Palin’s Farewell Address – Full Transcript
Sunday July 26, at 3pm Alaska time, Governor Sarah Palin stepped down from her position as governor. This is the transcript of her farewell address. Yup, I took one for the team. It took three hours, but I made it.
I’d been meaning to transcribe her rambling crazy “I’m not quitting, I’m just leading in another direction” lakeside babble-fest, but I never seemed to get around to it. And as crazy and rambling as that one was, I think this one is even better.
Boots on the ground from Fairbanks coming soon!
What an absolutely beautiful day it is, and it is my honor to speak to all Alaskans, to our Alaskan family this last time as your governor. And it is always great to be in Fairbanks. The rugged rugged hardy people that live up here and some of the most patriotic people whom you will ever know live here, and one thing that you are known for is your steadfast support of our military community up here and I thank you for that and thank you United States military for protecting the greatest nation on Earth. Together we stand.
And getting up here I say it is the best road trip in America soaring through nature’s finest show. Denali, the great one, soaring under the midnight sun. And then the extremes. In the winter time it’s the frozen road that is competing with the view of ice fogged frigid beauty, the cold though, doesn’t it split the Cheechakos from the Sourdoughs? And then in the summertime such extreme summertime about a hundred and fifty degrees hotter than just some months ago, than just some months from now, with fireweed blooming along the frost heaves and merciless rivers that are rushing and carving and reminding us that here, Mother Nature wins. It is as throughout all Alaska that big wild good life teeming along the road that is north to the future. That is what we get to see every day. Now what the rest of America gets to see along with us is in this last frontier there is hope and opportunity and there is country pride.
And it is our men and women in uniform securing it, and we are facing tough challenges in America with some seeming to just be Hell bent maybe on tearing down our nation, perpetuating some pessimism, and suggesting American apologetics, suggesting perhaps that our best days were yesterdays. But as other people have asked, “How can that pessimism be, when proof of our greatness, our pride today is that we produce the great proud volunteers who sacrifice everything for country?” Now this week alone, Sean Parnell and I we’re on the, um, on Ft. Rich the base there, the army chapel, and we heard the last roll call, and the sounding of Taps for three very brave, very young Alaskan soldiers who just gave their all for all of us. Together we do stand with gratitude for our troops who protect all of our cherished freedoms, including our freedom of speech which, par for the course, I’m going to exercise.
And first, some straight talk for some, just some in the media because another right protected for all of us is freedom of the press, and you all have such important jobs reporting facts and informing the electorate, and exerting power to influence. You represent what could and should be a respected honest profession that could and should be the cornerstone of our democracy. Democracy depends on you, and that is why, that’s why our troops are willing to die for you. So, how ’bout in honor of the American soldier, ya quite makin’ things up. And don’t underestimate the wisdom of the people, and one other thing for the media, our new governor has a very nice family too, so leave his kids alone.
OK, today is a beautiful day and today as we swear in Sean Parnell, no one will be happier than I to witness by God’s grace Alaskans with strength of character advancing our beloved state. Sean has that. Craig Campbell has that. I remember on that December day, we took the oath to uphold our state constitution, and it was written right here in Fairbanks by very wise pioneers. We shared the vision for government that they ground in that document. Our founders wrote “all political power is inherent in the people. All government originates with the people. It’s founded upon their will only and it’s instituted for the good of the people as a whole.” Their remarkably succinct words guided us in all of our efforts in serving you and putting you first, and we have done our best to fulfill promises that I made on Alaska Day, 2005, when I first asked for the honor of serving you.
Remember then, our state so desired and so deserved ethics reform. We promised it, and now it is the law. Ironically, it needs additional reform to stop blatant abuse from partisan operatives, and I hope the lawmakers will continue that reform. We promised that you would finally see a fair return on your Alaskan owned natural resources so we build a new oil and gas appraisal system, an is an equitable formula to usher in a new era of competition and transparency and protection for Alaskans and the producers. ACES incentivizes new exploration and it’s the exploration that is our future. It opens up oil basins and it ensures that the people will never be taken advantage of again. Don’t forget Alaskans you are the resource owners per our constitution and that’s why for instance last year when oil prices soared and state coffers swelled, but you were smacked with high energy prices, we sent you the energy rebate. See, it’s your money and I’ve always believed that you know how to better spend it than government can spend it.
I promised that we would protect this beautiful environment while safely and ethically developing resources, and we did. We built the Petroleum Oversight Office and a sub-cabinet to study climate conditions. And I promised I’d govern with fiscal restraint, so to not immorally burden futre generations. And we did…we slowed the rate of government growth and I vetoed hundreds of millions of dollars of excess and wtih lawmakers we saved billions for the future.
I promsed that we’d lead the charge to forward funding education, and hold schools accountable, and improve opportunities for special needs students and elevate vo-tech training and we paid down pension debt.
I promised that we would manage our fish and wildlife for abundance, and that we would defend the constitution, and we have, though outside special interest groups they still just don’t get it on this one. Let me tell you, Alaskans really need to stick together on this with new leadership in this area especially, encouraging new leadership… got to stiffen your spine to do what’s right for Alaska when the pressure mounts, because you’re going to see anti-hunting, anti-second amendment circuses from Hollywood and here’s how they do it. They use these delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets, they use Alaska as a fundraising tool for their anti-second amendment causes. Stand strong, and remind them patriots will protect our guaranteed, individual right to bear arms, and by the way, Hollywood needs to know, we eat, therefore we hunt.
I promised energy solutions and we have, we have a plan calling for 50% of our electricity generated by renewable resources and we can now insist that those who hold the leases to develop our resources that they do so now on Alaska’s terms. So now finally after decades of just talk, finally we’re seeing oil and gas drilling up there at Point Thompson. And I promised that we would get a natural gas pipeline underway and we did. Since I was a little kid growing up here, I remember the discussions, especially the political discussions just talking about and hoping for and dreaming of commercializing our clean, abundant, needed natural gas.
Our gas line inducement act, AGIA, that was the game-changer and this is thanks to our outstanding gas line team, and the legislature adopting this law, 58-1. They knew, they know AGIA is the vehicle to drive this monumental energy project and bring everyone to the table, this bipartisan victory, it came from Alaskans working together with free market private sector principles, and now we are on the road to the largest private-sector energy project in the history of America. It is for Alaska’s future, it is for America’s energy independence and it will make us a more peaceful, prosperous and secure nation.
What I promised, we accomplished. “We” meaning state staff, amazing commissioners, great staff assisting them, and conscientious Alaskans outside the bureaucracy – Tom Van Flein, and Meg Stapleton and Kristan Cole, so many others, many volunteers who just stepped up to the challenge as good Alaskans, but nothing, nothing could have succeeded without my right-hand man Kris Perry. She is the sharpest, boldest, hardest-working partner. Kris is my right-hand man and much success is due to Kris.
So much success, and Alaska there is much good in store further down the road, but to reach it we must value and live the optimistic pioneering spirit that made this state proud and free, and we can resist enslavement to big central government that crushes hope and opportunity. Be wary of accepting government largess. It doesn’t come free and often, accepting it takes away everything that is free, melting into Washington’s powerful “care-taking” arms will just suck incentive to work hard and chart our own course right out of us, and that not only contributes to an unstable economy and dizzying national debt, but it does make us less free.
I resisted the stimulus package. I resisted the stimulus package and we have championed earmark reform, slashing earmark requests by 85% to break the cycle of dependency on a stifling, unsustainable federal agenda, and other states should follow this for their and for America’s stability. We don’t have to feel that we must beg an allowance from Washington, except to beg the allowance to be self-determined. See, to be self-sufficient, Alaska must be allowed to develop – to drill and build and climb, to fulfill statehood’s promise. At statehood we knew this. At statehood we knew this, that we are responsible for ourselves and our families and our future, and fifty years later, please let’s not start believing that government is the answer. It can’t make you happy or healthy or wealthy or wise. What can? It is the wisdom of the people and our families and our small businesses, and industrious individuals, and it is God’s grace, helping those who help themselves, and then this allows that very generous voluntary hand up that we’re known for, enthusiastically providing those who need it.
Alaskans will remember that years ago, remember we sported the old bumper sticker that said, “Alaska. We Don’t Give a Darn How They Do It Outside?” Do you remember that? I remember that, and remember it was because we would be different. We’d roll up our sleeves, and we would diligently sow and reap, and we can still do this to carve wealth out of the wilderness and make our living on the water, with strong hands and innovative minds, now with smarter technology. It is what our first people and our parents did. It worked, because they worked. We must be prudent and persistent and press for the people’s right to responsibly develop God-given resources for the maximum benefit of the people.
And we have come so far in just 50 years. We’re no longer a frontier outpost on the periphery of the world’s greatest nation. Now, as a contributor and a securer of America, we can attain our destiny in the promise of our motto “North to the Future.” See, the pressing issue of our time, it’s energy independence, because there is an inherent link between energy and security, and energy and prosperity. Alaska will lead with energy, we will prove you can be both pro-development and pro-environment, because no one loves their clean air and their land and their wildlife and their water more than an Alaskan. We will protect it.
Yes, America must look north to the future for security, for energy independence, for our strategic location on the globe. Alaska is the gate-keeper of the continent.
So, we are here today at a changing of the guard. Now, people who know me, and they know how much I love this state, some still are choosing not to hear why I made the decision to chart a new course to advance the state. And it should be so obvious to you. (indicating heckler) It is because I love Alaska this much, sir (at heckler) that I feel it is my duty to avoid the unproductive, typical, politics as usual, lame duck session in one’s last year in office. How does that benefit you? No, with this decision now, I will be able to fight even harder for you, for what is right, for truth. And I have never felt like you need a title to do that.
So, as we all move forward together, let’s vow to keep championing Alaska, to advocate responsible development, and smaller government, and freedom, and when I took the oath to serve you, I promised…remember I promised to steadfastly and doggedly guard the interests of this great state like that grizzly guards her cubs, as a mother naturally guards her own. And I will keep that vow wherever the road may lead. Todd and I, and Track, Bristol, Tripp, Willow, Piper, Trig…I think I got ’em all. We will forever be so grateful for the honor of our lifetime to have served you. Our whole big diverse full and fun family, we all thank you and I am very very blessed to have had their support all along, for Todd’s support. I am thankful too. I have been blessed to have been raised in this last frontier. Thank you for our home, Mom and Dad, because in Alaska it is not an easy living, but it is a good living, and here it is impossible to lose your way. Wherever the road may lead you, we have that steadying great north star to guide us home.
So let’s all enjoy the ride, and I thank you Alaska, and God bless Alaska and God bless America.
[Cross-posted at The Huffington Post]
Given that the maniac Palin actually has a political base ( prithee that it may remain very small,equally dissociative and marginalized ); this gives her the potential to be dangerously insane, not merely insane.
Let us not forget or forgive that wacky old coot McCain for having his own reality challenge in elevating the lantern jawed lunatic onto the national stage and threatening The Republic by positioning her within one heartbeat of The Presidency.
Want to disrupt a peaceful night’s sleep?
Imagine McCranky and PaLoon elected, Grampy now deceased and …
361 G Katz Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 12:57 PM
I’m no expert on body language, but her clenched fists make me think she is an angry, frustrated woman, and her pointing fingers make me think she is constantly scolding the audience. Her delivery of insubstantial judgmental “zingers” seems so similar to an evangelical minister’s that it turned me off the first time I heard her. Whenever I listen to her, I wonder if she is actually going to have an alter call or pass the offering plates. I wonder why no one who coaches her works with her on that.
* ** * ** * ** * ** *
You don’t have to be an expert on body language – if that’s what you are getting, then that’s what she’s communicating to you, whether she means to or not.
In NormalLand, people who finds themselves in the public eye and want to stay there start working with a speech coach and other professionals to gain control of their image so that they AREN’T accidentally sending out signals they don’t want or mean to.
But as we know, nothing with Sarah is normal, and she refuses to listen to other people’s advice, so expect the underlying seething anger to continue to be communicated, verbally or non-verbally.
What a nut!
I just created a wordle ‘word cloud’ with her speech. Not as funny as I expected, but still interesting (is it okay to post it here?).
Hat tip to fearless AKM for transcribing the incomprehensible.
You have truly earned the NetRoots scholarship by your blood, sweat, tears, and belly laughs covering the vainglorious Alaskan Court Jester known as Sarah Palin.
AKM, I can’t believe you had the tenacity and endurance to transcribe that. I applaud you and am sorry it took you until 4:00am. (I read your comment over at Gryfen’s).
Lawrence O’Donnell did a number on her tonight and as I am typing this, CNN is bashing her as well. I think they all know she is a joke and they are treading softly now, but I predict the gloves will come off soon. The media will shred her to pieces soon. (LOVED the Palin Timeline segment!….hope it is posted soon)
OT a bit…..Shannyn was great tonight on Countdown. Her comments on the farewell tour were great.
How many times did she use the word “free”? Free of what?
387 Claw Washout Palin Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 6:14 PM
Did Sarah ever consider that since she isn’t gov’t her son (Track) might not receive special treatment?
———–proof positive that she ALWAYS, first and foremost, thinks of only herself! …some mama grizzly
Did Sarah ever consider that since she isn’t gov’t her son (Track) might not receive special treatment?
Guess what?
I her(Palin) lack of wisdom in that “Farewell Word Salad Speech” she gave in Fairbanks. She had the gall to tell the Media to stop making things up and to quit lying. In her words:
“Democracy depends on you, and that is why, that’s why our troops are willing to die for you. So, how ’bout in honor of the American soldier, ya quite makin’ things up”
Well, here’s a link from “The Alantic Daily Dish” by Andrew Sullivan, To all the lies she spewed out, So, look at the Kettle calling the Pot, Black . . . . . . .
from Countdown:
from Rachel:
I have not read all the posts — maybe someone already addressed Palin’s constant reference to the military.
Ever time she mentions the military I want to scream. Honorable members of the military DO NOT ABANDON THEIR POST. But she did. It got rough, so she turned tail. And now she uses them as her battle cry. She uses them like they are her own personal flag to glory. She is disgraceful!
Adios, Sarah. Look up Willie Hensley’s 7/24/2009 editorial piece in the New York Times- it is 100% on the mark. It is time to get on with new business.
Here’s the Link:
Just watched Rachel Maddow. I thought she was going to “ignore” Sarah. Instead, she nailed her. She mentioned the whining about leaving the kids alone, and then showed numerous clips of Palin talking about her kids, having her kids interviewed and more. In concluding, Rachel wished private citizen Palin and her kids well…..and then said something like, “am I allowed to say that?”
Loved it.
Now I can’t wait for the Daley Show.
I somehow wish that there would be a moratorium on Palin coverage. Is that possible?
I her(Palin) lack of wisdom in that “Farewell Word Salad Speech” she gave in Fairbanks, Yesterday. She had the gall to tell the Media to stop making things up and to quit lying. In her words:
“Democracy depends on you, and that is why, that’s why our troops are willing to die for you. So, how ’bout in honor of the American soldier, ya quite makin’ things up”
Well, here’s a link from “The Alantic Daily Dish” by Andrew Sullivan, To all the lies she spewed out, So, look at the Kettle calling the Pot, Black . . . . . . .
OMG! She said all that, and in high heels, too!
380 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 4:31 PM
She’s mentally ill, or on drugs. Or both. Her gestures are “weird”. Her facial expressions are worse. Somethin’ ain’t rite.
Yup to all the above. I keep thinking about her college “career” and wondering what exactly she kept running away from then. There is something in her that she is trying to excape from and some truly desperate need to achieve grandure. Freud where are you?
Like the song goes (“Your’s a queer one July Jordan.” (R&H
At a guess most Alaskans also would like to say farewell to “She who is now a was GINO.” [intended]
Their podium speech might be.
Even a was GINO can manage that mouthful coherently.
She’s mentally ill, or on drugs. Or both. Her gestures are “weird”. Her facial expressions are worse. Somethin’ ain’t rite.
284 the problem child Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 10:33 AM
AKMFan Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 10:00 AM
I thought Wev Shea was a big Palin supporter? Can anyone clarify that for me?
