear short shorts and cause an international incident. Not that I blame her. Her mother simply doesn’t know the first thing about being a lady, so how can she teach her children.

  164. EyeOnYou says:

    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 1:32 AM
    EyeOnYou, not many clowns would attempt to invoke the Military in a tawdry matter like this. It must be her. I doubt we’ll see her promoting “equality and respect” any time soon, though.

    She uses things like this in an attempt to be more accepted among the main stream and is simply playing to her core supporters. No one with any class would do the things she has done and said. If she cared one wit about women and children she would be championing other causes that promote support for these groups of people. She cares about herself and not much else.

  165. NY Dem says:

    Thanks pearl – great article and follow-up. Loved this quote, and since I have only been following Alaska politics since Sept ’08, this is the impression I seem to have gotten of palin from the start:


    “The GOP is kind of like organized crime up here,” an insurance agent in Anchorage who knows the Palin family, explained. “It’s corrupt and arrogant. They’re all rich because they do private sweetheart deals with the oil companies, and they can destroy anyone. And they will, if they have to.”

    “Once Palin became mayor,” he continued, “She became part of that inner circle.”

  166. EyeOnYou says:

    ds55 Says:
    June 16th, 2009 at 1:32 AM
    Letterman apologized, Palin accepted. Why are the minions still holding a rally?


    Because they aren’t accepting his apology, they feel that it was only done because of pressure to do so and they want him fired or suspended.

  167. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Kristan Cole quoted by KTUU today, talking about donations to the slush fund:

    “Any time the governor is mentioned, the volume goes up tremendously”

  168. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Thought Letterman’s show tonight was EXTREMELY classy (unlike the Wasilla-hillbillies trying to dump their own daughters under a bus all week).

    A few nights ago I watched the Bill Maher Youtube, what an absolute SCREAM! You just can’t make this stuff up, and Sarah & Dud & Meg just keep playing for more! Jeepers, those kids are going to need some SERIOUS mental counseling after all the Natl TV abuse their parents can’t seem to stop inflicting on them!!!

  169. ds55 says:

    Letterman apologized, Palin accepted. Why are the minions still holding a rally?

  170. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    EyeOnYou, not many clowns would attempt to invoke the Military in a tawdry matter like this. It must be her. I doubt we’ll see her promoting “equality and respect” any time soon, though.

  171. ds55 says:

    Lucky for the comedians, it takes little effort to go over Palin’s head.

  172. califpat says:

    These groupies/cheerleaders of Sarah Palin’s had better watch out. These comedians across the border may start to ridicule her show with a sense of solidarity among the comedians.

  173. EyeOnYou says:

    Palin’s Response to Letterman Apology

    Palin issued a statement after the broadcast early Tuesday, saying she accepted the late night host’s apology.

    “Of course it’s accepted on behalf of young women, like my daughters, who hope men who ‘joke’ about public displays of sexual exploitation of girls will soon evolve,” she said.

    “Letterman certainly has the right to ‘joke’ about whatever he wants to, and thankfully we have the right to express our reaction,” Palin said. “This is all thanks to our U.S. Military women and men putting their lives on the line for us to secure America’s Right to Free Speech – in this case, may that right be used to promote equality and respect.”,2933,526525,00.html

    I’m sorry but did she issue this statement to Fox News? It is buried in the middle of the story, and I have yet to hear it anywhere else.

    She truly is a piece of work and I find myself feeling more disgusted by her daily. She is trash of the nastiest kind and I have no sympathy for her at all.

    By the way…Her groupies are gearing up to go after Bill Maher after his comments the other night on his show during his opening monologue.

  174. califpat says:

    @Nan: I was not talking about sending her south in the states. I was referring to sending her south of Heaven, where she feels she is now with her phony ploy. Send way below the south in the United States. She would be so comfortable in her devil’s haven, He- double hockey sticks, maybe with some barrucuda lipstick.

