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Friday, January 28, 2022

Must See! AK, the World, and Wally Hickel

Tonight at 7pm Alaska time, KAKM will broadcast the one-hour documentary, “Alaska, the World, and Wally Hickel.” If you are not familiar with our former governor, this documentary will be revelatory. I’ve come to learn that even if you think you knew Wally Hickel, there will undoubtedly be many surprises. Hickel championed Alaska’s unique role of the “owner state,” and this documentary comes at a timely moment, as our current governor, and the Republican-dominated state legislature just voted to undercut all that stands for. SB21, the legislation that gives billions from our oil wealth to huge outside corporations is exactly…

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Parnell – Dug in Like a Tick

Well, I’m surprised. Gov. Sean Parnell announced Friday that he will run for governor again. “Fantastic! I get to vote for Sean Parnell as governor again!” said no one within earshot of me ever. The anticipation of his announcement, and the speculation around it, was fierce. Would he give Mark Begich a run for his money for the U.S. Senate? Would he figure his work was done, having succeeded in passing a bill to give billions to oil companies for no guarantees, and just start picking out wallpaper for a K Street office? He’s dug in like a tick. I…

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Parnell Announces Friday

Tomorrow, Sean Parnell will announce his political intentions for 2014. He’ll be in Fairbanks, the Golden Heart City, the city where his predecessor and boss Sarah Palin gave her final, rambling Quit Speech into what looked like the severed tail of a wolf, and stepped her Naughty Monkey pumps off the tiny annoying Alaska stage, and on to the big giant national one. Sean Parnell stood there dutifully, and silent. He pretended to like her big signature legislation. He smiled, and nodded. And he stepped into the governor’s mansion to finish out her term. He was quiet, and polite. He…

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Senator Palin?

This message, sent to a select group of Tea Party Leadership Fund email subscribers leads off with a subject line that asks: Do the words “Senator Sarah Palin” excite you? Let’s pause for a moment, and look something up. ex·cite [ik-sahyt] verb (used with object), ex·cit·ed, ex·cit·ing. 1. to arouse or stir up the emotions or feelings of: to excite a person to anger; actions that excited his father’s wrath. 2. to arouse or stir up (emotions or feelings): to excite jealousy or hatred. 3. to cause; awaken: to excite interest or curiosity. 4. to stir to action; provoke or…

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SB21 Repeal Referendum Certified!

After taking the maximum allowable time under the law (go figure), Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell certified the application for a referendum petition filed last week by Vote Yes – Repeal the Giveaway, a grassroots Alaskan group formed to challenge the controversial new law known as Senate Bill 21.  The certification allows a signature drive to move forward to put this oil wealth giveaway to a vote of the people in 2014.  The group is now waiting for petition booklets from the state. SB 21 dramatically lowers Alaskans’ oil income, transferring billions of dollars from resource owners to multinational oil companies.  It…

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Congratulations, Conoco.

  ConocoPhillips Alaska profits outpace Lower 48, Canada, Latin America, and Europe – Combined Senator Bill Wielechowski (D – Anchorage) applauded ConocoPhillips on another quarter in which profits from Alaska operations exceeded a half of a billion dollars. “After spending three months in Juneau listening to complaints about the competitive disadvantage of doing business in Alaska, public records once again indicate near record profits from Alaska operations,” said Senator Wielechowski. ConocoPhillips financial statements released today indicate 1st quarter profits in Alaska of $543 million. Adjusted earnings in Alaska exceeded those in the Lower 48, Canada, Latin America, and Europe combined….

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Bill Walker to Run for Governor

Republican Bill Walker announced today that he is making another run for governor of Alaska in 2014. Known for his founding and continuing role in the Backbone Group, Walker has advocated strongly for an all-Alaska natural gas pipeline, and a fair and reasonable tax on oil development in the state. Backbone has held rallies across Alaska and has been vocal in its disapproval of current Governor Sean Parnell’s plan, supported by the majority of Republicans in the legislature, which would give billions in no-strings-attached money to oil companies. Former mayor of Valdez, Walker made an unsuccessful attempt to secure the…

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Alaska Eyes 2014

The legislative session in Juneau has ended, and our elected officials have flown away from the carnage they either created, or endured. The stalwart among us, the political junkies who don’t need to take time off to lick wounds, yell at clouds, or throw chairs, will begin to think of… 2014. The courts have ruled that the redistricted map used for 2012 is not Constitutional. We literally go back to the drawing board to rework legislative boundaries. And the insanity will begin all over again. But wait, that’s not all!   U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We’ve also got our one…

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Gov. Debates Wielechowski!

This is the best thing I have seen in a very long time.

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Water Water Everywhere

The Artist and the Scientist Art has the power to inspire and I have always believed that the artist and the scientist, while working on opposite sides of our brain, are more connected than we acknowledge in their ability to influence us. The artist sees things often before the rest of us; the scientist delves into things deeper than we do.  To develop the political will to address our global freshwater challenge we need to use all the tools at our disposal to engage, inspire, and move to action people from all walks of life, perspectives, interests, and motivations. That…

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