This article seems to indicate that Mr. Shea is no longer a fan (unless he never was and I’m confused, in which case I blame reading $’s speech out loud over the phone to my husband)
He worked on the report that led up to the change in the executive branch ethics law, together, I believe, with Hollis French. He then continued to provide unofficial ethics advise to $P (very good advice, I might add) up to about the middle of Troopergate. When she ignored him, he apparently began rethinking his support.
IF you didn’t find this ( I think it is terribly important given the dates involved…) i’m posting it yet again…
Mr Shea , a conservative, was an early admirer of SP… and what he thought she stood for…
He advised her clear back in EARLY Aug 08, before the VP pick, to take a path we all know she ignored- please read the letters he wrote which are attached to the article…
This has been sitting out in PLAIN view SINCE September 08.
Well, 2 things I note here…take ’em as you read ’em.
1. The transcript actually has punctuation (at least some) and you don’t have to hear the voice when reading it, even if it is still a word salad all-over-the-place screed.
2. When speaking the Failed One actually did pause often enough to a) catch her breath a bit and b) make it seem that she actually knew what a period in a sentence meant (meaning she stopped).
3. Too bad the Failin’ One still doesn’t understand the purpose of speeches. For example, when Raygun JR visited a few months ago, the opening should have been a simple welcome, but instead turns into a “me-me-me” moment. For example, this ‘farewell’ should have been a simple and concise “thank you” to Alaskans, instead of the “woe is me, you media you!!!!”.
It took me all day to read the intelligent, humorous comments-good antidote to the crazy lady’s spew. AKM, you get the Purple Moose Heart for your work far and above the call of duty. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thanks for transcribing, but I could not even read it. I loathe that woman!
crystalwolf aka caligrl you took the words right out of my fingers maybe she can’t face it yet.After reading her tweets no wonder she can’t face the fact that Ms palin is a private citizen now about faux noise and how they can lie about any news they want to.Media can legally lie about news.out of Florida appeals court. Ms Palin forgets her favorite station is not a news station but an infotainment station that can lie about the actual news out there
I imagine this has already been posted…. but just in case, this is a pretty funny interpretation of Palin’s farewell speech. Cheers!
It seems that the Palin resignation story has been outshined by MATT TAIBBI’s Rolling Stone article entitled “Inside the American Bubble Machine” detailing how Wall Street “bank” Goldman Sachs, amongst other scandals, has used taxpayer bailout funds to show record quarterly profits and endow upon their executives ridiculously greedy bonuses.
Can anyone say “second stock market collapse this fall?” It happened in hte fal of ’29 and then again in the fall of ’30. Why should this depression be any different than the last? I wonder how much Obama is going to trust Geithner and Bernanke then. “Can someone shout, ‘Put Elizabeth Warren in shout of the FED & the Treasury?'”
I especially liked how she asked/demanded that the National Enquirer respect the American Soldier and stop printing made up stories about her. Because as far as I know the National Equirer is the only media outlet that subscribes to such practices. To be honest with you though, I think even some of those National Enquirer stories about Palin were true, too.
Oh crap,
Guess who Ed Shultz is talking about on the Ed show?
You got it, Caribou Barbie.
“Democracy depends on you, and that is why, that’s why our troops are willing to die for you.” ~ Sarah Palin
So what Caribou Barbie is saying is our soldiers are protecting our right to vote for politicians in a free election? Wow. I had no idea this was the job of our soldiers!
I wonder how long these folks will stay faithfull to her. Wouldn’t it be so tiring just dealing with her antics everyday and having to defend her all of the time?
anonymous @ 360
Kristan Cole says Hardball cancelled, see tweet link earlier on this thread.
But she is an $P ‘spokesmodel’, so it is possibly not the truth.
Did Hardball cancel on Kristan Cole, or did Cole actually cancel on Hardball??????
Kristan Cole needs to run far & fast away from the sinking Maverick.
Matthews didn’t bring up her name (Cole) that I heard but then, like I said, i turned it off because I couldn’t take anymore of Buchanan.
I think it is quite suspicious that Hardball cancelled on Kristan Cole. With the AFT being under some sort of freeze/invstigation there may be more going on here than we know about just yet. Let’s hope someone spills the beans real soon.
Anyone see Hardball? They did talk about Palin so, I wonder why they cancelled Cole. As usual, Pat Buchanan talked over the other guest and Mattews let him rant on and on about Palin. I ended up turning it off.
Only Alaskans will know who I’m talking about, but does anyone else notice a kind of eery twin-like similarity of Sarah and Theresa Obermeyer? Sarah got elected to a small time government position (Wasilla Council, Mayor) so did Theresa (Anchorage School Board), they made sense at first, then started giving rambling speeches, developed odd grudges and became somewhat paranoid, blamed other people for their problems, have unusual speech patterns, were parodied by smart, funny female comedians (Sarah on SNL, Theresa at The Fly By Night), and didn’t last too long in their elected positions. Didn’t they both have issues with Ted Stevens too? In the end I think Ted had Theresa arrested. But Theresa of course is much nicer than Sarah. Does she still show up at all the School Board meetings? Last time I saw her was at the Library when the Anchorage Legislators came to town this Spring to talk to their constituents and it turned into another Sarah Protest. Most people were testifying against Sarah turning down the stimulus funds but Theresa was rambling on about how one man (a lawyer of course) should not be allowed to bankrupt the Catholic Church here in Alaska (he apparently represents the victims of priests). Like Sarah, she has a hard time staying on topic.
I’m no expert on body language, but her clenched fists make me think she is an angry, frustrated woman, and her pointing fingers make me think she is constantly scolding the audience. Her delivery of insubstantial judgmental “zingers” seems so similar to an evangelical minister’s that it turned me off the first time I heard her. Whenever I listen to her, I wonder if she is actually going to have an alter call or pass the offering plates. I wonder why no one who coaches her works with her on that.
Here is my final post from the Anchorage picnic:
It took me forever to read through that. She drives me nuts with the constant lectures on the military, like the rest of us don’t care. And then there are the religious references that just proves she hasn’t really understood what that’s all about. The “those who help themselves” right after something about God is one of the most misquoted things attributed to the Bible. It’s not in there. That was Ben Franklin in the mid 1700s. So all those people who need help and are supposed to do it themselves are being just screwed when it comes to anything from Sarah.
And will someone please give her a dictionary? That whole bit about apologetics is goofy. She’s implying exactly the opposite of what the word means.
And the other thing that bugged me, among the many, was that whole sentence where she listed her whole family and said they had been honored to serve you. Well, that’s nice, but she was the only one elected to serve the people of Alaska, not any of her family. I think that was part of her problem. She was never clear on what the governor’s job responsibilities were and assumed that it was a family affair. Then she got mad because everyone noticed her family.
I almost laughed over the reference to the state constitution. Since she kept getting taken to task on ethics and on doing things that weren’t according to the constitution, it makes me wonder if she ever bothered to read it. She certainly doesn’t know a lot of the things in the U.S. Constitution – why would she bother with the state’s?
Congratulations, Alaska! You are at least free of her in the government for now.
What’s “Obvious” to me about her Quittin is that it’s all about the MONEY. As for “advancing Alaska” it’s obvious she wants to advance her personal bank account. Another “Obvious” she is seething mad at the media for having to read the truth about herself. Oops, that may not be such an “obvious” because she couldn’t name a newspaper she read but we know she reads blogs
written by those “pajama wearing bloggers in their parent’s basement”.
The woman is an embarrassing disgrace and that is quite obvious to alot of folks.
Has anyone else (or is it just me?) been wandering around the house today muttering, “Quit making stuff up?? QUIT making STUFF UP???”
I CANNOT WAIT until some brave media outlet finally decides to do a story on all the STUFF she’s MADE UP–and then I want them to play that video clip OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!
okay….I’m going to rifle thru the cabinet now in search of some kind of calming agent…valium, xanax, whatever Michael Jackson took….something. I just can’t take it anymore.
“Remember then, our state so desired and so deserved ethics reform. ”
It is really painfull to watch people who DEFEND SP from the “vicious attacks” of mean people who don’t like her.
I follow the news to sone extent. It’s hard to find any MSM attacks. I think these people include SNL and Letterman as the national press corp.
She can still be referred to as Gov. palin. Unfortunaltey that is the std. protocol…
#234 @norwegian blue
Will send in my 2 cents (no “cents” symbol on keyboards anymore!) as well.
Use Alt+0162 for cents: ¢
Palin manipulates her own versions of herself as if she is dealing in truth when, in reality, she is simply a caricature thrown together as needed. Thought, reason, or sense? Not in her mind. Lies become truth. Truth is distorted or buried. Palin is in and out of a rabbit hole more bizarre than the likes of which Lewis Carroll could have never even dreamed.
To add a little more to the sourdough vs. cheechako thread: It is an artificial construction implying that sourdoughs are morally superior to thier cheechako neighbors. It implies that there are “real Alaskans” (just like Ms. Palin’s “real Americans”) who are better than newcomers, apparently based solely on how long they’ve been in the state. It’s all part of the “We Alaskans Are Different” myth that La Palin clings to so stubbornly.
crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 12:11 PM
lyn Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 11:24 AM
@rebekkah # 301
Here is a tweet from Kristan Cole:
Oh well. Hardball cancelled. They’re not interested in talking about the Guv’s next moves. Too bad.
about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
Someone who tweets, please tell this twit she isn’t the guv anymore!!! Idiot!
Also too…please tell her that MSNBC rather hear Shannyn!!!
lyn Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 11:24 AM
@rebekkah # 301
Here is a tweet from Kristan Cole:
Oh well. Hardball cancelled. They’re not interested in talking about the Guv’s next moves. Too bad.
about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
Someone who tweets, please tell this twit she isn’t the guv anymore!!! Idiot!
339 ocliberal Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 11:54 AM
@rebekkah # 301
Here is a tweet from Kristan Cole:
Oh well. Hardball cancelled. They’re not interested in talking about the Guv’s next moves. Too bad.
about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
Yeah Right!………..and the Pope canceled ’cause he didn’t want to hear about the role Alaska is going to play in “the rapture”…………….and Obama canceled ’cause he didn’t want to hear about Palin’s cap and trade theology……….and Hillary Clinton canceled because she just doesn’t want to hear about how she really, really needs a “bumpit” too also…………and Kieth Olberman canceled because he’s just not man enough to arm wrestle Palin on national TV……….and Rachel Maddow canceled’cause she just WILL NOT admit that homosexuality is a choice not a lifestyle, so she is going straight to hell too also……….and George Bush canceled ’cause he can understand every word Palin says, and it he just can’t take it either…………..and AKM canceled ’cause she won’t let Palin pee in her nice yellow boots and tell her it’s raining…………..and I’m leaving you good people here to make up a few more tweets…………maybe we can have a contest?
Cheers ……………………Martha
The second paragraph reminds me of that scene in The Birdcage where Gene Hackman goes on and on about his drive to Florida. Hey, he was a conservative Republican in that one, too!
The Birdcage
it’s at 4:30
Yep, it’s pathetic how she has to make multiple trips into crazytown to gain attention. I really feel sorry for her family.
@rebekkah # 301
Here is a tweet from Kristan Cole:
Oh well. Hardball cancelled. They’re not interested in talking about the Guv’s next moves. Too bad.
about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
Hmmm…. Maybe it was a more a case of Kristan wasn’t interested in answering any of the questions they wanted to ask…
Get a clue Kristin – Sarah is yesterday’s news. No one really does care what her plans are unless there is some scandal attached.
Bad news for Sarah, she is fading fast from front pages everywhere. She really will be old news very soon. Perhaps health care IS more important!
I’m pretty convinced the only reason she garners as much attention as she does anyway is because everyone tunes in to watch crazy in action.
Think about it. If Palin were just normal, semi-attractive, hard-working mother of 5 who was also an elected official of some capacity and also someone who addressed pertinent issues with intelligence and depth, would anyone pay attention?
But I am 100% certain that as sure as the sun rises in the sky, Palin will do or say something to get the media attention back on her very soon.
New crazy is just around the corner… Bank on it…
#299 Hey Star, you’re stronger than me. I’m compelled to go there and lash out at them. I feel it’s part of my mission to force feed them some common sense, of course they spit it out, but someday they’ll be hungry (or disillusioned enough) to swallow (not). I’m glad hardball cancelled on Cole, it’s the same as telling her thanks, but no thanks. I think she’s going to find out real soon dissing the MSM is not a smart move. We’ve already seem some striking back today & the big hitters haven’t even started yet. I don’t think it was wise to lash out at Hollywood either, they are pretty influential in many circles & spend more $ on Rodeo Drive in one shopping excursion than she’ll make on her “life & times of a bitter quitter” project
Think how wonderful it would be if we never had to hear the name Sarah Palin ever again. No such luck, I’m sure, but we can dream.
What I am picking up from reading this transcript is that she is insanely jealous of those who are strong enough to have a positive influence on people. She cuts down the people who tell the truth and it is now evident that she was never fit to lead in the first place. I hope the starlets and bloggers continue to expose her for what she is, a QUITTER!
I started editing (a la Vanity Fair) but after one page, developed extreme brain freeze, so I have done the ultimate edit, and here is the gist of what should have been her speech:
“It is my honor to speak to Alaskans one last time as your governor… Today is a beautiful day and today… we swear in Sean Parnell.”
Now, how hard was that?
I know you lasted a little longer than just 5 minutes yesterday, but I’d call it self-preservation, not “quitting.”
what a day yesterday. Wild.
I hate the fact that I am having a perfectly good night’s sleep…then I wake up in the middle of the night, stumble downstairs and I know I shouldn’t, but I click on the live chat. No more you naughty mudpups!!
Two questions: Is this transcript totally made-up snark (because I can’t even get through the first couple of paragraphs without going “No, nobody would EVER say THAT”) and what is the deal with her babbling about the military all the time? Were all these events planned specifically as tributes to the military or is that just more random babbling?
Although Parnell may spare you of theatrics (which IS a blessing), I think he’s a limpid Sarah with no real vision of his own.
I heard him interviewed briefly yesterday on NPR, and when asked about the ethics issue, he said that yes, they were a hindrance to government. He also said he had not looked at them substansively, but that (also) they were frivolous. (huh?)
He intends to continue advancing causes for children and families and jobs. Somehow, I don’t think he is thinking about education in regards to those concerns: probably best not to educate those folks too much whose cheap labor will be needed by the corporate pillagers of Alaska.
I did like this anonymous poster who had this to say at Gryphens
” This performance was the trash taking itself to the curb.”
Probably in one of those leftover RNC big black garbage bags I assume.
Apphouse50 – I read comments on a blog about video tapes from long time ago, and that both the RNC and DNC had copies and were sitting on them. I don’t remember which blog and it has been awhile since reading the comments. I took it with a grain of salt when I read about them because it didn’t make sense the DNC was sitting on them during the campaign while she was out dissing Obama.
Thanks AKM!
I read everyones liveblogging last night but didn’t have the stomach to listen until today. I had hoped to hear more booing but to my ears it seemed like the crowd was loving her.
Amazing how she can lie so effortlessly….and has a super high opinion of herself and her accomplishments. Thanks for letting us know the real story.
Blue-in-AK: can I please get your link to your pictures?
New thread up
Couldn’t the cynical beeyatch find a bigger Blue Star Mother pin? I couldn’t quite make that one out on Google Earth . . .
Goodness, I had to take at least a 1/2 dozen breathers as I read to get my brain unscrambled and to shake off the anger she generates when I do get something she’s trying to convey. She really believes her own drivel doesn’t she? Can she go away now, far away, PLEASE?
As for Parnel. He wants the Gov’s seat for himself, but he’s not leader material, he’s a weasel. Good thing we have our Alaska Bloggers like MudFlats to let us know what’s going on.
319 SondraTompkins Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 11:23 AM
I couldn’t finish either. I think Sarah writes her speeches like we wrote notes to our friends in grade school by cutting up a bunch of words out of magazines and pasting them on paper in no certain order. Egads…
for whatever reason, this made me giggle…a lot
If anyone’s got a link, I’m looking for Parnell’s speech, but not the one posted on the state website.
I’d like to follow up on the biblical references he made at various points. They seem to have been left out of his ‘official’ speech. In closing, he said something like “staying the course charted by Sarah” and “God is with us”.