  175. aha says:

    Maybe nobody cares, but I do which is why I keep bringing it up:

    If Willow was not at the game, then Palin deliberately lied and created this whole mess. In fact, she lied on NATIONAL T.V.

    I really do think this needs to be exposed, but I don’t know how to go about it.

    This is not conjecture, but fact, and a quite serious transgression of the public trust.

  176. aha says:

    Thank you AKM for bringing that to our attention. I’m waiting for Palin’s response and her call for disassociation with this clown since I just know she wants to seem consistent on her new found ”women’s advocacy” role.

  177. Nan says:

    Canadian Neighbour (49)
    I 100% agree! Actually, I said as much – your 1st paragraph, anyway – in an earlier comment – #16, I think. But you said it better, and a lot more succinctly.

    Yes, they were cherry-picking, and yes, it’s just silly. This week long rant is just drama queen behavior. If they just HAD to say something, it could have been done behind the scenes, quietly, without embarrassing any of the kids. Or themselves.

    You’re right too about the “not noticing how much the 1st & 2nd Amendment rights” are brought up; but I’m inside those borders – which proves your point!

    I had noticed some references to the amendments, but hadn’t realized just how much!

    Points to ponder, eh? lol


  178. Canadian Neighbour says:

    That was quite the article on laprogressive.
    Good find.

  179. tm68 says:

    Well, I watched Lettermans’ second apology tonight and am now waiting for our govs response. Will she take the high road and graciously accept it, or will she claim that she knows better, and that Letterman didn’t mean it and continue the faux outrage?

    I clearly remember the incest joke on SNL and that was pretty offensive. To have let ALL of the other comedians go on with their jokes at Bristol’s expense for this long and then to nail Letterman? It just isn’t sitting well with me at all.

    I am also very curious to know what Letterman’s fellow colleagues are saying/thinking right now given that he is taking a BIG hit for all of them. Conan, Leno- all of them owe Letterman a huge thank you for taking one for the team. All those other guys got away with it with nary a comment from the Palin camp.

  180. Lainey says:

    palin…give it a rest already!
    you guys know she won’t stop until somebody is destroyed…and people want this B in the White House??? she would cause WWIII

  181. Pursang says:

    We sure haven’t heard anything more about Palin’s plagiarizing of Gingrich’s speech lately. This was a two pronged attack by Palin and Stapleton; get the plagiarization flap out of the media’s attention and some payback for Letterman’s slutty flight attendant crack. It has nothing to do with or ever have anything with poor little Willow.

    I agree that words can and do hurt people. In this case though it was a joke that took about 10 seconds to utter and had Palin not made a fuss about it that was about all the time anyone would have spent thinking about it. The joke didn’t cause the world to end though it has caused the media to spend a lot of time running this into the ground while dismissing a lot of other important things that are happening in this world.

    Frankly the more Palin drives this the more it shows her to be a small, petty, and vindicative person. The man apologized, show yourself to a mature person by accepting it and moving on to other things you can blow out of proportion. I know it will be tough but at some point even a self-obsessed person such as Palin has to grow up, or at least you would think so wouldn’t you?

    The bottom line is that Palin has caused more harm to her daughter by turning this into a media event. It’s time Palin moved on and destroyed something or someone else as that seems to be the only thing she’s truly good at.

  182. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Lacking any daughters of my own, I asked my mother what she’d do if some late-night TV host made an unkind remark about either of her daughters. Her reply:

    “I would protect my daughter. I wouldn’t dignify such rudeness with a response.”

    So – exactly what kind of mother drags her daughter through the national media day after day after day? And how quickly would Mesdames Menard and Fairclough hand over their children for Sarah Palin to raise?

  183. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I see it differently in that all the jokes prior to this could have be addressed and in fact SNL a for sure, Edwards connection too. The parents said nothing. It is their job to protect their children — not ours. Neither GINO or TINO grew a set and stepped up to defend their daughters then. They are cherry picking like some do with Bible passages.

