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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread: Don’t Tread On…

I see the Gadsden Flag at a lot of Alaskan events. Since that was about the original colonies, “Don’t Tread on Me” means something completely different here. I think Alaska needs its own version. Here’s my take; maybe it’s time to start The Salmon Party. Original art by The Troll Brothers Donate to Renewable Resources here. Find out more about the No Pebble Campaign at here. By the way… Salmon Stock is going on RIGHT NOW.

What are Republicans Doing to Themselves?!

The Republican Party, after crushing defeats in the last two Presidential elections, and seeing newly elected members of Congress display racial intolerance, homophobia, and misogyny the likes of which have not been seen in recent history, has had to really sit down and do some soul searching. To their credit, Republican voters seem to have given some real thought to the condition of the not-so-Grand Old Party, and how it might be changed as they move forward to remain relevant, and serve the will of the majority in an evolving America. src=”″> In that spirit, they’ve decided that Republicans simply…

Music for Your Patriotism Hangover

Back in 2011 at Netroots Nation I was lucky enough to be  introduced to the amazing music of Jill Sobule. It was the first Netroots (progressive blogger convention) after the clusterf**k that was the 2010 elections. We were beaten and bruised. Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Duckworth, were just hopefuls… most didn’t even know their names. We had been inundated with 2 years of “We want our America back!” and other such subtly racist phrases spewed by the Koch funded Tea Party machine. We needed an anthem. Something that fit our ironic, but self-loathing sensibilities. Suddenly on stage came Jill Sobule and she started…

Get Skooled on the Issues

If the Tea Party has its way, you’ll be getting a call soon, because you simply have not been told the truth about the real Obama. Oh, yeah. Don’t you kid yourself. The lamestream media has been at it again, covering up, and whitewashing critical information to allow their Kenyan messiah to dismantle our liberties, use the Constitution to line the bottom of their bird cages, and turn the whole country over to their secret overlords at the United Nations. The Tea Party has been hard at work sending out blast emails. I know this because I get them. I…

Open Letter to the Alaska Tea Party…and You

Dear Alaska Tea Party, A few years ago, Sarah Palin was asked which Founding Father was her favorite. She answered, “You know, well, all of them.” My favorite Founding Father was William Woodford. He fought alongside his friend George Washington in the French-Indian War. Afterwards, Woodford brokered a peace treaty between the Virginians and the Cherokee that was honored for over a decade. Woodford was a General, and before the Revolution started, he and Washington corresponded about the coming struggle. A letter lining out how to conduct troops was signed, “My compliments to Mrs. Woodford; and that every success may…

The Golden Calf and the Bronze Bull – What Would Moses Do?

~Photo by Zach Roberts By Shannyn Moore I remember wondering what gold tastes like. As a child sitting in Mrs. Harris’ Sunday school class, I listened raptly to her recount the biblical tale of Moses coming down from Mount Sinai armed with the Ten Commandments. He’d spent the last 40 days and nights meeting with God. Moses unleashed his fury when he saw what his people had been up to: drinking, partying and worshipping a golden calf made from melted jewelry. Moses smashed the tablets carved with God’s handwritten laws, ground up the idol and made them drink it. Those…

Golem Turns on its GOP Masters

By Elstun Lauesen There is a powerful tale of biblical dimensions unfolding in the politics of these latter days. It comes through the drama within the Grand Old Party. As we all know, the Republican Party has used religion and ‘faith’ as its most powerful organizing weapon. But what we are witnessing in the political theater today is what happens when that weapon is turned upon its creator. Those within the Republican Party who understand the mainstream purposes of government are staring helplessly at the advancing shadow of their own creation like the legendary Rabbi of Prague beheld the ravages…

Palin’s “Reload” Hits “Target”: Updated

Sarah Palin’s call to arms, “Don’t Retreat, Reload” finally results in a tragic shooting of an Arizona Congresswoman. Three term Representative Gabrielle Giffords, representing Arizona’s 8th district and caught in Palin’s cross-hairs, was gunned down today and shot in the head. One of her aides was killed and at least 12 others injured. In March, Sarah Palin posted this ad on her facebook page and tweeted, “Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: “Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!” Pls see my Facebook page.” Arizona Senator John McCain defended Sarah Palin on NBC’s Today Show last March: McCain was asked about what…