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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Weekend Off – News You Missed

Alaska ADN – Tundra Green — an illustrated history of cannabis in Alaska On Feb. 24, the initiative to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana passed by Alaska voters takes effect, adding another wrinkle to the unique history Alaska has with the plant. Here is an illustrated history of marijuana in Alaska. ADN – Alaska government spent nearly $28 million on database project scrapped before it was ever implemented The Alaska Department of Public Safety took 11 years and spent at least $27.9 million trying to replace the state’s aging criminal information database before the project was abandoned, derailed by problems with funding…

Unvetted Palin Says Republicans Should “Vet One Another.”

Sarah Palin, perhaps politics’ most high-profile vetting escapee seems to have a strong opinion on the matter of vetting when it comes to people who are not Sarah Palin. Despite documentation that proves Palin was never vetted (as John McCain and others claim), she is waving the red flag, encouraging Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and others to continue their public “vetting” of Mitt Romney and the cast of Republican presidential hopefuls. Palin says that criticism of Romney’s record as the head of Bain Capital is fair and that he should provide the public with proof of his claims that he…

Latest GOP Dust-Up Plays Out in Polls

And the results are in! We didn’t have to wait long to see how the latest mix-up in the cast of GOP presidential wannabes played out in the polls. Here was our lineup: Herman Cain – Blinking and stammering his way through allegations that he sexually harassed multiple women over the years, we heard him tell a variety of stories, none of which seemed to be consistent. The thrashing and squirming ended up with his campaign manager blaming Rick Perry for leaking the information even though there was no solid evidence to back up the claim. Rick Perry – Suddenly,…

Blinky on the Warpath – Cain Goes Ballistic on Perry Campaign

It’s been a busy week for Herman “Blinky” Cain. All that dodging and deflecting, all the blinking and stuttering, doing interviews and trying to keep stories straight… grueling work, that. And now he’s added a new activity to his already busy calendar – blaming. No, he’s not blaming the women he sexually harassed (although he may just be saving that one for another day), he’s blaming Rick Perry. What better way to start your Thursday morning than with a little elephant-on-elephant violence? That, and a cup of coffee, and you’re all set. Cain is not just accusing Rick Perry –…

Politicians – Judge Them By Their Deeds

By Shannyn Moore “Go out and preach the gospel. And if you must, use words.” — St. Francis of Assisi   This week I watched the GOP round-table debate. It still startles me to hear words and moral claims from candidates who must believe we’ve never seen their deeds. I’m a big believer in the separation of church and state … but let’s suppose we were a “Christian Nation,” not just a nation made up of Christians, Jews, Muslims, old believers, pagans, atheists and free-range hippies. Could we, this new “Christian Nation,” pick the Beatitudes as our rule of law?…

Open Thread – Yay, Death!

Ahh. Nothing warms the cockels of the heart like a room full of bloodthirsty Republicans full-out cheering for the sheer number of people put to death in Texas during the Perry administration. Yeah, it’s cheaper to keep people alive than pay for the extended appeals process of capital cases. Yeah, if you’re wrong you can’t suspend the sentence of the accused because it’s too late. No, the victims’ families usually don’t “feel better” after it’s over. Yes, taxpayer dollars actually get used to murder people, because murder is wrong… And there’s the whole racial disparity thing – only 11% of…

Oyster Roundup – Theft, Shakedown, Hot Sauce and More…

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more! [The Walrus and the Carptenter, Lewis Carroll] A half dozen on the half shell. Slurp ’em up! (Links in the titles) Rick Perry, Evangelical Economist Rick Perry thinks that God crashed the economy on purpose to teach us a lesson and return us to Biblical principles. I think that God inflicted Texas with Rick Perry for not allowing gay marriage. Rembrandt Returns! I have conflicting feelings about art theft. While I understand more the impulse and obsession to own great art, rather than simply a desire for…

To Pray or Not to Pray…

In a political homage to Texas Governor Rick Perry, Alaska Governor Sean Parnell has joined with him today, Saturday, August 6, in a day of prayer for the nation. He won’t be taking Governor Perry up on his invitation to go pray with him in Houston, but he did issue a proclamation here at home stating that Alaskans should “seek God’s face” and pray because we are at war, facing economic hardship and natural disaster. He also asks us to pray for the strength and wisdom of leaders – presumably like those who give hat tips in proclamations blurring the…