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Friday, January 28, 2022

Voices from the Flats – Donald Craig Mitchell

The following is an op-ed by Donald Craig Mitchell, an attorney and historian who lives in Anchorage. He is the author of Sold American: The Story of Alaska Natives and Their Land and Take My Land Take My Life: The Story of Congress’s Historic Settlement of Alaska Native Land Claims, which in 2006 the Alaska Historical Society named as two of the most important books that have been written about Alaska. *********************************** CAPTAIN ZERO VERSUS COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION Donald Craig Mitchell With the world watching, two months ago in Fairbanks in front of a crowd of cheering fans and jeering…

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Joe Wilson, Meet Rob Miller.

Well, we all know what unfortunate moment will be most remembered from the President’s speech on health care last night;  a heckle from another ill-mannered, sophomoric, Republican who is far more interested in disruption than discussion.  This time it’s Joe Wilson from … wait for it … South Carolina.  It’s been a rough couple months for the thinking folks of South Carolina.  Believe me, Alaskans can sympathize. Up until today, Joe Wilson was just another anonymous Southern Republican troglodyte Congressman, unknown to all but the poor people of South Carolina and the most serious horse race junkies. Today, he’s the hyena…

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Health Care Advice from a Quitter With No Qualifications.

The sock puppet strikes again. Twice in 24 hours someone calling themselves “Sarah Palin” has written a statement on her Facebook page. I’m pleased that the White House is finally responding to Republican health care ideas instead of pretending they don’t exist.[1] But in doing so President Obama should follow his own sound advice and avoid making “wild misrepresentations”.[2] Medicare vouchers would give everyone on Medicare the chance to decide for themselves which health plan to use, rather than leave that decision to government bureaucrats. Such proposals are the kind of health care reform that Republicans stand for: market-oriented, patient-centered,…

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Palin Puppet Show.

Well, once again Rupert Murdoch’s hand (aka The Wall Street Journal) has found its way up the backside of the Sarah Palin sock puppet. Yes, I apologize for that imagery. Whoever wrote her latest op-ed piece doesn’t even try to make it sound like it was actually written by her. They’ve  just given up.  Who cares anymore, anyway?  She’s got Facebook ghost writers, book ghost writers, and now a ghost WSJ op-ed writer.  And one of her last tweets that promised she couldn’t wait to have less politically correct tweets “fly from [her] fingertips” got squashed by some unknown handler….

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Sarah Palin Clings to Death Panels

You know when a cranky kid tries to keep another kid from stealing a favorite toy?  They grab in and cling tight, and fall on the floor on top of it and shriek in a way that makes anyone but a kid the same age clamp their hands over their ears?  Well, that’s Sarah Palin with the Death Panels. No matter how many people say there are no death panels – she will. not. let. GO! That’s right, the Sarah Palin Facebook ghostwriter speaks again.  How do we know it’s a ghostwriter?  (counting on fingers)  Complete sentences, good English, and…

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Parents Revolt – Too Angry to Scrapbook!

OK wingnut moms and dads across the nation. Here’s a final word to convince you that you’re doing the right thing by keeping your kids out of school to protest the president telling them to stay in school. Yeah…that’ll show ’em! This spoof is quite hilarious.

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President Obama’s Speech to School Children

OK, everybody… Ready for the big scary indoctrination? Ready for some kind of evil fascist-communist-Democrat-Marxist-eepycreepyist propoganda that will be crammed down the throats of innocent school children turning them into librul slaves of their evil Obamacrat Overlords? Hide the children! They’re about to be told to never give up. They’re about to be encouraged to READ and attend school, and set goals for themselves! They’re about to be reminded of their potential and given inspiring stories of other children who have risen above circumstance and succeeded!  Keep them home!  Inspiration, hope and a good work ethic is the first step…

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Spam of the Week

I got a hilarious email on Friday about the whole “The President of the United States is going to indoctrinate our children with the love of learning” thing.  It was one of those snarky ones that used satire to the extreme to illustrate how truly insane 10% of the country really is. It started off like this: Law-Breaker-in-Chief: Obama Violates Federal Law to Indoctrinate Your Children Washington, DC – In what many analysts believe is both an unprecedented and wildly inappropriate partisan move, President Obama has announced that on Tuesday, September 8, he will do an end run around parents…

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Lessons from FDR.

You can’t turn a tiger into a kitten by stroking it. ~Franklin Delano Roosevelt I heard Thom Hartmann use this quote this morning on the radio.  I like good quotes, and that’s a good quote. I’m all for “sitting down with the enemy” to talk about compromise, engage in diplomacy and look for our commonalities.  Compromise can be a good way of getting things done.  But at some point, after giving the tiger every opportunity to meet you in the middle, and knowing you’ve done everything you could, you’ve just got to sew your arm back on and change your…

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Politicizing the Anchorage School District

Now that the Town Hall meetings in Anchorage are over, and Senator Mark Begich has left the state for Washington D.C., what’s a poor bored wingnut to do? Well, after drumming their fingers for 24 hours, waiting for new marching orders, they’re off and running again. Trying to get everyone health care is bad enough, but behold the latest ‘moral outrage’ that President Obama is inflicting on the poor innocent children according to the conservatives.  On Tuesday, September 8th, that man is going to be on the TeeVee, in schools across the nation telling the children that education is important…

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