Closing prayer or benediction or whatever, was delivered by his father (?). The father specifically referenced a passage from the bible, that he said Parnell requested. I didn’t catch it.
Also want to know about his thanks for “Eleanor’s Native prayer”. What was that?
After this speech, I think I shall refer to her as $$. I just cannot decide whether it should stand for $alad $pinner or $alad $hooter. Both seem appropriate depending on the “toss” of the moment.
Apparently sdragon and small steps are thinking along the same lines.
Her constant fall-back, Our Troops, is tiresome and s-o-o-o sickening. She only knows that they’re useful for her political panderings, stop picking on my kids…for the troops. Stop makin things up about ME, and do it for the troops.
She didn’t know thing one about Iraq last year at her coming out party…and then her son had to go into the Army and to Iraq and now its the troops, troops all the time. She still doesn’t know thing one about the Iraq War and doesn’t care.
She is incorrigible in her pursuit of personal gain and attempts at living above the law while using every trick to thwart legal proceedings.
It is certainly ME, ME all the time, its all about ME, Sarah.
Her future is doomed, she is coming apart at the seams, she’ll unravel all over the lower 48 to the delight of all.
Link for my post#320
“…a major vowel movement.” and
“she’s CONSONANTpated…”
ROFLOL – you two have just made my day. It was (almost) worth it to read those two phrases.
I know you lasted a little longer than just 5 minutes yesterday, but I’d call it self-preservation, not “quitting.”
what a day yesterday. Wild.
@rebekkah # 301
Here is a tweet from Kristan Cole:
Oh well. Hardball cancelled. They’re not interested in talking about the Guv’s next moves. Too bad.
about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry
I couldn’t finish either. I think Sarah writes her speeches like we wrote notes to our friends in grade school by cutting up a bunch of words out of magazines and pasting them on paper in no certain order. Egads…
Too funny, I was sick yesterday too, and had a freaky fever dream in which Sarah was earnestly, but not meanly, giving me a bizarre instructional lecture/scolding for picking fish the wrong way, or mismatching my clothes or something.
I was shocked to be lectured, struggling for a graceful exit without getting angry and bitchy, but bemused that she wasn’t more unkind to me than she was.
I’m game. Both my husband and I are former military officers (Air Force).
Sorry AKM, I know you spent three hours on this, but I couldn’t get past two paragraphs. Same with the video…only lasted five minutes.
I guess I’m a quitter!
Or perhaps she’s CONSONANTpated.
Okay, now that I’ve stopped twitching in a ball on the floor…
I’ll go back and catch up on the comments later, but good lord. AKM, I want to bake you cookies or something. I could only skim that transcript, and I was yelling at the TV about 30 seconds into the clips I saw of her speech earlier today. I’m borderline speechless (which is quite a feat), but I cannot believe the audacity of this woman. This was all about HER HER HER and the military and “LOOK WHAT I’VE DONE, I’M STILL ELECTABLE, I AM I AM I AM!!!” I know it would be asking far too much, but god forbid the woman give a graceful and SHORT speech and allow this to be about Parnell and where Alaska goes from here, instead of trying to make us believe that she’s not a bitter, arrogant, narcissistic quitter.
Thanks for the nice shout outs . Feeling like a wet noodle today but better than yesterday. I was disappointed to miss live chat during the speech but I DID end up having a freaky fever dream about Palin so I guess I suffered with you.
Ok – I would really love to see a blog called “Service Men & Women Pissed at Palin” come in to being where those troops and supporters that are highly insulted by this woman’s arrogance and snarky divisive commentary about “real Americans” can totally let loose and put her in her place.
Also! Pleeeeeze let Ashley Judd and other Hollywood types who are against the slaughter of wolves in such a cruel fashion – o please call her out. Don’t let her comments go unheeded. A calm, rational, well worded and fact filled open letter to Sarah would be fabulous.
Now that the fever’s broke and my brain is coming out of the fog, I’m getting more peeved as I re-read this speech. You’ve got to be a special recipe of nasty to be able to physically and emotionally upset so many people in so many states (and countries!)
AKPetMom, no offense intended. Some of my best friends use the word chechako. : )
AKPetMom–Thanks to you, too! Such great (and speedy) responses to a non-Alaskan, city girl’s question!
Haven’t read any of the comments, so this might have already been quoted.
Seems like she had a major vowel movement.
I would just like to offer my sincere congratulations to the state of Alaska for finally being rid of the #1 GRIFTER FAMILY. With any luck, your next governor will actually do something for his citizens and not just make everything about himself. With any luck, his children will be well-behaved and properly raised. With any luck, his wife will not appear to be a Pygmalion, forever a foreboding and dominating presence lurding in the background and in the new Governor’s office where no unelected spouse belongs.
And finally, with any luck, your new governor will not have the shrill and grating voice of the preceding babblehead and will be missing the intentional facial tics which so cheapened the last incumbant.
Blue-in-AK – thank you for the link to those wonderful pictures. It was a little unnerving to read some of the captions (thinking of the blogger).
So I wonder if the Kensington Mine feeds anything into Canada?! The Canadian border is right there.
Two things.
One, as a 12 year veteran of the United States Air Force, married to a 10 year veteran of the USAF with a son who served in the US Army, I am getting awfully damned tired of Palin using the military as a deflector shield.
Two, as a former high school English teacher that word gumbo is making my brain hurt. I can’t read the whole thing – I have too much respect for my intellect.
Many thanks to AKM for braving the verbal diarrhea of her farewell address.
Blue-in-Ak, excellent pics!
AKM, I salute you for your talent, energy, and hard-work this past year.
Because of you, primarily, America now knows the real Sarah Palin.
Thank you, AKM, for all your hard work. I listened to Palin yesterday but got lost early on because of auditory perception problems. Her incoherent sentences strung together hurt my brain and made it hard to decipher her word salad.
And thanks to all the mudpuppies for the great comments and info sharing!!
Shannyn on MSNBC right now!!
Many thought Palin was terrific because she was not Gov. Murkowski.
Let’s not make the same mistake with Parnell, please.
Palin and Parnell were (are) a tandem team in their political bent.
ocliberal Says@ 205
Directly on target! We can thank everyone involved for their vigilance..and the internet that makes sharing the discrepancies so much more easy than way back then.
I can see a 180 degree turn on how media is perceiving Sarah; it’s slow trickling, buy have noticed commentary and they are starting to speak their minds, question SP’s motives – her resignation will have a positive effect for those wanting the truth; since she is no longer Governor, VP candidate, her decision to quit puts her in another spectrum of media spotlight. Not the celebrity one, but the one that will could throw her to the wolves.
Shannyn on msnbc
183-Jc in co..Been clean for 3wks now…sick, sick, peeps there…:))
AKM I certainly hope that you do not now require professional counseling after transcribing the entire speech. I could not listen to it as now former Governor Palin caused my body to want to go into convulsions. I started trying to read the speech and my head felt like it was going to break into several unidentifiable pieces.
I do thank you and all the other bloggers that are interested enough in our fine state to keep tabs on the officials who are charged with governing it. Maybe things will now improve but if not and nothing changes then keep after them for all of us.
Thanks again!
And it is our men and women in uniform securing it, and we are facing tough challenges in America with some seeming to just be Hell bent maybe on tearing down our nation, perpetuating some pessimism, and suggesting American apologetics, suggesting perhaps that our best days were yesterdays
Now this week alone, Sean Parnell and I we’re on the, um, on Ft. Rich the base there, the army chapel, and we heard the last roll call, and the sounding of Taps for three very brave, very young Alaskan soldiers who just gave their all for all of us. Together we do stand with gratitude for our troops who protect all of our cherished freedoms, including our freedom of speech which, par for the course, I’m going to exercise.
Sarah Palin, if you had enlisted in the military, instead of swearing an oath to your GOD, to serve the folks of Alaska for a full four years, today you would be:
~~~~~~~~~~~~SARAH PALIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DESERTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Praise the troops all you like, to THEM you ARE:
~~~~~~~~~~SARAH PALIN~~~~~~~~~DESERTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
to Janet in DC:
Cheechakos are people that are new to the state of AK. Sourdoughs are longtime residents. I think the sourdough does refer to the bread starter that the first pioneers carried inside their coats and close to their bodies to keep it active.
Not certain what after what length of time in AK on exchanges the title of Cheechako for Sourdough. I’ve heard 10 years, 20 years, even 30 years….
Hope this helps (your bread wars comment made me laugh. Like hmm, panini vs sourdough, or ciabatta vs sourdough….In honor I’m going to create a new loaf called “The Cheechako”!)
CG–Thanks so much. Loved “orientation seminars”!
Parnell’s inauguration put him on the dragon’s tail. Hope he doesn’t get whipped around too hard.
@Kate in Canada–Was that please stop polluting our river–but you don’t have to stop mining or your ongoing plans to keep polluting our river?
Sarah opposed the Clean Water initiative on the ballot in August that would have put clean water and salmon as a priority over big mining interests.
Buffalo Gal
Glad you are feeling a bit better.
As to Kristan Cole and Hardball, I read somewhere, (can’t remember) that she had tweeted that Hardball had cancelled and obviously weren’t interested in what $P had to say.
Now I can’t find her tweet. Any ideas?
I havn’t had time to read all the comments but somebody asked about her Twitter account now. THAT is the only way she has to communicate and tell the Sarasites she needs more money.
Did she put the new account name on her Facebook page..?
( I don’t use Facebook … and don’t know the link)
She had to have Twittered SOMETHING… by now.
Andrew Halcro has Wayne Newton’s “Danke Schoen” playing as a muscical send off to our favorite girl. PERFECT!
OK I have to say it, I (for one) am secretly in love with Dr. Chill!!!
Thanks SMR & Dr. Patois for the link! ROFL!!! I’m sure Sarah would volunteer to take over for God.
Martha: Thanks for the link! As a former military officer myself I get so IRRITATED every time I hear Sarah mention soldiers or the military- my skin crawls. She could NOT have made it through ANY military training. She’s totally USING them as her shield, just like she did Piper on the ice rink in Philly.
Sarah’s a COWARD.
God’s resignation letter:
Listened to Gov. Parnell’s acceptance speech (the 12 minute clip); Despite his kind words about SP, he sounds like a very honest, sincere person. His delivery was not snarky in the least. He details his vision and gives specifics about where he wants to lead. Very humble, and am sure this is a refreshing change for Alaskans.
The literary production about the foggy steams and merciless rivers thing – I think she wanted to flex her literary muscles for her new book.
Janet in DC Says: What is cheechako vs. sourdough?
Smarmy urban haole gringo tourist words adopted from the Klondike gold rush days.
Robert W. Service, “Cremation of Sam McGee” and “Ballad of a Cheechako”. Jack London, “White Fang”.
Chinook jargon, Columbia River (WA, OR) Indians. chee ‘new’ + chako ‘come.’
sourdough: “A permanent resident of the territory (Yukon). Someone who has lived in the Yukon during all four seasons. From the distinctive pouches of bread starter worn on a belt or around the neck by experienced prospectors during the Klondike Gold Rush.”
Regional use limited to Alaska’s cities. Nobody in the bush says those word. (Unless they’re new and learned them in orientation seminars.)
…They use these delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets,
Is someone jealous much?????
Since all presidents are lame ducks from the moment they get sworn in, that should preclude crazy lady from even thinking about it. Pack up the kids in the camper and take a loooog drive….
AKMFan Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 10:00 AM
I thought Wev Shea was a big Palin supporter? Can anyone clarify that for me?
This article seems to indicate that Mr. Shea is no longer a fan (unless he never was and I’m confused, in which case I blame reading $’s speech out loud over the phone to my husband)
He worked on the report that led up to the change in the executive branch ethics law, together, I believe, with Hollis French. He then continued to provide unofficial ethics advise to $P (very good advice, I might add) up to about the middle of Troopergate. When she ignored him, he apparently began rethinking his support.
A pup posted the link to a Washington Post article on this some time in the past day, and it had a couple of his letters in pdf format.
Blu AK…Wow great pictures…
Congratulations Alaskans and enjoy your freedom. Especially, your freedom of speech!! Thanks AKM for the posting of the speech. I could only read a little at a time. Thanks for all the posting of the pictures. The crowd doesn’t seem that delighted. I’m sure that they are having their own departing party. I did save a glass of wine to celebrate-CHEERS!!
All that was missing was “You won’t have Palin to kick around anymore”.
hey use these delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets, they use Alaska as a fundraising tool for their anti-second amendment causes. Stand strong, and remind them patriots will protect our guaranteed, individual right to bear arms, and by the way, Hollywood needs to know, we eat, therefore we hunt.
What a fricken liar! Ashley judd was not infringing on 2nd amendment rights! She was talking about aerial hunting of wolves for predator control and gassing of cubs in Dens! Liar, Liar, pants on fire!!!!
Oh and here is something I just read…lol…kristin cole was to be on hardball today to tell everyone “her” plans…lol Hardball canceled!!!
Sarah palin is d-e-a-d politically!
Also too…rumor is her appearance at the Reagan lib. in cali is NOT confirmed!
Dr. Patois — Great minds think alike! I read it all & it’s great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some people (not me!) are so creative…
Thanks Muddy, I hope you didn’t loose any blood over this one…what an awful, rambling, twisted speech..This may be laying the ground work for a Mars probe…or some kind of probe… to see if she’s still got a brain stem….
Hopefully it won’t take long for one of a couple of things happen to Palin: 1) She gets so discredited by the media ALL OVER THE WORLD, she can just fade in to the woodwork, OR 2) She gets indicted by the Alaskan AG or Alaskan US Atty.for a variety of things which seem too be coming out of that woodwork which either ADN or others a reporting already !!!
Hope all is well with you and spouse…..
************************ ANNOUNCEMENT *****************************
I am announcing that I will be working even harder for the USA and all the states, by not serving at all.
Since every term , even a short term, has a lame duck last year, I plan to cut that out entirely, and not run!
This assures you of my full attention and unencumbered effort on your behalf.
It has been my pleasure to serve you by not serving you.
And I have bested Palin by not Quitting at all ! Take THAT Sarah Palin!
Sincerely Dr-Maverick not-a-lame-duck-Chill
From Media Matters:
Why won’t media rebut Sarah Palin’s hypocritical attack?
July 27, 2009 11:22 am ET by Jamison Foser
What do this Associated Press article, this CNN report, this Washington Post article, this Politico article, and countless other news reports have in common?
They all quote Sarah Palin’s resignation-speech attack on the news media: “how about, in honor of the American soldier, you quit making things up”
And none of them point out that Palin herself has a famous history of “making things up.” Like her claim to have said “thanks but no thanks” to Congress’ attempts to inflict a “bridge to nowhere” on her state.
Sarah Palin, who has a lengthy history of making things up, basically accused the news media of dishonoring dead American soldiers by … making things up. And the media typed up her words, not daring to point out the utter hypocrisy of her sanctimonious attack. An attack on them.
Don’t they have any self-respect?
I wanted to post this last night but couldn’t. You knew it was coming…
Ruh roh!!! Those lovely ladies in CA best have Plan B in the works…
From Jonathan Martin @ Politico
“It was widely thought that Palin would appear at the Reagan Presidential Library next month in California for a Republican women event, but Heath and Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton said Sunday that her appearance there was not confirmed.”
Read more:
holy sh*t!…did she finish high school?..hell, did she finish the 8th grade?…holy sh*t!..the woman’s just fecking other reason for that rambling mess of a speach..she’s just dumb.
AKM…Thanks for the “speech” need brain bleach ..Here..She is soooooo stoopid…LMBO
so… where were Berkowitz and Shea when all this was going on? I don’t remember their speaking up at the time? Or is it only now that it’s safe to have an opinion like this are they giving voice to their opinions.
well.. maybe they’ll be willing to stand by those words if someone else puts in another frivolous-or-not complaint.
distracted by the bulldozers in the backyard and the elect company’s tree trimmers in the front yard – exciting day here!
….and, as we’re already witnessing, so will the pundits and reporters now have the ability to speak the truth about Palin. What I found fascinating was one of their ‘worst ever’ awards given to Palin whose popularity continued to drop like the Titanic from her rollout last August (was it only just a year ago??) to now.
