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Friday, January 28, 2022

Palins Vindicated! Just Ask Them.

I’ve learned that I cannot ignore the Palins’ drunken rumpus. But in light of the fact that our friends at Wonkette have taken the newly released Anchorage Police Department report and run with it as only they can, I’m just gonna put this right here to give you a little taste. CLICK for the full story of the Palin’s “vindication.” You’ll be happy to know that we stand by our original illustration of the event, and that t-shirts remain available for purchase HERE. Remember, Christmas is coming and nothing says Peace on Earth, Good Will to Man like ripping your shirt…

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Money Machine Steamrolls Alaska

This week I received an email from a Republican friend. (Yes, I have those.) She requested a different kind of column from me this week. “Instead of adding to all the ugly, negative political comments out there why not a column about the economic stimulus this election is having on Alaska with all the Outside money coming into the state?” Really? Yeah! We have Outside money trying to get a guy elected that wants to get rid of Social Security! That’s the opposite of economic stimulus. So the short answer is, no. I won’t be riding that unicorn this week….

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Sullivan Goes ‘Fog of War,’ Then Flees

Looks like our Republican “Alaskan” Senate candidate has been watching The Fog of War, and taking a little advice from former Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara. “Never answer the question that is asked of you. Answer the question that you wish had been asked of you.” Savvy advice when one’s actual answer might be harmful to one’s political prospects. The question asked of the candidate by KTUU’s Grace Jang was pretty straightforward: “How much backing are you getting from the Koch brothers?” One would expect, perhaps, a numerical answer of some kind, like “millions of dollars.” Percentages maybe. Or a…

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Bird of the Week – Wilson’s Warbler

Male Wilson's Warbler, Denali Highway

The small, handsome Wilson’s Warbler tends to stay in dense, brushy vegetation, often near water. But the male sometimes comes out into the open to sing, staking out his territory. The black cap identifies the adult male; the female is less commonly seen, but has the same yellow face and chest. It’s always a treat to see them. Camera geek stuff: f11, 1/250th, ISO 500. For more bird photos, please visit Frozen Feather Images.  

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Take Back the Senate, Alaska!

Remember the good old days of the Senate Bipartisan working group, where legislators from both parties chaired committees, and worked together to accomplish things? Divisive wedge issues were shelved, and the Senate work was focused on things we could do together. Back then the fringe group of Republicans who refused to work with Democrats formed their own minority and sat in the corner snapping blue crayons and not doing any work. Well, Sean Parnell got his way after new district lines were drawn and we ended up with one party in control of the Senate and the House, and they…

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Tea Party Cashing in on King’s Dream

I subscribe to a lot of terrible e-mail lists. One of them is the’s. I can’t say it’s the worst, but by no means do I enjoy reading their amazingly insane missives. But it’s part of the job, like changing dirty diapers is part of a parent’s job. Every single one of the e-mails is somehow stinkier than the last. Whether it be about 9/11, Benghazi, or Ebola, they all end in a beg for my money. This one, though, ranks currently as the worst. “Restore the Dream” t-shirt with an image of Reagan and King just hurts my brain….

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News Junkie: An Excerpt

The epic tale of addiction, News Junkie, by friend and occasional contributor to The Mudflats, Jason Leopold, has been reissued. The book looks behind the scenes into the life of one of the best living investigative journalist on the trail, and his double addiction to cocaine, and journalism. News Junkie brings you along for investigations of Enron, Karl Rove and many more. It’s one of my favorite books on journalism, and should be mandatory reading for anyone going into the field. Leopold, who now writes for Vice Magazine, and Al Jazeera on the NSA, Guantanamo, and other issues, has been called a ‘FOIA (Freedom of…

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Mudflats Chats: Gov. Gary Johnson on Marijuana

I sat down recently with Gary Johnson, two-term Republican governor of New Mexico (1995-2003), and Libertarian Party nominee for President in 2012. Johnson is also the founder of the SuperPAC, Our America Initiative, which promotes Libertarian-minded causes, and is the CEO of Cannabis Sativa, Inc. He came to Anchorage to speak at a fundraiser for the Yes on 2 campaign which supports ballot initiative 2, to regulate marijuana like alcohol in the state of Alaska. The proposition will be put before the voters on the November 4 ballot. This isn’t Johnson’s first trip to Alaska. In his quest to summit…

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Anywhere but Alaska: Dan Sullivan from Yet Another Place

OH Dan, DC Dan. Now it’s… Dan Sullivan, MD? If you’re confused, don’t worry… so am I. One thing we can be sure of, at least for now, is that Dan Sullivan is not a Doctor. But he is from Maryland – at least according to Maryland. To be specific, the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation. This is only a problem if you’ve been telling people, let’s say on official state forms, that you are from Alaska. Which is exactly what Dan Sullivan did. We knew from the beginning of his candidacy that he was lying, we just didn’t…

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Ohio Dan Gets Cocky, Goes to Ohio

There’s nothing like a couple polls giving you a slight edge in an Alaskan political race, to make the inexperienced Alaska politician feel a little cocky. U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan has spend the entire election cycle so far dodging accusations he’s a carpetbagger from Ohio, who moved to Alaska for a Senate seat which will be purchased for him by the Koch brothers, and his wealthy family and friends in the Buckeye state. Sullivan turned up Sunday as the dreaded “empty chair” at a candidate forum that was attended by incumbent Senator Mark Begich, and Libertarian candidate Mark Fish. That’s two marks…

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