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Friday, January 28, 2022

Lizz Winstead Takes on Hobby Lobby

From the Daily Show and Air America’s Lizz Winstead: So the Green family, billionaire owners of Hobby Lobby, a Christian Craft store (whatever THAT means), don’t want to cover certain birth control options in their employee healthcare plan because Jesus, or something. In fact, this brood are so rich they just paid millions to take their fight to keep ignoring science all the way to the Supreme Court. Yep, this is what passes for democracy in 2014. Today, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear Hobby Lobby v. Sebilius, and these dangerous religious gajillionaires will argue their corporation…

Contraception’s Bang for the Buck

JUNEAU, AK—Opposition to abortion rights has been the political hallmark of Alaska State Senator Fred Dyson (R-Eagle River). He is also, as these ironies invariably go, opposed to expanding contraceptive access. “By and large, sexual activity is recreation,” the senator intoned today during floor debate on SB49. “The state shouldn’t finance other people’s recreation.” Does the senator favor elimination of all state parks? What of the Department of Fish & Game—some of which relates to subsistence, but which also serves recreational endeavors? Is he aware that it is public, state-financed roads taking us to our state’s ski resorts, or does he imagine…