So Sarah, The Quintessential Quitter, has made national history.
Until I read this speech (I haven’t braved watching the videos of it yet), I didn’t know Sean Parnell even had any children.
Not only does she throw her own kids under the bus, she alerts the world to the existence of another person’s children, when he seems to have doing an ok job not using them as props/targets so far.
I hope he stays the course where his kids are concerned and doesn’t follow $arah’s lead in that arena (or any other).
Her last paragraph with her stating, “the honor of a lifetime serving as Governor” is full of hyprocricy like so much of Palin speak it just makes me shake my head. Kudos to those who posted the entire speach, take some tylenol and you might feel better. It’s more than I can stomach reading through her verbage.
AKM, it occurred to me in the shower this afternoon that this post gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “I threw it up on my blog.” LOL
The ‘we eat, therefore we hunt’ was bad enough. But the smirk after she said it was priceless..
I haven’t read all of the comments yet but this is hilarious!
“God’s Resignation Speech”
GG above: Thanks for the post. I’m certain that legislators now will have the freedom to speak their truth about Palin. It will be interesting to actually learn the truth about her governing style. From what you’ve posted above, it’s very suspect at best; criminal at best. I look forward to further investigations by the Alaska legislature regarding the substance of those still-outstanding (despite her “We’ve won!” exclamation) ethics complaints. Of particular interest is the one recently lodged regarding the use of her Trustee Fund. Ouch! (Sound of fingers being caught in the cookie jar????).
Okay, my mud friends, it’s catching! Apparently inspired by Palin, God has resigned! Thanks a million to Sullivan at the Daily Dish for linking to this and to the author of this gem:
Contessa Brewer / MSNBC just said that palin’s farewell speech was like a “hit list”…and when some guest defended her statement of ‘we eat, therefore we hunt’….Contessa asked if palin ate wolves. Andrea Mitchell, a brilliant woman in her own right, also wanted to know who “American apologetics” were???
It’s wonderful for the ‘elite media’ to now have the ‘freedom’ to question this now Joe the average sociopathic citizen!!!!!
the norwegian blue (229)
I got a screen capture of that page, because it was just too funny to see the header saying: Gov Sean Parnell – followed up with “First Gentleman” right below it. Too, too funny! thanks for sharing – really!
not that sarah
I meant every word of it. I really enjoyed it.
I’d actually meant to read it before posting the quickie definition (so I wouldn’t look like an idiot) but hit “submit” out of habit.
Word salad? This was the entire “smorgasbord” of illiteracy all rolled into one speech! Talk about making one’s head hurt – this woman’s rambling, run-on non-sentences is enough to question how she ever graduated from all of those 6 colleges she attended, not to mention having the language skills to even graduate from high school.
English teachers nationwide are reeling from this ridiculous diarrhea of the mouth on her last day in a position of power. Is this what we desire for our children? If so, then this country is totally ‘dumbed down”.
The lower states are euphoric for the citizens of Alaska that you no longer have this ethically-challenged individual representing you.
Sarah Palin has become a human punchline and a national joke – something wholly created by the McWingnuts and the mainstream media – a sheer piece of fiction which was propped up by GOP lies, stifled investigations, and their refusal to permit her to hold a press conference. Their hope was if they hid this pathetically unqualified mess from the public long enough, we wouldn’t get to see how unprepared (what does the Veep do? I’ll get back to ya!) and incontrovertibly unqualified she actually was. Of course, the couric interview was one of those infamous ‘gotcha interviews’ – you know the type – where they ask you what you read??? ahem.
Bringing it over here from ‘Higher Calling’
July 27th, 2009 at 1:12 AM
Breaking News! The Juneau Empire and legislators climb over each in their eagerness to throw Sarah under the bus!
Unbelievable. I think it’s time to request a Congressional inquiry into the whole frickin’ thing. Starting with the AGIA contracts signed in Texas while Palin was on vacation at a Texas pipeline contractor’s home.
519 CG Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 2:08 AM
JUNEAU EMPIRE, July 26, 2009
“…records released under the Alaska Public Records Law and interviews with administration and other sources…show a pattern of the Palin administration using public resources and the state’s ethics laws in an effort to block and discredit both frivolous and credible charges made against the governor.”
“Most of the cost so far stems from that obstructionist effort and not the complaints themselves, the Empire’s inquiry shows.”
Former House Minority Leader Ethan Berkowitz of Anchorage: “The administration has been bullying people who lodge complaints,” he said. “That’s a completely unacceptable use of the government’s power.”
Conservative Republican Wev Shea: “She has used the ethics process to protect herself from obvious wrongdoing.”
“Palin and her staff also have been misstating the outcome of at least two known investigations. In her resignation statement, she claimed that all the complaints against her – 15 by her count on July 3 – had been dismissed.”We’ve won!” she said.”
“Of the other complaints Palin has alluded to, the Personnel Board won’t disclose their outcome or the substance of them. Palin’s “wins” in the other cases cannot be independently confirmed.”
“Former prosecutor Shea said the merits of the complaints are shown by the effort Palin went to fight them. “If these ethics complaints are so frivolous, why are they so worried about them?” he said.”
“AGIA–working together with free market principles..”
And a $500 million subsidy from the Alaskan government!
great post, cg!
Thank you for taking one for the team, AKM. It was a truly awful speech.
What is cheechako vs. sourdough? Bread wars? A strange Alaskan food fight?
UK Lady,
It is scary how much $ and Nixon have in common, but I think Nixon had more brains than her. Now Reagan on the other hand…some similarities there too, also…
Blue_in_AK Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 8:51 AM
My God, that paragraph about Denali and the fireweed, the Cheechakos and Sourdoughs, makes my head hurt.
That’s what comes of a 7 hour road trip in a manic mood and country/western tunes filling the camper. She went all “maverick poet” . I betcha the folks at the sea are already trying to set it to music and it will then be handed down thru the generations.
Re: Cole not being on Hardball. Do we know who it is that canceled ?
238 Mag the Mick Says
What irritated me most (well, I had a lot to choose from) in her speech was the repetition of the old Alaska myth: it’s hard up here, we have to hunt for food, the old cheechako vs, sourdough split. It’s a MYTH, people. I lived and worked in Alaska for 26 years before retiring home to Arizona. Life in Anchorage was no different than life down here, climate aside. I had better shopping (hello Nordstrom and REI), better grocery selection, and better cultural opportunities (off the top of my head, I can recall concerts by Los Lobos, Bobby McFerron, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, just for starters). I did not have to pick up a rifle once.
this was worth repeating…thanks for the refreshing honesty from an former insider…now somebody tell palin that there’s commerce in AK!
Oh, far more important and politically-connected sponsors:
Fairbanks Gold Company and others.
It is sad that the new Governor’s acceptance speech did not get any attention.
The ADN has some of it posted, and Parnell acknowledges the Native population (showing awareness of their upcoming winter plight).
Although Alaskans may or may not agree with his policies, I have no doubt that Gov. Parnell will eliminate the drama and hysterics of his predecessor.
I just went over to the Governor’s page to wish him well. I think it may be a good idea to let him know that we (the bloggers) are NOT the “bad guys” and send him positive thoughts. I did mention that Todd’s page as “first dude” is still up – I anticipate that this Gov. will show more competence (how could he show LESS) than Sarah.
MUYS – I was thinking “spinning” as in salad spinner.
samper – I wish I could drink before reading or hearing $P but I’m back on antibiotics, and cough meds with codeine. I have been officially diagnosed with Whooping Cough. I did get a cough med w/o codeine so as to be a more effective mommy to the kids who have been surviving on dvd’s and xbox. Thankfully the youngest got her last DTAP vaccine just before the rest of us started contracting this wracking cough.
Mother Nature wins–hell bent maybe.
We know she also has verbal LIEahrrea.
and more on the Grifterness — Todd’s current State of Alaska website links directly to the commercial site for the Irondog, with plenty o’ advertising for sponsors like Tesoro, Napa Auto Parts, and (in two clicks from the State site)
I can’t figure out what the current open post is, so I apologize that this is slightly off topic of Her Heinous’ Fruit Salad speech.
I thought Wev Shea was a big Palin supporter? Can anyone clarify that for me?
This article seems to indicate that Mr. Shea is no longer a fan (unless he never was and I’m confused, in which case I blame reading $’s speech out loud over the phone to my husband)
Will the poor guy (Parnell) have to go to all the trouble of setting up a new facebook page? Or is it possible to change the username and keep the content?
I wonder how long it will be before he shakes the “Lite Gov” moniker.
“what is the verb used to describe the act of creating word salad?”
I always thought “spewage” qualified as both a verb and noun when it comes to excessive verbiage in any written or oral piece.
She is a walkin’, talkin’ example of what Menken said about how facism will come to this country wrapped in a flag and carrying the Bible. Mr. Menken – I give you Sarah Palin.
What irritated me most (well, I had a lot to choose from) in her speech was the repetition of the old Alaska myth: it’s hard up here, we have to hunt for food, the old cheechako vs, sourdough split. It’s a MYTH, people. I lived and worked in Alaska for 26 years before retiring home to Arizona. Life in Anchorage was no different than life down here, climate aside. I had better shopping (hello Nordstrom and REI), better grocery selection, and better cultural opportunities (off the top of my head, I can recall concerts by Los Lobos, Bobby McFerron, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, just for starters). I did not have to pick up a rifle once.
This woman sells lies. I wish I could say I’m glad she’s gone, but unfortunately, she’ll now be let loose on a much larger stage.
I imagine that Hardball will be a letdown. Mathews is a fan of Sarah’s ( tingle in the leg eeffect) and he certainly is not known to do his homework; especially with details.
A through interview w/ Cole by Rachel Maddow would be priceless.
@)Ben, “So Loggorea is sorta like diharrea with words. Love it.” EXACTLY!!! It’s so Palin.
@ Nan, just read your comment on the article…thank you!!
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 9:23 AM
My question: what is the verb used to describe the act of creating word salad?
“tossing” would be my choice.
But perhaps, if it was a long time in the writing, “cultivating a garden of prose”.
Volunteer needed…
I must dash and earn my rent monies… if anyone cares to pick this up, this is the link to ‘The View’ and specifically it’s ‘Hot Topic’ videos. The one from today discussing her ‘Ness will post up later today, fer shur! Would one of you Pups be so kind as to keep an eye out for it and post it when it shows? It is worth the look… short, sweet and hysterically to the point! I can only read threads and posts at work, the security software won’t let me post! It’s the LONGEST eight hours in my day! I’ve been keeping watch all day and I can no longer stand my post. Let me thank the first Pup who steps forward to carry this itty-bitty banner pour moi!
Has the be-otch set up the new H8R twitter acct. yet ??
So Loggorea is sorta like diharrea with words. Love it.
I can’t imagine how anyone could have listened to all that garbage….
Reading it was awful enough…
She can’t think straight, can’t speak grammatically…. really bad……and as many people have already said……… her egocentricity is enormous.
@186 fawnskin mudpuppy
Yep that was one heck of an inaccurate and annoying piece in this morning’s LATimes. Will send in my 2 cents (no “cents” symbol on keyboards anymore!) as well.
And this is a little odd: Todd’s “First Gentleman” website is still up, under the State of Alaska Governor Sean Parnell banner — so did Todd not abdicate? Is Parnell ok with keeping ALL of Sarah’s staff? The Gov’s page shows Parnell, but according to Sarah’s handsome hunka burnin’ luv is still officially “First Gentleman”…wait I’m laughing too hard to type…
There is a shiny new governor’s website. I forget, is the following good news or bad news?
(July 20, 2009, Anchorage, Alaska) – Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell today announced the retention of Governor Palin’s rural affairs advisor, John Moller. Details >
200 Bubbles, I lived in Manhattan for 9 years and call them as I see them. Living my whole life in 2 of the highest tax states so this dipshit can say this BS about the press, the military, the “real” America, etc. It makes me want her meth head explode. She’s a scum sucking leach. IMHO.
CG Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 9:26 AM
202 ocliberal Says: blue_in_ak: Great pictures! And you are right – much better than pictures of “The Failed One”
Where are these pictures?
Here is blue-in-ak’s link:
On another note, I have photos of Anchorage’s screendoor party posted here at DU if anyone is interested.
Martha, thanks so much for that link, will save to favourites and watch as soon as I get time.
Unless $ stops being $, that won’t be any time soon
ok, here’s the wiki definition of Logorrhea:
“Logorrhea is defined as an “excessive flow of words” and, when used medically, refers to incoherent talkativeness occurring in certain kinds of mental illness, such as mania. Logomania is the medical condition and mania with the underlying symptom logorrhoea. The spoken form of logorrhoea (in the non-medical sense) is a kind of verbosity which uses superfluous (or fancy) words to disguise an otherwise useless message as useful or intellectual, and is commonly known as “verbal diarrhea” or “diarrhea of the mouth”.”
Hence, the title of the article: Palin’s Farewell Speech; Logorrhea Alert Level Red ( nod to her followers love of terror alert levels and all things fearful, also, too!)
I found this amusing.
God’s Resignation Speech
ocliberal and CG
That Nixon stuff is rivetting, thank you. I am now dying to see the ‘Frost Nixon’ film which I have been meaning to watch. I know it is not a completely true picture, but apparently it is close, and will tell me much more than I know now. That isn’t too much to be honest, it was a bit before my time, and long before I got into US politics.
It is scary to see how many traits Nixon and $carah seem to have in common.
glad u enjoyed it!! I love that word…logorrhea. it is also used medically, as in, a medical disorder indicated by the excessive use of words, long words used improperly, etc. incoherence being the primary indicator of the disease…:-)
So glad you like being sent to the dictionary– was it you who said that re my last one where I referenced her as the Poujadist Princess?? Mudpuppies are too clever for me… Now I’m challenged to keep coming up with perfect references that are not commonly known:-)
I think she wore the jeans because Obama received so much attention about his “Mom’s Jeans” when he threw the first ball. She is still competing with him.
205 CG Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 9:11 AM
Excerpts from Nixon’s farewell address, Washington Post 1974
Great post! Every since I watched the recent movie about the Frost/Nixon interview, all kinds of memories came flooding back.
All hubby and I kept saying throughout the movie was…….wow………that’s JUST like Sarah Palin.
On a smaller scale of course, only because she never got the chance.
Here is a link to 97 min of the original interview, commentated by today’s David Frost ,very worth the time .
202 ocliberal Says: blue_in_ak: Great pictures! And you are right – much better than pictures of “The Failed One”
Where are these pictures?
My question: what is the verb used to describe the act of creating word salad?
My take on SP: she can smile all she wants, but she still shot herself in the foot. Certainly, she has a lot of spin out there, and plenty of her lies – but just think of the energy all of that takes. Her energy is negative. She’ll never attract moderates, or thinking people who will have access to more information if she tries to spread her influence to the lower 49.
A network of Palin watchers and debunkers will grow, much as it did here. She’s a drama queen, and as long as she spits back at everyone who takes a poke at her, the number of people who take that poke will grow, also, too! People like just getting a rise out of her to see what she’ll do in retaliation. It’s not hard to catch her in lies, in fact – it’s pretty easy to bait her to tell one or seven almost at the drop of a hat. Just read the Wonkette for starters – ouch! Video and audio archives will grow – and how good is she at remember which lie she told who or where? She absolutely sucks at it.
Look at her SarahPAC staff – Meg Unstapled and I Fry Ivy. Wow, what a team. I’m so impressed. Snark Central with cream on top. Endearing to moderates, I’m sure.
Alaska is really just a big small town and many people felt threatened who questioned her, or her actions while she was governor (well, tried to be – sort of). This is not the case down south. And I see more and more coming out about her up here, too. Just sit back, relax, keep an eye out for now.
not that sarah (182)
I love it when an article sends me to the dictionary. Really. And here’s one reason why:
From the link you gave:
“Logorrhea Alert, Level Red”
So, logorrhea at dictionary dot com:
/ˌlɔgəˈriə, ˌlɒgə-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [law-guh-ree-uh, log-uh-]
1. pathologically incoherent, repetitious speech.