    Bristol, some say may only be 18, but as she is of age, she had to sign the contract to be the paid spokesperson for the foundation. It is not the responsibility of society to raise Bristol– she’s an adult who has now stepped into the adult world on the Celeb Stage. Played the little red carpet etc., etc.

    She would have gotten a pass if she had left it alone doing the Greta interview which I recall comments made on the blog of how responsible she spoke — but she has now escalated it to a “job” in that she is being paid, having also paraded around the MSM talkshows, magazine stories and covers. It is the responsibility of her parents to counsel her about what appears as a questionable association with a corporation that advertises to sell BE SEXY TEES which is a play on words of BE SEXY TEASE. The other wording on the shirts is too small on the monitor to even read. All you see is “SEXY”. The corporate side holds no credibility in their portrayal of provocative soft p0rn ads marketed to teens. It is now too late for her to re-attach to apron strings.

    The other side inciting violence is a whole different ballgame. The more they pound at the message, the more unhinged their own become.

    In the end, it is a personal choice how people wish to address it. As a Canadian, I do hear so many, many times the reference to ‘Free Speech’ rights. A comedian has that too. Someone from the outside notices that more than many from within your borders. It’s that one and the 2nd amendment re guns that stands out front head and shoulders over anything else to those outside the U.S. border because of how many times it is said.

  184. pearl89 says:

    I lied…one more

    Good job,Nan. I think you found the words I have been searching for all week and were unable to find.

    #32…As the victim of rape (a long time ago), I think women who falsely accuse men of rape should be prosecuted. It makes it harder for actual victims not to mention what it does to the lives of the men they accuse.

  185. 56degreesN says:

    I disagree–it’s not pathetic that Letterman had to apologize once, or even twice. It was tasteless and inappropriate humor even if Willow was hanging off the Empire State Bldg. when she supposedly was at the game. But then, it should have been over.

    WE need to quit talking about it and reframe the discussion around Ess Pee’s choice for Atty. General, her decision to make victims pay for rape kits, her pandering of her children to a sleaze-ad shoe company (abstinence non-profit my hoochie! For all their hype and celebrity endorsement, their total fundraising is embarrassingly low).

    The one smart move the repubs have made, and continue to make, is that they frame the discussion in their terms, no matter what the real subject might have been. There’s a lesson to be learned here.

    Don’t feed into it. We have our own stories to share, to educate the nincompoops who still think a short skirt, a twit media presence and a hands-off attitude to Alaska governance are “refreshing”.

  186. pearl89 says:

    My last post of the morning. Look what you can buy at CafePress.

    It’s 3:40am where I am and I’m not sleepy, yet. Will probably miss most of the day tomorrow…sleeping.

  187. Debbie says:

    OT, appologies… but just found this:
    Gov. Palin to attend joint chamber luncheon Tuesday
    By Staff Report | Staff Report
    Gov. Sarah Palin will sign five bills at a joint luncheon of the Soldotna and Kenai chambers of commerce at noon Tuesday at the Soldotna Sports Center. There also will be a legislative update from Reps. Kurt Olson, R-Soldotna, and Mike Chenault, R-Nikiski, and Sen. Tom Wagoner, R-Kenai.
    Those planning to attend must R.S.V.P. today by 5 p.m. by calling the Soldotna chamber at 262-9814.

    Any Mudflatters going? Also, the Open Thread stays active all day for o/t comments. New one goes up at 3am Alaska time/7am Eastern time every day. AKM

  188. Nan says:

    Absolutely – good point.

    I probably just think too much. ha


  189. Nan says:


    Good Gawd, we don’t want her HERE! lol

    I just keep hoping she’s going to hang herself eventually. Not holding my breath, but still hanging on to hope.


  190. ds55 says:

    Nan I don’t think we’re trying to have it both ways.
    There’s clearly a difference between hate-speech and incitement to violence versus a joke that ridicules a pregnant teenager. People may be embarrassed by jokes, but people are killed because of hate-speech. Yes words count, but there are degrees of offensive rhetoric.

