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Friday, January 28, 2022

America by Heart – Chapter 2, Why They Serve

SPOILER ALERT: It’s not to avoid the long arm of the law and to save your political family a lot of embarrassment, and yourself a stay at the Grey Bar Hotel.  Just thought I’d throw that out there right off the bat. So, why do “they” serve? A broad question that has no simple answer. The reasons that military men and women decide to enlist are many. In the past, many who served never had a choice.  We may as well ask the question, “Why do They Teach?” “Why do They Fight Fires?” “Why do They Heal the Sick?”  But the obvious…

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America by Heart – Chapter 1, We the People (Part 2 of 2)

Well, I was better prepared for the second half of this God awful collection of tripe that Sarah Palin calls a “chapter.” “Better prepared” means that I’d pre-medicated with a little fermented sugar cane (rum).  So, let’s not stop and think about it too much.  It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid, just get it over with quick. Welcome back to the blogging of the book. In this installment we’ll discuss the lack of racism in the country, except by the Obamas and their pastor, and we’ll examine the lyin’ Black Congressional Caucus and their attempt to trick us into talking…

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America by Heart – Chapter 1, We the People (Part 1 of 2)

OK, I’m saying it flat out. This chapter was crap.  It was like a crap sandwich, only the bread was also crap. Crap on crap with a side of crap.  I read it in one sitting and I kept checking ahead to see how many pages were left.  I pet the dog, I reclined on the couch with a big pillow and still I could feel my blood pressure creeping up like the mercury in the thermometer of a flu victim.  Actually by the end I sort of did feel like a flu victim. I don’t know who actually wrote this…

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America By Heart – The Introduction

And so we begin the blogging of the book.  Today, it’s just the Introduction, which will give us all a chance to steel ourselves for what is to come.  As usual my internal mutterings will appear in red. Page ix – The scene opens at the Boston Tea Party rally last spring.  And the first line of the book, I kid you not, is: “Do you love your freedom?!”  The words rush out of me. We can tell from this opener that this book is indeed a work of fiction, otherwise it would have read: “Do you LOOOOOOOOVVVVEE your FREEEEEEEEDOMMMM?!?!?!?” The words shoot…

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America By Heart… Blogging the Book

I found something for you to be thankful for, right off the bat today. You can be thankful that you are smarter than me, and that you didn’t buy Sarah Palin’s newest book. A while back I promised to blog the new book, like I did with Going Rogue.  I have to tell you though, that at the time I expected it to be a book that went something like, “I really like this quote from George Washington because he’s my favorite founding father, bla bla bla.”  Instead, we’ve got Going Rogue, the Sequel.  From what I can tell it’s…

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