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Friday, January 28, 2022

Debates on Prop 4: Bristol Bay Forever

Debates on Prop 4: Bristol Bay Forever, are taking place across the state in preparation for the election on November 4th. Now is your chance to learn more and show your support for Bristol Bay. If you are unable to attend in person, call in with questions and statements of support. You can listen in live at, call in toll-free to testify at (855) 463-5009, or submit comments by email to We hope to see you there! Thursday, Sept. 18 — Ketchikan Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Chambers, Whitecliff Building 1900 1st Avenue, Suite 144 4-6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 22 — Kodiak Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Chambers 710 Mill Bay…

What Could Go Wrong? This.

There’s a game most of us play. It’s called “What Could Go Wrong?!” You know, like I’m going to hand my nine year old an automatic weapon – “What Could Go Wrong?!” Or, why not go bare-headed and drive a motorcycle really fast? “What Could Go Wrong?!” Then there is the always present, Why don’t we build a giant mine at the headwaters of the largest sockeye salmon fishing run in the entire world? “What Could Go Wrong?” Many Alaskans have asked this question over the last decade regarding the proposed Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay. When the state government…

Mudflats Chats: Sen Candidate Mark Fish (L)

Mark Fish is one of three Libertarian candidates running for the U.S Senate seat currently held by Democrat Mark Begich. We sat down and talked about libertarianism, the Republican field, the Republican field, abortion, mining, and corporate personhood among other things. Grab a cup of coffee, and sit in! Libertarian Philosophy JEANNE DEVON: I guess I’ll start off with a philosophical question because sometimes I think it’s difficult, especially in today’s world where everything and everyone is so interconnected, to make a case for libertarianism. MARK FISH: It is difficult. DEVON: Because we’re interconnected people, and the actions of an individual…

Carl Johnson’s “Bristol Bay” Showing in Anchorage

Brinkley Urges Obama to Stop Pebble Mine

Presidential historian and author Douglas Brinkley urged President Obama to take decisive and swift executive action on preventing the massive Pebble Mine project in Alaska on NOW with Alex Wagner, Monday. Brinkley noted that many decisive presidential actions could be taken immediately as the Obama Whitehouse seeks to establish a legacy as the President’s second term marches on with Republicans in Congress showing no signs of letting up on blocking legislation. Historically, President Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any President since Grover Cleveland, and has been comparatively reluctant to exert Presidential authority. Brinkley was clear in his suggestion to the President…

No Pebble Townhall Event – Anchorage, AK

No Pebble Townhall Event – Anchorage Monday January 27th at 6:30 pm Z. J. Loussac Public Library Wilda Marston Theatre 3600 Denali Street Join leaders from the sport fishing and commercial fishing industries, Bristol Bay Native Corporation and United Tribes of Bristol Bay for a town hall meeting to thank Senator Mark Begich for taking a stand on the Pebble Mine and hear more about the Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment and the fight to protect Bristol Bay jobs and salmon. Speakers include former Alaska Senate President Rick Halford, Alannah Hurley – Dillingham resident and United Tribes for Bristol Bay Director,…

KXL & Pebble Mine – One Company OK’d Both for Gov’t

State Dept’s Keystone XL Contractor, ERM Group, Also OK’d Controversial Pebble Mine in Alaska (via Desmogblog) A DeSmogBlog investigation has revealed Environmental Resources Management Inc. (ERM Group) — the contractor performing the U.S. State Department’s environmental review for the northern half of TransCanada’s Keystone XL tar sands pipeline — gave…

No Pebble Mine Party with Shannyn Moore

Brought to you by: Tap Root, Alaska Center for the Environment and Trout Unlimited THURSDAY JANUARY 23rd Master of Ceremonies: Shannyn Moore 6:00pm – Introductions – Shannyn Moore 6:05pm – Video – “Sea Swallowed” 6:13pm – Video – “Anti-Pebble Mine Advertisement” 6:15pm – Speaker – Nellie Williams – Trout Unlimited Campaign Update 6:20pm – Speaker – Sam Snyder PhD. – Science Update 6:25pm – Video – “The Last Cast” 6:30pm – Call to Action – (phone call to legislators) 6:40pm – Speaker – Ryan Peterson – Fishing Guide – (unconfirmed) 6:45pm – BREAK 7:00pm – Video – TBD 7:15pm –…

Quotes of the Week – A Sixpack

Oh no they di’int! It’s been quite a week for the gum-flappers, the yammerers, and the makers of opinion – some good, some bad, and some that make you just want to slam you head on the desk until they go away. Let’s dig in. Sarah Palin on Race What better way to start the week in which we celebrate civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. than with a little race baiting from our ex-half governor? Not sure if judging someone by the content of their character is really where she wants to go. Rush Limbaugh on Chris Christie…

Parnell, Murkowski & West Virginia

Pop Moore was born and raised in West Virginia. I’m proud of our family heritage in a state that includes the original Rednecks in the Battle for Blair Mountain. That’s where my grandfather fought to unionize the coal mines after getting buried in a slide. When I was growing up, we’d go visit my grandmother in a tiny town in Boone County. It was humid and friendly. Tomatoes from the garden tasted delicious, and the people talked funny. The center of town was the yellow line that ran through it. I loved sitting on the porch swing listening to stories….