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Friday, January 28, 2022

Debate Night!

I’m sitting at the KTUU Gubernatorial (and soon Senatorial) debate at the Alaska Native Heritage Center. You can view it live on KTUU Channel 2, or live streaming at I’ll be watching live, but feel free to blog it in the comments.  I’ve forgotten my laptop, but Mudflatter Writing from Alaska has loaned me hers to start you off! The room is full of the hardest of the hard core supporters from all the camps and it promises to be a lively evening.  So, pop the corn and cozy up!

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Voices from the Flats – AFN Diary: Day 3

AFN Diary: Day 3. Stop the Bullying and Let’s Be Family Again! By Elstun Lauesen This morning the long list of Resolutions were considered by the delegates and the Chairman of the AFN Resolutions Committee, Trefon Angasan asked if there were other matters to be brought before the body. A young man from Ft. Yukon, Edward Alexander, who looks to be in his mid-20s, took to the microphone on the floor and made a motion to suspend the rules. Immediately another delegate seconded it. Mr. Alexander announced that he wished to introduce a resolution asking for certain changes to the…

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Voices from the Flats – Brad Friedman

AK DEMS: State Division of Elections Inappropriately Aiding Write-In Voters in U.S. Senate Contest. by Brad Friedman As you may know, the U.S. Senate race in Alaska between GOP nominee Joe Miller and Democratic nominee Scott McAdams, Mayor of Sitka, has been thrown into what’s quickly turning into a potential three-way toss-up with Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s write-in bid for the seat. She and her father have long been insider fixtures within Alaska’s political establishment, and so now both the state Democrats supporter McAdams and Miller’s campaign are accusing the Department of Elections, run by the state’s Republican Gubernatorial administration, of…

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Lisa, Liar, Pants on Fire! Murkowski Makes False Claims About Endorsements.

Lisa Murkowski has been the first to complain about the other candidates lying.  She says Joe Miller distorted her voting record (which he did), and she says that Scott McAdams lied about her voting record (which he didn’t). But Lisa Murkowski sent out a nice glossy colored mailer that went out to Alaska households and arrived in mailboxes across Anchorage this morning, and it was full of lies.  Under a banner that said “Alaskan Democrats Who Are Voting for Lisa Murkowski – and not Scott McAdams” was a list of people who supposedly fit that category.  This one was absolutely…

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Poll Dancing With Alaska Senate Candidates

Back on September 20th, a poll was done which simulated fairly well the Murkowski write-in attempt. It didn’t provide Murkowski’s name in the initial question, because in the voting booth, people will be looking at a ballot with only two names – Joe Miller (R) and Scott McAdams (D). In that poll Miller scored 36% in a three way race for the Alaska Senate seat. And then, stuff happened. No doubt about it… Joe Miller has had a very bad month. Think of it all (everything goes all blurry, and we hear gentle strains of harp music as we view…

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Joe Miller – the Junior DeMint

At the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce’s Senate Candidate Forum last week, each candidate was asked which sitting senator they most admired. Lisa Murkowski started talking about Ted Stevens, and then acknowledged that he was no longer a sitting senator. Then she mentioned Carper from Delaware and Bingaman from New Mexico. They’re both Democrats. Murkowski spent a great deal of time talking about how she worked across the aisle and how she respected and admired these Democrats and that they worked well together. Scott McAdams mentioned that he admired John Tester and felt a connection with him because both he and…

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Voting Irregularities Reported in Alaska Early Voting

Reports are already being received in Alaska of voting irregularities at early voting booths, particularly as it relates to the Senate campaign of Lisa Murkowski. This is a call to anyone who is early voting or who finds themselves in the area. Please check the booth for any evidence of campaigning. In Homer, apparently, reports were received that each booth had a written list of the write-in candidates posted. This is electioneering, and absolutely illegal. If you see anything irregular when you are early voting, please take a picture of it. Let us know ASAP if you see anything in a…

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Open Thread – OBEY

This alarming graphic is a take on Andre the Giant has a Posse Andre the Giant Has a Posse is a street art and viral marketing campaign based on a design by Shepard Fairey created in 1989 in Providence, Rhode Island. Distributed by the skater community, the Andre stickers began showing up in many cities across the U.S.A.[citation needed] At the time Fairey declared the campaign to be “an experiment in phenomenology.”[1] Over time the artwork has been reused in a number of ways and has become worldwide, following in the footsteps of World War II icon “Kilroy Was Here”….

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Joe Miller’s Alaska Militia

Joe Miller is fond of private security. In the Spring of 2008, Joe Miller showed up wearing Eric Estrada circa 1984 mirrored sunglasses, with security guards in a staged coup d’état of the leadership of the Alaska Republican Party. He lost. Randy Ruedrich still stands supreme as the party Chair, and now supports the man who once tried to oust him. Fast forward to July 4, 2010 – US Senate candidate Joe Miller’s supporters marched with assault rifles and campaign signs. The Alaska Dispatch has been doggedly pursuing a story on why Joe Miller lost his job several months after…

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Open Thread – Buf and the Cardboard City

Well, it’s been quite a day. For those of you following the saga of me retiring from my day job, the process is complete… as complete as it can be when my house looks like a giant warehouse. Buf the dog is quite perturbed by the giant cardboard city that sprang up in her little corner of the living room.  I have no idea how long it will take to deal with all of it, but for tonight, here it sits. At one point during the closing of the office, Spouse said, “Well, I’m disconnecting the internet.” My eyes flew…

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