2. incessant or compulsive talkativeness; wearisome volubility.
and a more pointed definition:
Variant: or chiefly British:
Function: noun
: pathologically excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness that is characteristic especially of the manic phase of manic-depressive disorders
— /adjective
Dictionaries are our *friends*!
Yesterday ProChoiceGrandma wrote a comment on the Anchorage speech post about having sympathy for the poor interpreter for the deaf. I’m an interpreter myself and actually the Anchorage speech was quick and pretty to the point so that one was easy to interpret.
On to the Fairbanks Quittyfish speech…
I took a deep breath and read through the first few paragraphs of this blather to see how I would interpret it. The first paragraph was fairly straightforward and would have been no problem to make sense of. However, by the fourth sentence of the second paragraph, it all goes in the potty. I haven’t eaten lunch yet (got sucked into Mudflats this morning, darn you!) and my stomach will not permit me to continue reading until I get some sustenance. I will eventually get back here and read some more of the speech but, based on the comments and quoted bits, expect it to only get worse.
I sincerely hope that any interpreters for the deaf or people who have to translate this mess into other languages for the media get some serious hazard pay because they sure deserve it!
We will never get enough of sarah……reminded me of this………
Emerson, Lake and Palmer lyrics
Album: Brain Salad Surgery [1973]
Still….You Turn Me On
Do you want to be the singer,
Do you want to be the song?
Let me tell you something
you just couldn’t be more wrong.
You see I really have to tell you
that it all gets so intense.
>From my experience
It just doesn’t seem to make sense,
Still …. you turn me on.
I tried to read the transcript, but I couldn’t get through it before running screaming from the room….
“In September, the New York Post published an article claiming that campaign donors were buying influence with Nixon by providing him with a secret cash fund for his personal expenses. Nixon responded by saying that the fund was not secret…”
Senator Nixon’s Checkers Speech
September 23, 1952
“The usual political thing to do when charges are made against you is to either ignore them or to deny them without giving details.”
@Blue_in_AK: your photos are absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing these with us.
@ocliberal: your point about the difference blogging makes–our connection and our ability to rapidly disseminate uncensored information–is well-taken and is one of the things that gives me hope that we will eventually take Palin out. OUT.
Until then, I’m going to remain vigilant, but also concentrate on doing my own best work, which is an effective antidote to Palin’s ignorant malevolence.
(Dusting off shoulder. Remember when Obama did that?)
Excerpts from Nixon’s farewell address, Washington Post 1974
“By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of the process of healing which is so desperately needed in America.”
Mr. Nixon said he decided he must resign when he concluded that he no longer had “a strong enough political base in the Congress” to make it possible for him to complete his term of office.
Declaring that he has never been a quitter, Mr. Nixon said that to leave office before the end of his term ” is abhorrent to every instinct in my body.”
But “as President, I must put the interests of America first,” he said.
His family “unanimously urged” him to stay in office and fight the charges against him, he said. But he came to realize that he would not have the support needed to carry out the duties of his office in difficult times.
Interesting parallels between Nixon and Sarah.
He frequently referred to himself in third-person; Sarah routinely employs the majestic plural, “we”.
The majestic plural is the use of a plural pronoun to refer to a single person, premised on the concept that a monarch or other high official always speaks for his or her people. Another view is that when a monarch speaks, she speaks both in her own name and in the name of her function, office or status.
Substitute “she” for he; “Alaska” for America/US; “Legislature” for Congress.
Nixon Resigns: A Type To Remember
“We won’t have Nixon to kick around any more. He produced his own last crisis. The danger had always been that he would take the rest of us down with him.
It was a…useful, salutary event which had led us by slow legalistic means to a psychological recognition. Education was a long time getting through, but astoundingly it did. Until the moment of his confession, Nixon remained hidden, especially from Republican Congressmen whom he had long held prisoner. Then even his party fell away, suddenly and as a whole and overnight, relieved at last to have a clear reason to break.
The problem is psychological, not legalistic. America needs to learn to recognize the type. The next Richard Nixon may go all the way; which this one was flukily prevented from doing. We need to learn to make better connections between the things a man purports to stand for, and the things he truly intends.
Here are some characteristics of a man who will seize dictatorial power if he can:
•He asserts that poor people are dishonest (“welfare chiselers”), but he lines his own pockets.
•He prefers capital punishment, prisons and other forms of punishment to rehabilitation and education.
•He favors legislation assisting the rich, the powerful, the corporate and the military.
•He is always discussing himself, even when he hopes you will think he is talking about, say, international relations. Example: “In the Middle East, 100 million people in the Arab countries, many of whom have considered us their enemy for nearly twenty years, now look on us as their friends.” Translation: “Did you notice the big reception I got in Egypt?”
•He thinks that ancient relationships among nations, involving deep traditions of language and custom, can be suddenly reformed by visits of heads of states.
•He suddenly reverses himself. A dozen emphatic denials may be followed by an abrupt admission.
•He eventually reverses himself.
•He denies that he will reverse himself. When peace marchers passed the White House he was watching the football game (he said). Afterward he claimed peace in Vietnam as his achievement.
•He presents himself as a “manly” man. He adores professional football, offering opinions upon this week’s games…A manly man never quits. “I have never been a quitter,” he said in his Farewell Plea Bargain, announcing that he was quitting.
•He commands young men to go to war, but he does not wish to pay his taxes.
•Deeply concerned about young men at war, he dramatically seeks to rescue them if they become prisoners of the “enemy.”
•He employs the media to publicize himself when, for example, he is dramatically rescuing American boys who have become prisoners of the “enemy.” He condemns the media when they displease him. No principle appears to be at stake, however.
•He opposes amnesty for young men who refused to fight in the war against Vietnam, but he seeks amnesty for crimes he has himself committed.
•He asserts his patriotism frequently, and often accuses other people of disloyalty to the country.
•He calls often for “unity” while dividing.
•He always advocates economy, but he spends lavishly, especially for such products as military machinery.
•He speaks often of bargaining from strength. When he traveled recently to Russia his situation was weaker than any President’s had ever been.
•He frequently speaks of himself in the third person, as if he were not a person but an instrument. What you hear you may believe, as, for example, “I have done my very best . . . I have tried to the best of my ability to discharge those duties and meet those responsibilities . . .” (from his speech of resignation August 8).
His Farewell Plea Bargain was the old sentimental tack to the end. “I have always tried to do what was best for the nation….I have felt it was my duty to persevere. I felt strongly that it was necessary to see the constitutional process through…no matter the personal agony…. I must put the interests of America first….”
“…nothing had ever been Richard Nixon’s fault, nothing had ever been in the interests of his private objective, it was all for you, me, country, duty, Constitution…”
The terrifying thing about clear evidence is its power to suggest that everything anyone has ever suspected about Richard Nixon has been true, with or without evidence. Thus we may rejoice quite without guilt at his passing; a threat has been dissolved, a reprieve delivered, and a mighty relief. I feel as if I have “witnessed in some way something like the triumph of virtue in a naughty world.”
[emphasis mine]
Apparently Kristan Cole has been cancelled from Hardball tonight!, going to see if I can find out any more.
And let’s not forget the other Palin……..
blue_in_ak: Great pictures! And you are right – much better than pictures of “The Failed One”
The looks on some of those faces are priceless! I especially loved the native family and the army wives. I imagine that is exactly how I would have looked it I had been there.
SP telling media to leave Sean Parnell’s children alone is such a calculated tactic. No one was thinking about them, until SHE brought attention to them in her speech. Whatever she accuses people of, she does herself.
If I had been Parnell’s wife, I would have been fuming.
Sarah will USE anyone, anyone’s name, to bring attention to her vendetta against media.
nswfmcal““loved your post
How many times do I have to TELL you pups????
Drink BEFORE reading or watching SP! It HURTS otherwise, and I don’t want ANY of you inflicting harm upon yourselves (palm to face smacking, head dropping to desk, etc.)!
DS55: I know… I am a great big wussy cry baby. BUT, on election day, being in SO Hard Hit Detroit, I literally wept as the burden seemed to lift from our shoulders, knowing change and hope was now a reality. It was like holding our collective breath until inauguration thinking it was a dream and then finally breathing once again.
Can’t even express that relief on Jan 20.
Any news out of TN? It’s 1:11PM there…
I’m “workin’ my land” (mowing small lawn), so I’ll check in at next break.
Holy crap!! My eyes, my brain, my soul, all ache after skimming through that unbelievable pile of words. The c4p crowd thinks that may be “one of the best speeches ever made”, but I tell you what, it’s down right painful to read.
If WE can see her for how she really is and hear what she says and really means and knows her underlying purpose when she does the things she does, then why can’t her supporters? We are not hallucinating or delusional. Is it that easy to drink the Kool-Aid???
My God, that paragraph about Denali and the fireweed, the Cheechakos and Sourdoughs, makes my head hurt. It was bad when I heard it and even worse reading it. Why does she have to make Alaska’s undeniable beauty and uniqueness into a caricature? I am so glad she’s gone.
On another note, I have photos of Anchorage’s screendoor party posted here at DU if anyone is interested.
DailyKos has a recommended diary up right now titled The New Nixon
It compares Palin to Nixon following his famous “you won’t have me to kick around any more speech” in 1962 and then details how he turned around and reinvented himself and became president in 1968.
There are several good comments but here is the one thing I think is being missed by everyone. Besides the obvious fact that despite Nixon’s fatal flaws he was a very intelligent man with an excellent grasp of Foreign Policy I think the important difference here is that Nixon didn’t have the PJ-clad basement bloggers on his case. The MSM WAS the message back in his day. He only had to get them on his side.
This is why Palin hates, hates the bloggers so much. They call her on her BS every single time. It is hard to sling poo when there is a group of intelligent, articulate folks sitting by listening, ready to transcribe her gibberish but most of all ready to call her on every single lie she tells.
How different would our history be if the likes of DailyKos and AKM were around in 1968?
I don’t think we can every thank AKM and the progressive bloggers and all the folks who support them for the unrelenting, honest light the kept on the likes of Sarah Palin.
I believe 100% that Barack Obama could never have been elected President without the blogosphere. I also believe that because of the blogosphere Sarah Palin will never advance politically again. She can’t take the bright lights of accountability. And I think that is quite evident in the fact that she QUIT her job yesterday for no good reason.
“And it is our men and women in uniform securing it, and we are facing tough challenges in America with some seeming to just be Hell bent maybe on tearing down our nation, perpetuating some pessimism, and suggesting American apologetics, suggesting perhaps that our best days were yesterdays.”
She’s talking about herself no doubt, as usual. how come nobody will confront her with that truth!?!
CG @ 148: No, BOLD was one of the first… I posted it. I don’t recall “energy”, though… but then, I had to drink just thinking of her arrival, so I could be WAY wrong!
BufGal: SO glad you’re back in the saddle! We missed you last night!! Take the day and rest to resist a relapse!
I think I need a break, also, too; maybe get some work done! Even that sounds like a vacation!(head feels very full..)
whoever directed us to vote in a poll sponsered by newsmax:
you and all who signed up will be bombarded with righwing postings.
i’ll take this to the open thread, also, too.
Well, I for one, am ecstatic that douche bag is history!
Thanks booboodog:-) Im just doin’ my part to progress this great country…
gag me! I’m all full ‘ Palineeze and I need a break. Kudos to AKM for selfless transcription.
Oh wow. That took me 3 hours just to READ through it! Thanks AKM for transcribing- I know that it was exhausting.
She forgot one thing she promised- to serve her 4 year term.
I think she is keeping her options open; Pres of Alaska sounds pretty ok, too,also..
I really think there are heavy secessionist tones to her speech. That’s how it came across when I was watching (sorry, there is no way I can read it again) it on CNN (via KTUU).
ok. i just wrote a letter to the editor of the la times.
not only did they glorify palin’s departure but they had her all dressed up in “a conservative black suit”.
don’t know why but that one just got my goat, as grandad used to say.
WOW, you deserve a medal for doing this AKM. I just can not stand to read it. I have tried, but my mind keeps correcting the goofy sentence structure. So, for the good of my health, I stopped reading it.
not that sarah,
very well said..
one of the pro-$p sites(won’t name names) praised her speeches as better even than the great gipper’s. The next poster agreed but maybe should hire a ‘verbal engineer’ to help her tweak (that is an understatement) her speeches so the lefties would see her ideas more clearly! Verbal engineer? AKM could apply for the job, but then she may be over qualified.
Does anyone know if she was using her teleprompter during the speech? I ask because con blogs (Breitbart, gretawire, RedState) are spreading the rumor she didn’t, one going so far as to say that there “wasn’t a teleprompter in sight”. Yet if you watch the whole video of her introduction to her shaking the person’s hand immeidately after finishing you see two teleprompters. Would like to know if anyone knows for sure either way.
Hi Mudpuppies!
I just wrote a piece on the Farewell Speech, and linked to Mudflats.
here’s a taste of it:
“So while the God-hatin’, Palin-fearin’ libruls are busy pickin’ on the hockey mam for her folksiness, some of us get it. We aren’t afraid to delve into the depths of despair that is a Palin speech and reach out to the Quitter. We recognize desperation and disease when we see it, and being the science-believing, subpoena-responding citizens that we are, we care. And it turns out, sometimes God even takes our calls. My calls.”
Signed, your evil librul, Not that Sarah
Thanks, AKM, for the transcript; it’s less painful to read her speech in small doses, than to watch the video over and over.
This was not a Farewell to Alaska speech, nor was it a Transition to Parnell’s New Government speech. This was a cut-and-paste: Palin clipped parts of her “Best of Palin Speeches” collection, stick them together, and aimed it at the national audience of evangelical, conservative Republicans. While her adoring Alaskan fans lapped it up, I think most Alaskan voters realized she gave her farewell to Alaska speech last fall, when McCain picked her as VP.
I made it through a paragraph and a half before I got sick.
Octomom isn’t trying to be Commander in Chief.
Palin and Octomom…..both are repulsive.
Eyeonyou: Bless you my child. I look forward to seeing the breakdown of Sarah’s latest lies.
OMG, just read the comments over at wonkette. It’s the “zap comix” of blogs, but you gotta love it. Has everyone seen the latest “how to talk to your kids about drugs” ad? There’s a gothy looking girl laying on her bed & the mom is sitting on the edge of the bed prattling off random, non-related words…the point being what words to use when talking to your kids about drugs. Actually a really good ad, but all I can think about when I see it is silly sarah spewing wordsalad. Spent some time over at greta’s last night, peach & I were giving them the old 1-2 sucker punches, they’re so stupid, they take the bait everytime. I must be getting warped in my old age, it’s like taking candy from a baby to get those wack-a-doodles’ panties in a wad. Just bring up sarah or birthers….
Does Palin have new teeth? Or, at least, new veneers? They are a lot whiter, but something is different with her teeth. Different shape? I need to go back and look at some older photos.
Did she need a whiter brighter smile for her higher calling? Did God open the door a crack, but said, Sarah—you need Hollywood teeth to do my work?
I wrote this last night out of shear frustration at the way Palin mangles the language: (cross posted at Daily Kos )
The Palinwocky
(with apologies to Lewis Carroll)
Twas Wasillig, and the grizzly toves
Did gyre and gimble in the woodsey;
All mimsy were the birthergoves,
And the mome raths lipstyckee.
“Beware the Palinwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the repubub bird, and shun
The frumious Youbetcha!”
He took his vorpal penn in hand:
Long time the narcissistic foe he sought—
So rested he by the ToddTodd tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Palinwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the ‘lasky wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! and through and through
The vorpal penn went whipper-zaack!
He left it then, without a mynd
He went galumphing back.
“And hast thou tamed the Palinwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
He chortled in his joy.
‘Twas Wasillig, and the grizzly toves
Did gyre and gimble in the woodsey;
All mimsy were the birthergoves,
And the mome raths lipstyckee
The scarecrow in Wizard Of Oz sounded better&he didn’t even have a Brain!
I sure hope Chris Matthews does his research if Kristan Cole appears on his show. I know a lot of Mudflatters would know what questions to ask her. I hope he asks her why she said she never spoke to Sarah about the AFT till the ethics complaint was filed and found in violation.
