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Friday, January 28, 2022

Larry Summers: Goldman Sacked – Greg Palast

By Greg Palast for Reader Supported News Joseph Stiglitz couldn’t believe his ears.  Here they were in the White House, with President Bill Clinton asking the chiefs of the US Treasury for guidance on the life and death of America’s economy, when the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers turns to his boss, Secretary Robert Rubin, and says, “What would Goldman think of that?” Huh? Then, at another meeting, Summers said it again:  What would Goldman think?A shocked Stiglitz, then Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, told me he’d turned to Summers, and asked if Summers thought…

Springtime for Goldman Sachs

You just knew it had to be one of those brie-biting, Sartre-spewing, overly-garlicked Frenchmen who pushed the Earth’s finance system over a cliff. This week, US prosecutors finally began the trial of the only person on the entire planet whom they have charged with the financial crimes that sank worldwide stock markets by trillions in 2008 and left millions homeless and jobless, from Detroit to Manchester. By Greg Palast for Vice Magazine Amazingly, say prosecutors, it all came down to a single Frenchman, Fabrice “Fabulous Fab” Tourre, only 29 years old at the time. Even Julius Caesar waited until he turned 51…

Moment of Clarity from Lee Camp

Good friend, colleague and the funniest person I know – Lee Camp has a new show. And you should be watching it. It’s called Moment of Clarity – and it’s available on youtube – he’s 3 episodes in and he’s already had Greg Palast, Margaret Flowers of the Physicians for a National Healthcare Program and Roseanne Barr of well… Roseanne. [His shows are often NSFW due to swearing] It’s like the Daily Show – except funnier, more swear words and doesn’t mock activists like Stewarts show does. This is a show for people that give a sh*t. The Moment of…

Voices from the Flats – Why Socialism Sucks and Corporations are Rad

Thomas Dewar has served as press secretary, communications director and campaign consultant for local, state and national campaigns, labor unions, progressive ballot initiatives and non-profits. A graduate of UC-Berkeley, he most recently managed an Alaska legislative campaign, winning a double-digit victory in an otherwise difficult year for Democrats. The bracing efficiency of America’s private sector has withstood many a bureaucratic assault from meddlesome government regulators, but the past year has seen our corporate titans really step up their game. Any investment advisor will tell you a diversified portfolio is key, and American Captains of Industry have worked hard in every…