Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 27, 2012 · 4 Comments
‘Tis the season of the robocall. We all get them at some point – reminding us about a fundraiser, or from a candidate seeking our vote. Occasionally a candidate will get someone to call on his or her behalf. It’s usually not the sitting Lieutenant Governor. Yes boys and girls, if you live in the Valley, you may have gotten a robocall from Lite Gov Mead Treadwell singing the praises of local Tea Party types Larry Devilbiss for Mayor and Ron Arvin for Borough Assembly. Here’s what one of them said: “This is Mead Treadwell. The Mat-Su Borough has made…
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Category Alaska, Election 2012, Elections, Ethics, Headlines, Mat Su, Republicans, Skulduggery, Strategery · Tags Alaska elections, Alaska Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell, Mat-Su Borough Assembly, Mead Treadwell
Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 18, 2012 · 33 Comments
Newsflash, if you’re like almost half the country, 47% to be exact, you’re a freeloading moocher who sponges off the government and doesn’t pay any taxes – which means you also must be a Democrat. That’s what Mitt Romney thinks. Here’s the quote. “There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care,…
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 15, 2012 · 12 Comments
Mark Begich has become the first Democrat to side with Republicans on a big bill coming up in the Senate. This bill is sponsored by Rand Paul (R-KY), and has listed among its co-sponsors Republicans David Vitter, James Inhofe, and Jim DeMint. And I’m tickled pink. See, you thought I was going to be all mad, and say that I had a bone to pick with the Senator. Gotcha! U.S. Senator Mark Begich has added his voice to those calling for an additional audit of the Federal Reserve by the General Accounting Office (GAO). He signed on to the bill…
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 10, 2012 · 12 Comments
It’s story time! I know we haven’t had Mudflats story time in a long while now, but things get busy, and life gets complicated, and sometimes we forget. But right now, it’s time to snuggle in, because I’m going to tell you an important story – a story with heroes, and villains, and big dreams, and treasure. Lots and lots of treasure. It’s a story that started a long time ago, and it’s also a story that has no ending yet, because the ending hasn’t been written. It’s going to be up to all of you to decide how it…
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Category Alaska, Alaska Legislature, Election 2012, Elections, Ethics, Headlines, Republicans, Resource Development, Sean Parnell · Tags Alaska bipartisan working group, Alaska Constitution, Alaska oil taxes, All alaska gas line, David Gottstein, Malcolm Roberts, Sean Parnell, Sen Hollis French, Sen. Bert Stedman, Sen. Bill Wielechowski, Sen. Gary Stevens, Sen. Lesil McGuire, The Backbone Group, Vic Fischer, Walter Hickel
Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 6, 2012 · 13 Comments
Say what you will about Bill Clinton. Love him, or hate him – the man’s got game. The former President took center stage at the DNC, and while most speakers might have been thinking, “How on earth can I get up there and follow Elizabeth Warren,” Elizabeth Warren ended up thinking, “Wow. I got to be Bill Clinton’s warm-up act.” It was clear from the first moments, that Clinton hasn’t lost a step. It was like watching a whale set free in the ocean. He was in his element, and all pistons were firing. He stood on the podium, and…
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Category Barack Obama, Economy, Election 2012, Elections, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Nation, Republicans · Tags Barack Obama, Barack Obama Medicare, Bill Clinton DNC, Bill Clinton speech DNC video, DNC 2012, Paul Ryan Medicare
Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 3, 2012 · 13 Comments
Well, it was quite a week. Hurricane Isaac was the featured guest of the non-first night of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Then we were treated to days of hearing the sad tales of long-suffering Republicans who had to sell some stock to get by in their early years, and stories of struggle and fear that if they couldn’t make it, they’d be forced to rely on their wealthy and supportive families to come to the rescue. And worst of all, they had to eat… TUNAfish, and PASTA. Ohhh, the humanity. Ann Romney never quite said, “I feel…
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Category Alaska, Barack Obama, Election 2012, Elections, Headlines, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Nation, Republicans · Tags Alaska Delegation, Ann Romney, Democratic National Convention 2012, DNC, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Republican National Convention, RNC
Posted by Shannyn Moore on September 2, 2012 · 6 Comments
Before science, we humans came up with all sorts of ways to explain our surroundings. To the Greeks, an invisible god in the sky produced thunder and lightning. Virgins tossed into volcanoes could help prevent eruptions. Crazy people were possessed by literal demons and fossils were a trick by the devil. But now that we’ve developed science, we can cheer for an Olympic runner with no legs, have our minds blown by landing Curiosity on Mars and mourn Neil Armstrong, the first man to set a foot…
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Posted by The Mudflats on September 1, 2012 · 11 Comments
Editor’s note: Friend of the Mudflats Heather DuBois Bourenane is a Madison, WI activist who publishes the excellent Monologues of Dissent, where this is crossposted. Due to the selection of Paul Ryan as VP nominee, Wisconsin is once again in the national news and, as always, Heather’s is an invaluable progressive voice that speaks truth to power. Dear Scott Walker, Thanks for your latest E-Update. Considering that it came just a day after the national brouhaha, I was surprised and disappointed that it did not contain an apology or redaction for your embarrassing tripling-down on…
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on August 31, 2012 · 56 Comments
Tropical Storm Isaac put a damper on the first day of the Republican National Convention. But nothing hit Tampa by surprise quite as much as what happened on the last day. Tuesday, it was announced that a special mystery guest speaker would appear before Mitt Romney on the final night of the convention. The most famous of the small tribe of Hollywood Republicans, Clint Eastwood took the stage. Dirty Harry looked a little more like Crazy Uncle Harry as he stood on the podium. But he’s 82, after all, and it happens to the best of them. The difference is…
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Category Baffle it, Election 2012, Headlines, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Nation, Rallies and Events, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Scratch it · Tags Barack Obama, Clint Eastwood, Clint Eastwood and chair, Mitt Romney, Republican National Convention, Sarah Palin Fox
Posted by Shannyn Moore on August 26, 2012 · 32 Comments
I’m getting really tired of the pile-on of Missouri Congressman Todd Akin. He isn’t being treated fairly, and I think it should stop. During an interview Mr. Akin answered a question regarding his views on abortion. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” The idea of ladies having a Venomous Venus Flytrap-like apparatus that slams shut when there’s an unwanted intruder sounds awesome. It’s not true. Last year 32,000 American women were impregnated after being raped. “Legitimately.” OK, women — we’re kind of mysterious. Most guys didn’t watch those…
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Category Bang it, Headlines, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Nation, Republicans · Tags abortion, Dr. Jack Willke, Lisa Murkowski, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Papa Pilgrim, Republican party rape, Rush Limbaugh, Todd Akin