So, SarahPAC has collected more than a million? Some people are so clueless.
Todd will continue playing the loving, supportive wife, I mean husband. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut, and he’ll keep getting the ever-enlarging checks! Politically, Sarah can’t quit her husband and family, but boy, would she like to be rid of that “baggage!” I don’t think her lifestyle will change much though, because she is the epitome of absent parent.
Looking forward to her reneging on the August speech, you know she’s going to try.
As Shannyn pointed out, Ronald Reagan was from Hollywood and so was Charlton Heston, NRA President.
I think she doesn’t confirm (big Republican fundraisers), because she knows she is a fake. She should do the book deal, invest wisely, retire, and spend time with her family. Maybe give some speeches on issues she can truly relate to, like guns or outdoor sports. She may actually garner some respect with time.
I’d like to point out that CA grows so America can eat.
I hope Hollywood comes up with a bumpersticker that tells her “FU, we don’t care about Gov Iquitarod.”
I hope the TN trial reveals a lotta emails.
Then I hope she is finished off in a meth lab explosion in the “real America” aka Wasilla.
If that was AIP talk, and Todd Palin didn’t say the Pledge of Allegiance, then she should stfu about the US Military that the lower 48 pays for with its taxes.
She won’t confirm until all her kids’ airfare is paid.
trisha Says:
Has anyone gone through her speech piece by piece to separate fact from Palin’s version of the truth? I would love to see a breakdown of her talking points.
I’m guessing she “made some stuff up”.
Working on it, but it will take a bit. I’ve got a good sized storm heading right at me so I may have to get offline for a little while.
Geez, does Palin ever confirm anything? Seems like she likes to play hard-to-get. That will not work well if people are paying you to commit to speak at their function. Now, if she starts backing out and not confirming gigs in a timely fashion….it will hurt her in the wallet.
Now all we need is Parnell’s speech. Especially that bible verse that he asked his father to speak to, in delivering the benediction. Or closing. Or whatever the last 5 minutes was.
I guess at the FB farewell, Meg and Sarah’s father said that the Simi Valley Republican Women’s speech IS NOT CONFIRMED.
Here we go again!!
From her speech……..We must be prudent and persistent………
(what she didn’t say) and then quit….take the cash and run.
She is unbelievable…delusional….and a liar.
I read that Kristen Cole will be on Hardball tonight over at other site.If true this will be very interesting indeed.
After going over her speech again, it seems there are a lot of AIP undertones, even though she hides behind patriotism and pro-military.
Here is an excerpt from Anne Kilkenny’s letter:
She is savvy. She doesn’t take positions; she just “puts things out there” and if they prove to be popular, then she takes credit.
“golda meir”
have any of you southern cal mudflatters seen the cover story of palin’s bye bye picnic and speech in the la times?
they make her sound like joan of arc and golda meira all rolled into one.
what that little gov from alaska can’t do.
i’m just not understanding how they could take her word salad, mix it up, and come up with something edible.
double barf,0,970489.story
Has anyone gone through her speech piece by piece to separate fact from Palin’s version of the truth? I would love to see a breakdown of her talking points.
I’m guessing she “made some stuff up”.
stuck in tubes HELP
Thanks, AKM, for the complete transcript. It’s indescribably brave of you; my hat is off.
Enjoy the ride? Enjoy the ride?! No, I don’t think so. There is so much wrong with that that I could type for a long time. The Wasilla grifter ride is not the one at the fair that you enjoy at all; all your money is gone and people are wielding guns at you when it’s over. She’s despicable.
Read this comment at peeland. Let the fun begin.
tweeted she will be on Hardball tonight. Don’t know why Kristen is going into the devils den. I hope she is ready. This isn’t Greta who is interviewing her. This is somebody playing the Gotcha game.
i’m sorry, i couldn’t get through it. by the beginning of the third paragraph i felt a heaviness in my eyes and chest and then i felt kind of sorry for you having to transcribe that. whew.
Nan @ 135:
the “positives outweigh the negatives” eh?
Yep, in $$$$$$$$$$!
That’s what it’s all about.
That thought had crossed my mind, too.
I hope you’re feeling much better now (the speech would have given you a big headache, you were smart!)
Check the Governor’s webpage – there’s a link to “Parnell’s Family’ there. Y’know who all is listed under that link? Sean Parnell, and that’s it.
It looks like not quite everything is going to be done the same way as his predecessor did it. It’s a thin thread to hang hope on, but it’s still a hope.
buffalo gal“`hope you are feeling better. as you can see,you didn’t miss much. same warmed over talking points stopping just short of treason. she is for fox news and comedy show. palin and buchanan on fox at 2 am,friday and saturday. coming this fall. [hehe]
It feels similar to the morning after the 2008 election.
Last night was The UnElection of Palin: The Abdication.
AKM I can not imagine you transcribing that mess. I can see you having to keep hitting the reverse button numerous times to get the exact word salad. I read several paragraphs and I greatly appreciate your trouble, but I have a rule if I have to read a sentence more than 3 times to figure it out, it is time to through it away. I started skimming after that and at best I had to repeat reading even then. Then I just started cherry picking and lord I have a headache. Bless you AKM for the torture you endured and those that read all that garbarge, you are a better woman/man than I am, kudos to you also.
Regarding Palin’s order to leave the family alone, she’s still publishing photos of her kids online so whatever.
#53 samper, “I don’t think ENERGY was a drinking game word last night!”
No, we had ‘energy’. We missed an easy one, though, like ‘bold’ or something.
Nan (aka roswellborn) Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 7:00 AM
Todd said “dunno what’s next,” mentioned “nat’l campaign” – re tough on family … yes, but “positives outweigh the negatives”
and by “positives” could Todd be referring to an influx of a few million dollars? yeah, that’d outweigh a lot of negatives for me , y’betcha.
I missed yesterday’s speech entirely after being totaled by some sort of evil flu. I sure wasn’t disappointed when I read this morning’s transcript. ( appalled and disgusted, but not disappointed!) I would love to see Ashley Judd come back with some sort of commentary. Sarah twisted Judd’s focus and Ashley has every right to be pissed. Palin needs to continue being called out.
It was great going back to read everyone’s live blogging comments. I hope everyone is reasonably recovered from cocktails. I missed a fun time but was there in spirit. (just not in spirits!)
I noticed that Sean’s face is now looking out at us from the Gov. site. Good. That made me feel a little better this morning.
Oh, AKM!! What an amazing job you’ve done: Transcribing all that. Thanks for time and effort you go to in order to keep all of us informed.
Wonkette, as usual, the comments are NSFW, but memorable:
For instance, a clean one:
memzilla says at 10:46 am, July 27th, 2009
A ton of Krazy Glue could not repair the disjointedness of this speech.
Why does Caribou Barbie think that stringing together talking points = speech good? Is it exposure to the meth fumes? Perhaps toxic lead levels in the moose chili? Or is it just basically Thought Apnea?
Hey Mooselini, the University of Idaho called, they want their degree back.
If it’s impossible to lose one’s way living in the great state of Alaska, why then does the state have the highest rate of domestic violence, rape, child abuse, alcoholism, suicide & just about every single effing BAD thing?
The living in AK is about to get much much harder — the FORMER gov (how I love to say that) raided the States’s rainy day fund to fund her HUGE government costs. The PFD is likely to be zero next year. AGIA and oil taxes need a complete overhaul. Fiscal conservatism? Not so much. Energy expertise? NOOOOOTTTTTT. We can bet that Parnell will not be vocal about the problems that she has left the state, he is her sycophant/puppet gov, and her embedded cronies still have their jobs in the administration. However, the next governor will have to explain why he has such a huge budget deficit at day one (deferred tax credits to oil companies that SP used in her fuzzy math), and if he’s a Democrat or a Republican interested in fostering better communication/relationship between the gov & the legislators, he will be honest about those messes that required clean-up. Therefore, in a little over a year from now she will be exposed as the suckiest sleight-of-hand governor the State of AK has ever had. She is a fraud. Good riddance, now to work to fix all that she broke!
bless you BahstinBoyo
If anyone wants to go back to the start of the Palin Chronicles. Here’s the email letter from Anne Kilkenny. I wonder how she has felt watching the drama unfold?
Did my best at a blow-by-blow while it happened… I’ll keep an eye on YouTube at The View homesite for a clip and post it as soon as I find it! Definately worth seeing, even if it is shortlived! Can only take so much of EH anyway! Too much like listening to her ‘Ness!
I was missing the View while watching msnbc? Dang!
I’ll be looking for it on YouTube, you betcha. How on earth could anyone – even Hasselbeck – defend this word scramble?
“you’re going to see anti-hunting, anti-second amendment circuses from Hollywood and here’s how they do it. They use these delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets, they use Alaska as a fundraising tool for their anti-second amendment causes. Stand strong, and remind them patriots will protect our guaranteed, individual right to bear arms, and by the way, Hollywood needs to know, we eat, therefore we hunt.”
this quote is classic palin twisting reality to get her supporters to believe stuff that isn’t true.
the “delicate, tiny celebrity starlets” are protesting the aerial killing of wolves. but sarah, honest and trustworthy sarah, is going to manipulate the issue in an attempt to mislead people into thinking hollywood is against YOUR right to hunt YOUR food.
do you eat the wolves after you gun them down from the air, sarah?
Crap! Evidently, no further discussion. That was SHORT… I guess they aren’t allow to devote alot of time to SP b/c Hasselbeck can’t take it.
commentor, lo siento!
Sarah’s daughter from a college dalliance:
As one commenter on Huffington Post said, “The future of the Republican party.”
msnbc discussing the farewell speech now. (Norah O’Connell)
Will she have the staff? the security details? Went into the park by the “back door” (avoiding the throngs at the entrance)
Todd said “dunno what’s next,” mentioned “nat’l campaign” – re tough on family … yes, but “positives outweigh the negatives”
(Norah again) SP wants freedom from complaints, to be a “voice.”
the “positives outweigh the negatives” eh?
If you can, tune into the View NOW!
They are on commercial, but are JUST getting into the speech.
Hasselbeck is going to have an anneurism(sp?) right there on national TV!
Now the Hollywood connection… “we eat, therefore we hunt’… hysterical laughter fro all present… Hasslebeck defends as usual… Joy talking about the secessionist movements… using the US military to defend herself… ‘The girl got knocked up’ … refering to the media mis-reporting distortions about her ‘Ness and the family…
No doubt this will be on YouTube SOON! Worth a look… and a laugh!
OMG! SP has an incredible case of the Screaming “Me Mes!” If you’re going, GO! Do we really need to subjected to another rah rah speech that says absolutely nothing? Way to toot one’s own horn again…and again…and again, ad nauseum. Thanks to AK for the transcription…I am sooo sorry that you, no doubt, had to listen to this carp repeatedly for our benefit.
I can’t do it. I can’t read it. I saw 5 minutes of it but that was more than I could stand. In person, someone told me she tries to wax poetic about AK and without knowing anything more than that, I piped up “That’s AIP talk.” Yeah, Palin’s AIP slip was showing.
Now I see others more knowledgeable than I have come to the same possible conclusion (see Celtic Diva, Lazarhat, et al.)
Thanks, AKM. I almost called into Shannyn’s show on Sat. night to express my admiration of you two and all the AK bloggers. You are true American heroes!
The View is on Saracuda now… or visa-versa…
They are showing the clip about the troops… “What a JUMP!” Joy says…
Mr Shea looked at the Troopergate issues very early on with a FRIENDLY eye-
He advised her clear back in EARLY Aug 08, before the VP pick, to take a path we all know she ignored- please read the letters he wrote which are attached to the article…
This has been sitting out in plain view since September 08.
After a short time, all I could hear was “…here…here….here…and…here…..and…and….here….and…”
Do you think she will take an English class and perhaps a public speaking course during her quit-cation?
Just occurred to me:
If we weren’t at war, SP would have NOTHING to say since it all goes back to the troops.
EVERYTHING! It all goes back to the troops!
I love my military. Really. But they shouldn’t be dragged into every speech she delivers when they have NOTHING to do with the topic at hand.
Her last address was spoken while we were here in Juneau reading…
“She has used the ethics process to protect herself from obvious wrongdoing,” Shea said.
Mr Shea , a conservative, was an early admirer of SP… and what he thought she stood for…
Just now finished reading the whole thing. took that long because I had to re-train my brain to work on a whole new level.
Man I love me some Norah O’Donnell! Me, Myself and I. LOL!
I guess she’s all out of refrigerator magnets because she had to quote a bumper sticker for this speech.
Sarah wants to be president? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! She has as much chance to be president as a one-legged man has in winning an ass-kicking contest!
Three old colonial cheers for AKM…
I read it all. AFTER coffee! I,too, also was at a picnic yesterday. With friends, good food and libations. Guess what was NOT discussed! Or WHO for that matter! What a wonderfully peacefull day! I even kept my calm and waited until today to get back to all of you. I must admit, it wasn’t easy being away for a day! Waiting now to see what the ladies of The View will have to say about the weekends events. Should be entertaining. Isn’t KO back tonight? All that and Jon Stewart after work! I think I’ll leave early so I don’t miss a minute of his show!
Bashing Obama for apologizing for Bush’s GROSSLY inappropriate world communications. Imagine that!
There was a big to do about Bush not campaigning for McCain. McCain wanted to distance himself from Bush (and their 95% agreement) and kept being PC by saying “Bush has a “demanding” schedule” and “It just can’t be fit into Bush’s “busy” schedule” to explain why he wasn’t out on the trail for McCain. It was all about Bush’s schedule (doing what, I don’t know!) rather than McCain trying to NOT be the Bush everyone hates.
Who wants to bet that R’s, wanting to distance themselves from Palin while not “offending” the base. will use a similar tactic?
“SP would have loved to be here to meet all of you, but alas, her “demanding schedule” wouldn’t allow it. She sends her good wishes for our troops and freedoms, though!”
(Luke warm applause, out of courtesy only, and prompted by a big “applause” sign lighting up).
9500+ comments on Huff Post to Palin speech. 3 hours ago, it was 8500+.
She sure can rally the country—-95% all against her!!!!
Enjoy your ride Sarah—-it won’t last as long as you think!
Between her “I’m gonna quit” and yesterday’s “I quit” speech how can anybody in their right mind think she’s anything other than a petty self absorbed twit?
Watched the “morning Joe” clip. I’ve always loved Norah, Mika was actually tolerable. Can’t wait for pat buchanan to be gone over to faux, where he’s always belonged. I had hoped he was laying in the corner licking himself ever since Rachel eviscerated him on her show when they had their “race debate” apparently no such luck.
Well, I do appreciate the effort AKM because when I listened to her speech I thought I must be missing some words (apart from the subjects and verbs she typically drops) that would have helped it make sense; but no, she said what I thought she said. Will someone PLEASE tell this woman and her idiot followers that she could drill Alaska dry and that the US would still be far, far from achieving energy independence? That our soldiers are not in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for freedom of the press–that under Bush we, ahem, actually targeted those members of the press corp who were being a little too accurate? And that getting up and being snarky about Ashley Judd all these months later only shows what a self-obsessed, vindictive b*tch she is? And that…oh, there’s too much.
And her followers think she’s articulate and brilliant. I will never, ever get it.
88 Bystander Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 5:37 AM
Her speeches remind me of the classic line in “Blazing Saddles”, applied to the old codger who no one can understand- “authentic frontier gibberish”.
And explain again how criticizing her is an attack on the US military?
Very little on “Today” about the drama queen. I think they are tired of her act..
As usual ….upside down and inside out.
Freedom of the press gives the PRESS the RIGHT TO “ATTACK” Palin and every other corrupt politician.
Remember Watergate? When we still had “journalism” The good old days…..
I do see many parallels between Palin and Nixon, especially the paranoia, however, Nixon’s IQ was MUCH higher.
Nixon’s educational record was able to be referenced, students and professors alike “remembered ” him. This is the largest difference between them.
Adding another huge “Thank You”. I was all set to listen to it, and I just couldn’t. The work of transcription is truly heroic. I couldn’t even read it all in one go, I’m trying to nibble away at it in small bits.
