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Friday, January 28, 2022

Michele Bachmann's "Fact Optional" Rebuttal to the State of the Union

Where to begin? It’s kind of like a hybrid of Sarah Palin’s “book” America by Heart, and a bad hangover. She was kind enough to dumb it down for the masses, though, to make it sound all “real” and everything. And it’s impressive how much tripe she was able to stuff in this delusion sandwich. Watch the speech if you dare. It’s only six minutes. Pearl divers can hold their breath for that long, so you should be able to get through. For a brilliant dissection and fact check, we turn as always to the fine folks at Media Matters….

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State of the Union Roundup

   Here’s a little roundup of State of the Union tidbits to add to your party supply list: Adult beverage? Check…. Popcorn? Check… Padded helmet? Check… Bipartisan date? … I won’t make you do it. We’ll leave that optional depending on your circumstances. No ‘cooties.’   SOTU quote of the day from Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski:  “Maybe we do need to get out of our conventional skins every now and again and come out and do something that indicates to the rest of the country that we are not afraid to sit next to each other, that there are no…

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Don Young Darkens the Door and Crosses the Aisle

Yes, the 20 term Congressman for All Alaskans (who voted for him) has decided that he will attend the State of the Union address for only the third time since 1974. Why isn’t he a regular? “Because I’m an old hunter,” he told APRN. “And when you have the president, the vice president, the speaker of the House, the president of the Senate, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Supreme Court, the diplomatic corps, and everybody together under one roof, it always gives me great concern.” Although I appreciate the Congressman’s caution and sentiments, the thought of Don Young holding the…

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Blue Texas in Obama v. Palin Matchup?

There is a debate raging up here in the Great Land. And it goes something like this: Position A – We do NOT want Palin as the GOP nominee. No way, no how. We’ve suffered through more Sarah Palin than anyone, and we’ve seen the super scary morphing from affable, anti-corruption “fresh face” bipartisan ethics champion to shrieking, self-serving, rabid Tea Party ideologue. And thanks, but no thanks. As improbable as it may seem that she’d actually win, look what has happened in the past in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. To use some violent political metaphor in honor…

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Murkowski and Young Sworn In. Here We Go Again…

~Lisa Murkowski and husband Verne Martell when she declared her write-in candidacy. Today, Lisa Murkowski was sworn in for her second full term as U.S. Senator. She was escorted to the swearing in by Murkowski the Elder (Also known as Murkowski the Lesser). Frank the Bank who gave her the seat when he left to become the second-worst governor ever, today gave her a kiss on the cheek. Husband Verne Martell upgraded her rubber “Fill it in, Write it in” wrist band from the campaign to an engraved gold one. No word if it says “Voter intent trumps all, so oval…

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Miller Concedes – Now What?

Happy New Year, Mudflatters. The Mudflats is slowly returning from its hiatus… Of course, I’d never want to come back and all of a sudden just bonk you on the head with a large cast iron skillet, but sometimes we don’t get what we want. This is one of those times. Over the weekend, there was a big development in Joe Miller’s legal pursuit to clarify election law, and demand a complete hand reconciliation of the Alaska vote count. Our Voices from the Flats contributor, and publisher of The Brad Blog has been following the case closely and has written a…

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The 2010 Muddies – Vote Now!

It’s that time of the year again – the beginning of it. And it wouldn’t feel right, hanging up that new calendar without our yearly round up of the ne’er-do-wells, miscreants, and rogues of Alaska politics. Yes boys and girls, it’s time for the Muddy Awards. Now that our heads are clear after the holidays, it’s time to reflect. In past years, the first place award winner frankly hasn’t been much of a shock. I’m sure you won’t be surprised in the least when I tell you that the First Place Muddy for 2008, and 2009 went to Sarah Palin….

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Thomas Van Flein Exits Stage Right – Farewell, Snidely…

This blog post comes with musical accompaniment to enhance your reading pleasure. Yes, it’s true. One of our most favorite villains in the never ending Palin drama is leaving the Great Land. And I have to admit, as much as I’d like to tell him not to let the door hit him on the way out of the state, the dramatist in me is just a little sad to see him go. *sniffle* So, grab your li’l white hankies and join with me by the train tracks as we bid a not-so-fond farewell to Thomas Van Flein, who has been…

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The Scallion Speaks – Murkowski Completes Sale of Senate Seat to Native Corps.

Many of you are undoubtedly fans of the site The Onion. In that great spirit of political satire, please welcome a contribution from Mudflatter Publius. We present: The Scallion MURKOWSKI COMPLETES SALE OF SENATE SEAT TO NATIVE CORPORATIONS A Commentary by Publius Sen. Lisa Murkowski today announced the friendly takeover of her Senate seat by Alaska Native corporations is now officially complete. The takeover, launched shortly after her loss in the Republican primary to Joe Miller, was accomplished at the bargain price of $1.75 million. The deal was financed through a Native corporation joint-venture known as Alaskans Standing Together. The…

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State Court Rules Against Joe Miller in Election Suit (But it ain't over yet…)

In the battle of Miller v. State of AK v. Murkowski v. Voter Intent v. Election Integrity, the next bell has sounded. Today Superior Court Judge William Carey ruled against Joe Miller on all counts in his suit against the state. Carey stated that he saw no evidence of election fraud, and allowed the state to consider voter intent in casting ballots. Part of Miller’s suit suggested that any ballot not perfectly spelled for Murkowski should be disallowed, stating that the state law was very clear on that point. It all boiled down (on that point) to what the word…

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