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Friday, January 28, 2022

America by Heart – Chapter 5, The Rise of the Mama Grizzlies, Part 2

When we last left our “author” she was knee deep, wading through the feminist swamp, trying to slog through while simultaneously engaging in painful contortions of ideology, history, and gender. This half of the chapter is no different. We’ve moved from Hillary Clinton and her bra-burnin’ ways to the earliest suffragettes, and the hard-ass workin’ pioneer chicks of the West. Page 139 It surprises some people to hear that she considers herself a feminist. She is also a “grateful beneficiary” of Title IX, the federal law that mandates equal opportunity in women’s sports in high school and college. (??? She…

America by Heart – The Rise of the Mama Grizzlies, Part 1

To be honest, I’ve been dreading this chapter.  I keep hearing little rumblings about it, and I knew it was going to make my blood pressure rise. Part 2 is the real meat of the thing, so you should be alright this time without any protective head gear. Are you ready to hear all about the fed-up mama grizzlies (aka angry sows)?  Well, get your pepper spray and let’s hit the trail. Page 127 Mama Grizzlies are not cuddly. They are “serious as a heart attack” creatures. Don’t hug them. “When the ones she loves are threatened, she rises up.”…