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Friday, January 28, 2022

Frankenmap is Now Complete!

Last summer I first noticed two things; Al Franken’s strange and wonderful parlor trick, and it’s fatal flaw.  It seems that Al Franken, when he was a child, was given by his parents a wooden map puzzle of the United States.  I was also given by my parents a wooden map puzzle of the United States.  That’s where the similarity between me and Al Franken ends.  Although I was left with a better than average sense of geography, and can still put the map together pretty quickly, Al Franken can actually draw the thing from memory. Franken’s childhood map did…

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Alaska “Deathers” Heckle Sick People (Updated with Photos)

I am taking a break. This was a strange and disturbing morning. I started the day with a big cup of coffee, and an 8:30am arrival at The Egan Center in downtown Anchorage.  That’s where the special session of the Alaska State Legislature is meeting today.  They have two things on their plate – voting on whether to overturn ex-governor Sarah Palin’s rejection of the stimulus money for energy efficiency, and whether to confirm Craig Campbell as Lt. Governor. The joint session convenes at 1:00, so I had time to pop over and attend a press conference Organizing for America held…

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Attention Bethel! Senator Mark Begich Brings Top Officials on Rural Tour of Alaska

Four cabinet secretaries from the Obama administration will be coming to visit rural Alaska this week. They’ll be stopping off in Bethel and in Hooper Bay. One of the events in Bethel is free and open to the public. If you are in Bethel, or know anyone in that area, please tell them to attend. This is an unprecedented opportunity to make your voices heard. Top administration officials are coming to Bethel to listen to you.  Please be there and be a strong clear voice for all of rural Alaska.  Bethel Rural Tour Forum Wednesday, August 12  9:00-10:30am  at the Yupiit…

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Senator Mark Begich’s Arctic 7-Pack

Recognizing that the Arctic will play a major role in the nation’s commerce, foreign policy, and energy independence over the next 50 years, U.S. Sen. Mark Begich today introduced a legislative package of seven bills designed to plan and prepare for the changes and challenges in the region. Begich devoted his “maiden” speech on the Senate floor to the issue because of its importance to Alaska. Called the Inuvikput legislation after the Inupiaq expression meaning “the place where we live,” Begich’s package of bills deal with oil exploration, climate change, shipping, health, and diplomacy in America’s arctic. Begich said the…

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Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski Slams Palin

It’s interesting to see the reactions coming in from Alaska’s politicos to the surprise resignation of Governor Sarah Palin yesterday. But, perhaps the most surprising of all is that of Alaska’s Senior Senator, Republican Lisa Murkowski. We expect politicians to be…well…politicians. We anticipate all kinds of pussy-footing around, saying things without really saying them, and trying to offend the least number of people while saying the bare minimum to satisfly the public that they’ve actually responded. That’s why Murkowski’s response was so refreshing, an so unexpected. She said what many Alaskans, especially those who have supported Sarah Palin, are feeling….

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When in Doubt, Trust….The Bush Administration?

A potentially precedent-setting ruling in a case involving Alaska resource development came through the Supreme Court yesterday.  It involved the legal contamination of a naturally occurring fish-bearing lake on the one hand, and the economic interest of a mining corporation on the other.  I’ll give you one guess who the court ruled for…and it wasn’t the environment.  (A lightbulb goes off over your head)  “Heyyyy, is this the same Supreme Court that ruled in favor of Exxon recently in that oil spill case?  The one where the environment and local people got the short end of the stick in favor…

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Oyster Roundup!

Thick and fast, they came at last, and more and more and more! – Lewis Carroll Be There for Health Care I’ve had a few people ask me where Mark Begich stands on including a public option in the new healthcare plan.  The answer is….I’m not sure.  But you have an opportunity to raise your voice with the more than 75% of Americans who want a public option.  Senator Begich will have a Health Care Reform Town Hall Meeting tomorrow, Saturday, June 20, from 10:30 to noon at the Willa Marston Theatre in the Loussac Library. Grassroots outcry for a…

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President Obama Declares Flood Disaster in Alaska

Good news today for those impacted by the historic flooding in interior Alaska. President Obama has officially declared a disaster, making it possible for those in need to seek federal assistance. I know that several state and federal agencies have been working hard to cross the Ts and dot the Is so this could be possible. Here’s hoping the news brightens the spirits of those who have lost so much. “I am pleased the president and his administration are recognizing the dire circumstances experienced by many Alaskans impacted by this flooding. We welcome the federal assistance to help residents and…

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Palin Rejects Stimulus Money. Throws Alaska Under the Bus to “Save Face.”

I can’t help noticing the irony of the front page of the Anchorage Daily News.  It pretty much says it all, quite poetically. A)  Over there on the left in the headlines section it says: Palin Cuts $80 Million from Budget – Gov. Palin announced today that she is vetoeing $80 million from the state budget, including federal stimulus dollars meant to go for energy relief. B)  And then right next to it under an aerial photo of the remote village of Selawik, it says: In the winter, Village Police Officer Clarence Snyder doesn’t use jail cells. They don’t have…

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Jefferson Jackson Democratic Party Dinner

Just got back from a lovely evening in the Dena’ina Convention Center, where Alaska Democrats gathered together for a fundraiser/celebration dinner. During the evening, I thought back many times to my infiltration of the Republican party’s counterpart event, the Lincoln Day Dinner back in March.  There were some interesting comparisons, one being that the dinner tonight left me feeling happy, instead of nauseous and depressed. The Hallway: Lincoln Day Dinner: There were many tables set up handing out literature on anti-abortion issues, the Father/Daughter Purity Ball encouraging abstinence until marriage, and a laptop with the home page of The Alaska Standard…

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