  191. califpat says:

    @Nan: No Sarah Palin Won’t!!!! She is in political heaven. How do we make her go south???

  192. Jason says:

    Are you kidding me? This Sarah Palin has become a cancer to everyone in Alaska. She needs to get back to work instead of becoming a NY Yankee fan and causing trouble in the lower 48.

  193. Nan says:

    I’m a little hesitant to post this, but it’s also been going through my mind lately

    Words Can Hurt. Words are huge weapons, or can be. That’s one of the things that is so appealing about President Obama, his words call to the part of us that wants to make a difference, to make things better. “Yes, we can!”

    Whereas Hannity, O’Reilly, and their ilk, their words call to the worst in us as human beings and as Americans. To that part of us that thinks “US vs THEM” – always an opponent. “No, we won’t,” (more or less).

    They deny this, natch. It’s not their fault that guy went nuts and shot up a church, looking for libruls, or that Dr Tiller was murdered. (if their words are so ineffective, why do they waste their breath speaking them?)

    Here’s the sticky part: We have to be consistent, too. Just as we claim the right isn’t. If we claim that the rhetoric of Limbaugh, an “entertainer” is irresponsible and likely to incite violence, then we can’t turn around and say that “Letterman (Leno, fill in the blank) is only a comic, those jokes don’t count, nobody listens to that really”

    See where I’m going? In any climate – inclusive or exclusive, words count. Or they don’t. We really can’t have it both ways.

    that said, I hope that SP lets it go now that she’s got her danged apology!


  194. wasillawarrior says:

    RECALL !!!!!

  195. lexky says:

    #21 pearl89
    that article is amazing

  196. Argar says:

    Now that Letterman has issued a very sincere, lengthy and public apology (he did an excellent job) – when will Palin issue hers? Letterman stated the way the joke was perceived overrode his intent and thus deserved a sincere apology – and that applies to Palin, too. No matter her intent, her statement was perceived by many to accuse Letterman of being a pedophile, that underrage girls are not safe in his presence. What goes around, comes around. Palin – now it’s YOUR turn – issue a sincere public apology to Letterman! Waiting…

  197. califpat says:

    @mlaippa : I think a domain and petition to would be appropriate. I think there are a lot of like minded people who believe that she is using this joke by Letterman to garner sympathy and to further her career.
    I just get so angry that she has continued to do outlandish antics as a governor and gets away with them. I just know her head is about to burst with the stink she has stirred up and how so many people have taken her lies as truths and have gotten behind her. She is taking pleasure in all this attention and will continue to do so. I no longer think that she is ever going to ever have to be accountable for any of the things she has done to Alaska, to all her ‘gates”, ethics complaints, and now Letterman. She could care less that she is character assassinating and can risk ruining Letterman’s career to boost her own. I knew she was heartless, ruthless and vindictive but not to this degree. She has to be stopped before she does any more damage.

  198. mustang says:

    so far there is NO proof that ANY child attended that game with palin.

    there is NO child in ANY pic and not a written word mentioning kids.
    …only the adults.
    toaddy sp rudi judi.

    this woman is sick.
    once again using her kids for promotion.

  199. BooBooBear says:

    It is just pathetic that Letterman has had to apologize twice now, Palin has accepted his apology but still the barbarians are continuing with their little rally tomorrow. Why? End this charade! Willow does not appear to have even been at the Yankees Game. No photos, no video, nadda…….zip. So I do believe Letterman was referring to Bristol. I do think the joke was in bad taste, and he was sincere in his apology. Let it go. I find it odd that Palin never compained about all the off color jokes during the campaign. All of a sudden she is looking for another episode of “Help me….I’m a victim AGAIN” and then turns around and begs for more money for her Trust fund. I see today they are asking for $600,000 instead of $500,000. Good work , if you can get it. Sickening………When will she just go away. Seriously, she leaves me angry everyday at the lack of what she brings to this state. No leadership, questionable actions….when does she actually work?

