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Friday, January 28, 2022

Blind Allegiance Revisited – New Sarah Palin Bombshells from the Cutting Room Floor

In February of this year, there was a deliberate and unauthorized leak of the draft manuscript of the book Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin (Frank Bailey with coauthors Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon). Rival Palin author Joe McGinniss obtained through his publisher a copy of the copyrighted manuscript and emailed it in its entirety to a host of media outlets inviting them to read and comment on the contents. The book, in first draft, was seeking a publisher at the time. Within days, the revelations shocked and amazed the media and public, making their way around the internet universe while…

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Palin’s Remarks After Iowa Premiere (Transcript of Word Salad)

Time to get the giant Caesar-sized bowl and the double Costco bag of Crazy Croutons. Sarah Palin delivered a monstrous serving of word salad after the Iowa premiere of “The Undefeated.”  It appears that the potential presidential candidate was unconcerned with having prepared remarks of any kind, and simply let all those buzz words out of her head, in no particular order. The full transcript of the video is below. My favorite part is when she explains that we don’t need foreign countries because God gave us the oil and the gas and the coal and we can be totally…

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Oyster Roundup! Whales, FROGs, and Alligator Shirts.

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more! Here’s a plate of slurpable stories to start your week. Source links are in the title. Start shucking!   Pay Up, Joe An Alaska judge on Friday ordered that failed U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller pay more than $17,300 in legal costs incurred by the state in fighting Miller’s challenge to last year’s election. Don’t even get me started. OK, I’ll start. First the disclaimer – I didn’t vote for Joe, would never vote for him, am ideologically opposed to his political philosophy, and have written extensively…

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Palin Suspends Quitting to Attend Movie Premiere of “The Undefeated”

Sarah Palin’s One Nation bus tour has screeched to a halt. After the media reported it had been canceled, her Facebook page explained her summer plans on June 22 in a note titled: *Sigh* Reports of Tour Demise are Greatly Exaggerated The coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan. I didn’t put the *sigh* in there. Just to be clear. That was the actual title of the post. The beleaguered exhalation came from…

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Palin’s Campaign Film “The Undefeated” Reviewed (Insert Explosion Here)

When returning to my hotel room Friday afternoon. I noticed something slipped in the crack of the door. I was attending the Netroots Nation convention at the Hilton in Minneapolis. As is their habit, the evil (and much smaller) twin of Netroots Nation, called “Right On Line” puppydogs our convention, trailing behind and choosing to hold their convention in whatever city Netroots does. It’s a great strategy if your goal is to look kind of pathetic and really obnoxious at the same time. This year, they were not only in the same city, they were in the same hotel –…

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Palin Emails: Todd is a “private citizen”…except when he’s not…

I have a little bit of personal experience with this Palin email thing. However, mine were so redacted, they were no fun at all. So, like many others, I’ve enjoyed making up my own searches of the awesome 2011 Palin Email Database, courtesy of MSNBC and Crivella West. The REAL fun happens when I’m searching on one topic and stumble upon another quite accidentally. For example, I was doing a search on a lobbyist name or two and found this email from Palin’s assistant/residence manager: From : Erika Fagerstrom [erika_fagerstrom@gov.state.] Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 1:43 PM To: Governor…

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Frank Bailey Speaks on Sarah Palin and His Upcoming Tell-All Book

Here is the first video interview of Frank Bailey, whose story is told in the book Blind Allegiance which hits the stands tomorrow. Frank told the Associated Press: ‘In 2009 I had the sense if she made it to the White House and I had stayed silent, I could never forgive myself.’ To speak up when he saw things he didn’t agree with ‘went against all that investment of time and energy that I put into her,’ said Bailey. He said he ‘shed his family,’ his wife and two kids, to singularly focus on Palin during her rise to the…

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The Least of Sarah Palin’s Problems

By Ken Morris (Co-author with Frank Bailey and Jeanne Devon of Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin “My problem is I do have the fire in my belly…” ~Sarah Palin discussing a run for U.S. President with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren, May 19, 2011 Where to begin? After about 18 months of living in the rabbit hole of Sarah Palin’s head while co-authoring Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin—insider Frank Bailey’s factual account of being side-by-side with the candidate, then half-term governor and failed vice presidential candidate—I listened to the above quoted interview in dismay. It wasn’t because of the…

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Open Thread – Blind Allegiance Eve!

Get ready! Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin is about to hit the shelves tomorrow. Even though you can’t get your hands on it yet, the books have made their way into the secretive back rooms of bookstores across the land. For the next 24 hours, the Swiss Guard, jacked up on triple lattes, will be standing vigilant, with saucer eyes and hair trigger reflexes, ready to spring into action to prevent any unlawful purchasing or peeking. OK, not really. But you still can’t get a copy until tomorrow because of the “strict on sale date” of May 24. I am…

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Palin Pulls a Palin… again.

~Palin in the headlights at the MSNBC after party So, who is the most influential journalist in America today?  Not an easy question, perhaps. It’s one that requires some knowledge of who the journalists today are. And if you’re on camera, and a politico or media type, it might also require a little diplomatic forethought.  And if you decided that you didn’t want to answer the question for fear of alienating all the journalists you don’t mention, it might require some fast-on-your-feet poise as you gracefully deflect the question with a bit of humor subtly indicating that you don’t want…

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