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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Alaska Senate Race – Round Two. Ding!

Here’s a quick update on the Alaska Senate Race for those of you still playing along at home. As it stands right now “Write-In Candidate”  is 13,439 votes ahead of Joe Miller. We don’t know how many are actually for Lisa Murkowski, but we can presume it’s a large percent somewhere in the neighborhood of all of them. How many will be thrown out because of error? History tells us about 7%. What kind of spelling deviations will still be allowed? Where is the thin bright line between voter intent, and close but no cigar? What happens for people who write…

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Oyster Roundup

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more!   Neighbors and Cupcakes and Bears – Oh, my! For the faint of heart, and the thin of stomach lining, the ADN’s Julia O’Malley got a peek at the first episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska, and she watched it so you don’t have to. Between carrying on about the neighbor, and trying to shoo boys out of Willow’s room, you can get all the details about what it takes to go fishing in “bear country.”  Just to clarify what you may already be thinking – yes, all of…

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Live Q&A at The Washington Post

I’ll be online today, Wednesday November 3, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, 11 a.m. Pacific, 10 a.m. Alaska time to take questions on the election results in Alaska, and how they will impact the state and the rest of the country. You can submit questions for the queue HERE. I look forward to discusssing what is perhaps the most interesting senate race in the country. It is certainly the most complicated. ***UPDATE*** I got some great questions from Washington Post readers today. I didn’t get the chance to answer them all, but you can read the Q&A by clicking HERE.

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Signs of Things to Come – Alaska Election 2010

Nothing says political season in Alaska like signs. Sure, sign waving happens in all elections, but Alaskans love our signs more than most. And nowhere in Alaska can you witness the traditional Election Eve battle of the signs like you can in two locations – The New Seward Highway and Northern Lights Blvd., and down the road at Northern Lights and Minnesota, in Anchorage.  It’s a combination of spectator sport, pissing contest, and ritual. So, I took a little drive to see what was to be seen at these two prime areas of sign real estate. I pulled up to a…

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Voices from the Flats – New Poll Shows Alaskans Must Vote Their Values AND Their Fears!

By Elstun Lauesen In an alternate Universe, Lisa Murkowski listened to her wiser angels and did not run a write in. She then pursued a higher calling, along the lines of post-politician Fran Ulmer, and Lisa found a sinecure in an academic bunker and lived happily ever after. In that same alternate universe, Scott McAdams faced off with Joe Miller, conducted an effective persuasion and attack campaign and went on to win the U.S. Senate seat by roughly the combined anti-Miller vote of THIS universe, beating Miller 63% to 37%. McAdams goes on to become a great U.S. Senator and…

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Breaking: New Alaska Senate Poll Shows McAdams Surging Past Embattled Joe Miller

A new poll conducted by Hays Research confirms what we already intuitively know. Alaska U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller’s candidacy is in big trouble. The percentage of those who feel either “somewhat negative” or “very negative” about Miller has skyrocketed in recent weeks to an unbelievable 68%. Only 8% feel “somewhat negative” and the remainder, a jaw-dropping 60%,  feel “very negative” about Miller as a candidate. A series of gaffes, inconsistencies, and controversial statements to the press, in addition to the arrest of a journalist by Miller security guards have come one on top of another, causing a trend that can only be…

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Alaska Judge Says No Cheating! Republicans and Democrats Celebrate.

In a rare moment of political kumbaya, both the Alaska Democratic Party and the Alaska Republican Party have sued the state for what they consider to be electioneering that unfairly favors Lisa Murkowski, the Republican write-in candidate for Alaska’s senate seat.  She seeks to retain her seat running against Joe Miller the Republican candidate, and Scott McAdams the Democratic candidate, both of whom are on the ballot. Superior Court Judge Frank Pfiffner ordered the Division of Elections to remove the handy dandy list of write-in candidates from polling places across the state. Up until this point, the Division of Elections…

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Making History: Murkowski Candidacy Unites the AK Democratic Party & the GOP

Monday morning, I received an email press release that the Alaska Democratic Party was announcing that they would be joining the AK GOP in a lawsuit against the State of Alaska Division of Elections.   The suit alleges that the Division of Elections is violating its own regulations (specifically 6 AAC 25.070(b)) by allowing voters to look at a list of write-in candidates with their names and political party affiliations: The DOE’s unprecedented listing and posting of Murkowski’s name violates Alaska law. The ADP filed the lawsuit seeking to prevent the State from illegally providing information about write-in candidates, to ensure that…

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Lisa Murkowski Wants You to Vote With Your Ovaries, Not Your Brain.

When John McCain nominated Sarah Palin to be his running mate, the country was shocked.  But we also knew part of the reason he did it. She was a woman, and she had exactly the same double-X chromosomal makeup and body parts as Hillary Clinton.  There were a lot of people who were pretty miffed that Hillary wasn’t the nominee, and (the strategy went) all those women would flock to Sarah Palin and fill in the bubble next to the name of this utterly unqualified woman because … well, because she’s a woman!  It would be cool to have a woman Vice…

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Debate Night!

I’m sitting at the KTUU Gubernatorial (and soon Senatorial) debate at the Alaska Native Heritage Center. You can view it live on KTUU Channel 2, or live streaming at I’ll be watching live, but feel free to blog it in the comments.  I’ve forgotten my laptop, but Mudflatter Writing from Alaska has loaned me hers to start you off! The room is full of the hardest of the hard core supporters from all the camps and it promises to be a lively evening.  So, pop the corn and cozy up!

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