  200. ds55 says:

    What’s most unseemly and disgusting about this incident is the strong stench it gives off of women who falsely accuse men of rape.

    It’s the opposite of feminism. It’s ugly and backwards, manipulative and unfortunately it’s exactly what I’ve come to think of when I see Sarah Palin.

  201. Baker's Dozen says:

    I think I know why the outrage this time.
    It was the slutty flight attendant joke. It really hit home. But she couldn’t get up in arms about that because she’d look petty and she also knew he was right–which is why she changed her look right afterwards to Marion the Librarian (sorry all Marions. And librarians.) She said a few words about that, but had to, to be taken seriously, save her wrath for the mama grizley role. I doubt she was any more put off by the A-rod joke than she was about SNLs incest–like none. It just gave her an appropriate venue in which to skewer Letterman, since anyone looking at her would have agreed she looked slutty.

  202. honestyinGov says:

    # 18 mlaiuppa Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 10:23 PM
    Do you think it would be worth a domain and petition to
    Think it could get more than 1,092 signatures?
    AKM got 432 just for netroots.
    Shouldn’t the question be will you get the 1,092 signatures in the first 2, 4 , or 6 hours…?
    Oh… that’s right… Only Alaskans can sign it. Rats !

    (If it was on Huffpo…. maybe 1 hour… Tops )

  203. I guess Ana Fairclough never heard how the story of “a man who wanted to close Piper’s lemonade stand” came about. (now even saying that is difficult, it is sickening and outrageous what this repugnant pair of misfit are doing to their daughters)

    Or how “Troopergate” almost lost the recognition to “Tazergate”

    I have to assume that Menard and Fairclough live in a remote part of Alaska and do not know that Palin is their Governor and how she operates. The word rape should not be use in repudiation of Letterman’s joke. It was not inferred or alluded to, it was conceived in the depraved mind of Todd Palin.

  204. Priceless says:

    Deb, In my mind, she’s already debated Romney.
    romney: I can spell Mississippi.
    Palin: That’s sexist! wink wink, blow kissie. I ‘m a mom of a special needs kid!
    Romney: I put in a health care program in Mass.
    Palin: FIVE DOLLAR ABORTIONS! DId I mention I carried my downs baby to term? wink wink wink. kissie blow.
    Romney: Ms. Palin, where is the Mid East?
    Palin. Geez, that’s an easy one. It’s around where Maryland is. Cheehsh. wink wink, kissie, wink, show some leg.

  205. seattlefan says:

    One last comment before I get off to bed…

    These peeps that are in an uproar about the joke… they have a clue that the world is fragile right now? Iran is on the brink of revolution, North Korea is pushing our buttons, literally…. and our economy is in a free fall. Who effing cares about this pissant silly argument? Nice to know their priority is Sarah Palin and not what the heck is going on in the rest of the world. What a bunch of losers.

    Makes me wonder if they are even watching the news.

  206. Priceless says:

    I am a woman. I was NOT offended. And I don’t want Palin or anyone like her saying she’s speaking for me and my daughters. She is NOT. Palin represents a state with the highest incidents of rape in the country. Don’t tell me she wants to help us women. She won’t even help those in her own backyard. Spare the tears girls. This is just for votes, and nothing more.

  207. InJuneau says:

    Yup, I completely have to agree with Martha UYS’s comments at 9:42. When did we become a state of whiners and unfunny people? And WHAT were those women thinking voting for that “man”? Thank goodness my rep. had the sense not to!

  208. honestyinGov says:

    This tidbit of info from the new updated story on Huffpo.

    “According to the Washington Post, through mid-March Leno had made 15 jokes and O’Brien made 20 jokes at Bristol’s expense, compared to 8 for Letterman.”

    Sooooo…… Leno did about 2 x as many jokes as Letterman and Conan was almost 3x as many. But she went to THEIR network to show and express her outrage about Dave. What is Wrong with THAT picture…? Hmmm….