Re: the “tiny, delicate starlets” line: I have a vision of dozens of little creatures that look just like Disney’s Tinkerbell buzzing and swooping around Sarah’s head, driving her to total distraction and causing her to flee the scene. (Is this what the erinyes really looked like?)
As I had to stop reading, for now, after 3 of (your ) paragraphs (SP doesn’t speak in such recognizable forms…)- I have to thank you for your steadfast devotion to getting the SP WORD out for so long now…
I do wonder,as I am likely one of those the charge was levelled against , whether the “…perpetuating some pessimism, and suggesting American apologetics…” line was a slip in your translating or whether SP has taken to finishing some words properly… ?
Did she really say perpetuatING and suggestING?
As “apologetics” is pure SP language abuse , I have worries you were so tired you slipped up and missed the usual ‘in’ ” endings.
Rest up- thank you. I’ll read the rest when I can face it.
AKM, I have no idea how you did it, but to have gone through the entire word-salad-casserole and come out upright at the end of it is a huge testament to either your strength or to self-immolation. Not sure yet, which it is.
I listened to the whole dang thing. Except for right after the “stop making things up” bit; that’s when I threw in the towel and grabbed a beer out of the fridge to fortify myself for the rest of it.
Even so, it eventually became a listen-for-the-magic-words thing because trying to follow a coherent thought from the beginning to end of a sentence was impossible; there were no coherent thoughts, and even fewer recognizable sentences. (Just what kind of journalism did she get that degree in, anyway?!)
At some point today, I’ll try to read the thing properly. hahahaaaa
Brava, AKM. Now rest and recuperate!
we eat therefore we hunt — Does anyone have a recipe for wolf?
This is just too painful to digest all at once!
I just returned from a delightful weekend in San Francisco, and didn’t watch any TV, nor listen to radio, nor log into the internets. Nice way to escape and recharge; didn’t even discuss politics with my family, let alone $P…
My gawd, what a heaping helping of word salad. Word salad with poo on top. Turd salad. Mother Palin’s Famous Turd Salad– ask for it in stores near you!
Thanks, AKM, for transcribing this gibberish. I could never have watched it. I got fairly far into it before I had to start skimming.
I’d like to think she’s shot herself in the foot, but I’m afriad she will take watching.
We know you haven’t slept much lately.. it must have hurt to have to type that speech. Thanks for all do.
Nice day here… and I’m about to go Sarah Palin: dig a hole for myself and then, when the going gets tough, quit!
OMG. I am so glad to see that I wasn’t the only one who had to skim this! Thank you AKM for doing the impossible and transcribing this word mangle salad! I’m sorry I couldn’t read it all. I’ll try again later…
I also want to thank everyone who blogged this on the last thread. I was all set up to listen/read this last hooray of hers but real life crept in. My 5 yr old grandkid came by moments before she started mangling words to show that they had mastered the art of riding their new bike. It was an easy choice to make. Thanks for putting it all down so I could catch up!
Thank You Sarah!
Checking Canadian Press this morning, I found this:
This describes a letter from Palin to BC’s idiot Premier asking for remediation of an old mine that pollutes the Taku River. Someone must have copied an environmentalist. Premier Campbell is a free-enterprise a-s who has just sold all the bridges in Vancouver to toll companies. (I live in BC.)
One of the last issues tackled by Sarah Palin, before she stepped down as the Governor of Alaska yesterday, involves a British Columbia mine that has haunted her state for nearly 50 years.
In a letter to Premier Gordon Campbell, Ms. Palin asked B.C. to tackle the chronic problem of acid waste spilling out of the Tulsequah Chief Mine, in the northwest corner of the province.
It says: “An estimated 16 tons of heavy metals have been flowing with waste water into the Tulsequah River annually since the mine was abandoned in the 1950s. The Tulsequah runs into the Taku, which winds into Alaska, where it is rated as one of the state’s most important rivers because of its annual run of two million salmon.”
I hope Parnell stays on this.
The AFT is up and running – begging for donations for The Governor of Alaska – not a word about the fact she is no longer governor – not a word about where the money will go since the trust’s purpose is to raise money for the Governor of Alaska.
The grifter is gone. I am still convinced she quit her job in order to avoid facing the consequences of the ethics complaint and also too – so she can keep the money (until the courts tell her she can’t.)
That speech was classic Palin
I think my favorite part because – well – just because it makes so much sense! (JK)
But ladies and gentlemen, power does not give up power easily. Palin is not walking away from this power because she wants to. She is walking away because she has to. That is one thing I am certain of.
But for whatever reason she is walking away – I am very happy she is.
As we used to say in grade school – Good riddance to bad trash.
Palin has no plan. She’s on her own personal road to nowhere. Now, when I think of Road to Nowhere I think of Talking Heads, but…
Ozzy has a better tune that goes more towards Palin.
cross post on Huffington is at:
Eye –
Thanks for the link. Norah called sarah’s inner circle “me , myself , and I “.
At the end Norah pointed out the difference in the tweets about her family , and the actual talking about leaving her family alone.
sarah is a whacked out moron.
OMG! More word salad from the human,(sorta) salad shooter. No offense Upper 1, but we Lower 48ers really wish she would stay out of here. She’s a walking heap of sh!t with her own swarm of flies.
hmmm – link to the cross post at Huffington Post is a dead link
Good God! She’s going to go across the country and give speeches for candidates? Is she going to write her own stuff? Did she write this one?
Who wants to bet how long it takes before the candidates start turning her offer for help down?
91 Martha Says: July 27th, 2009 at 5:47 AM
and when I took the oath to serve you, I promised…remember I promised to steadfastly and doggedly guard the interests of this great state like that grizzly guards her cubs, as a mother naturally guards her own.
From the Quitbull…………lololololololol!
yeah, and she was such a great grizzly mother that her cubs are now abandoned.
WWSC @ 75 – I too, only got a few sentences in but decided not to skim anything… no sense getting a headache this early in the morning.
Palin keeps talking about the troops as if she’s one of them, but she’s not. Nor will she ever be. She doesn’t know what they think and, even if she did, there’s such a diversity of thought and emotion within our armed forces that she would never even be half right. Most willingly face the loss of their own life in service for this country. But the real fact is that most anxiously look forward to getting home in one piece. That’s human nature. But she’s so into patronizing the troops that she ends up sounding even more like an idiot every time she opens her yap.
Greytdog, that is just wrong on so many levels…your poor students!!!
“Stapleton said Palin is still deciding what her future will be.
“I cannot express enough there is no plan after July 26. There is absolutely no plan,” she told The Associated Press.”
That pretty much sums it up! No plan.
Thanks AKM for the transcript. Now I know exactly what to give my students in my speech-writing class – I think I’ll let them edit this into something usable.
The clip from Morning Joe/Nora O’Donnell
and when I took the oath to serve you, I promised…remember I promised to steadfastly and doggedly guard the interests of this great state like that grizzly guards her cubs, as a mother naturally guards her own.
From the Quitbull…………lololololololol!
michigander –
Nope. Full drug screen.
I would pay money to watch her talk smack to Ashley Judd in person.
ProChoiceGrandma – thanks for reminding us about the TN case – I’ll be watching and waiting for it down here in GA!
Her speeches remind me of the classic line in “Blazing Saddles”, applied to the old codger who no one can understand- “authentic frontier gibberish”.
And explain again how criticizing her is an attack on the US military?
Very little on “Today” about the drama queen. I think they are tired of her act..
#20penny Says:
Glad to see we are not alone in our exasperation!
Thanks for the link! Loved this “From the start, there was as much substance to that as there is to her political thought, which you could fit inside a golf ball.”
austintx – hair follicle testing? You mean to determine her species, right? cuz she sure ain’t human (o:
Anybody find AKM on huffpo?
I hope that listening to Palin’s speech intently enough to transcribe it will have no long-term effect.
Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice.
Aussie Blue Sky #79, it’s safe to say, SP never read that article. Or she figured it didn’t apply to govs. Even ex-govs.
akm the pain you endure so we don’t have to. it seems to me that palin came very close to treason yesterday. she stopped just short of declaring alaska’s secession from the union. i notice that she continuously calls for like minded people to come to alaska. she cloaks this call as a travelogue praising alaskan people as being apart from the rest of us. what do you think?
OH AKM, you are the BRAVEST person to do this for us! I read it through twice and STILL don’t know what she said. My brain hurts. You deserve a double Vodka Gimlet for this transcription. I know I’m going to have one and it’s only 9:43am here in New York!
I’ve been away for five days out of internet range enjoying my own Mudstock in Hillsdale, NY (mud up to my ankles, RV campers getting stuck in the mud and needing to be towed out with tractors – great folk music and contra dancing made up for it). I look forward to hearing the news out of Tenn today. Hmmmm
ADN has some selected quotes from the speech:
I note with giggles that ADN led with the quote about the media making things up.
So… who *did* write her washington post op-ed. Some flack at an oil company?
73 Paula Says:
Mavericky via jeans for official functions. She’s saving the mini skirts and red shoes for “religilous” audiences (which means YOU will never get to see her panties, HA!).
Politico is not sorry to see her go. This came off Yahoo. I guess Yahoo is right out of love with her, too.
I did laugh at the little starlets. I can see Jon Stewart and other comedians making fun of that line all week.
Samper Sidenote: Proceedings continue today in TN re: Yahoo Email Scandal. AND, Levi says he “can’t wait” for Tuesday.
What about Levi ? more………..
I tried to read it, since you suffered to transcribe it, but I only got part of the way through before I was reduced to skimming. The comments down here are way better than anything coming out of Sarah’s mouth. Alaska, you have your state back. Please keep a close watch on it this time. No more under-the-radar, power-hungry, no-brain dingbats.
AKM, I understand that you’re delighted with your translating skills, but I truly hope that you’re not just being a masochist.
Jeans? everyone in jeans?
She’s so mavericky, Martha, that’s what it is. Mavericky via jeans for official functions. She’s saving the mini skirts and red shoes for “religilous” audiences (which means YOU will never get to see her panties, HA!).
Anyone notice in the the speech via CNN video, starting at 8:20, (9th paragraph–thanks AKM for the transcription!! “Alaskans really need to stick together on this with new leadership in this area especially, encouraging new leadership… got to…”) listen carefully…it sounds like she is responding as “got it” to someone in her ear… giving an auditory feed into her ear??? to say buzz word… just wondering if anyone else noticed…..
tigerwine Says:
July 27th, 2009 at 3:40 AM
And she told television cameras: “How about, in honor of the American soldier, you quit makin’ things up?”
Whaaa? Can anyone explain that?
You know, soldiers are dying for the media. You thought it was about terrorism, but no, turns out all these wars are about freedom of the press.
And speech, ‘a course, and the second ammend -you know our right to hunt. And our national security is soley about drilling in ANWR, that place those teeny tiny starletts don’t want drilled or hunted…
This woman is SO lacking.
manoloho Says
Overthemoon–I’m with you 1000% on the attire. Heck, my college age kids dress better than that for “occassions.” She and Todd could have at least worn suits; they WERE attending the swearing in of the new gov. It would have been nice if they looked like they gave a darn. At least Parnell and family were appropriate.
They were better dressed when she gave the LAST horrible speech from her home.
Jeans? everyone in jeans? Palin had on a suit jacket, but it sure looked like she was wearing dark jeans when she stepped away from the podium, too tight to be suit pants.
It was simply her way of a big ol’ one finger salute.
Today is the day to watch for any news coming out of the Tennessee case!
I can’t wait until Vanity Fair “edits” THIS one.
On CNN this AM……David Frump (sorry don’t really like him) said that of COURSE she’s going for the money!!
Democracy depends on you, and that is why, that’s why our troops are willing to die for you. So, how ’bout in honor of the American soldier, ya quite makin’ things up.
He said “the soldiers” want something different from the press than for them to stop picking on poor Sarah Palin. Like more stories on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or more pictures of girls in bikinis.
We braved it and listened to the entire 18 minute ramble online.
Having covered the military, anti-government funds (except Alaskan welfare checks), the weather, oil, energy, first ammend rights (what a pitt bull), second ammend rights (boom, pow), bad, bad Hollywood, the whole naughty media boohoo, Parnells kids, hunting, eating………..
All she neds to do now is change all those Alasksas to Americas and she’s ready for the trail.
I hope she never, ever hires a speech writer.
AKM- Vanity Fair did a great edit/fact check job on her last speech. A great read. Hoping they’ll do another w/ this word salad blather.
Wow! I cannot believe I read the whole thing. My eyes, body and brain hurt now. Great reporting on AKM’s part, but I would of hated to be there listening to her babble in her voice.
Sure wish I could get my hands on a few strands of that hair. Straight to the lab for some hair follicle testing……….
Oh. My. God. AKM – you are my hero. To have listened to the whole thing, and then to transcribe it……wow! I sit here, cough cough cough, with my coffee and breakfast, wondering how long I can keep it down. Wishing I could be drinking something stronger with my coffee. Alas, I must see the Doc today as – cough cough cough, gasp. wheeze. cough cough cough, desperate gasp for breath – I am not yet over this d@mn cough.
Must say, SP did not disappoint. This was the finest word salad ever, and not surprisingly, she barely mentioned her successor. Alaska, I am happy for you that SP is no longer your gov. I never voted for her for you, and I am glad she realized it just wasn’t working out. In her own twisted sort of way I imagine she was trying to say, “It’s not you, it’s ME ME ME ME”
Hard to believe there is no word from the emergency room yet… Have AKM’s eyeballs stopped bleeding from transcribing this?
McCain – RECKLESS WITH AMERICA! Country First, my BUTT!
On the gun issue: SP tries to make it sound like folks oppose “hunting” and the 2nd Amendment guarantees the “right” to hunt (We eat, therefore, we hunt).
OK… then why all the thugs at the Quitnic sportin’ ammo and totin’ guns around? Were they out trying to hunt down dinner when mooseburgers were being served up freely?
SO hypocritical!
OMG….! (*waving from Oz*)….I am still tuned in LOL
I did not manage to read the full speech….toooo hard !
She is trying to get a job with the oil companies….
I can just see it….a life sized cut-out pic next to your gas dispensers….
‘Gas baby….gas…. fill up now… on Alaskan gas !’
Yikes !
I just finished reading that garble of a so called speech. My eyes hurt. I have a feeling that $P will never Ever be an elected official again.
@Penny #20 – Thanks for the link. That was a great article by NY Daily News.
samper: Probably a good call on not including “energy” last night! Sounds like you had plenty of reasons to lift the glass as it was.
“Is Omaha ready to rock?”….gave me a chuckle…thanks!
I’m left wondering if the “anti-2nd amendment circuses from Hollywood” had used less than “delicate, tiny, starlets”…say, Ashley’s very talented but not tiny older sister, would Sarah be as upset?
Why does she keep saying that Kris Perry is her “right-hand man”? I’m thinking “right-hand woman” would have earned her a point or two…
“circuses from Hollywood and here’s how they do it. They use these delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets, they use Alaska as a fundraising tool for their anti-second amendment causes.”
I was at a family picnic and missed the speech. Rapid reading through the live blogging thread, I became intrigued by references to Holywood starlets. I couldn’t figure out how starlets turned up in a gubernatorial resignation. So this AM, I get to read (h/t AKM) the thing in context. Although much of the rest of the speech is more inane and dangerous, this “delicate, tiny, very talented” stuff seems the most, er, ?crazy?
I’m fantazing about seeing John McCain having to listen to a reporter read the above quote and then being asked “Is she ready on day one to President of the United States”?
It makes me crazy when she keeps blaming the press for quoting what she says. Thanks for taking time to transcribe her speech, it would be hard to do without the urge to edit it.
Any sane person, hearing Sarah speak, should be able to see that the empress has no clothes. She is naked ambition and greed personified.
Empress Palin also has no grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and not a whit of coherence, let alone ideas.
Amazing that the national media refuses to reveal her obvious stupidity, using her to spread their right wing speels and exploiting her cartoonish character to garner their advertising profits.
In one sense, Sarah is right. The media lies about her — they lie by portraying her as a serious political figure rather than the vacuous empty hip waders that, in truth, she is.
John McCain should be tried for treason for even suggesting Palin is qualified to replace a president, even a would-be president as stupid as John McCaine.
