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Friday, January 28, 2022

Oyster Roundup!

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more and more! A Mudflatter recently asked me what an “Oyster Roundup” was, and I thought it might be time to give a refresher. In the epic poem “The Walrus and the Carpenter” from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass, the two main characters walk along the beach and entice young naive oysters from their beds to “take a walk”. (Pay no attention to the buttered bread and pepper, oysters!) As Carroll describes the exodus of the oysters from the sea, he says “Thick and fast they came at last, and…

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Mayor Dan Sullivan — Playground Bully (by LKB)

Remember THAT kid back in grade school? Remember coming to school and sharing the excitement of how you got the remote control car you wanted for Christmas? THAT kid would talk about his brand new remote control F-15 jet…life-sized. Or, you’d very proudly reveal the balsa wood car you’d carved yourself and painted red to run in the local Pinewood Derby while THAT kid would bring out the super-slick car he claimed he made himself but was secretly made by his daddy’s engineering firm. THAT kid was the one the teachers all thought was a wonderful student when he was…

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Terror on the High Seas! Beware, Coastal Alaska!

Brace yourselves Ketchikan, Skagway, Juneau, and Seward. If you think hard and make your eyes go all blurry, you can just imagine two lanterns hanging in the church steeple warning you of the coming invasion. That’s right, a horseman is galloping by to remind you of the signal – one if by land, two if by sea.  Well, it seems the dark forces have chosen the sea route, and they are coming. Intelligence tells us that they will enter Alaskan waters at the end of August making land in Ketchikan on the 28th, Juneau on the 30th, Skagway on the…

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Palin Overwhelmed by Counter-protesters in Madison

Mama Grizzlies are an Invasive Species: Sarah Palin Mobilizes Just 500 Tea Party Dullards in Madison Amidst Overwhelming Counter Protest. By Patrick DePula (Madison, WI) When the Americans for Prosperity–sponsored Tea Party Rally was announced several weeks ago, most left-leaning Madisonians yawned.  AFP rubes have been gathering on the Capitol Square annually for the last couple of years around tax day in small numbers to revel in their selfishness and celebrate their ignorance.  Initially, it was assumed that this years event would be no different and drew little attention. Enter the derailing train that is Sarah Palin.  This over–compensated and…

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We haven’t heard much about Palin’s Wisconsin Visit — Here’s Why

In the Palinista blogosphere, there was much hullaballoo leading up to Sarah Palin’s day-after-tax-day speech at a American’s For Prosperity (Koch Brothers) rally in Madison, Wisconsin. The April 16th event was billed by her supporters as “history in the making,” “courageous,” “this will be one for the books.” One commenter talked about needing “overpowering numbers” so that “the union boys just fold their tents and go home.” Reality? Not so much… Per the non-partisan PR Watch: THE BADGERS DROWN OUT THE MAMA GRIZZLIES The wet snow and tense atmosphere did not deter thousands of people from coming to the capitol…

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Muni Fees May Force School District Cuts *UPDATE*

My now-13-year-old daughter expressed a great deal of angst this past summer over attending middle school in a different school zone. She can be somewhat shy so my husband and I were a little concerned. As it turns out, my daughter is excelling in seventh grade! She has been on the honor roll both quarters, she’s in several accelerated classes, she’s doing really well as a clarinet player in the band (she has a solo in an upcoming performance) and she’s made some friends in the new school while still keeping up with her old friends. My husband and I…

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Michele Bachmann's "Fact Optional" Rebuttal to the State of the Union

Where to begin? It’s kind of like a hybrid of Sarah Palin’s “book” America by Heart, and a bad hangover. She was kind enough to dumb it down for the masses, though, to make it sound all “real” and everything. And it’s impressive how much tripe she was able to stuff in this delusion sandwich. Watch the speech if you dare. It’s only six minutes. Pearl divers can hold their breath for that long, so you should be able to get through. For a brilliant dissection and fact check, we turn as always to the fine folks at Media Matters….

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More on the Shooting in Arizona **UPDATE**

— As most of you know, this morning, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head during a meeting with constituents at a grocery store. The gunman killed at least six people and injured (from what we know at present) at least 13 others with a nine millimeter handgun. These pictures are exclusive to Mudflats and depict the scene at Rep. Giffords’ office in Tucson several hours after the shooting at the Safeway. People began to gather at the office, using it as a place for shared mourning. (A big “thank you” to Jay and Kathy Cross for…

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Thomas Van Flein Exits Stage Right – Farewell, Snidely…

This blog post comes with musical accompaniment to enhance your reading pleasure. Yes, it’s true. One of our most favorite villains in the never ending Palin drama is leaving the Great Land. And I have to admit, as much as I’d like to tell him not to let the door hit him on the way out of the state, the dramatist in me is just a little sad to see him go. *sniffle* So, grab your li’l white hankies and join with me by the train tracks as we bid a not-so-fond farewell to Thomas Van Flein, who has been…

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Angelina Jolie's Deadbeat Dad Thinks I Was a Big Meanie to Sarah Palin

By Linda Kellen Biegel Jon Voight, the actor who made the movie“Runaway Train” in the Great Land a quarter of a century ago, came back to make another one. It’s called “Ghost Vision” and it’s filming in Alaska now. Don’t get me wrong…I am ecstatic about Alaska’s new place in the movie-making business! I have been a musician/stage worker in this town long before I was ever political and I can only offer a big THANK YOU to AK Senator Johnny Ellis and the AK Legislature for passing the “Alaska Film Incentive Program.” It’s wonderful to watch many of my…

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