  209. AK Born and Raised says:

    Thank god for Palin. We political junkies would have nothing but garden and wild flower pictures to look at and discuss.

    What power she will be proven to have and hold if she shuts down Letterman. It won’t happen but her own double standards, like her VP nomination, have a life of their own.

    I am scared. Please make it stop.

    Thank you Mudflats!

  210. wasillawarrior says:

    Menard, and the rest of the valley’s spineless lost my vote and many votes the day they voted yes for Ross. How dare Menard think that she has the right to weight in on this issue after supporting Ross. Oh I forgot she’s one of those valley fossils that thinks she royalty, she makes me puke.

  211. Dr. Patois says:

    All of this hoopla and feigned horror over a bad joke makes me very sad. I would like to know where the rally, protest, and outrage is for the more than 600 hundred women who actually are raped in this country, every. single. day.? Sara Palin’s hypocritical, lipsticked, lipservice makes me sick.

  212. mlaiuppa says:

    Do you think it would be worth a domain and petition to

    Think it could get more than 1,092 signatures?

    AKM got 432 just for netroots.

  213. mlaiuppa says:

    The problem with Hip hop artists, radio talk show hosts, nominees for Attorney General is that they can’t self correct and that they don’t even recognize the need to do so.

    So hope that WAR’s rape remarks and their votes are thrown back in Menard’s and Fairclough’s face, soon and often.

    Women don’t like hypocrisy either.

  214. pearl89 says:

    So far the petition to fire Letterman has garnered 1,092 signatures. So much for outrage.

  215. Nan says:

    I’m still thinking this through, so I might not use exactly the right words. But:

    On the one hand, it was a joke that went too far, no matter which daughter was intended (I believe it was Bristol, as he states).

    It was no worse than a host of other “jokes” and not as bad as some (think SNL for instance).

    Other “jokes” about Chelsea weren’t innuendo, but they were mean and petty, and aimed at a KID. I don’t remember any real fuss from the right on those “jokes.”

    It’s reasonable to think that if one comic says something out of line, then all the comics saying similar things are also out of line – and all should be called on it. Or not.

    A case can be made that a climate where that kind of “joke” is “acceptable,” means there is a climate of marginalizing women in general. And not making a fuss about “that kind of comedy” would simply add to that climate of dismissing women.

    So, yeah. Those “jokes’ probably shouldn’t be uttered. By anyone. And it’s probably right for NOW to be speaking up (in all the cases though, not just the SP tantrum case).

    And isn’t it ironic that it was SP (she of the let ’em pay for their rape kits Scarah) that got them to do it at all. Ha!

  216. AlaskaDisasta says:

    Methinks these dames doth protest too much.

  217. nswfm CA says:

    Hypocrite Hall of Fame. I hope her rivals’ strategists are keeping copies of all this stuff.

  218. AKPetMom says:

    Sarah and her family are firmly entrenched in the knee-jerk, reactionary portion of our society that unfortunately does nothing to enrich the lives of others.

    They have been lucky enough, so far, to have been exposed to a broader range of geographical experience due to Sarah’s term as Governor and her run for VP.

    Many families would have taken this opportunity to travel across America and enrich themselves; perhaps learn something, become more culturally aware, but the Palin’s have seen fit only to promote themselves on the level of D-List celebrities, seeking their 15 minutes where ever they might find it.

    They had an opportunity to educate the rest of the country about Alaska but they chose to portray us as the “Northern Exposure” state that everyone was already familiar with thanks to television.

    She and her family have nothing to offer the rest of the country and they certainly are not an example of how the rest of America, or Alaska, should live their lives or raise their children.

  219. Baker's Dozen says:

    “Over the weekend, a gorilla escaped from a zoo in Columbia, and according to the New York Daily News, DePass just couldn’t resist what he saw as the perfect opportunity for humor, updating his status message to read,

    “I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors – probably harmless.”
    Obviously, the gorilla’s smarter than DePass. It could escape from its enclosure.

