Open Thread – Blind Allegiance Eve!
Get ready! Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin is about to hit the shelves tomorrow. Even though you can’t get your hands on it yet, the books have made their way into the secretive back rooms of bookstores across the land. For the next 24 hours, the Swiss Guard, jacked up on triple lattes, will be standing vigilant, with saucer eyes and hair trigger reflexes, ready to spring into action to prevent any unlawful purchasing or peeking. OK, not really. But you still can’t get a copy until tomorrow because of the “strict on sale date” of May 24. I am…
I Agree: “Darn it, Let’s Raise Taxes”
By Ken Morris According to House Speaker John Boehner, “You can’t raise taxes in the middle of a weak economy.” Echoing that talking point, newly elected Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Illinois), in an interview with ABC, claimed, “Every time we’ve cut taxes, revenues have gone up, the economy has grown.” Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) attacked the president’s April tax speech by suggesting that everyone knows, “Raising taxes … will do little to reduce the deficits and debt that are, at their root, spending problems.” If I and many economists, including Paul Krugman (who wrote, “Darn It, Let’s Raise Taxes”),…
Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin is Coming! Preorder Now!
Well, Mudflatters, this day has been a long time coming, but I’m happy to say it’s now official. Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin, the book by Palin insider Frank Bailey, award-winning author (and Mudflats contributor) Ken Morris, and yours truly (Jeanne Devon) will at last be a reality and is now available for pre-order at! Click HERE. It’s been almost two years of ups and downs, reading tens of thousands of emails, writing, editing, and some unforeseen drama… but the end result is very much worth it. I couldn’t be happier at having had the opportunity to meet and…
Say it Ain’t So, Joe! Co-Author of Leaked Palin Book Speaks Out
By Ken Morris, co-author of Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin, A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years Mudflats Friends: When I first appeared on Jeanne’s ground-breaking pages well over one year ago, I wrote about participating in the eBay auction to buy a meal with Sarah Palin to benefit a worthy veterans’ charity. A short time later, after losing that auction to what looked like a rigged bid, I then offered through Mudflats an additional $200,000 to that charity if Sarah would answer civil question over a second meal, on the record, with the likes or Jeanne, Rachel Maddow, Shannyn Moore, and Keith Olbermann. While…
Frank Bailey’s Memoir Leaked to Press (and a surprise)
As many of you are now discovering, there’s been a reason I haven’t been as prolific on the blog as usual over these past months. There’s not a lot I can tell you now, but I’ve been collaborating with former Sarah Palin aide Frank Bailey, and former Wall Street Exec and award-winning novelist Ken Morris on a little project. You’ll all remember Ken Morris as the one who was offering to donate $200,000 to a veterans charity if Sarah Palin would have dinner with himself, me, Shannyn Moore, Rachel Maddow and a couple other progressives to talk about issues. As…
Alaska Dispatch Addresses Copyright of Leaked Palin Book
The news organization that broke the story about the unauthorized distribution of the draft manuscript of Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin – A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years has issued a statement. After being contacted by Bonfante Steinbeck, the legal firm representing authors Ken Morris, Frank Bailey and Jeanne Devon regarding use of their copyrighted material, they responded: The editors of the Alaska Dispatch respect intellectual property rights. They strongly support the rights of authors, including your clients, to exploit their copyrights so that writers and their publishers have the necessary incentive to invest time and energy to produce works…