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Friday, January 28, 2022

Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin is Coming! Preorder Now!

Well, Mudflatters, this day has been a long time coming, but I’m happy to say it’s now official. Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin, the book by Palin insider Frank Bailey, award-winning author (and Mudflats contributor) Ken Morris, and yours truly (Jeanne Devon) will at last be a reality and is now available for pre-order at! Click HERE. It’s been almost two years of ups and downs, reading tens of thousands of emails, writing, editing, and some unforeseen drama… but the end result is very much worth it. I couldn’t be happier at having had the opportunity to meet and…

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Say it Ain’t So, Joe! Co-Author of Leaked Palin Book Speaks Out

By Ken Morris, co-author of Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin, A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years Mudflats Friends: When I first appeared on Jeanne’s ground-breaking pages well over one year ago, I wrote about participating in the eBay auction to buy a meal with Sarah Palin to benefit a worthy veterans’ charity. A short time later, after losing that auction to what looked like a rigged bid, I then offered through Mudflats an additional $200,000 to that charity if Sarah would answer civil question over a second meal, on the record, with the likes or Jeanne, Rachel Maddow, Shannyn Moore, and Keith Olbermann. While…

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Frank Bailey’s Memoir Leaked to Press (and a surprise)

As many of you are now discovering, there’s been a reason I haven’t been as prolific on the blog as usual over these past months. There’s not a lot I can tell you now, but I’ve been collaborating with former Sarah Palin aide Frank Bailey, and former Wall Street Exec and award-winning novelist Ken Morris on a little project. You’ll all remember Ken Morris as the one who was offering to donate $200,000 to a veterans charity if Sarah Palin would have dinner with himself, me, Shannyn Moore, Rachel Maddow and a couple other progressives to talk about issues. As…

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Oyster Roundup!

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more and more! (Click titles for links to full stories) Farewell to Alaska’s First First Lady Neva Egan, Alaska’s very first First Lady, died Wednesday night in Juneau at the age of 96. Wife of Governor Bill Egan, she came to Alaska to settle in Valdez as a teacher in 1937. She is survived by her son Dennis Egan (D), State Senator from Juneau and his family. Who Shills for Shell on the Chukchi Sea Shore? Alaska Democratic Sen. Mark Begich today said oil and gas exploration in the Beaufort…

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Thomas Van Flein Exits Stage Right – Farewell, Snidely…

This blog post comes with musical accompaniment to enhance your reading pleasure. Yes, it’s true. One of our most favorite villains in the never ending Palin drama is leaving the Great Land. And I have to admit, as much as I’d like to tell him not to let the door hit him on the way out of the state, the dramatist in me is just a little sad to see him go. *sniffle* So, grab your li’l white hankies and join with me by the train tracks as we bid a not-so-fond farewell to Thomas Van Flein, who has been…

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America by Heart – Chapter 4, Raising (Small-r) Republicans, Part 1

We’ve made it to chapter four, and there is no rest for the weary.  This chapter, while mostly non-political, is maddening nonetheless.  And while we get a blissful reprieve from the Founding Fathers, and Milton Friedman and Alexis de Tocqueville, we will find ourselves being irritated with Helen Keller.  We will not hold a grudge for very long, though.  How can you stay mad at Helen Keller? This chapter will require the use of an extra piece of equipment, you should be warned.  In addition to the usual Maalox (or Pepto Bismol, your choice), adult beverage, and helmet to avoid…

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Oyster Sunday

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more! Fear not! Even though it is Oyster Sunday, I will not ask that you wear an Oyster bonnet.  It just seemed like a lazy, post-election sort of day, and a good time to do an oyster roundup.  So, grab your cocktail sauce, and start slurping. Sarah Palin’s Alassska Yes, tonight is the night.  Some of you are boycotting. Some of you are anxiously awaiting the spectacle.  Some of you are saying you’re boycotting, but are in reality anxiously awaiting the spectacle. But, tonight is the night that…

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Oyster Roundup

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more!   Neighbors and Cupcakes and Bears – Oh, my! For the faint of heart, and the thin of stomach lining, the ADN’s Julia O’Malley got a peek at the first episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska, and she watched it so you don’t have to. Between carrying on about the neighbor, and trying to shoo boys out of Willow’s room, you can get all the details about what it takes to go fishing in “bear country.”  Just to clarify what you may already be thinking – yes, all of…

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Who’s the Real Peeper? Palin v. Neighbor in New Show for TLC.

Alas, we have been ignoring her but she has not fulfilled her end of the bargain and gone away. Far from it. Last week I received a lovely email invitation from TLC asking me if I’d like to attend an open house event in New York City for bloggers and online media to learn more about Sarah Palin’s Alaska. It was a nice invitation and it assured me that the show was not  “political.”  I passed.  Even I have my limits. I hope I have your forgiveness. Those in attendance were treated to a little extra sneak peak of the…

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Joe Miller’s Alaska Militia

Joe Miller is fond of private security. In the Spring of 2008, Joe Miller showed up wearing Eric Estrada circa 1984 mirrored sunglasses, with security guards in a staged coup d’état of the leadership of the Alaska Republican Party. He lost. Randy Ruedrich still stands supreme as the party Chair, and now supports the man who once tried to oust him. Fast forward to July 4, 2010 – US Senate candidate Joe Miller’s supporters marched with assault rifles and campaign signs. The Alaska Dispatch has been doggedly pursuing a story on why Joe Miller lost his job several months after…

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