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February 7, 2025


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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

I’m Both Hungry And Pissed Off – Inequality in the USA in Terms of Pie

We always talk about pie charts and people joke saying things like… mmmm pie [in a Homer Simpson voice]. But what if someone actually discussed something like, say income inequality in the United States, through the medium of pie. Not pie charts – but delicious, completely edible real pie. Well, thankfully someone did over at The Atlantic. Business Editor, Derek Thompson bought three pies at the insanely cool looking pie shop Dangerously Delicious Pies in Washington DC and made this video explaining how things look in America these days…. they don’t look good. (The pies look delicious though…) Make sure you check…

July 4th Parade Photos – Anchorage (Part 1)

This July 4th was a wet one in Anchorage. The day started with a slight drizzle and then just petered out to be damp, a bit cold. Luckily there was a good amount to do and see on the Anchorage park strip – between the parade and the fair so I kept warm. There was also a chili cook off that unfortunately I forgot to test out. I took quite a few photos – and even after the edits ended up with a pretty size-able photo-essay so I decided to cut it into two parts. The second part will be…

Music for Your Patriotism Hangover

Back in 2011 at Netroots Nation I was lucky enough to be  introduced to the amazing music of Jill Sobule. It was the first Netroots (progressive blogger convention) after the clusterf**k that was the 2010 elections. We were beaten and bruised. Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Duckworth, were just hopefuls… most didn’t even know their names. We had been inundated with 2 years of “We want our America back!” and other such subtly racist phrases spewed by the Koch funded Tea Party machine. We needed an anthem. Something that fit our ironic, but self-loathing sensibilities. Suddenly on stage came Jill Sobule and she started…