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March 27, 2025


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Bob Poe Uses the “N” Word! (….no not THAT one)

Add another voice to the growing number of Alaskans who have just had it up to their eyeballs with the governor’s rejection of stimulus money designated for energy efficiency.  Beyond the slap-in-the-face obvious fact that this is Alaska, and might just be a good idea to promote energy efficiency, you’d have to have your head in a bag to not “get” that this has nothing to do with Alaska, nothing to do with our economy, and everything to do with a certain governor’s dreams of grandeur, and higher political aspirations. And all that can be bundled up in one handy…

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Who is Bob Poe?

Dennis Zaki just got back from Kodiak, where he met Bob Poe. He asked him the question, “Who is Bob Poe?” and got this answer. Dennis hopes to ask this question of all the gubernatorial candidates. **WARNING** Do not watch this video if you feel insecure about your resume. Who is Bob Poe? from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.

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Sarah Palin Out of Touch and Out of Town.

Alaskans are picking themselves up and dusting themselves off today after dodging the bullet that was the appointment of Wayne Anthony Ross for Alaska’s Attorney General.  Relief is the word of the day. There were many factors leading to the demise of this nomination; the fact that he called gays “degenerates” in the Bar Newsletter, the condemnation by every major Native organization, the report of comments that can only be described as sexist and misogynistic at meetings and panel discussions, but the final nail in the coffin for several of those “nay” votes may have been the most awesome “gotcha” moment…

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Unity for Eric Croft!

What better way to celebrate this evening than to hang out with a bunch of happy Democrats at an Eric Croft fundraiser!  It was held at the home of Senator Mark Begich and his wife Deborah Bonito.  Little Jacob Begich met us in the driveway, and told me he’d have to “wand me” for security purposes.  And sure enough he did, with a little plastic “security device”.  He was having a grand time as the security guy.  Very cute. The event was absolutely packed. I don’t know how many were there total, but at times it was almost impossible to get…

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