Thanks AKM. You are a bold warrior to have soared through this crazy crap.
I made it through exactly TWO paragraphs and had to take a break.
speaking of speeches and quitters I just saw this:
“It was widely thought that Palin would appear at the Reagan Presidential Library next month in California for a Republican women event, but Heath and Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton said Sunday that her appearance there was not confirmed.”
HAHAHAHAH!!!!! NObody will ever invite her to do any speeches about THEM anywhere in this country (I hope). She’ll only go if she can talk about herself!!!
What a loser. Man, Alaska, you did us all a huge favor. We dodged a bullet here.
First time commenter, long time lurker. I put the text of this speech into and received this word salad. Wordle prefers to call this a word cloud but I can tell the difference.
Didn’t add the link correctly in my first comment…
EyeOnYou–To sorta defend Mika, IMHO, she doesn’t go for many of Sarah’s “policies” (okay, let’s pretend SP had some) it was that so many jumped on her in ways that could be considered sexist. A lot of us old lady feminists still figure that if we stand up for ourselves, we’re b*tches, and if a guy does it, he’s strong and assertive. There were PLENTY of things to jump on SP about w/o even bringing her sex into the mix.
Overthemoon–I’m with you 1000% on the attire. Heck, my college age kids dress better than that for “occassions.” She and Todd could have at least worn suits; they WERE attending the swearing in of the new gov. It would have been nice if they looked like they gave a darn. At least Parnell and family were appropriate.
libby: I don’t think ENERGY was a drinking game word last night! If it was, we’d all be dead from alcohol poisoning.
Sheesh New Jersey – I read your post and my mind changed the last sentence – . “one thing for sure, she knows how to make ENEMAS”.
Ripley: To be fair, Rock Bands do the same!
“It’s great to be back here in OMAHA!”
“Is OMAHA ready to ROCK?”
Cheers, applause, segue to #1 Hit.
Ripley: “Watch for that. Every “speech” she does will mention the military for cheers and the place she’s in for cheers.”
Don’t forget “energy”…that is one of her favorites!
Ok, AKM, you didn’t really expect me to actually read that , right? I started to, but I simply can’t follow her sentences with any meaning. So, I skimmed it for important words: “Military”. ummmm….Oh and “Alaska”. OK, that’s about it. She knows that if she mentions either the place she’s in or the military, she’ll get cheers.
Watch for that. Every “speech” she does will mention the military for cheers and the place she’s in for cheers. The fallback position. Because everything else out of her mouth in incomprehensible.
#39 Karen
I absolutely HATE the word proGRESS. I wonder if you’re right about a memo!!!
i wonder when she wakes up this morning if she will still feel like she made the right decision — or will she curse the real reason for her resignation?
that speech could not have been written first and then spoken. right?
that speech is a combination of poetry gone bad and a real bad case of denial.
alas, you just can’t make sense of crazy.
thanks akm for giving us the words. somewhere in that muddle of words could be clues to her dementia – the days ahead will surely tell the tale.
I was over in chat getting drunk with the others during our drinking game. As such, I was listening for the key words (Freedoms, military, God, doors, security, etc.) so I could drink and not really pay attention to the salad. I wasn’t watching, just listening (teevee machine is in the next room).
I just watched it … sober… in its entirety. I should have had a drinkipoo first. My eyeballs ache and my ears may never stop bleeding.
A corsage? Really? One that’s bigger than her head? For a Quitter? Who’s a full blown ADULT? Seriously? What IS it with her and corsages?
What, exactly, does this woman think our Constitution spells out and protects? OUR FREEDOMS … of speech, of press, etc. The soldiers are NOT protecting those rights, the rights are not in danger of slipping away, and I swear to all that is holy if she tries to say ONE MORE TIME that the military is dying for the MSM’s freedom of press, I will drink arsenic. Really. If I can find some. It’s not like I keep it on hand or anything!
Why did TRIPP get named before some of her own kids?
The 2nd Amendment, for those who care, is in place for states to form their own armies (“well regulated militia”) in the event of a need for protection (think of something akin to WA State invading AK… AK would call upon the citizenry to organize and protect the land and people from big, bad WA State).
It is NOT in place for tuff guy wannabe’s to be totin’ guns and sportin’ ammo at family (or State) picnics, in church or wherever they feel a need for penis enlargement via artillery. My theory: The bigger the gun, the smaller the penis. Just a theory, mind you!
Does she even REALIZE that we haven’t even THOUGHT about Parnell’s kids? They aren’t the delinquents run amok like her own, evidently. Nothing to see there!
Yeah, right… Can’t wait to see what she actually DOES for AK’ns now that she’s FREE.
Sidenote: Proceedings continue today in TN re: Yahoo Email Scandal. AND, Levi says he “can’t wait” for Tuesday.
Do I hear a Naughty Monkey dropping?
Wow, AKM, my head will hurt for a week. Thanks for enduring the whole thing for us. It is much worse in print…even minus the voice.
I agree that Kris Perry better be prepared to see the underside of a bus…soon.
SP just can’t stand the thought of “delicate starlets” getting more limelight than herself. I have to hand it to her…she is pretty transparent there.
I watched The Shawshank Redemption last night. There is a scene where new prisoners are brought into the prison yard on a bus…literally shaking in their boots. The veteran prisoners are all taking bets on who will “break” first and they wait patiently for the first one to start crying. It is a horribly heart-wrenching scene. After reading SP’s diatribe, all I could think of was the poor editors of her new book…and which one will “break” first. Can you imagine the agony they will be experiencing?
Crazy and rambling indeed. You are too kind, AKM!
hats off to you
I can see AKM sitting there gringing at almost every word she was transcribing and taking a swig straight from a bottle of Jack Daniels to kill the pain in her head. My God AKM, you must have the strenght ofHercules to be able to do what you do. I am in awe of you. To be able to sit thru that mumble and jumble of words is beyond me. I just couldn’t comprehend reading through the whole thing. I now feel sorry for the lower 48 who will no doubt have to put up with this train wreak. I am sure most of them are ready because of AKM and all the rest of the Alaskan bloggers who so diligently educated us about this ignorance of knowledge and conventional decorum.
Buttercup had the chance to use the Quitstock spotlight to give a clear, coherent, well-written, practiced speech…and THIS is the best that she can do? She’s a lightweight, it will be fun to see intelligent, disciplined politicians eviscerate her on the national stage.
Silvermoon Says
Maybe MSNBC will have a clip up later.
Oh I’ll be looking for that for sure! Mika has always been the defender of Palin on that show, along with Pat Buchanan…Joe has his moments where he loves her then hates her, but he is usually pretty good about defending Palin as well.
I am never going to understand how supposedly smart and intelligent people, even those I might disagree with, can actually defend her word salad speech’s, and her actions.
EyeonYou #24 – I get that part – but why bring in the military? What do they have to do with it? Has the media been making things up about the American soldier”?
It’s funny–she mentions “Advancing” the state at least twice. One of her brilliant associates must have finally sent her a memo after all these months, noting that “proGRESS” is not a verb and she sounded like an idiot when she used it that way.
Thanks for the tedious transcription–the read–and the laugh of the day.
You know, teenagers wear jeans to events to ‘make a statement’ about their lack of respect for the ‘establishment’. Or maybe just to drive their parents crazy. Palin wearing jeans, and her husband looking like he just dropped by to grab a moose burger, makes a rather adolescent statement about their disrespect for the occasion and a FU attitude about the situation they’ve caused. Throwing a blazer on for the chest-up camera view only adds to the insult.
I know that this may seem a bit old-fashioned to some but the signifiers of culture are too often ignored in favor of arrogant self expression.
Onward through the storm. In the first paragraph she sounded like the Church Lady from SNL. The second paragraph sounded like a travel log & from then on she sounded just plain nuts. You really did take one for the team AKM.
Dear AKM, I wouldn’t doubt that you are cross eyed and dizzy. Unbelievable. I kept trying to read portions to my mom, and it was impossible.
“could and should” and “exerting power to influence”
Hmm, we think she’s thinking of becoming a reporter. Right side talking head though. No one seems to check their “facts”. She’d do fine at that.
I don’t know which is worse reading her speech or hearing her speech. Either way it sucks! And here’s one for you Citizen Sarah – We Eat Therefore We
Sh!t. One thing for sure, she sure knows how to make enemies.
Just listened to Jim Hightowers latest commentary – sponsored by Wiley. Interesting that he closes with “even dead fish go with the flow.” Hehe.
To get another picture of what it was like, Norah O’Donnell eviserated her today on Morning Joe—even Mika showed her disdain. N said SP avoided the crowd & media, and went directly to the stage. Said her remark about why she was leaving was not “obvious”; mentioned how SP will now listen to her “group of advisors”—-namely “me, myself & I”
Norah showed little love for the Fair Princess!!!!
Maybe MSNBC will have a clip up later.
Mike Lupica of the NY Daily News, says it best:
Sarah Palin hadn’t even served two full years as governor when a desperate candidate, John McCain, picked her out of the chorus. She effectively stopped being Alaska’s governor that day. When she finally walked away from the job this weekend, it was just bookkeeping.
The problem with people who are nearly illiterate is they haven’t the literacy to know…!
What a snarky little stuck-up high-school biotch, nothing Presidential there!!! In my neck of the woods, she’d be called a smart-a$$!!!!
Well…..Palin managed to get a lot of digs in. Ashley Judd, she must be the fragile Hollywood starlet. President Obama, for Palin believes he paid people to file the ethics complaints. The MSM, calling them liars for printing her lies AND showing her lie in tape. She hates the media so, so much but she just can’t resist a camera. While I was watching her speech (giggling and yelling at the T.V. at the same time) I was just waiting for her to put down the pajama-clad bloggers who eat Cheetos in their parents basements.
But we all know we haven’t seen or heard the last of Sarah. She will be all over the right wing airwaves now, twittering away, probably a guest on Limpbaughs show, Becks, Dobbs, oh the list is eternal. And Hannity and O’Reilly’s wet dream is coming true! I wonder how long it will take some people to finally see through Sarah now?
Thank for the link to the Daily Kos rant.
That was great!!
I doubt that Parnell shoves his kids at us at every opportunity, so I am sure we’ll “leave them alone”.
My favorite was the part about the Hollywood starlets coming to get our guns. So guys, when Megan Fox comes on to you, she is after your .357 magnum….
So, par for the course, Sarah is crazy, and this may be her most bizarre speech yet. Tina Fey and Lorne Michaels are cursing SNL’s summer break.
I thought that someone said that there were boos from the crowd. AP isn’t reporting it that way at all. In fact, the news channels down here are reporting that she went out all mavericky and that the crowds loved her.
AP article had this to say:
Palin said Sunday her reasons for resigning “should be so obvious,” but listed them again for the benefit of a supportive crowd that repeatedly interrupted her speech with applause and shouts of support. She said her departure would spare Alaska an unproductive, “politics as usual” lame-duck session, adding that she would always work for Alaska.
Unbelievable AKM that you did this! Didn’t you also go to Phil’s Progressive Party today? When do you sleep?
I waited for hours for my slow dialup to load both Youtubes (dang thing lost my connection & started again). Made it all the way through listening (waiting for the boos) but sure wouldn’t go for seconds.
I so hope that Parnell is more able to be reasoned with and that the noises of him picking up $arah’s baton are simply just noises to ensure she really did finalize the Quit. He seems more educated and has legislative experience.
With all the sustenance issues this year and the Eagle folks & those all along the river not able to fish due to rebuilding, this is going to be one bad looking winter.
She is pissed that the media keeps pointing out her lies, so she is going after them by calling them the liars!
There is a grand rant from Daily Kos, I love it!…-Stop.-Just-stop,-for-Gods-sake.
I don’t expect you to understand anything I’m saying. You are so far up your own ass you’ve probably not heard the words of anyone but yourself for a long long time. But mark MY words, Sarah, because I speak as someone who sees the world through a much larger prism than yourself: Your masquerade is over. We know what you’re doing. We don’t like you or it and, if you continue, there will be a day when you’ll reap what you’ve sewn. Hopefully, you’ll learn a thing or two before that happens, but given your own self-absorbed nature, I doubt it. Enjoy the fruits of ignorance, you self-centered shrew, because it will be fleeting and afterwards you will be whining about being a victim – again. The difference is, when that happens a second time you won’t even have crickets to accompany you.
And she told television cameras: “How about, in honor of the American soldier, you quit makin’ things up?”
Whaaa? Can anyone explain that?
The HuffPo link doesn’t work, needs fixin’ o:
Glad to see we are not alone in our exasperation!
once the AC super secret contract details were disclosed she was gonna have to resign, IMHO….and there has to be more…
AKM, you are the bomb! I tried to listen yesterday, truly I did. After having a good long laugh at CNN’s countdown clock, I could only manage the first few moments of Sarahspeak. Her voice gives me the willies, and not in a fun way.
To think if the American electorate was as dumb as the Republicans thought, this dimwit would be one heart beat away from the nuke codes. It boggles the mind and rattles the nerves.
I wish her well. I wish her really, really financially well on Fox News or some wingnut blather radio show. She can be the prettier Rush or Anne or Laura.
Let her make so danged much money that the very IDEA of getting back in to elective office (and non-designer clothes) is beyond thought. Her babbling to the wingnutty base is far safer for the rest of us. May her political career RIP.
didnt staplemouth say she HAS NO PLANS YET? they cant even lie right from one day to the next…
It is so obvious. The money!
BTW – anybody remember at what point the ‘boos’ were heard? Also when she said the reason why she made the decision ‘should be so obvious to you’ – what does she think is obvious to us? I mean in her mind since obviously what we think is obvious is not what she thinks is obvious. Waah! My head aches…
“speech” sorry
Also wanted to add a prediction here. Somewhere down the line, she’s going to take some of the good advice that’s been offered to her and throw her Megaphone (Stapletongue) under the bus. I’m holding out to read Meg’s book. Also.
My eyes began to blur about a third of the way through, and then I began hearing Charlie Brown’s teacher — “wah, wah, wah . . . ” Wish I had video equipment access; I’d redo the visual with that soundtrack. It would hold about the same amount of verbal content!
Thanks, AKM, for all you do, and for transcribing this brain-numbing wordspill. I’m sure members of Failin’s flock will be needle-pointing choice passages from this manic drivel on pillows for years to come. Yeesh!
Way to keep it classy. She talks about the political crap she has “endured”, then fans the flames as if only she appreciates the military….. She says leave the kids alone as she still TWEETS about them and shoves Piper out in front of her. I’m nauseous. Puck off lady and PLEASE stay in AK….
I don’t know why but I got a creepy feeling during this speach that she was setting Kris Perry up for the fall.
I, I, I, I ,…….I quit.
Bravo and many thanks AKM! What a selfless trouper you are too. I wince as I picture you plugging away while occasionally taking a swig of Kraft Blue Cheese salad dressing to somehow make it easier to stomach.
Somewhere down the line she’ll add *protected Parnell’s kids and wife also from that nasty group of pj clad meanies* to her inflated list of accomplishments. Because she said it, it will be true also (not because he’ll have the smarts to keep them out of the limelight).
Oh dear. I was anxiously awaiting the transcript and now I must ask myself, what was I thinking!? This is not a good way to start the day.
Just kidding – thanks AKM!
Can hardly wait for HER book.
And now she is unleashed on all 50 states and will come forth with venom and venegence.
No way did she write that WSJ article. This is the real Palin.
I thought we’d have more time before she headed down to the lower 48, but thanks to all the Alaskan bloggers we’re ready for her(thought I was going to blame you, didn’t you!).
So a new torch is passed…… Stop Sarah anywhere you can!!!!!
And here I was thinking of doing this, debating back and forth on whether I had the stomach for it…THANK YOU AKM!!! You deserve many medals, lots of liquor and hugs galore for sitting there and transcribing this mess!
Well, all I can say is that AKM was spot on – SP’s farewell was all about her. The only time she even alluded to Parnell was to bring up the children and nasty media. Her speech is even worse when you read it. I really feel like a load has been lifted off my shoulders now that she is out of there.
AKM, what can I say? You are an absolute saint. There is no way I could have typed that load of vile dribble.
Love the tags