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January 24, 2025


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Lizz Winstead and Lady Parts Justice Take Cleveland

[originally posted on] On one side of the Public Square in Cleveland is the screaming masses of Wesboro Baptist Church wannabees holding signs of hate and yelling into a megaphone. On the other was the Lady Parts Justice League, a pro-choice activist group that makes funny videos (think the Daily Show, but with a purpose). This time though they weren’t being funny. It was an odd scene to say the least – Sharron Paul, a tall African American woman and a member of the Lady Parts Justice League was telling a story of another woman’s abortion above the volume…

Netroots Nation Photo Album, Day 1

  When I moved to Alaska at 24 years old, I’d never been here, knew not a soul, had no job, and $300 in my pocket. But I was off on a grand adventure to a foreign land. When I touched down in Anchorage in the middle of February after a mind-blowing flight 3 and a half hours north from Seattle, this guy was the first to greet me. I never knew what became of him after the big airport renovation all those years ago, but I found him by the Frontier Airlines check-in. He hasn’t changed. At 14 hours…

Lizz Winstead Takes on Hobby Lobby

From the Daily Show and Air America’s Lizz Winstead: So the Green family, billionaire owners of Hobby Lobby, a Christian Craft store (whatever THAT means), don’t want to cover certain birth control options in their employee healthcare plan because Jesus, or something. In fact, this brood are so rich they just paid millions to take their fight to keep ignoring science all the way to the Supreme Court. Yep, this is what passes for democracy in 2014. Today, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear Hobby Lobby v. Sebilius, and these dangerous religious gajillionaires will argue their corporation…

Open Thread – Lizz Free or DIe

  Friend of the Mudflats, Lizz Winstead has a banner day coming up! Her book ‘Lizz Free or Die’ will be out in two days! If you’ve never had the pleasure of hearing Lizz interviewed, or seen her live comedy, you’ve missed out. She is one amazingly talented, insightful, and brave woman. The fact that she’s hilariously funny doesn’t hurt either. Shannyn and I got the privilege of hanging out with Lizz when Netroots Nation went to her home town of Minneapolis last year. We got the royal tour, and had a blast. Then, she returned the visit and came…