    I get offended at this stuff no matter who says it. I told SNL that last fall with the incest stuff. I stuck up for her family more than Palin has.

  220. Joy says:

    *Clap, Clap, Clap!!!!!!!!!* Bravo AKM!!!!!!!
    This one needs to go to HuffPost so a much wider audience can read your wise words!

  221. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    As my mother says, I’m Palined Out. She’s disgusting beyond words. I’m out of funny stuff for the moment. I’m declaring my house a Palin free zone for a week.

  222. sally says:

    Those miserable scum sucking Alaska Republicans you mention are ALL PARTIALLY RESPONSIBLE for NOT getting Alaska off the list as the NUMBER ONE RAPE STATE per capita in the entire USA.

    Alaska: number one in rape and sexual violence against women and children. Now that’s a state motto they can be proud of!

    Their hypocrisy knows no bounds and it’s UNBELIEVABLE that no one calls them out on it. It is grotesque. A travesty. A mockery. A sham.

    Seems the hypocrites would rather complain about comedians than ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING about Alaska’s immediate problems. Shameful. Sickening.

  223. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Doggonit Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 9:42 PM
    Fake outrage…. this story is a week old.
    That’s why it was important for Sarah Palin to “invite” other Alaskan women to complain about it now. As long as she can breathe some life into it, her fan club will be giving her money.

  224. nswfm CA says:

    Thanks for connecting those dots. Please post on HuffPo and send to NOW.

    I still think this is a pathway to more grifting. Making Willow some spokesperson where she’s paid and she shelters the money in the AK Fund Trust.

    She’s sneering at everyone while she collects a pile o’money.

  225. seattlefan says:

    AKM…Thank you for eloquently expressing what is really happening here. This whole thing is beyond ridiculous. Ms. Palin’s hypocrisy is beyond belief.

    I wish your post could make it to Huffpo and even on to the MSM.

    The press needs to hold her accountable. So far, I think you and the rest of the AK Progressive bloggers are doing a good job. I noticed that all the “other jokes” are starting to pop up in in MSM, largely because of you AK bloggers. Whoo hoo to you all!

    P.S. I’m still waiting for a tweet of outrage about the comment made about Michelle Obama. Tap…Tap…Tap..


  226. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I’m sorry – I didn’t realize I was living with so many whiners in my state. I used to think we were pretty tough, pretty darn self sufficient, used to thinking outside the box, and funny. Yes, Alaskans used to be funny. And the legislature weighing in on this, officially, is absurd. I have no faith in these women after voting for Ross – what a disgusting choice he turned out to be.

  227. Doggonit says:

    Fake outrage…. this story is a week old.

    There isn’t much difference between a 21 & 18 yr old. The GOP didn’t hold back anything when they were denigrating Monica Lewinsky. Unlike Bristol, Monica wasn’t a national spokesperson and just had a private affair.

  228. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Both Linda Menard and Anna Fairclough made the decision last week to not comment publicly ……

    ….. Sarah’s back in town. 😉

  229. Deb says:

    AKM— I just want to watch her TRY to debate a republican candidate (preferably MALE). I think it will be hilarious to see her try to “debate” them in earnest without whining “foul” and to see them try to “pussyfoot” around her without ENRAGING the so-called femini(st) RIGHT (another oxymoron, maybe?)

  230. Deb says:

    I have kept checking here hoping for some semblance of sanity from Alaska politics. ( wishful thinkng, I know)
    I can only say how horribly OFFENDED I am by this woman ( MAKE HER GO AWAY!)
    I really think that the only way that she will go away is to be resoundly beaten in any primary in 2012. So, my fellow mudflatters…forgive me momentarily for this, but I say GO GINGRICH, GO ROMNEY, GO JINDAL….go ANY republican opponent with a BRAIN! (albeit, to some, that is an oxymoron)

    If, for some inexplicable reason, she actually is the party’s nominee in 2012, it will usher in a very very long Democratic reign. So, that’s the up side. 🙂 AKM

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