Broken Promises – YOU Can Help Tell the Story of the Yukon (VIDEO)
~Filmmaker Dennis Zaki & the Mudflats Moose at the top of the world – Barrow, Alaska. next to the famous whale bone arch. Mudflatters may remember our friend and filmmaker Dennis Zaki. We, and other progressive Alaskan blogs raised money to help send Dennis to the Yukon River village of Emmonak. Dennis flew to Emmonak to record a story. It was a story of how the Native people of the area were suffering a very difficult winter. Record cold temperatures froze the Yukon early, keeping scheduled shipments of fuel from reaching their destination. The resulting soaring prices in heating oil…
Open Thread – Fish First!
Join in the Fish First, Save Bristol Bay Rally! Time Friday, December 3 · 12:00pm – 1:00pm Location UAA Consortium Library Lawn (Facebook Page HERE) Pebble’s trying to legitimize their controversial risky project during a stakeholder meeting on December 3rd through a group called the Keystone Center. But Keystone’s process is flawed: Pebble is paying for it, and it starts with the biased question on HOW to “develop responsibly,” only providing perspectives of mining in other parts of the world and not giving more time to experts who understand the unique fragile complexities of the Pebble Project, the Bristol Bay…
The King (Salmon) is Dead. Long Live the Mine.
[Photo by Nick Hall] Five million viewers (I’m choosing not to think of allof them as fans) tuned in to watch “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on The Learning Channel this month. But as we know, there’s more to Alaska than harassing bears, and clubbing halibut between the eyes. Many, I’m sure, were taken with Alaska’s spectacular landscapes, pristine waters, and wide open spaces. The real Alaska, in Bristol Bay, is something she hasn’t talked about yet. She’s planning to talk about it on November 28, but I don’t know if she’ll mention The Pebble Mine. I remember when Palin “took off…
Open Thread – Salmon in the Trees
In this insane political season of mudslinging, and chair throwing, everyone needs to clear their calendar for Wednesday night, October 20 at 7pm. And then, go to the Anchorage Museum of History and Art to refresh your spirit and learn about Alaska’s crown jewel (OK, there are lot of them, but this is a BIG one) the Tongass rainforest. Amy Gulick, the author and photographer of a new book called Salmon in the Trees: Life in Alaska’s Tongass Rainforest will be on hand to take you on an incredible journey of stunning visual beauty, and fascinating science. You’ll also meet John…
Voices from the Flats – We’ll Miss You Rick Sinnott
By Bill Sherwonit Over the past 15 years or so, while writing about the wild side of Alaska’s urban center, I’ve had many conversations and email exchanges with local wildlife manager Rick Sinnott. Now and then, I’ve had a chance to share his company and enjoy his dry wit, sometimes in meetings and occasionally while “in the field,” dealing with the bears, moose, sandhill cranes, and other wild critters that inhabit Anchorage. I’ve watched Rick sedate, tag, tattoo, measure, and radio-collar a black bear. I’ve joined him in searching for crane nests in Anchorage’s coastal refuge, and accompanied him and…
Open Thread – Savor Bristol Bay!
Trout Unlimited Alaska invites the public to attend its first Savor Bristol Bay event of the summer on Saturday, June 19, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the South Anchorage Farmers’ Market. Chefs from Bear Tooth Theatrepub & Grill, Sack’s Cafe, Jack Sprat and Bradley House will grill freshly caught Bristol Bay sockeye salmon, give away samples, and ask the public to decide which recipe is best. The name of the winning chef will be revealed at approximately 1 p.m. and he/she will take home new cooking utensils as a prize. After savoring tasty samples from the world’s largest…
Dan and the Bear – A Play in One Act
Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan is an idiot. I know this is not news to you, but sometimes it feels good to say something even though it doesn’t need to be said. He’s done lots of idiotic things, but here’s the latest. There’s been a bear mauling on the Rover’s Run trail in Far North Bicentennial Park. A bicycle commuter was attacked and injured. It’s a horrible thing that seems to happen too frequently. Salmon are in the stream, mother grizzlies are protective of new cubs, and this… is Alaska. Bears are a fact of life, and love them or…
Open Thread – Birds of Homer Continued…
Here’s another in the infinite series… a juvenile bald eagle hanging out at the harbor. Not quite in focus, but such a great bird!
The Legend of the Squeaky Door Hinge Bird (UPDATED – Culprit Identified)
I went for a really nice hike last weekend. It was sunny, but things were still a little wet, and all was cleansed of the dust and volcanic ash by a nice gentle rain shower the day before. I had a destination in mind; a little stream with a nice spot to sit and eat a sandwich. My mind was free and relaxed, the sky was blue, and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I was about to come face to feathered face with….my white whale, the squeaky doorhinge bird. Let me preface what I’m about to…