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Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin’s Newt Testament

After 30 years, Alaska Airlines has decided to no longer include prayer cards on the tray with their in-flight meals. The small, business card sized cards contained short quotes from the Bible and a peaceful image of nature. In a memo sent to frequent fliers, the airline made the announcement on Wednesday that the cards will be discontinued come February 1. “We’ve heard from many of you who believe religion is inappropriate on an airplane, and some are offended when we hand out the cards. Religious beliefs are deeply personal and sharing them with others is an individual choice,” explained the…

Palin Urges South Carolinians to Vote for “Egotistical Narrow-Minded Machine Goon”

Was Sarah Palin’s proclamation, “If I were in South Carolina, I’d vote for Newt” really an endorsement, or just her attempt to keep the wounded elephant that is the current presidential GOP lineup limping forward as far as possible before it collapses under the weight of its own unelectability? Correspondence from Palin seems to indicate the latter. During Palin’s VP candidacy, her relationship with Newt Gingrich was tumultuous at best. Emails sent on Palin’s Yahoo! account while she was governor, which (despite being in the hands of the state of Alaska) have never been made available to the public, reveal…

Unvetted Palin Says Republicans Should “Vet One Another.”

Sarah Palin, perhaps politics’ most high-profile vetting escapee seems to have a strong opinion on the matter of vetting when it comes to people who are not Sarah Palin. Despite documentation that proves Palin was never vetted (as John McCain and others claim), she is waving the red flag, encouraging Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and others to continue their public “vetting” of Mitt Romney and the cast of Republican presidential hopefuls. Palin says that criticism of Romney’s record as the head of Bain Capital is fair and that he should provide the public with proof of his claims that he…