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Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin Helps to Rebrand the GOP!

Get ready folks.  A bunch of conservative presidential wannabees is coming to a town near you for a warm fuzzy “listening tour.”  I can see them all now, with their elbows on the table, and their little chins cupped in their hands, heads tilted to the side and gazing into the eyes of whatever few Republicans are left in the rapidly shrinking party.  Watching the death throes of the party has been morbidly fascinating.  I guess they figured out that after 8 years of doing whatever they wanted, and the subsequent careening down the slippery slope of wingnuttery, most people weren’t…

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Let the Gnashing of Teeth and the Rending of Garments Begin!

Conservatives are all….”a-Twitter” (as you’ll see below) about the fact that, as we all knew, the President of the United States will actually be appointing a justice to the Supreme Court. David Souter today announced that he will be stepping down in June. Here’s what President Obama had to say today when he interrupted a press briefing to address the issue: Now, the process of selecting someone to replace Justice Souter is among my most serious responsibilities as president, so I will seek somebody with a sharp and independent mind and a record of excellence and integrity. I will seek someone who…

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“Alaska Fund Trust” – It’s the New SarahPAC!

SarahPAC is so….yesterday.  All the cool kids are now throwing their hard-earned money to Alaska Fund Trust! Campaign Solutions, the Republican consulting firm running the show at SarahPAC has dropped the PAC like a hot potato “parted ways” with Sarah Palin’s political action committee, whose first financial disclosure we can look forward to in June.   This news came the day after an ethics complaint was filed against the governor alleging that the contractual relationship between the Governor and SarahPAC is a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.  The group had been working with the Palin operation to raise money for SarahPAC…

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Palin Explains Ross’ Defeat – It’s the Bloggers, Stupid.

We all know that Governor Palin was quite taken with the idea of having Wayne Anthony Ross as her new Attorney General.  He apparently had all the things Alaskans look for in a candidate for the head of the Department of Law. “I believed I knew what Alaskans wanted when I selected an individual who is a strong backer of 2nd Amendment rights, a staunch supporter of the state Constitution and a defender of life,” Governor Palin said. “Wayne Anthony Ross supports responsible, ethical development of Alaska’s rich resources. And we all know that for the first time ever, a…

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Should Anonymous Free Speech Apply to….THEM??

I have not often written about other blogs, and I don’t think I’ve ever written about a conservative blog or blogger, but I’m about to. There was an article in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner about the aptly named blog Conservatives4Palin. Let me be on the record when I say that I generally disagree with everything I find on Conservatives4Palin, including the name. Frankly, if it were me, I’d lose the “4”. It reminds me of Toys R Us, which bugs me too. I think if you’re going to spell something, spell it.   But I digress. So, my disagreement with…

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